[F] Hormone therapy gone wrong

I sat at the kitchen table, tears streaming down my face. Carol, my best friend since childhood, sat across the table, her expression a mixture of compassion, pity, shock, and disbelief. Suddenly she burst out in hysterical laughter.

“It’s not funny!” I said angrily. It’s a nightmare!” Carol quickly and totally without sympathy retorted, “Honey, there’s a lot of women out there, me included, that wish they had your problem even for a few days.”

Tears started flowing down my face again. I opened my journal to the first page and handed it to her. “Read this.” I said.

I was diagnosed with premature menopause this week. My Ob-Gyn referred me to a clinical trial of a new hormone replacement treatment. They were thrilled to have a thirty five year old yoga instructor as part of the trials. I went through the screening and had my first injection that same week. The results were immediate. Hot flashes are gone, I’m not as easily irritated, and my energy level returned to normal. Even better, or so I thought, my libido revved up, too. I get turned on just by watching folks working out in the gym. Men, women, it doesn’t matter.

“Oh, Cindy, I’m so sorry.” Carol took my hand in hers and held it. “But at least you found something that worked and wow did it ever!”

“Oh, it worked all right.” I flipped the page and jammed my finger on the page. “See if this sounds like fun to you! Start at Week 2 Day 1.”

And then it started. I woke up and I was tingly, you know, down there. It wasn’t pain, it was a pleasurable tingle but not distracting. I was teaching a yoga class in the evening, and as I moved into the cobra pose, I felt an intense sensation as my pubic mound pressed on the mat. I had no control as my hips started grinding it hard on the mat. I felt an orgasm building and I closed my eyes as I came. It wasn’t a mind-blowing orgasm, but I could feel the wetness and I was flushed. I opened my eyes and saw the class looking at me. I was mortified. One of the older ladies just smiled and winked at me.

Carol look up. “I’ve heard of women having orgasms while exercising,” she said. “Steph says it’s the only reason she does the spinning class.”

“Really?” I said. “Like every fucking time she sits on a bike seat? Or when they do a cobra pose? Seriously? Keep going.” I flipped a few pages. “Look at Friday, Week 2.”

I’m better at hiding my orgasms, and since it was Friday I ended the class early. I went into the dressing room to shower. I like the club showers because the water is hotter and more pressure than the one in my apartment. I stepped into the shower, closed the curtain behind me, and started the water. The water jetted out of the shower head and hit my pubic mound straight on. Again I felt the same intense sensation, this time with an overwhelming compulsion to press on my mound with the heal of my palm. The sensation took my breath away and my knees buckled so I was leaning against the wall with my other hand to keep from falling. I started rubbing my clit with my fingers, then spreading my legs so I could insert one, then two fingers into my vagina. I could hear my hand slapping against my pussy as I furiously fucked it with my fingers. In two minutes I had the most intense orgasm I’ve ever had, so intense that I let out a shrill “oh, fuck yeah!” I heard someone call out from the other shower “are you alright in there?” Another said “Do you need another hand?” I heard a couple other girls giggling. I waited until everyone was out of the showers before I’d get out.

“Compelled?” Carol asked, incredulous.

“Compelled.” I said. “I had tried stopping it once. I felt awful, sick even. Like I was going to throw up, sick. Keep going, it gets worse after my second injection.”

My follow up appointment at the clinic was during Week 3. I showed the nurse my journal and her reply was, well, clinical: “Yes, we have had reports of similar experiences from other participants in your cohort. However, none of them are complaining about it impacting their daily lives. Some even noted the sensations decreased after the second injection.” I looked at her and all I could think was “I’m in a cohort of hookers.” But I figured if this was temporary, then that’s fine, so I got the second injection.

Carol flipped the pages.

The sensations did decrease almost immediately. I’m relieved, since some of the club members have been complaining about my classes and the club is talking about dropping me as an instructor. Classes are back to normal.

It’s been a week since the second injection. I woke up this morning with the same little tingling, this time in my nipples. Better than my naughty bits, right? I need the income from those classes. I work from home so all I normally wear is a t-shirt or camisole and shorts. After the last week I needed some comfort food. That’s right, just the yoga instructor eats mac-n-cheese and chicken nuggets. So I fixed lunch and sat down to eat while listening to a telemeeting with one of our clients. I finished off the nuggets and, without thinking, stood up to brush the crumbs off the front of my t-shirt. Big mistake. As soon as my hands brushed across my nipples, I felt like that same sense of electricity flow from my nipples down to my pussy. I stood there, hoping the sensation would subside. No such luck. I bent over and my hands hit the keyboard on my desk. I kept thinking this would help, but the sensations grew more intense until I dropped back into my chair with my hands to my boobs. I can remember clearing saying “fuuck this feels good” as I started pinching and twisting my nipples through the thin material. My right hand slid under the waist band of my shorts and found my wet pussy. I was kneading my boob and fingering myself, and all I could think was “what is happening to me?” I took my hand from my shorts, grabbed a large marker from my desk, shoved my hand back into my shorts and used it to fuck myself. Everything greyed out as my orgasm swelled over me.

I sat there for a minute before I realized my cell was ringing. Sighing, I answered it. It was my boss.

“Cindy! What the fuck are you doing!? Your cam is on! Are you fucking out of your mind?? I sat straight up and looked at the group of people staring at me. I must have turned on my cam when my hands hit the keyboard. “Oh, no, no, no!” I said. “No, wait, I… “

“I’m sorry, Cindy, but there’s text messages flying all over and emails with screen shots are getting posted on the internet The client is threatening to drop us. There’s no way to control the damage.” My boss said. “I hate to lose you but I don’t see your career surviving this.”

I got the official notice the next day. Fuck me.

Looking up from the journal, again Carol asked, “Compelled?”

I nodded. “Worse than compelled.” I replied. “This time I really wanted to cum. I really, really needed to cum. But I can’t explain why.”

“I’m so sorry,” said Carol. “But you’ll bounce back right? Find something.”

“You read about the screen shots, right? I think one went viral.” I burst into tears and sobbed, “I called my career coach for advice and she said I should consider a working for a porn site, then dropped me as a client.” More sobbing.

Carol sat silently, patting my hand while I cried. Suddenly her face brightened. “Well, but at least the therapy worked, right? I mean, you’re not going through menopause now?” I just looked at her. I could see the light bulb go on. “That means you also…”

“My period?” I finished for her. “Yeah, Week 6.” I pointed to the journal. “The blood stained pages. I’ll never use a tampon again. My vagina looked like a badger tried to dig a den. Nipples were raw, too. Clothes became too painful to wear.”

“I guess that explains why you’re naked.” Carol said knowingly.

All I could do was nod.

Carol left a little while later. I called her a few weeks later, but she isn’t returning my calls.

After the second month, the clinical trials ended. I’m learning to live with the side effects of the drugs. The pharmaceutical company finally got approval to market the therapy. I saw their ad on television the other day. The fast talking disclaimer at the end said something like “let your doctor know of any changes in libido or other sexual urges.”

Now I need a new TV.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/lnz3y0/f_hormone_therapy_gone_wrong