Pulled over

I was driving home after work, it was about 11:00pm. I was on a dark road with absolutely no other cars in site. It was a long road with street lamps, but it still appeared dark. There were scattered trees lining the roads and houses alongside them. The window in my car was cracked open and I felt the warm summer air coming in through the window as I flew down this road. I was going about 65 in a 30. I didn’t think about it since I felt so good, I just wanted to get home and there were no cars on the road anyway. I was singing along with the song on the radio and suddenly I see red and blue lights flashing behind my car. “Oh fuck” I said out loud. I knew I was speeding and I was speeding almost 35 over the limit.

I pull to the side of the road, thinking of an excuse I could make… hoping the cop won’t be too hard on me.
The cop pulls his car behind mine and walks up to my window. I already rolled the window down and had my license and registration in hand, prepared for the question.
“Good evening” said the cop. He was about a 40 year old man, handsome, a little chubby, but had a stern face and big eyes.
“Hello.” I replied.

“You were going pretty fast there. Is there somewhere you’re trying to go?” He asked me.
“No. Uh—-yes. Well, I’m trying to go home. I was at work.” I said, nervous. My voice was shaking.
The cop paused for a moment. He hadn’t asked my license yet. He glanced down at my lap where I was holding my license and registration.

His eyes lingered for a moment there, and then I saw him peer at my breasts. I had a v neck on where my boobs were shaking just a little cleavage, but you could see the outline of them. His eyes lit up a bit as he lingered there and then finally he glanced up at my
face and our eyes met. “You’re prepared.” He said.
For a moment I wasn’t sure what he meant. I said nothing.

“I see you have your license and registration”
“Oh yes” I replied. I handed it to him, even though he didn’t ask directly for it.
He took it. He looked at my license for a minute. “Hmmm” he said while looking at my license still.

“What’s a young girl like you working so late? Speeding down the road? You know it’s dangerous to be going so fast….”

“I know.” I said. “I got caught up in the moment.”

He looked up from my license at me. He glanced back down at hands on my lap, then did another look at my cleavage. He sighed and said, “I would hate to give you such an expensive ticket. Going this much over has pretty high consequences”
I said nothing except, “okay.” Unsure of what he was getting to.

He glanced again at my body, this time he smile a little. He had smile lines around his face and cute smile. “Would you rather me give you a ticket where you just pay money, or would you rather me teach you a lesson that you’ll remember?”
Confused, I said “what’s the lesson?”
He looked at me straight in my eyes for a moment. “I’ll show you how an experienced man can make you feel.”
I was shocked. “What do you mean?”
“Come sit and my car and we can talk.”

He opened my car door and I went into his cop car. He turned off the lights and the car. We were on the empty road. No cars had passed us this whole time.
“I’m gonna show you something, ok? I know you get a thrill from speeding, I’ll show you a different kind of thrill. Just be quiet. Ok?”
“Ok….” I replied, nervous and unsure of what was happening.

Suddenly he lightly touched my thigh. My body felt like it was glowing and I was too shocked to ask what
Was going on. I didn’t expect this.

“Im sure you’re a good girl.” He said. “Everyone speeds sometimes. But I can’t let you off the hook that easily.”
I just stared at him, as he rubbed my thigh up and down.

His hand went up to my pussy and lightly started to rub it in circular motions. Super light. It felt so good I wasn’t sure what to do. I didn’t want to stop him.
“Good girl.” He said, as he continued to rub my pussy through my fabric pants.

Suddenly he grabbed my waist and flew me on top
Of his lap. We both faced the steering wheel and I was in his lap. He moved the seat back to give us more
Room. I was still shocked.

From behind me, he continued to rub my pussy. With one hand he rubbed and the other he slowly moved into my shirt and up onto my boob.

His hands were big, strong. He could fit his hands around my waist.

My pussy is becoming very wet. He continues to run as a i moan a little. He massages my breasts. Then he uses both hands to massage them. I miss him rubbing my pussy immediately after he stops, even though the boob massage feels amazing too.
I can feel his hard dick in between my butt cheeks through his pants.

He’s rubbing me and feeling my body and I am so turned on and wet.
I’m aching for his dick to be inside me.
Finally he slides off my pants.
My bare ass is on his dick which is still in his pants. He slides on pants off. Now my bare ass is on bare dick.I grind on his dick for a second before it slides it into my soaking wet pussy.

“Good girl.” He says. “You feel so good.”
So warm, his dick fills up pussy and he grabs my waist and slides me up and down on top of his dick. Up and down, up and down. I can feel his dick go up and down inside me and I quiver with enjoyment.
He grabs my boobs and rubs them again well his dick is still inside me.

I moan as I feel so amazing.
I orgasm and forget where I am and what is happening. The only thing I’m thinking of his how amazing his dick feels inside me.
When he cums he lifts me off him and puts me to the side on the passenger seat. “Good girl” he says again. “Now go back home and don’t spend anymore, ok?”
I put my pants on and exit the car without saying anymore words.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/lljr9o/pulled_over