Rose of Two Thorn’s Scott part 41-46 RVS & Dream Master (FF MM MF MFF MFM Bondage Solo Toys)

I got inside and put the letter down on the coffee table I did not want to look at it. My thoughts were racing, what if he is breaking up with me, what if it is a love letter pouring out his heart. I could not look at it right now so I got in the shower and of course all I could see was him pinned and me having my way with him, making him scream my name and kiss me passionately. I was wired and could not relax, had to get out my weed and dam I am on my last joint, I may need to get more but that will be a tomorrow job. I get a text from Devon to go jogging at 730 we will do the town loop then he can drop me off. I tell him that is cool and can he hook me up with some weed it has been a stressful week. I need more than my ten, he says that is a racist thing to ask the black man for weed, he throws in a ha-ha, but he can hook me up. I still look at the letter its thick too, so he had a lot to say. I spark up and put some Cher on I cannot look at it, not yet anyway.
           In the morning I am siting here looking at the letter when Devon comes in, I saw that he was on his way via text, so I unlocked the door.  “Scott babe what is bothering you” he looks at the note in my hands and says, “Do you want me to read it and Sex Scouts honor I will not gossip about your secrets” I look at him and say, “Sex Scouts.” He tells me when you are in college you get to enroll in sex scouts and learn all about your sex, gay, straight, BI or now Trans but yes, I hand it over to him. Devon starts reading it….
I need to go undercover this drug trade is getting bad, it is a three-department investigation between Blonde Island, Silk Stockings, and the State Police of Amera. I did not tell you because I wanted this part to be a surprise, but I have a pilot’s license and I have been running some of the drugs and yes Gemma…. I do take the letter and drag him to the garage. “This letter dose not leave the house and you need to keep quiet about that. I tell Devon a bit about how we all think Gemma is a drug runner and has a crew selling pills that have killed kids like Ricky. I take the letter and read the rest; Devon looks at it too. “Ohh babe you two went bareback, that is a big step,” I nod and smile at that memory. I put the letter back in the house and put on my jogging shoes. “Remember not a word we need this thing to go off without a hitch” he crosses his heart and we hit the trail for the town loop. It’s up past the Pot Shop, El Serrano, Long Don’s, and various other retail shops. “Looking forward to the show” I ask Devon, he slows down and pauses at the grass area in the middle “That is a no-go babe, we got double booked so they kicked us till next weekend, that was supposed to be my homo no family holiday party so now it’s this weekend.”  I feel a bit bummed, but he tells me I must come and wear them sexy leather pants, “You got it man and are we still on for dinner tonight so I can meet this man” he smiles and tells me yeah, but we are going to meet at 630 at Don’s.
           We get back to my place and I shower quickly and change into work clothes, Devon and I head to the car place clear on the other side of town. “Thanks again for the ride,  what about my weed” he reaches into his side panel and hands me a bag of 10 joints and I smell them. “Dam this smell great what strain is this” he tells me its medical and they are from Marcus, he has insomnia, but one often dose it, but they give him 20. “I will thank him tonight and we will chat about Gemma later I promise” he tells me he can share stories himself, but I kiss him, and he kisses me back. “I’ll see you tonight” I wave at him and go pick up my cart. Thankfully, insurance paid for the damage, so I do not have any out-of-pocket costs. It’s nice to have the old girl back and I take off to get some breakfast. I text Devon that I left the weed in the truck, he responds and says he will drop it off later. I get my breakfast and head to the office, no students today but Miss Grant needs some help with the holiday semester report cards, and I know the program, so I offered to help. In no time at all its lunch so I head to the cafeteria when Devon texts: I am in the parking lot by your cart pop the lock I will put the stuff in the glove box. I get outside and he puts the stuff in I wave, and he takes off.  Lunch is chicken and rice soup, bread, and some fresh fruit salad. I sit with Marie and start to butter her up “Marie are you and Gemma going to Devon’s party?” She tells me yes and it is so big it’s going to be at the boathouse “He did not tell me that we were talking about Marcus so where is the boathouse” she tells me it is up off pussy lake the other side of the park, if you go down the road were your new house is you can see it from there. I will go look at that after work “I got my cart back this morning do you need a lift?” She tells me no but that its great your cart is done.
           Miss Grant and I are done up to the M alphabet and we shall finish that tomorrow. I head out to the parking lot and I look at the cart anyway just in case. I go up past the new place and by the second bend in the road is the pussy lake boat house, it looks like a great place. I get back home, and I read the rest of the letter. “I will miss you so much I don’t know when we will see each other again I know you don’t want to know this but if anything happens to me, I want you to have King he loves you. I love you too I just could not get up the balls to say it, you are my first man and I want you to be my man permanently.” I feel the tears coming so I put the rest of the letter down and start changing my clothes because it’s time to go. I do take my cart they charged it for me so that was nice. I get to the restaurant and Devon is waiting and he introduces me to Marcus. He is a great guy and truly knowledgeable about Detective Grant novels, I like him already. “We are looking forward to the party. I forgot to tell you its at the boathouse, there will be a mini show.” I tell him Marie told me minus the show part. After dinner I thank both for the weed and we all head to our homes.  I get back to my place and as I am in the bathroom, I can hear Gemma and Marie getting it on, I put my Cher on and spark up this weed, its not bad and I read some more of Robbie’s letter “I saw this hot guy walking toward me on the beach and I wanted him to take me on the sand right there, Then that night when you said kiss me I was thinking yes but with my tongue in your mouth. I had to keep it professional though, that is why we made out in the hotel room it was love at first sight.” I am ugly crying now and Cher singing “We all Sleep Alone” did not help matters. I did get a laugh when he tells me his favorite singer is Celine Dion. I look up and tell the heavens I love you too take care of him please. I am so tired that I drag myself to bed at least they shut up now, I miss my man and I need him back.
* * *
Waking up in the morning it feels like I have a hangover and I did not drink last night. I am tempted to bug off work, but Miss Grant needs my help. I shower and make a hearty breakfast of eggs, bacon, and a bagel. Two cups of coffee and one to go I feel human again, this new weed is wicked. I am a huge dumbass and forgot to charge the cart so I hop on my bike and put my coffee in a thermos so it can fit in the saddle bag. I hear Gemma leaving and Marie telling her be back by Saturday and then I guess they drove off because I did not see Marie standing there.  I get to work and grab my thermos of caffeine and head in. Miss Grant stops me at the door and tells me its Friday and I completely forgot about that and its 9am so two hours till I face Bobbie and Kay, I am not sober enough for that shit.
           I tell her “I did forget I am in my casual clothes and I am not in a great mood, but I will survive, thank you.” She and I get more report cards done before Dean Kane comes out, “Scott are you ready Bobbie and Kay will be here soon” I finish up my person and leave Vivian to the rest for now, “I need to use the men’s room first be right in” after I am done it is a splash of water on my face and get to the Dean’s office before, I chicken out. He and I chat about Brian and I show him picture of my cute brother in his uniform. “I tease him if he weren’t my brother, I would hit on him” we both laugh at that and Miss Grant comes in “The girls are not here yet what is keeping them” she calls the gym and nothing. Dean Kane calls their house and no they were supposed to be heading there.
           Miss Grant and I decide to finish the report cards after lunch, and I head to the cafeteria. I see Hailey and say hi to her, then lunch today is chicken strips, potato wedges and a salad. I try the homemade buffalo sauce and its fiery “Marie this sauce is hot, but I like it” she is staring at the floor but looks up when I sit down. “Hey Scott, yes it’s a recipe from another co-worker and she likes it hot” I forgot my drink, so I grab a soda and that cools the burn. Marie gets up to help some more students and then when she sits back down I do more buttering “Are you and Gemma going to Devon’s party I am and have been informed to wear my leather pants” Marie giggles and says “Yes Gemma will be home she promised” we chat some more about my future shower work and I then broach the subject “Marie are you and Gemma married I see you wear a ring” she plays with it but says “No we are not this is my Mom’s engagement ring my dad gave it to me when she passed.” I tell her the good news about Brian and then she needs to get back to work, so do I but still not wanting to hear what excuses Bobbie and Kay have.
           When I walk back to the office, I see a text from an unknown number: Stay in the closet no one wants you here. Well dam that was rude, so I get to the Dean’s office, but he is not there. “Miss Grant were did he go I thought the meeting was still happening” She looks at me and says, “I don’t know he took off for lunch like he always dose, but you look pissed whats wrong.” I show her the text and she does not recognize the number, so I head to my office and call Robb and then Lane. I leave messages for them and get back to my helping job. Neither Dean Kane nor the girls ever arrive so I head out to find Lane he tells me he is at the Marina Pire 5, so off I went I arrived here at pier 2 so I am familiar with the marina. I pull up to the marina and Lane opens a garage, so I pull in. “Oh, is that your boat, it’s a nice-looking houseboat.” He tells me this is his retirement houseboat living off Blonde or Gigolo Bay the other side off Amera. “I think it’s looking nice, but I need some investigative help I got this text today and need to find the number.” I show him and he says “Yeah rude and texts Robb the message and number.  We wait for Robb and Lane shows me around the boat, I try and pump information about Robbie. “I am going to be doing some airport spying soon I can see about looping you in” I smile, and Robb calls and lane puts him on speaker “Sorry Scott the number is a burner so its untraceable except for it was within the city limits.”  I thank him and he will keep me posted about anything else.
           Lane and I discus the airports and he tells me where the private strip is, up near Tight Hole. I still wonder if Tyler has anything to do with this and lane agrees. “I don’t want to point fingers but if he is, he will go down too.” I then tell him Devon says he has Gemma stories himself I will get him to tell Lane those stories soon and I head back home. My cart is charged so I unplug it and read some more letter. Robbie is telling me about our first time on his Honda, “Man here is this hot dude from the beach doing me and oh dam he is so good, my ass got a workout and my orgasms just kept coming. I then got to sink my cock into your sexy ass, I was nervous but once you came and I got to spill it was more than lust I wanted you, more than this one time.” Well, that brought the tears again but at least these were happy ones and after I made dinner, I decide to do a little research of private airstrips and not only does the Tight hole one come up but so dose Cinnamon Bay. I make notes to tell Lane and do a pilot search and Robbie’s name comes up and not only that, but he can pilot a seaplane. I contact lane immediately “Yes I was spying on my man but if seaplanes are how this is happening, we need to look in on that.” He tells me there is barely we but yes meet him and Robb for brunch at the diner 10am. I go to bed and think about Robbie and hope that my sexy man is not in too deep.
* * *
I slept ok I was still thinking of Robbie and his safety and wanting him by my side (also I miss King that sweet Gus in another life). I shower and get dressed we are going to meet at the diner so Jeans and my Pride sweatshirt, it is a nice love in rainbow up by my heart so whomever has an issue with me can kiss my ferry ass. I hop on the Bike and head down there and the detectives arrive at the same time. “Scott your boots need a polish” Robb says I look down they are scuffed but I will tend to that later. We walk in and there is the table we had in the back last time. “Okay Scott let’s see what you got” Lane and Robb both look at the maps I printed out and all the Robbie information.
“How did you access this stuff we have clearance many options, but you have all this information” Robb was giving me angry eyes. “I have friends in law still and not just Robbie I also have a Coast Guard brother, plenty of strings to pull.” We order our food of sausage hash for Lane, Egg Whites and Canadian bacon for Robb and I get Chicken Fried Steak and Eggs. “Look I got a letter from Robbie after I got back from Blonde so he must have sent it before I left, he told me he has a pilot’s license and with my resources found his flight plans. You are not the only ones with clearance I still have my log in code for the old USA system.” They both look amazed and annoyed at the same time, but we all look over the information together. “We should recruit you for the force Scott this is good information” Lane says. I also tell them that Devon has stories about Gemma if they want to hear them, I can set that up. “Where is Gigolo bay I have not heard about that yet.” Lane says it is up at the top of the island and marks where it is on the map.
We set up the time for a surveillance and Robb reluctantly agrees to loop me in, he must get going so Lane and I set the time and place. I follow Lane back to the station, and we go talk to the Chief Thomas Nolan “Lane tells me you were a cop dog trainer” I tell him yes; the obedience trainer and I was sworn but only used three times. We all chat about my information “I have clearance still with my old department so when I logged into NSA and FAA, I got right in.” Chief Nolan looks impressed and he lets me see the other evidence they have on Gemma and how Robbie and his flight training are helping. “I thought about that last night when he told me about his pilot’s license so when can we finally bust Gemma and charge her with the death of all these kids.” They both tell me not enough evidence and we will only be cutting off one branch when we need the whole tree. I agree but it is still getting on my nerves, but I get to keep helping. Lane walks me out and says, “I will pick you up tonight at 7 we will head to the private strip up past dick peak, I want to hear what Devon as to say.” I tell him I will be at his party, but I can go to the next steak out maybe up to Gigolo Bay. We set that up for Thursday because Friday school is on break so it is a three-hour trip so he will be driving.
I get home and get on the ancestry website and now I am up to my parents and the site says add your birth certificate, I do not have that its back with mom and dad, but I will fix that later. Time to get ready for the part so I shower and shave everywhere, who knows I may get a blow job, I am loyal in the sex department, but I cannot resist a good deep throat bj. I do lotion up my legs and these leather pants fit like a bit of a lose glove I have been doing sit-ups because Robbie got me into them, got to keep up with my sexy man and his 6 pack. I choose my dark green tight shirt I mean it is a Christmas party after all. I give my nice boots a quick polish and grab my bottle of wine and get in my cart. I arrive at the boat house and the place is looking packed, but I find a table with Barry and Marcus from the club. We chat about things and here comes Devon in full drag “Oh dam I have not seen you like this, wow it’s amazing” he says “I rarely do the full drag anymore but since I am throwing a party I decided why not. Hair by Monique and dress buy Betsy Johnson.” He gets up on stage and introduces Lady Diana and she is a knockout and knows a Cher song, so she has my heart. Devon gets the boogie going by belting out some Diana Ross and JoJo Dynamo starts off with some Celine Dion and I feel the tears coming so I excuse myself to the dock outside. I did bring a joint, so I light up and Devon and his Marcus come out to join me, “Are you alright babe” I tell them Robbie likes Celine and they both giggle but swear to the secrecy. We pass the pot around and I see Gemma talking on the phone again, wish I could hear here but maybe Lane and Robb can tap her phone or something.
Back inside the party is really going and I get to dance with Marcus and Devon, we all decide to head over to the bar and get some drinks. I look up and spot Gemma coming in with a guy I know all too well……….
To Be Continued
* * *
am so confused but here comes Dean Kane in tight see-through pants with a banana hammock, and a gold-colored shirt and the ugliest boots I have ever seen (think cowboy only sparkly). He walks up and asks “Do you like the outfit I hope we can have a drink. I have been wanting you since you got here, I am gay too Scott.” I swallow my bourbon in one gulp and say, “yes I figured out that when you came into my office in your hot pants and mesh shirt.” Just then Barry pulls me on to the dance floor. “Barry what are you doing” as in Barry is dancing all weird and he tells me “I know I can’t dance but let us go over there” we bump into Devon and I apologize “No problem babe” I hand him his hair that fell off, he grumbles about extensions as Marcus puts it back in for him. Barry and I end up by the windows and he says, “Please be weary of him he is a slick manipulator, I dated him years ago let’s just say major jealous streak.” I tell Barry all about my ex and how I do not ever wish to go down that road again “besides Robbie is my man, I’m a loyal dude even though the occasional bj is welcomed.” I show him pictures of Robbie and King and he says, “He reminds me of my Rodger see they look similar, strong jawlines and sexy cute butts.”
I dance with Marie and her friend Jane, but then the Dean jumps in for the next dance. “I really want to see where this goes Scott, we could have so much fun” I continue the dance and he is getting handsy. I pull out my phone and show him my man “That’s a picture of a dog” I unsized it and show him Robbie “My man and the dog too I was in a work relationship and never again, got it.” I go back to the bar and Gemma buys me a drink I eye the bartender and make sure he hands it to me. “Wow Scott, Dean Kane has the hot’s for you or is it Barry look at them being all cozy.” I see Barry and he mouths I got this, “I told him I have a man so if Barry wants him, he can have him.” I finish my drink and grab Devon for a dance before its last call the boathouse will be closing soon. Marcus, Devon, Marie, Jane, Gemma, Barry, and I all split my wine and I do realize I am a bit tipsy. Barry offers to drive me home, but he says he is the soberest person. Marcus says he will meet us back at my place with a cab to take Barry home. I hand Barry the keys and we head past my soon to be place “that’s going to be done probably after the first of the year then I can have my own place with a dog” Barry smiles and says “Nice place good for you Scott” I do tell him I owe him for taking away Kane, he tells me he can collect later. He pulls into the garage and I wait with him by the curb as the cab pulls up.
I have a massive hangover the next day, but I get up and get my shower in. I get out and can here Gemma talking to Cody “Yes Cody dear Gigolo bay is private take the sea plane and meet me and Gabe there Friday, yes the payment will be ready. I know Gabe can be trusted he gets the good stuff, and you can fly it down to Busty Beach, yes that is the name of the place this is sex nation after all. Yes, I will see you Friday you have been a big help, I could repay you however you want, oh ok well see you then.” I write down everything she said and make some breakfast. I hear Gemma leaving. Lane and I connect on the computer. He tells me he can check into everything and it all set up for Friday at Gigolo Bay. I get a message from Barry and my heart starts pounding “I think Dean may be after you again I heard him talking about how bad he wants in your pants” I thank Barry and call Miss Grant to see what options I have this week. She tells me to meet her at her house Jack wants to grill some steaks and talk shop about the house.
We all agree to have dinner at 6 so I will head over at 530 and we can look at the schedule for the week. I take Robbie’s letter out and read more “I went home after making out with you in the hotel, wanting you so bad I was getting obsessed. I had not had a man in years and trying to hide my sexuality was getting difficult, but you drew it out of me. When we had our dinner, I could not resist my urges and you satisfy them so much.” I put it down and had a good cry I miss him so much and I just pray that Gemma has not put him in any danger. I do get ready for dinner at Vivian’s and I am starving I have not had much to eat today. I hop on my bike, getting there is no problem. Vivian and I look over the schedule and I have one student on Wednesday, but she asks me to finish up postings off new after holiday classes, so I do offer my help. I sit there and debate brining up Dean Kane so maybe that will be later. Dinner and conversation are wonderful, and we tour the house and I tell them all my plans. I cannot wait to move in here and have Robbie eating with me and sleeping by my side, I start to get misty eyed. I head home and talk to Mom and dad on the phone till it is time for bed. I can hear Gemma talking again and this time she mentions my name that bitch.
* * *
Thank god that was the last of Marcus’s joints last night because these things make me so groggy, this shower will help. Still thinking of Robbie and how much I miss him but if our spy trip goes well at least I can see him land and maybe get out of the plane. I am thinking I may need a haircut, but I will keep it long for a while he likes to run his fingers through my hair and dam, I want him. “Scott can you hear me” I look at the wall and say, “Yes I can hear you I have been hearing you since I moved in” she giggles and tells me “You must have been in the shower” I tell her yes and she chimes in “Detective Lane says meet him at the back patio don’t go out the front.” Looking down “Unless he wants to see a naked man, he will need to wait till I get dressed” I hear her walk away and then she says “He said he will wait and no he doesn’t want to see a naked man” more giggles but then I get dressed. Its just me and Miss Grant again so jeans, maroon sweater, and my boots.
I open my slider and tell him “I got dressed I am begging to think you like me” he laughs a bit then shows me some pics of my front door and garage a giant penis on the garage and faggot on the door. “Shit really anyone know where Bobbie and Kay are because they never showed up for the apology Friday” he takes a deep breath and tell me “Bobbie died about late Friday early Saturday morning and Kay is holding on at the hospital.” I do curse some more and say “Great now I really have to move” just then here comes Ellen the property manager “Yes Scott you will I can not have this type of violence around here; I will make sure you are not charged January rent” I thank her and bring Lane inside while I call Miss Grant and Jack at home. I tell them what happened, and Jack offers his truck and I also call Devon and he is on to help me as well. “Scott that’s terrible but we will help anyway we can, don’t worry about rushing to work come in when you can.” Miss Grant tells me. I offer Lane coffee and set out some cinnamon buns I got at the market. “SOP Scott where were you between 10pm and possibly 6am we are working with security cameras” I tell him; “I went to the pot shop and got my joints and edibles, got some Indian for dinner. I talked to my brother Brian he is back on Blonde and he had some information about some activity on the south shore of Blonde. I watched some Fuckee and then went to bed around 1045.”
We talk shop about what Brian told me and he will investigate that just then I hear Devon, so the officer lets him in. “Oh, babe why whoever did this not like you, you are an awesome and sexy dude.” I thank him and introduce him to Lane. They agree to chat soon about Gemma and Lane goes out to speak to the officers, “thanks for coming I may need some attention but if you help me move, I can give it to you as well.” He kisses my forehead and tell me all about how fabulous my dick is, I do smile for the first time all morning. Lane comes in and says I can leave they have pics and security footage; he will get back to me later. Devon brought some boxes, so he helps me start packing. I do not have much just some kitchen items, stuff off the walls, and bathroom items. Jack calls and says he can be there this evening to load some stuff and what side the charger is on for my cart. I tell him drivers’ side back corner. He tells me the company can install that next week, so I go make sure it has a full charge. Devon and I load a truck full and get it over to the new place, Jack helps us off load, then Devon must get to work. I do too so I tell jack see tonight.
After I get to the school Miss Grant helps me with the change of address papers “We are 2466 and you will be 2468 Pussylake Drive. I write that down so I can forward that to all bills, Mom and Dad, both brothers and Robbie(eventually). “Now Scott no worries about rent for January you will need things you can pay us in February” I hug her and then we get to work. Its lunchtime and I have no appetite so its just a salad and some water. “Are you alright Scott you just have salad we have pasta today.” I know Marie is being nice “Not really hungry just still wondering who hates gay men” she brings me some alfredo with chicken anyway and I manage some of it. “Marie whenever you need a ride home, I can still drop you off and I will see you here as well” she smiles and tells me “Thank you Scott I hope whoever is harassing you is caught” we chat some more then she gets back to work. Miss Grant and I finish about 4 so I head back and get all my clothes loaded into the cart and make a trip over to the new place. I get back and Devon is there so before we finish packing its time for some sweet chocolate man stick, his cock tastes so good in my mouth, I swallow him down and he stretches my throat to the limit. His cum is sweet and I do enjoy brining him off like this. He immediately takes my dick and sucks its down, licking my balls too. My dick gives in to him and my cum slides easily down his throat. We are making out when we hear Jack at the door so one last kiss then we get down to loading my, mattress, recliner, and deck chairs into the trucks. I go tell Helen I will be back in the morning to get my bike and do the cleaning.
We unload and the house dose look bare but other furniture will come later. While we were busy Vivian got and set up an old queen bedroom set so I now have this nice-looking grey wood set, bedframe, box spring, side tables and a lovely dresser. “This was in our guestroom its not being used so its all yours” more hugging and we all get down to business. I unpack the kitchen and Devon sets up the closet and dresser for me, “ Ok sexy you need to wear these workout shorts when we jog in the summer” I promise him I will and realize I don’t know where I put my joint box but Jack has it “We would like it if you did not smoke in the house but of course its up to you” I tell him I will set up out in the area between the garage and house. Devon helps me make the bed and he takes off, “I will pick you up in the morning, but I don’t like cleaning” I laugh and tell him that is fine. I get on Facetime and tell Brian what happened and where the new place is “Are you sure its safe there I still worry about you.” I assure him its fine and we chat about his new digs as base commander. After the call is over, I fall apart in my recliner, wishing Robbie were here to hold me.
* * *
I woke up with a start forgetting where I was for a moment, but yes, I am in my new place and my new bedroom. I stretch when I hear my text notification. Devon: Marcus and I are outside we have breakfast and a surprise open the door. I pull on some shorts and get to the door, they come in and Marcus has a mini fridge “Dude that’s nice of you my stuff won’t be here till next week, but this will do for now.” Devon and Marcus set it on the counter for me and plug it in “Should be cold enough later for your stuff the freezer part is small but it’s pretty nice” Marcus says. We all eat our breakfast burritos and drink coffee when Miss Grant comes in, good thing I put on shorts. “Good morning Scott I brought muffins but looks like you got breakfast” I introduce the guys and we all enjoy homemade blueberry muffins.
Marcus must get to work so I throw on my clothes and Miss Grant offered to help me clean and get the last of my stuff. After I get dressed, we head over to the house I have the remote from the cart and my bike has the other remote. I can still see the outline of the penis and faggot though the maintenance has done some work. Miss grant and I get to work my vacuum was left here so after that is done, I just put it back in the living room closet. “Vivian, I have been wanting to ask you, is your maiden name Thorn, I mean a lady that looks like you came up in my ancestry.” She takes a deep breath and says “Yes, it is. Your mom and I had a falling out years ago, but I am her sister so your aunt, but only by marriage.” We chat about the Thorn family tree it seems we have Canadian roots (no wonder I like Canada) and my parents lived here many years ago. “Ever noticed that there are no kids here, its because if you are in a family way you go to Blonde or to the states, then if you want you come back here when its time for college or retirement.” I tell her yes; I have noticed the lack of children but did not make a connection.
We finish up and Ellen comes in “Good morning Vivian I was going to call you about Scott here” Miss grant says she will take care of the January rent situation. Miss grant leaves and I tell her I will be along later. Ellen and I do the walk through and I tell her what was left here and what I took to my new place. She approves and I get the last of my stuff out of the fridge and my cleaning supplies. I give Ellen the remotes and I secure my boxes to the bike. I did like living here but it’s time to move on and get a dog again. After dropping stuff in my kitchen and putting away cleaning supplies I get to work. We are done with the report cards and uploading things by 1 so we break for lunch, I head down to the Cafeteria and see the fried chicken is on the menu, so that is it wings and a drumstick, mashed potatoes, and green beans. “I heard you are all moved out, Ellen said you left it so clean she was impressed.” I thank Marie and tell her yes; I am and whomever is harassing me better not know where I moved too. “Gemma and I promise to come visit sometime and still hangout at the shows and stuff.” I smile thinking about the shows, “Thank you Marie I do plan on a housewarming party after the first of the year, for now settling in and waiting for appliances.” I tell her about the mini fridge, and we chat for a bit. I get back to my office and go through emails when in walk Dean Kane (not wanting to see him). “Scott, I heard about what happened at the Apartments are you all right.” I tell him I am fine, and the authorities are on it. No new information but let us talk about Bobby and Kay” just as Lane comes in “Kay died this morning so now that is three kids that have fallen to this drug” swear and Dean Kane walks out.
“I am awfully suspicious of him we need to chat Scott can you take off.” I tell Miss Grant I will see her tonight for dinner and Lane follows me to the police station. We see Chief Nolan “Scoot are you willing to go with Lane on the surveillance tomorrow night, we can use another set of eyes because Robb has been relieved of duty.” I am surprised but lane tells me “he was the one harassing you, we have him on the security camaras doing the vandalism to the apartment.” I stare for a second and say, “Holy shit I mean I got a standoff vibe from him but really to harass me because I am gay.” Chief explains that it was not just that he had been slacking on the investigation and was annoyed that I had all the information, so I was showing him up, so he got prissy. “he has been reassigned to the south end of the island and is off the investigation.” I thank them and the chief gives me an update and dose a semi formal swearing in, and I am an official volunteer for the Silk Stocking Police force. Lane and I got over the notes and he let me see some suspects lists and there is Dean Kane “That slimy snake I did not trust him, I interviewed with Miss Grant over Zoom and when he would come on it was so outlandish.” Lane tells me about Louie Legs the owner of meow club and I tell him Devon warned me about that place, so I have never been there. We agree to meet tomorrow night he will pick me up at 7 because the planes have been landing about 12am so this will be a late night but Lane has a cabin in Gigolo bay so we will have a place to crash for the night. I head to the new house and change into a nicer shirt for dinner. Vivian and Jack make the tastiest meatloaf and baked sweet potatoes and green beans plus rolls I have not eaten this good in a long time. We do discuss the marijuana situation and I do tell them I will purchase an air filter system and for the most part smoke outside weather permitting. I get back to my place and show Mom and dad around the new place through facetime on the phone at least in the AM the cable and internet will be installed. I get into bed and text Robbie anyway even though he does not respond it makes me feel better.
* * *


1 comment

  1. /u/lordfox76, I have found some errors in your post:

    > “heart so ~~whomever has~~ [**was**] an issue”

    > “chat some more ~~then~~ [**than**] she gets”

    > “I am and ~~whomever~~ [**whoever**] is harassing”

    I deem the post of you, lordfox76, wrong; it should read “heart so ~~whomever has~~ [**was**] an issue”, “chat some more ~~then~~ [**than**] she gets”, and “I am and ~~whomever~~ [**whoever**] is harassing” instead. Unlike ‘whomever’, ‘whoever’ is the subject of ‘was’.

    ^(This is an automated bot. I do not intend to shame your mistakes. If you think the errors which I found are incorrect, please contact me through DMs or contact my owner EliteDaMyth!)

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