[MF] Dick Flash CFNM Naked in locker room in front of female therapist…

I played on a couple sports teams when I was a teenager that had female trainers (it’s what we call people who have general first aid, they’re not really therapists, but know how to stop cuts etc…). She was a University student studying something in medical science and probably wanted to be a legit athletic therapist someday.

The University student who was the first female trainer I had. I had already known I was into flashing and had done some feeble attempts at flashing, but nothing really successful. Now I’m playing for this team and about half way through the year we get introduced to this pretty cute 22 year old girl who is going to be our trainer!

To this point in my sports career, every trainer I ever had was always in and around our locker room. The whole team has to get out of our street clothes before our practice or games, and shower and get dressed after. So there’s lots of naked time, and our trainers were always in there. When I was told we were going to have this cute 22 year old trainer my heart started racing immediately. This happened over 20 years ago, so my memory is a little foggy, but I remember the first time she was in the room. I don’t think she expected guys to get naked. It wasn’t talked about one way or the other. We weren’t told “hey guys, make sure as long as Charlene is in the room, make sure you’re decent”, nothing like that.

I was normally the slowest guy getting dressed and undressed, but I remember after the first game she was with us. I normally wore regular underwear and a t-shirt under my equipment, but this time I had been wearing a zip up one piece that did the job of both. She was in the locker room after the game checking on the bumps and bruises that any players may have acquired. I raced to get my equipment off. This process would normally take me 10-15 minutes, I was finished in about 2. It was world record time for me, I needed to make sure I had a chance to get my underwear off before she got finished her work.

I got all my equipment off, and she was still in the room. Job one was accomplished. Now I needed to time my unzipping and removal of my one piece to guarantee she would be looking in my general direction when I got naked. She was pretty focused on a guy to the left of me, and not in a position that she would be able to see anything. I waited a little longer, with insane anticipation my heart is racing now, just thinking about it! And then, maybe it was an act of God, she needed to walk back towards the door to get something out of her belt, or tool box. The door was about 30 feet from where I was sitting and I was facing directly towards it. She got to the box and knelt down to get whatever she needed. I stood up trying to time this perfectly. As she stood up and turned around and started walking back towards us I began unzipping my one piece. She was very nonchalant. The zipper on this thing went down to about where the zipper on your jeans would go. I unzipped it all the way down, but it was still on, and therefore my modesty was still fairly well protected. She’s 15 feet from me now, and walking calmly. I go for broke.

I slide my one piece off my shoulders and I’m naked in front of her. She’s 10 feet away. She was walking very calm and nonchalant until I slipped the shoulders off. She glanced over, as an automatic reflex when someone de-clothes in front of you. I’m sure she thought I had regular underwear on underneath this thing. She glanced over calm, until my dick popped out. She was startled. She stopped in her tracks and yelled “OH” and looked away. She then walked fairly fast back to the kid she was working on.

I didn’t know if I would get in trouble or not. Our coaches or Charlene had never said one way or the other if it was ok to be naked. I didn’t want to push my luck, so I just grabbed my towel, and put it around my waist and walked to the shower.

That was the first and best flash I had with her. After that night, I started getting naked before every practice/game as well as after. She was always super professional and never took obvious glances though. A few times she would I would put just my jock on and walk across the room to go to the bathroom or something and she would look and give a small “you devil” look and smile and chuckle at what I’m sure she thought was a silly little boy.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/lnzxy4/mf_dick_flash_cfnm_naked_in_locker_room_in_front