[Step]Our Family Story 3

This chapter is bit shorter as I would like to keep the events separate

Chapter 3 : **Reunion**

We heard a car approaching. “it must be the kids” I said. The door opened and I heard Ashley calling Mom , Dad we’re home. Susan hugged her. John was grinning. “I’ve heard that you have a surprise for us”. I entered the vestibule while holding Jessica’s hand. Ashley eyes widened. JESSICA she screamed and jumped to hug her. “Jessica will be staying with us for some time” I said. “For real? She turned to Susan. She nodded. She hugged me and said you’re the best. Kids went upstairs and I told them that dinner will be ready in an hour. Susan and I went to kitchen and started to prepare dinner. The silence was awkward. Susan said” John you have to be more careful, not to just bark in her room. What were you thinking?” I wasn’t thinking anything, I was reading my phone and went to the bathroom as usual. I forgot that the guestroom is now taken. I’m sorry honey”. I hugged her. “ I know, just be careful.” “ I promise” She than explained that when they were fitting the underwear that Jessica’s bush was protruding and not looking good so she took her to the bathroom to show her how to use the trimmer and the razer.. “I’ve guessed so much”. “Just be sure that such “accidents” won’t happen”. “I swear by the grave of my mother.” She grinned and with partially amused tone said” Peter as far as I know Hannah is pretty alive. I chuckled and gave her a gentle kiss.

**We called the kids** to dinner. “Finally! I’m starving!” said John. “Hi Starving, I’m dad.” John rolled his eyes, the girls giggled. After dinner, the girls went to Jessica’s room. Some time later I knocked at the door. “Come in” Ashley said. They were sitting at bed reading magazines. I held a medium sized box. “What’s that?’ Ashley asked. “Something for Jessica to get her comfortable in the night.” I replied. Jessica opened the box and pulled out about 10 inch long silicone Cat lamp. If you remember I got it at the mall running the errands. “A nightlight for you so you won’t have to sleep in the dark. I inserted the batteries and showed her how to turn it on and how change colors of the lamp. “Thank you”. She hugged me. I left the room and went downstairs. , John was playing computer games in his room. I and Susan watched some Netflix and then we went to bed. We cuddled than had our usual sex. Then we fell asleep.

**During next weeks** Jessica started to be more confident with herself. She started to smile more often. I and Susan had few sessions with a family psychologist on how to handle a traumatized teenager. She gave us many useful tips, and especially for Susan not to get jealous, as it is natural for a girl to get attached to a father figure, especially after everything she had been through. Jessica’s presence brought kind of a fresh wind into our family. Everyone was happier and I and Susan started to have sex more often. Nothing extra fancy, just more often. As for Jessica, she looked much healthier. During last 3 months we had to get her new set of clothes, because she grew 2.1 Inches in height and got curvier. She was a 32b now. Gone were the protruding ribs and spine from earlier. Even Mr. Bubbles got attached to her enjoying long belly rubs he was getting from her.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/lj3572/stepour_family_story_3