Dark devotion [OC] [Fiction] [Mind Control] [Magic] [Attempted Femdom] [Maledom] [Gothic] [Karmic Punishment] [Subscribestar Supported]

**Quick summary:Length: 3382 words**

>!The demon Belial discovers that the dark energy from hell is being syphoned to earth. Using the weakness this creates, he breaks the barrier and arrives in the human realm. !<

>!Here Brook, a witch that is attempting to tap into demonic power of the fiery plains, tries to control him – believing he is just a regular human. !<

>!When she leads him back to her cabin, in an attempt to steal his life-force to maintain her youth, she learns the fates of many witches first-hand. He takes control, corrupting her to be his obedient minion before taking her back with him to hell.!<

**Disclaimer: I do not endorse the actions or beliefs of my characters. In real life you need to treat people with respect and maintain consent.**

# 1

Belial walked along the fiery plains on his patrol, cracking of flames popping in his ears and the smell of burning brimstone scorching in his nostrils. He can feel the power of this realm ebbing slightly as it’s being pulled out into the human world – someone was cracking into the plains to siphon the dark magic. Belial can’t help but smile, knowing that this means a tear is forming – a rift that any demon can utilise for mischief.

After a little more exploration he found it. Purple sparks arched in the air and emanated a cool breeze from the other side. Plunging his hands in, Belial used his bestial strength to rip it further apart – creating a pulsating doorway. Climbing through he arrives underground in the dirt. His only escape is brute strength, smashing up through stone. Pebbles and rocks are launched in the air, cracking as they hit the floor. His hulking arms burst to the surface allowing him to pull his way up into the human realm.

Belial anchored his way up and brushed himself off to see where he arrived. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust to an environment not baked in the glow of hellfire. The portal had released him into a dank and cold crypt covered in cobwebs – a perfect snooping ground for those who practice dark rituals.

‘I can’t go out like this’ Belial thinks to himself as he looks down at his muscular body. His demonic form would be sure to frighten the soul out any poor peasant unfortunate enough to cross him. He reached up with his index fingers extended to push against his horns – making them recede deep into his forehead. Speaking the old language, words imbued with ancient power, he managed to supress some of the more inhuman features – making him free to discretely roam.

Drawing circles in the air with his fingertips he recites an incantation and then with a simple flick human clothing starts to materialise onto his body. Red shimmers of magic engulf him for a second before his work is complete. For such a skilled fiend it was childs-play to conjure such simple cloth. “How do humans wear such stuffy clothing all the time?” he scowls to himself.

# 2

With a rattling thud the heavy iron door clambers to the ground with a single blow. Immediately the freezing wind washes over him, it’s unlike anything he had ever felt down in the flame pit. It’s pitch dark, close to midnight, with the only light being the full moon which gently illuminates a row of gravestones.

It doesn’t take long to find signs of evil dealings with the stench of raw uninhibited evil magic even overpowering the sulphur baked into Belial’s nose. Within a few steps he’s almost stumbling into an open grave, coffin swung open and empty – clearly the result of someone gathering materials for charms and talismans.

That’s when he hears an echoing sultry voice calling out to him. The resonating hum of magic reverberates in his eardrums as it gets closer until he can feel warm breath nipping at the edges of his ears. Like wandering hands it spreads through his body, into his bloodstream and pumped round his body. It flows into Belial’s brain, a mystic fog trying to drown out any concerns and to make thoughts fall from his head.

She may have learned the old language, even being quite talented with it, but Belial was born in it. As a demon he was created in a bath of eternal hellfire, infusing magic deep within his core – inseparable from his very soul. Manipulating evil power was as natural to him as for a human to breathe.

Amused by the feeble attempt to take control, Belial decided to play along, faking a slumped posture with a blank stare. The young witch gives a wicked smile – having no suspicions at all of the deception. His acting was as indistinguishable from a real entrancement as possible; after all he was a disciple of the father of all lies.

“Turn around my little puppet” the enchantress teasingly but sternly commands in a rich sultry voice.

He clumsily complies, for the first time seeing his would-be abductor. Belial immediately recognises her as a witch – a sorceress versed in the dark arts. Witches are infamous for utilising the old language and seduction to fulfil their evil desires.

The moonlight glints off her long black silk dress, flowing like waves in the breeze. She licks her lips in anticipation, tongue brushing along her deep black lipstick. Hungry smoky eyes lock onto Belial’s as she starts to lean in close.

“Good boy” she whispers with a mischievous smile as she trails her long nails across his chest.

She looks down to check her chest, adjusting to make sure the lowcut dress is displaying her busty cleavage. Once she’s satisfied, she leans forward to stroke his chin with a sly look. Belial gets a full view down her bare cleavage – an obvious attempt to enthral him further. She adjusts her thick brimmed and pointy hat with a look of arrogant pride.

“Oh how rude of me, we haven’t become acquainted!” she cockily says while pressing her fingertips into her chest. “My name is Brook. Oh don’t worry, I don’t need yours – it won’t matter” she mocks with a sinister laugh.

The laugh hums with magic that crackles in the air. It doesn’t strengthen a hold on Belial but, in anticipation, arousal gushes through his veins. He can feel the blood begin to pool in his cock and press against his restrictive clothing. ‘By the dark lord, humans really trap themselves in these clothes? Dicks should be swinging free!’ Belial laments to himself.

“Oh good boy. So helplessly under my spell,” Brook gloats, completely unaware of the absolute lack of control she really has in this situation. “I hope you can last longer than my last pet. I like to play rough and hope I can find a toy that lasts at least a couple hours”.

Belial’s arm hairs instinctively stand on end as he feels the edge of her black nails run across his skin.

# 3

Brook leads Belial by the hand, fingers interlocked with his, as they travel away from the cemetery and through the woods. He pretends to be mindless along the way, focusing on the crunch of leaves and the air flicking at her dress as they walk. He watches as her legs gracefully move, with black fishnets climbing up her luscious legs and thighs.

In time they reach an old wooden house, adorned with swinging charms swaying in the breeze – Brook’s cabin. As soon as they enter Belial is hit with the pressure of evil; the centre of the dark magic being pulled into this world that provided him the means to enter.

She leads him to a large hall like room, clearly the site of wicked rituals. At the end of the room on the wall is a large mirror fixed on the wall before a stone altar. Torches stand tall either side of the stone, faintly illuminating the surroundings.

In the centre of the room is a wooden chair in the middle of a deep red circle drawn on the floor. The circle is adorned with symbols of the old language, arranged in a way to amplify dark power, as well as a 5 sided pentagram star – clearly an unsuccessful attempt to shield herself from the evil she was toying with. Candles lie at each point of the star, unlit but clearly burned and misshapen from previous rituals. Belial is pushed to the seat and to sit, entertained by her display.

# 4

“Here, my poor soul, is where I will take the last shred of what makes you you and make you completely devoted to me” she cackles in glee. “But another victim, to be consumed and never found again” she teases with a deep primal groan in pleasure.

She can’t help by to squeeze her thighs together, in an attempt to hold the erotic excitement just a little longer to relish her ‘victory’. The heat starts to build as her heart races in impatience. The sound of wood scratching across stone rings through the empty room as Brook drags over another chair to sit in full view of her doll.

She slowly removes her fishnets, making sure to stretch out her legs to press the soles of her feet in front of his face. As she raises each leg one at a time, Belial can see her exposed pussy – red and soaking from the titillation. ‘Yes, another drooling mortal. A feast for the body and soul’ she thinks to herself.

With her left hand she sweeps the hat from her head before playfully twirling her dark brunette hair around in her right hand. A naughty smile paints her face – not even the slightest concern. She can start to feel the moisture make it’s way down from her crotch to her thighs. Her mind is awash with thoughts of using this meat sack for her own pleasure then consuming his youth before disposing of him.

“Ohh I bet you’d like to know what I’m going to do with you, just like I did with the others” she taunts with a high pitched and mocking tone, throwing her bottom lip out. “I’m going to take you and make you think only of me” she says, climbing onto his lap and turning to stroke his hair. She can feel the hard warm shaft press against her skin as she lets him take her weight.

“I’m going to make your every thought and breath revolve around me. And when I’ve have my fun, I’m going to fuck you to death. My sweet pussy draining your life force along with your balls until your little heart can’t take it anymore” she trails off. “Nothing makes me cum harder than feeling my cunt fill as a cock twitches in it’s final living moments. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” she giggles.

She lifts herself off Belial before locking eyes with him as she shuffles backwards. Her arms creep up her body to reach her chest. In one smooth motion she slips the silk dress off her shoulders, letting it drop to the ground.

Her pale skin glints from the moonlight streaming through the window, revealing an array of magical runes and symbols of the old religion tattooed on her body – a living canvas of magic. To a layman she may seem powerful due to all these augments, but Belial knows the truth. The best sorceresses don’t need to rely on such extreme methods to improve their abilities and trinkets will never compensate for a weak will.

Brook runs her hands down the length of her body, down over her perky breasts, across her tight waist and grabbing her thick thighs. She prances around, lighting each candle as she perform an enchanting dance. Swaying her hips as she goes, her flowing movements leave sparks in the air.

After all the candles are lit Brook can’t help herself. As the chemicals rush into her bloodstream juices leak down the inside of her thighs. Her hands instinctively grope her tits and fondle her hard nipples. The anticipation is just too much – she can even feel sweat start to moisten her skin.

Belial decides this is the time to give up the ruse and make a move.

# 5

Belial stands tall, causing Brook to recoil in shock – cutting off her carefree frolicking. Her eyes grow wide in fear as his muscles swell, bursting the seams of his clothes that drop to the floor. He can’t suppress his bestial desires or form anymore.

His horns press free from his temples until they are at full length, twisting like that of a ram. Finally, his cock swells back to its usual size, long and thick, swinging as the fire returns to his eyes. Brook quivers, frozen by the surprise.

She recognised him from when she was a young witch studying the old language. Flicking through pages depicting demons in tomes and scrolls. She never thought she’d see one, but now there is one in the flesh it was overwhelming.

Fallen angels, made in the image of man but imbued with deep corrupt power from their descent from heaven into the pits of hell. She had seen countless illustrations and accounts of witches, corrupted by the power of darkness, accidently summoning demons who took them to be used as they saw fit.

Images of demons bending over broken witches, slamming their cocks deep inside them as they moaned in primal pleasure, flood back into her mind. She thinks about how she thought to herself about how this would never happen to her. Afterall, she was too clever and strong willed – all the time knowing that the idea made her leak like nothing else.

# 6

This weakness would be her undoing, her thighs already dripping in anticipation to be filled with hard demon cock. Belial grabs her by the neck, lifting her easily into the air. She was like a toy in the jaws of dog – easily subdued with no chance of escape.

She gasps for breath as he pulls her close. His long snakelike tongue whispers chants of the old language directly into her ears. The words enter her ear-canal and pierce straight into her brain. They engulf her mind and push out her thoughts through the other side of her head.

A fog washes over her as all she can think is becoming a cock sleeve – gushing more and more. Brook’s life being rewritten, as she had threatened to do to him and had done to many others, to serve his every whim.

Electricity shoots through her body every-time she thinks about following the demon’s commands. The idea of pleasing him causing arching pleasure to rip through her being.

Life is no longer about fulfilling her own desires. Her desires are now his desires. Knowing this turns her on further – willing to obey any command to maintain this sensation.

Belial gives a wicked smile to himself. Pleasing him can now reward her with explosive orgasms that leave her seizing uncontrollably. Pleasure so intense her eyes roll into the back of her head and she becomes a broken wet pile on the floor – there’s no way she could resist him now.

# 7

Brook’s heart races as Belial pushes her onto the cold stone altar, sputtering for breath as he releases his grasp on her neck. The cold stone on her stomach causes goosebumps to rise on her skin.

He spreads her legs wide, thick arse cheeks popping out and pussy lips on full display. Her long dark hair frizzes down her back, tickling her sensitive skin. The satanic runes branded onto her, just above your arse cheeks on her lower back, begin to glow a hellish red.

She looks forward to see her own desperate eyes staring back at her in the giant mirror. She focuses on the reflection, seeing her plump arse cheeks in the air with Belial towering over her accepting pose.

He rubs his member across her greedy pussy lips, teasing them both as it gets covered in her thick fluid. She bites her lip in anticipation as he grabs her firmly by the waist to pull himself deep inside.

Despite how wet she is her vaginal muscles clamp down tight on his dick, milking him for all the corrupting seed she can get. Belial can’t help but wonder which attributed more to the tightness of her cunt – using it suck the youth from her victims or the exhilarating feeling of darkness completely taking over.

She moans loudly and unrestrained, animalistic nature taking over as he thrusts back and forth to press deep inside her. He stops thrusting for a moment to appreciate the effort she puts in with each pump.

In desperation to satisfy her burning pussy she wiggles her arse on his stationary cock. She pushes herself against his tough body – frantically fucking herself with his throbbing dick. Her skin ripples from her bubble butt all the way up her back. Her hair is pouring all about as she writhes on the member in deep worship.

“Please, fuck me! Make me your corrupted witch slut! I want to be your demon cumdump, I want to feel the warmth fill me up and then leak out and out my filthy, wicked cunt” she manages out.

He feels the fires of hell grow down below, balls swelling, ready to explode. He clenches her thighs tighter than before to pound her soft cunt harder and deeper. Her ass cheeks bounce and clap against his strong thighs with each rhythmic pump.

The cold misty air is now filled with the deep pheromones of sweat and sex. She lock eyes with yourself in the mirror, seeing the shockwaves on her skin and the pleasure building on each of their faces.

The sight of her being roughly used by her master drives her over the edge, causing her to spasm like a woman possessed on his cock and spraying thick and milky fluids down his thighs. Endorphins sweep over her as the pressure eases – washing her in primal bliss.

Seeing her eyes roll back as she violently shakes overwhelms him too. His cock’s veins and balls tighten as the cum shoots through his shaft and fills her. Several hot steamy spurts, released one by one, make Belial shudder with pleasure with each jet.

The blood rushes back into his legs but as a demon he manages to stay on his feet where a normal man would buckle. Meanwhile, Brook is splayed all across the stone altar – still twitching with aftershocks. Her legs are numb so she just lies there – knowing if she tried to stand they would crumble under her weight.

He pulls the entire length of shaft out, a long bead of thick cream from the potent orgasms hanging between them. Belial remarks to himself about how clean his cock is. Apart from the tip it is completely free of any seed – Brook’s cunt walls ravenously milking and consuming it all.

# 8

She can finally relax as the hot semen slowly runs down her legs. After a moment to recover she flips herself over onto her back with a giggle to give him a full view of her face. Smoky makeup lies ruined, smudged beyond recognition, and trickling down her cheeks.

She gives a wicked smile and laugh in satisfaction of her servitude. She can’t resist but use her finger to sample the cum leaking from her cunt. She closes her eyes as she intently sucks her finger – absorbing the taste her master’s release. The taste clouds her like a warm blanket – the bliss of submission.

“what now master?” she asks in a sultry voice whilst locking eyes with him.

Belial chants an incantation and before them appears a studded collar with a heavy chain lead. He bestows it on her, locking it tight around her neck.

He leads her through the woods much like she did with him before. Brook is still naked, nipples hard against the cold wind, but that doesn’t matter to her. To her a smile from Belial is all she needs to feel the warmth inside.

The cum is still leaking down her thighs as they walk through the cemetery, her swaying her ass to entice him as they go. Arriving back at the crypt they can feel the static of the rift becoming weaker and intermittent. This doesn’t dissuade Brook, not even considering staying in the mortal realm, who crawls through the portal.

Belial gives out a sigh of relief arriving back in the fiery plains of hell. ‘That human world is just too damn cold’ he thinks to himself. Brook squirms and wriggles in arousal as she surveys her surroundings – knowing this is where she’ll spend decades if not centuries in subservience.

The rift distorts and shifts as it loses it’s structure. With the source of the link between realms shattered, by the siphoning of dark power being stopped, it ebbs before sealing closed forever.

Brook latches on tight to Belial’s arm, hugging it and pressing her bare breasts close into him, as they walk further into the flames.


Thanks for reading! This is my first story to be released. I am working to build a free collection of mind control erotica on [https://subscribestar.adult/hypno-horndoggo](https://subscribestar.adult/hypno-horndoggo). My content is free, but any donations will be used to offset any art commissions I buy for my page/accounts. New stories are planned to release every Friday at 8pm GMT (2pm CST).

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticstories/comments/l8unq6/dark_devotion_oc_fiction_mind_control_magic