Restaurant fun foursome

Today I turn 30 I have no husband no serious boyfriend a few boy toys I fuck from time to time but nothing special all that was about to change I hoped I have a blind date tonight with a young hot guy and his dad.

I know I know it’s weird that he is bringing his dad but he is 21 and his dad is 45 I don’t mind much. I put on my little black dress with my micro mesh stockings. Twisting my mid back length purple and black hair into a loose knot on top of my head. Slipping condoms and money and ID into my little black handbag I step outside to the waiting taxi.

Arriving at the restaurant early I slip inside watching for my date and his dad.They arrive in a taxi I can tell because I have seen a photo. They come inside and we are seated at an intimate corner table with a round booth I am situated between the 2 men.

My name is Grace I say they. introduced themselves as Mike ( the dad) and Mik ( the son) . I smile and look around the darkened interior of the restaurant. Dark red walls wood floors, intimate booths and tables tucked privately behind little half walls. I swear I hear moaning coming from behind the wall beside ours.

I smile at my dates and the waiter appears. I smile up at him. I look from my dates to the waiter they all have chocolate brown eyes dark hair smooth tanned skin and short hair cut in a mixture of styles. We order our meals I ordered chicken and pasta with Alfredo sauce.
The waiter brought our food and I leaned over to kiss my date on the lips softly and he put his hand on my thigh. I smile and take a sip of my water. The waiter brings us a bottle of blush wine and pours everyone a glass,leaving the bottle in an ice bucket.
I suddenly feel a hand on my other thigh and I look to see the dad smiling at me I turn startled to the son my date and he grins at me and his dad he whispers .” it’s okay” I bite my lip and shiver softly nodding.
They both rub my thigh inching higher under my skirt I close my eyes and bite my lip leaning back a bit, guiding Mike’s hand to my C cup breasts. Miks hand slips into my black lace thong his fingers brushing against my clit. I moan softly and the waiter returns to check on us and his eyes light up he pulls a curtain I had not noticed earlier from the corner and closes the booth off from the rest of the diners.

I look up my eyes widen as he unzips his pants whispering ” Grace suck me while dad and Mik touch you” I shake my head a bit not sure I heard right, Mik starts to finger me deeper and his dad Mike pulls my dress over my head. He takes my bra off sucking my breasts.

I look at the waiter and he smiles ” my name is Jon.” I nod and swallow hard leaning in taking his cock in my mouth. He moans softly and I feel myself being moved a bit to sit on Mike’s lap he slides into my pussy a few times then slowly shoves his cock into my tight ass holding himself there.
I close my eyes and his son moves the table back pressing between my legs thrusting into my pussy the waiter Jon watches stroking himself then standing on the booth seat grabbing the knot of hair turning my head and pushing his cock into my face. I moan as Mike and Mik both start thrusting , I suck Jon right there in the restaurant, my three holes filled with hot male cocks, I swirl my tongue around Jons cock moaning.
Mike is bucking his hips beneath me and Mik is thrusting in unison with his dad I moan the sound muffled by Jons cock. I feel myself starting to climax my body trembles and I feel Mik cum hard then he leans down licking my clit pushing me into climax his dad Mike cums in my ass as Jon shoots his load into my hot wet mouth. Mik laps up all my juices and the three men zip up and Mike helps me with my dress.
We move the table back and we finish dinner. We leave the restaurant together and the four of us go to my place Mik,Mike and Jon follow me up the walkway and we shut the door.
