Possessing Amy (MFF) (Paranormal) (Fdom)

Part 1

Laughter. I heard Jennifer’s laughter first. She had a wonderful, wicked laugh. I was following her down a hallway. She turned, tossing her wavy hair over her shoulder and teasing me with a glint in her eye. She was pulling me along by the hand behind her and I knew she had a trick up her sleeve. It felt off, strange. We were in my house goddamnit, she was leading me to my own bedroom. What the hell was she up to? Trying to get it through Jennifer’s silly head that there was a time and pace for this thing was like talking to a wall sometimes. As these thoughts scattered through my mind she suddenly turned to face me, stopping me in my tracks and grabbing my shoulders. She spun me around in my bedroom doorway with a strength that surprised me. I felt the hallway spin for a moment and as she spun I could smell the lavender scent of her perfume. I felt intoxicated. She leaned into me and kissed me softly. Her tongue grazed my lips and then her mouth was fully on mine. Her kisses became harder, pushing me with her mouth and body , backing me into the bedroom to the foot of my bed. I felt my knees resist the pressure the relax and lower me. She was playing with fire here, breaking rules I had set. If this was how she wanted to play, so be it. I’d have to make it worth my while and teach her a hard lesson. I grabbed a fistful of her thick waves and began a motion to turn her around and bend her over to the bureau. Before I could maneuver her into a more submissive position though, her hand was on my balls in a quick flicking motion, then clutching securely. She had been pulling my boxers down as we neared the bed. And now I felt my breath catch as I became anxious. The light flick of her hand was enough to make my stomach tense for a moment, but before I could protest she was massaging gently. She held my balls in the same careful clutch, but pulled and kneaded in a way that turned me on like only she could. She backed toward the bureau, forcing me to step forward with my throbbing balls in her hand. She was giggling wickedly as she let go and turned her back to me. She bent and grasped the edge of the bureau. Against the wall attached to the bureau was a large mirror and in it now she peered at me from behind her hair which was hanging in a way that partially hid her face. “Fuck me this way James” she said playfully. Something was off here, but I was so turned on and wanted to punish her so badly. “Hang on tight” I grunted. I shoved her skirt up with one hand while yanking her panties down with the other. I slid my cock up and down her slit and then spanked her ass, hard enough to leave an immediate handprint. In one thrust I pushed myself inside her and without wasting a moment I gripped her left shoulder and began slamming into her pumping faster and faster. My balls, which she literally just had me by, were now clapping against her sex. Her knuckles were white against the the edge of the bureau and the bureau itself was jostling, it’s contents rattling. The mirror attached to the back was shaking, and I was pretty sure we were going to break the damn thing. Jennifer reached out to press her hand against the mirror, her muscles tensed to keep her head from slamming into it with the force of my thrusts. I was close to coming when I noticed she was shaking rhythmically. I looked at her face in the mirror’s reflection, strands of her hair stuck to her sweaty face in stringy ropes. Her breath was coming out in wisps that moved with her body. Some tendrils of her hair hanging directly in front of her face where being sucked toward and blown from her mouth, which was in a wide grin. I realized the shaking and erratic breathing were the beginning of a chuckle, low and sinister. She wasn’t looking back at me though, her eyes were trained on something behind us in the reflection and her laughter grew into sounds of madness. I followed her vision and saw movement on my bed and a shock of blonde hair, half hidden by the sheets. Shock and panic ran through my blood. It was Amy, Jesus, my wife was in the room asleep and beginning to wake up. Suddenly the air in the room felt freezing on my hot sweat gleamed skin.

I woke up gasping for air. I shot up, snapping my head around the room. Everything felt more real, and I decided I’d had a dream. A dream so terrible I was already starting to forget most of it. Jennifer was in it, in our house. I looked beside me. My wife, Amy, was asleep on her side facing away, toward our bedroom window. The window was open and that wasn’t right. It was October. The room was cold and I cursed Amy for leaving the window opened.
Untangling myself from the sheets I stood on shaky legs and walked to the window, closing it. I didn’t know why, but I locked it. I felt sticky and clammy and went to the bathroom, cranking on the shower. As I waited for the water to heat up, I went downstairs and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. I stood at the kitchen counter looking out the back window as I drank. It was dawn and I could barely see our yard, but I knew what was out there. I’d had a dream of Jennifer but that was all it was. She had never in fact actually set foot in my house and I’d made damn sure of that.


Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/5t54g1/possessing_amy_mff_paranormal_fdom

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  1. Part 2


    I sat at our kitchen table looking at the note James had left that morning before heading out to work. It was Saturday, and according to his note he was catching up on some work at the office. He was gone when I woke that morning, and a certain smell clung to the bedroom. It was strange but I’d swear it smelled like lavender and sex, although we had not had sex last night. I thought back to last summer, when he would often spend late nights at work and sometimes Saturdays working on projects. I tried to believe him, but he’d come home smelling of something, a perfume, with lavender notes. It was difficult not to suspect that he was having an affair. Then suddenly it stopped. He began working normal hours again and by Christmas we were back to our normal routine life, and routine sex life. The only dark spot during this time was that a former secretary of his firm had gone missing. She’d disappeared not long after being let go from the firm and many people suspected suicide. I felt so sad for her family every time they showed her face on the news. James said it was an eye opener for him, that it was time to focus more on his home life and not the office so much.
    I knew that my fears were based on insecurity. James had slept with many women before me and I always worried that I wasn’t enough for him, that on some level he needed to express himself sexually in a way that he couldn’t with his traditional wife. I felt guilty. As I pushed these thoughts away, I glanced at the note again and read the last line – “What’s up with the open window last night?? Love you, J.” I definitely did not recall leaving the window open, it was 40 degrees last night. The sun was shining through the window and it looked like a beautiful fall day now though. I wanted to go for a jog and went to the sink to rinse my coffe mug. I turned the handle, and no water came. It hadn’t been nearly cold enough for the pipes to freeze last night, I thought. After checking under the sink that the faucet was turned on I decided to leave it for now. James could figure out the problem later.

    The air was clear and crisp. Leaves crunched beneath my sneakers. I ran along the paths in the woods that surrounded our house. The trees were sparse now that more than half the leaves were down and in my view I could see the abandoned and dilapidated barn that was several yards behind our house. It was technically on our property, but the woods had grown around it. I weaved through the tangles of branches and got a closer look. The barn was bent in, so unsound that it looked like no more than a pile of caved in rotted wood. It was impossible to tell what color paint it had once worn. I felt a shiver run through me as I pondered this old haunt and then I remembered that the realtor we bought the house with had warned James and I to never wander back here alone – apparently there was an old unsealed well somewhere on the property near the barn. I decided that I did not want to take a wrong step and fall into it and carefully stepped my way back onto the path that lead to a clearing with a view of our house. As I was walking away from the barn though, I could swear I heard laughter. I picked up my pace a bit and then jogged back up to the house.
    When I entered, I could hear running water. Walking into the kitchen I saw the kitchen sink was working, water spouting from it. Assuming I must have left it on, I turned the handle to the off position. Only now I could still hear water running. I followed the sound up the stairs, through the hallway, and turned into the master bathroom. Both the bathtub and sink faucet were running at top pressure. My makeup and personal things were all over the floor, the drawers to our cabinets opened, some pulled out completely. I backed out of the room into the hallway, feeling certain that the house had been broken into and that someone might still be in here with me. I backed all the way into the bedroom, where I shut the door behind me. I looked up and saw writing on the mirror over the bureau. It was in my own lipstick – “THE WELL”
    The letters were scrawled in capitals and obscuring the reflection of my shocked and horrified face. As I watched, a piece of my blonde hair rose above my head slowly. I stood paralyzed as it was “lifted” until it was taught, pulling against my scalp. Then with one quick jerk my head was yanked, my body dragged backward. I was slammed onto my bed and although I could see no attacker I began to kick wildly. I heard myself screaming distantly, and managed to get off of the bed, I ran for the door expecting it not to open, but it did. I ran down the hall, screaming as I went. When I reached the door, I grabbed my cell phone from the stand in the entryway, ripping it from its charger. I ran all the way to the end of the driveway before I felt safe. My hands were shaking wildly when I called James at his office. When the secretary answered I took a deep shaky breath and tried to sound normal. Being this far away from the house and speaking to another person made me feel as if I had just hallucinated the whole thing. Luckily I had never spoken to the woman answering the phone before as she was relatively newer. She wouldn’t know what “Normal” Amy sounded like as opposed to “totally freaked out Amy”. I gave James the story about the water faucets and the feeling of being attacked. It sounded so silly as I spoke the words that I didn’t even bother saying anything about the writing on the mirror. I must have sounded crazy because James sounded concerned and said he’d be leaving his office immediately. I was sitting hunched over in one of our lawn chairs when James pulled into the driveway about 2o minutes later. His expression was of concern, for my mental state I guessed. He wrapped and arm around me, ” Honey, did you see anyone? Do you think we were robbed while you were out?” “No, I don’t know, I’m not sure what I saw” I sputtered. I followed him up the porch steps. When he opened the door I felt panic growing inside me. However, when we walked through the house all was quiet. No running water, although I was sure I had not touched the bathroom faucets to turn them off. In fact, the bathroom was dry and everything was in it’s place. I looked into the bedroom. The bed was made neatly as I had left it before I had my coffee that morning, and the mirror on the bureau was spotless, no messages written in lipstick. I felt out of sorts. When I looked at James he was looking at me quizzically. “Oh, baby, I’m sorry, I don’t know what happened, I could have sworn…” -he hushed me. Wrapping his arms around me he murmured, ” I think you’re just stressed honey.” I nodded into his chest. I felt safe, foolish but safe. Suddenly gone were my memories of suspecting him of cheating last summer and I stopped caring if I had just hallucinated a paranormal encounter. I needed him to console me, to make me forget the bad things and make love to me. I hesitated, then kissed at his neck softly. He kissed the top of my head and murmured “Now that’s better. I’m going to run you a bath.” I liked that he was caring for me and being attentive, but the idea of taking a bath alone was bringing back anxiety. I clung to him, and looked into his eyes, “Come in with me, please? ” His eyes smoldered into mine. It wasn’t all the time that James looked at me with such heat and wanting and my cheeks felt hot and flushed.
    As the water filled our tub James kissed me. He undressed himself and his erection was hard and ready. The room became steamy and filled with an unusual sexual energy. He peeled my panties from the wetness of my sex and instead of becoming embarrassed by my wetness being so obvious, I spread my legs slightly to give him a better view of how turned on I was. He pulled at my panties very slowly from my dripping wetness and then leaned forward and licked me once softly. Holding my hand, he stepped into the tub and lowered into the water. I stepped in beside him and lowered myself straddling him. I guided him into me and moved my mouth to his. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d made passionate love to my husband. Wanting it more and more I rode up and down on his cock fast, my breasts bouncing and splashing on the water surface. I felt my orgasm rising within me and come crashing through me. He came into me then and I was actually smiling, gone from my thoughts were the bad omens from earlier. Afterward he made us some sandwiches and chips and brought them into the living room with a couple of sodas. We ate and watched TV before going to bed together. As we got into bed, I told him, “You know what I thought I saw today?”, “What babe?” “I walked in here and I thought I saw writing on the mirror over there” I said pointing to the bureau mirror. “It said: “THE WELL”. James seemed to stiffen for a moment before turning to give me a quick kiss on the forehead. “It’s stress Honey. You need some sleep, goodnight”. Before turning out the light, James reached into his nightstand and pulled out his Glock 19 that he kept for home protection. He checked that it was loaded and checked the safety before putting it back.

    That night I found myself awake, not remembering waking up. I also did not remember walking around to my husband’s side of the bed, but there I was standing next to him watching over him as his slept. The windows in the bedroom were open, the curtains moving with the wind.


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