[meta – will remove this post] Anyone knows / likes nifty.org, but cannot view it anymore?

This is not a story, i will remove this post if I get a few answers.

Hi guys, I have found a few good stories on nifty.org but for a while now, I cannot view the site anymore.
I get an error 403 Forbidden
Sorry you are nt authorized to access the resource.

I checked https://downforeveryoneorjustme.com

I get this:

Is nifty.org down right now?
It’s just you. nifty.org is up.

Anyone else having this issue?

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticstories/comments/ls438f/meta_will_remove_this_post_anyone_knows_likes

1 comment

  1. I have access to it. Maybe it could that your antivirus is blocking access to the site? Try to google about the 403 warning

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