[MF] Parent-teacher conferences

Mrs. Anne pulled in to the first empty parking spot she found at the school and turned off her car. Still gripping the steering wheel so hard that her knuckles turned white, she tried to calm herself down. But it was no use.

“Fucking prick,” she thought to herself as she checked her reflection in the rear view mirror.

Angrily, she got out of the car and started walking briskly to the entrance of the school, the click clack of her high heels echoing into the quiet night.

This was all her worthless husband’s fault, she thought to herself as she opened the main door. His and that brat of a step-daughter living under their roof.

She had married her husband a few years ago. He was older than her by quite a bit, and his daughter from his first marriage was a constant pain. Mrs. Anne didn’t think either of those issues would turn out to be as much of a problem as they did. While her husband was loving and affectionate when they were dating, and tried his best to keep up with her (not an easy task, she thought with a smirk), that all changed when they got married. That was when he revealed himself for the worthless, lazy man he truly was. He practically never touched her anymore or even seemed to pay her any attention at all. And as for his daughter, Jess? A total nightmare. It started off with snide comments here and there, then came the sneaking out, the cutting school, the drinking, the directly spoken disrespect. She thought that once she turned 18 and graduated, she would finally be free of the brat. But here she was again. Of course her father never did anything about it. And now it was her turn to clean up the mess, as usual.

During her lunch break, Mrs. Ann had received a voicemail from her step daughter’s teacher, Mr. Jackson. Apparently, Jess was failing his class, and had been acting inappropriately. He wanted her to come to his classroom during the last slot for parent-teacher conferences to discuss it. She tried to get her husband to do it, but his weekly poker game was apparently more important than his own daughter.

So here she was, still in her pencil-skirt and blouse from work, high heels clicking on the linoleum flooring as she made her way through the mostly deserted school to Mr. Jackson’s classroom. With a sigh she turned the door handle and stepped in.

Mr. Jackson had been at school for practically 12 hours now. He was exhausted and frustrated, having had to deal with his students all day and helicopter parents all night at conferences. There was a reason that every teacher’s most dreaded night was the night of parent teacher conferences . But this time might be different, he thought to himself. Because of what had happened at lunch, because of the idea it had given him…

He looked up from the desk when he heard the door to his classroom open. It was her. He let his eyes slowly drink her in as she stood annoyed at the front of her classroom. Her black high heels leading up to her perfectly toned and tanned legs, making her stand on her toes, pushing her tight ass against the skin tight fabric of her pencil skirt. Her tight, navy blue blouse exposing just a hint of cleavage. Her hair done up in a tight bun, black rimmed glasses resting on her nose. The first time he had seen her at back to school night, he was immediately attracted to her. He knew then that if he ever had an opportunity, he would take it in a heartbeat. And Jess had provided the perfect opportunity today.

“Mrs. Anne, thank you for coming. Please, take a seat.” He gestured to the seat in front of his desk.

Mrs. Anne obliged.

“Just what exactly did Jess do this time?” She asked as she settled into the chair. She crossed her arms as she sat down, hoping to project a sense of strength. All she accomplished in doing was pushing her breasts together. Subconsciously she was aware of his eyes on her, but she was too annoyed to really care. Besides, she was used to getting looks like that. At work, at the supermarket, at the gym. She wouldn’t pretend she didn’t enjoy the attention at least a little bit, especially since she wasn’t getting any at home.

“Well…as I’m sure you’re aware, your daughter isn’t doing too great in class. But that’s not really why I called you here…”

His voice trailed off as his eyes fell to her chest momentarily. His gaze rested right in between her cleavage, made even more impressive by her folded arms. His eyes shot back up to hers. There was a hint of a satisfied smirk on her face, underneath the annoyance. His cock twitched under the desk.

“Then why am I here?” She asked in a half whisper.

Mr. Jackson cleared his throat. “You’re here,” he continued, “because at lunch today, your daughter and her little boyfriend snuck into my classroom.”

“Oh god,” Mrs. Anne sighed, putting her face in her palm. “Not this again.”

So, Jess’s reputation was well earned, Mr. Jackson thought to himself. She always pushed the limit of the dress code, and he had heard boys whispering about her weekend activities. But that was nothing compared to what he had seen today.

“Well, I walked in and turned on the lights, and I found them…I found her…I’m not going to mince words Mrs. Anne, she was performing oral sex on him.”

Mrs. Anne buried her face in her hands, resting her elbows against her knees. Leaning forward, she was even more exposed than before. Mr. Jackson couldn’t look away.

“I can’t believe that little brat,” she sighed, taking a deep breath and sitting up straight again. Another distracted look on Mr. Jackson’s face, she noted. She knew, given the circumstances, she should be annoyed by his attention. But she just couldn’t help herself but be slightly flattered. He was young, attractive…probably the “hot teacher” to his students.

“I’m so so sorry about her behavior, Mr. Jackson. You can bet she will face serious circumstances when I get home.”

“I wish is was that simple,” Mr. Jackson replied gravely. “But I’m afraid it gets worse. Once I…interrupted them, her boyfriend scampered away, but Jess stayed and…tried to negotiate my silence.”

“Oh my god she didn’t,” Mrs. Anne groaned. “What exactly did she say?”

Mr. Jackson cleared his throat again. “She offered to perform oral sex on me in return for my silence.”

He left out that, especially because she was 18, he was almost tempted to take her up on the offer. When he had walked into his class during lunch, her little boyfriend had his back against the white board. Jess was on her knees, short black skirt hiked up around her waist, full, perky teenage tits practically spilling out of her tank top.

He was too shocked at first to do anything but stand and stare, but what happened next really took his breath away.

“Fuck my slutty little mouth,” she moaned at him, as she grabbed his thighs and pulled herself down on his cock. Even though he only looked to be about five inches (about half of Mr. Jackson’s length), her ability to take him all the way down her throat was impressive. She came back up for air. “Don’t be a pussy David! Grab my hair and fuck my mouth like you mean it!”

She impaled herself on him again as he timidly placed a hand on the back of her head. She came back up for air. “Come on! Make me take it! Ugh.”

That was when Mr. Jackson cleared his throat and slammed a book down on his desk. The poor kid scampered out of the classroom as fast as his little legs could take him. But Jess remained calm. Slowly rising to her knees to face him, she actually had a smile on her face as she pleaded for his silence, offering him whatever he wanted to keep this a little secret. But he had had his eyes on her mother all semester, and his better judgement won out in the end.

Even just thinking about it, and thinking about what he was going to do next was making him hard as a rock.

“Now…this is a really serious problem Mrs. Ann,” he continued. “You see, this has to be reported to the Principal…and perspective colleges. I’m afraid she may lose her admission status…”

No. No no no. This wasn’t happening, Mrs. Anne thought. Jess going away to college was the only thing she had been looking forward to for months. And now that little brat…that little slut, was going to throw it away.

“I wanted to tell you first so that you heard it from me and wouldn’t be too shocked,” Mrs. Jackson continued.

Mrs. Anne was in panic mode now. “Please Mr. Jackson…please…there has to be something we can do? Something we can work out? Jess needs to go to college…I need her to go.”

The trap was closing in. Mr. Jackson could feel it, knew that he had to strike while the iron was hot. He stood up from his desk. His cock was fully erect, pressing hard against the fabric of his pants. Mrs. Anne didn’t notice it at first. He walked to the front of his desk, facing her, crossing his arms.

“Well…maybe there is something we can do. Jess is a great girl, and I’d hate for one lapse in judgment to ruin her future…and yours. So maybe…”

Her eyes were glued to his, desperate for any way out of this situation.

“Maybe we can come to a similar arrangement as the one your daughter proposed.”

As he spoke, his hand trailed down in-between his legs. He wrapped his hand around the thick, swollen shaft of his cock, outlining it perfectly against his pants.

Mrs. Anne’s mouth dropped as her eyes followed his hand. She was stunned..speechless. His cock was massive…easily ten inches…far larger than her husbands (or anyone else she had been with for years, for that matter).

She should have been furious. She should have been disgusted by this pervert. She should have told him to fuck off and stormed out of the room. But the warmth in between her legs wouldn’t let her. It was like she was a woman possessed.

Glancing up at him and biting her lips, pressing her tits together again, in her most innocent school girl voice, Mrs. Anne said, “what exactly would you like me to do, Mr. Jackson?”

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/ltex4y/mf_parentteacher_conferences

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