The day my life changed pt.1 [M/F] [Femdom] [Cuckold] [Forced bi / fem]

This post includes kinks such as, Forced bi/fem, light cuckolding, Femdom and more along those lines.

This is part 1 of 3 parts. It’s my first post in this sub so any criticism and guidance is welcome and appreciated.

Also this story is based off of a true story.

Some background:

I was always the shy type in high school. Didn’t have many friends, kept to myself. I was quiet and labeled a loser. My senior years got better. I started working on myself and gained confidence. I took a gap year to experience the world and work. It was great, I finally felt free of my former life as a shy loser and started interacting with the world. Before I knew it that year blew past and all the hype, thrill, enthusiasm and ‘mojo’ or progress wore off. Pretty soon I was looking at my university options. I picked Medical science and I have to say it may have…*ruined my life*.

It was almost 8 years ago, I was 19 applying for university. After careful consideration of all my options somehow I settled on studying Medical science. I thought that I could become a health consultant or maybe even a nurse or Dr. My life didn’t end the way I thought it would.

I remember nervously awaiting my first class, it was a biochemistry class. Running around campus for the first time with a very lost demeanor I was almost late. I arrived on the dot.

My lecturer gestured to me to take a seat. He directed it towards a table of 3 others. Looking around the room it seems as though all the desks have been pushed together to form groups of 4. “I must be the missing person in this group” I thought as I walked over to take a seat.

I sit down and everyone mumbles a hello before the class starts. Our first assignment is a group activity. From memory we had to engineer some sort of environmentally sustainable bio-luminescent light for poorer countries that could be mass made for cheap. The group seemed hesitant to ‘break the ice’. Eventually one of the girls spoke up and we all began becoming more comfortable talking, soon beginning brainstorming ideas for our assignment.

One of our group members, Zoe and I hit it off like a house on fire. There was an instant click and from the minute we engaged in talking chemistry flowed.

She was seemingly shy, quiet and a little nervous. The sweet and innocent type, naive to the world only 18. I knew how she was feeling well and acted in a comforting and encouraging manner.

For the next few weeks as our group progressed on our assignment, my relations with Zoe grew 10 fold. She started getting more comfortable with what she told me and the secrets she would let me in on. They all seemed like very normal things. She told me things like how she wanted to see certain bands play or problems about her personal and family life. She also made a point of telling me that she was a virgin and had never been with anyone. I brushed most of the sexual things she told me off. I always thought she was out of my league and by that point most of my confidence had been stricken. If I’m honest there was nothing I’d rather do than start dating her, I felt like I was in love. The realest in me took over and I never took my shot with her although it seemed we both wanted something. The entire duration of the class we would stick to each other like glue, flirting, talking and expressing ideas. Eventually the weeks went by and it was time to submit our assignment. We scored fair decent marks and passed the class. The class was over and a new semester was inbound. That was the last class I ever had with Zoe. She went along a different degree path and our schedules were almost completely opposites, we drifted apart.

6 years passed, I never ended up finishing that degree. I Changed universities and career path about a year into my Medical degree.

After finishing university I spent a few years working in my current field. I was home on a Friday night like any other, bored out of my mind and seeking some sort of social interaction. It had been a long and stressful week and I kinda wanted to blow off some steam… or just blow a load. In a boredom and lust fueled moment I downloaded and created a Tinder profile. It was around 6pm when I made it and after swiping on what seemed like a few profiles I looked up to check the time. It was almost 9pm and I was in disbelief at how much time I had wasted on a silly app. Not to mention I wasn’t having any luck with matches. A bit upset and frustrated I thought to myself “this app is useless, I should delete it… but before I do 3 more swipes”!

I grimace at the first profile to pop up “She’s not my type, next” I sarcastically say to myself already accepting that these last 3 swipes are pointless. The next profile pops up “Eh she’s a 10/10 no way she would ever swipe me” I sigh as I watch the next profile load.

My heart stops for a second as I double check my screen. Rubbing my eyes and checking a third time I instantly realize, it’s Zoe. A moment of euphoria is swiftly interrupted but self doubting thoughts. I begin to think of the last time I knew Zoe. I let her vanish from my like because I never felt good enough for her, I never took my shot. I wasn’t going to let it happen this time. Without giving it a second thought I hit the super like button and watched the little animation. Stuck in a void of anticipation and butterflies I awaited a notification.

Minutes started going by and I received nothing, It was getting late. Almost 10pm. I figured I’d start getting ready to head to bed for the night. I walked into the bathroom and started my nightly routine of brushing my teeth, washing my face, cleaning my ear and what not. A faint glow in the next room catches my eye just before a notification sound rings. I quickly spit out what toothpaste is still in my mouth, heart racing and mind running wild. I pick up my phone and see that it’s a tinder notification. Zoe had matched with me, not only had she matched with me I also had an unread message from her….


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