Thirst and Lust: A Halloween Story

It’s been months and I can’t handle this pain anymore. I needed to feed, I was starving. It has been a month since I consumed mortal blood. But yet, I was craving him in an unfamiliar way.

Being turned into a Vampire at age nineteen did me a huge favor. Looking young and vulnerable makes it easy to hunt for prey. The curves on my body, my red lips, deep dark eyes. Black hair. I used to be blond hundreds of years ago. But of course that all changed the day I was turned.

For the last few decades, I changed my name, attend a different college every few years, and chow down on yummy frat boys. But tonight is different, I was hungry but my prey was some how different. I was craving Levi. I was craving much more than his blood, but his life force. You see there is more than one way to feed. The thing is, I have never done what I have been thinking about doing. I never felt the need to. And at the age of nineteen, I never got the chance to feel a man’s touch.

What the fuck is it about Levi that makes me want to feed on his life force? What’s with the irresistible connection we have? To feed on that connection? Why him? The elders always spoke about how it was so rare to find that one being. The one that can feed on just their touch without the taste of blood. Just never thought it would happen to me.

It’s Halloween night, the perfect night to feed, but with the full moon, my hunger grew stronger.

I resisted my urges for Levi, convincing myself that just the taste of blood will fill my thirst for tonight. I had not had a feast in months, I needed it. It’s dangerous to get this hungry, I might over feed and accidentally kill my victim. No matter what I am, I am not a monster, not a killer.

Pacing down the halls of the university I bumped into someone not realizing how deep I was in my thoughts. “I am so sorry.” I heard him say as my books and papers spilled all over the floor. I staggered to my knees picking everything up as fast as I can. Panting and flustered I gathered my things. Then his hand touched mine, it was him. What the fuck? “Are you ok?” He asked.

I looked up staring deep into Levi’s eyes, I can feel my fangs aching for the touch of his neck, my lips on his. But I felt something else I had never felt since I turned. I felt lust for him. I want to feel his skin on mine, his touch on my body. His strong hands all over me, touching me. To be straight forward I wanted his cock in me, fucking me for the very first time in a hundred years. I have never craved a mortal in such ways.

I shook my head snapping out of it. “I’m fine professor Thomson.”

“Please Emma, call me Levi. Is everything ok? You look a bit distressed.” His lips, his strong arms. Those dark eyes of his.

“Just really hungry, I haven’t had a bite to eat yet.”

“Well a smart college girl like yourself should keep fed. You have a lot of work on your plate.” He handed me the last bit of papers. I touched his hand. I could feel the warmth of his skin, his blood pumping through his veins. “You going to the lake tonight?”

“The lake?” is that where they are having the Halloween party?

“Yeah, it’s a full moon tonight. It’s rare to have one on a Halloween, should be a great party.”

I looked away; I can’t hurt him. “Thank you for helping me pick up my books.” I stood as quickly as I could and ran to my dorm room. My roommate will be at the Halloween party and I can lock myself in. The thing about Hallows’ eve is it affects all beings, including vampires. It’s once a year where our power grows stronger, our hunger is greater. But I’m beginning to fear that I won’t be able to control my hunger under tonight’s full moon. My hunger will be uncontrollable. I can’t hurt them like that, not again.

“Wait, Emma!” Levi ran behind me. I stopped I can feel it already. Is this why I have been feeling this way towards him, the full moon? “It’s getting dark, I rather escort you to your dorm room if you are not going to attend the party.”

Please run, please run. “Yes please, it’ll be better for us both.” Please run, but I couldn’t seem to say it. I wanted to be with him. I have always found an attraction for Professor Levi. I want to know how he tasted on my lips. I never craved spilling his blood. “Ah.” I cried out holding my stomach and falling to my knees. I needed to feed now. Damn it. This full moon ruined my Halloween plans.

I was supposed to find a cute, horny college boy. Have him take me back to his room. And right when we’re in, bite him. Feed till he’s unconscious and I would be good for a few months. But I can’t. I can’t seem to fight it tonight. I need to get to my dorm.

“Emma, are you ok?” Levi reached for me. I was immobile. I couldn’t move. “Allow me, ill carry you the rest of the way.” He picked me up cradling me in his arms, leaving my books behind. “I’ll come back for them. “Don’t worry, we’re almost there. I see your door.”

“Put me down.” I requested. He set me down making sure I was ok to stand. “I can do it from here. I just need to eat.”

“Your eyes.” He said staring at me.


Her eyes made me feel as if they were pulling me. I could never help myself but look at Emma. Her beauty. Every curve on her body. My body begging to feel hers. My tongue to taste her lips, her legs, her breast, and her pussy. I want her. But I wanted her more than anything right now. This urge I have had for months suddenly taking over me.

Her eyes locked on mine, I couldn’t move as she opened her front door stepping inside.

Emma stepped back into the shadows, her clothes vanishing the instant darkness shrouded her body. I can see her vampire fangs reflecting the little light there is. She is hungry for me. I understood now what was happening. She is feeding off our lust, and I wanted to give her more. She pointed at me, pulling her finger back signaling me to come to her. She kept stepping back closer to the darkness of her room. I could not help myself but follow her in. Her eyes changed before mine. They became yellow, glowing. I can see the shadows take her shape. Her curves, her hips, her skin. I wanted to feel it all.


I was starving. I craved his touch, pulling him closer to me with just a simple gaze. No spell nor trance was needed. We both felt what we felt. An urge that needed to be satisfied. To feed on us, our lust. I will feed on his lips, his body heat, and everything he is. The moon has taken over me, and all I can do is watch as my body seduces Levi.

The door shut behind him. Covered in darkness, the only light was coming from the full moon outside. Intoxicating my urges to see him. Only one option was left, if I couldn’t see him and he couldn’t see me, we had to feel each other.

His lips colliding with mine. The taste of his warm moist lips. I can feel him shivering at the touch of my skin. The sound of his shirt ripping apart. My hands shot from my side to his chest. Warm and strong. His body is perfect, a delicacy I had to taste. My lips aching to feel him, I kissed his chest, licking it. His gasp, satisfying me. His heart pounding, all I can think about was bringing pleasure to us.

His hands felt large gripping each side of my hips. I had lost all control allowing him to feed my desires. His lips on my neck, to my chest. I want him to play with my nipple, his tongue dancing on it. Sucking it hard. My hands around his head pulling on his hair.

He gripped both of my thighs throwing me back on the bed. I can hear him undoing his belt buckle. It is driving me insane to imagine how he feels inside, I wanted to see but the darkness still shrouded us. This feeling inside and not being able to feast my eyes on him is making my hunger unbearable.

“More.” I was begging. Why was I begging him, “more.”

I hear him laugh, he knew what he was doing to me. Startling me I felt his tongue run down my thigh, slow and warm. Kissing his way down to my clit.

“Yes,” I was all his, and I want him to become mine.

His mouth dug deep into my clit, licking it. I can hear him dripping, slurping, savoring every drop. My hands on the back of his head, my fingers running through his hair. Then the sensation disappeared.

Reappearing in front of me, he kisses lips, sucking on my tongue. His mouth tasted so good. His hips adjusting between my legs. I have never done this. For being an immortal vampire, never have I had a mortal this way.

I felt him, the sensation ran through my thighs down my legs to my feet. I could not help myself but curl my feet and let out a loud moan. His hips thrusting, in and out. My body felt warm. His breath just at the edge of my lips, this was exactly what I needed. I can feel him, his lust feeding me. It was giving my life. My nails digging into his back, I was almost there, and so was he. His breathing, moaning, I felt a warm creamy sensation erupting from him, my legs shook. I pulled him in, kissing him. Breathing hard. With the energy flowing through my body I was satisfied.

Licking my fangs, looking into his eyes, “We should do this more often professor.”
