Rose of Two Thorn’s Scott part 46-50 RVS & Dream Master (FF MM MF MFF MFM Bondage Solo Toys)

I am settling into my new place I put my loveseat in the master bedroom, and I made a reading or sex spot depending on my mood, in the corner near the window. I got the TV set up with the old table that was a record player at one time, so the cable and internet are hooked up. I am checking out a neighborhood app called xxxchange, where you can buy and sell goods for cash or sex (yeah, I will pay cash). I call up Devon because I found a couch and its near him “If the couch works out can you help me get it over here, I can make it worth your while” he says yes, and I follow him on my bike to this address.
 I talk to Farah and she shows me the couch it is a long grey sectional, and it will go great in the living room, so we settle on 300 Sexton and I holler at Devon, we load it up and back to my place. After we unload it and set it up, I show him my loveseat in the room and yes it takes no time for us to get pants off and get a sexy 69 going. I love sucking his chocolate man stick and swallowing his juice. He does this thing where he licks my balls and sucks me down, I easily give him my juice. He must get to work so I kiss him passionately goodbye.
           I sit at my breakfast nook on a cushion because my uppity brother wants to make some cushions for me, so I saluted and said “Yes base Commander sir” he flipped me off, but I still love him, and he loves me too. Speaking of Brian here he comes on my tablet through facetime. “Hey, I was just thinking about you when are you getting here for the cushions on this thing” he tells me not till after the first of the year, but he wants to talk about the drug trade. “I hope you can see Detective Lane I do, and we all connect. “OK detective Lane we have been getting a high number of boats on the south end of the island. They are coming and going at all hours but mostly at night and these two guys are the drivers.  “I know those two” Lane says, “They are Louie Legs thugs, and Brian, Louie Legs runs the meow club and dabbles about doing side projects.”  I study the faces and “I have seen the one guy before “I tell them he has been to the pot shop before. “Well, he likes to drive boat, smoke pot and run drugs, what a guy” Brian says. Lane comes on and give some facts about Louie and the rap sheet he has. “He must be the main man if not the seller them the distributor maybe he and Gemma are a tight crew.” Brian tells us he has a crew going to the south side of Blonde and Lane and I will do surveillance at Gigolo bay tonight and tomorrow as well. We all agree to talk again tomorrow and exchange pictures, and Brian says, “be careful brother I want to see you in Hawaii in another week.” I promise to stay safe and yes, I have stopped smoking because Dr Kim told me to for two weeks prior.
           Lane says he will pick me up at 7 and pack for the weekend we can stay at his cabin. This surveillance thing makes me wish I had my joints but no I need to clean my blood for the transplant. I pack my bags and meet Lane out at the driveway at 7, he says he needs to take a leak, so I let him in to use the bathroom. “Nice sofa did you get it from Farah” I tell him yes; he says she is his ex-wife. “That was in my old man cave guess she got tired of looking at it.”  I tell him I had no idea he was her ex she just said it needed to go she was moving to Tight Hole and is consolidating.  We hit the road and grab coffee and hamburgers. In no time at all we are in Gigolo Bay, its nice up here and Lane’s cabin is on the eastside of the bay. “Well, where are the sea planes landing,” Lane shows me on the map he has on the wall of the living room. After seeing where to set up we dress warmly, and I forgot my beanie, but he has one. While he is talking to chief Nolan, I see his awards on the wall his name is Jesse James Lane, I instantly think of my girl Cher and her song Just Like Jesse James. “I did not know your full name was your mom and Da” he cuts me off and says “Yes they were into westerns and its Lane still ok” I salute, and he grabs the camera because we need to get going.
           The last tourist plane lands at 1030 so we wait around and chew the fat till we hear the first sea plane. I am on binoculars and I see it land. It is not anyone we know or suspect so it could be a private plane. Brian texts: A plane is coming your way and it has three people aboard the two guys and pilot, there are boxes in there too they just left Blonde. Lane and I look to the sky and here it comes. The plane lands on the open seaside and the pilot gets out and ties the boat down. Its Robbie and it takes every fiber of my being not to run over and take him away from there. “That’s him isn’t it” Lane says. I look over and say “Yes I can see the cute dimple on his chin and that ass” he looks at me and says “TMI dude” but we watch. The rest of the crew come out and they move the products into boats and look who’s here Gemma. “I am really beginning to not like her” I tell Lane. We snap phots and Robbie turns to I swear looks right at me. He turns back toward his plane, but he is flashing the L on his fingers and then I see the O V E. After the exchange he gets back on the plane and takes off.
           Lane and I get back to his cabin and I make the spare bed up and he uses the bathroom first. I text Robbie that I love him too and we settle down for the night. After I use the bathroom Lane is out and he is a snorer. Lucky me my ex snored, and I hated it, so I am having a bit of PTSD, but I get a text from Brian: That pilot was that your friend Robbie. I text back yes but he is undercover so do not blow it. He promises and I try to get some sleep, though I doubt it will be restful.
* * *
I think I slept last night after an hour of snoring I heard a humming sound. Got my now up to 50 sit-ups in and Lane comes out of the room, this is a two-room cabin but the other room in an enclosed porch, too cold right now for that so I camp on the sofa in the living room. “Good morning Scott I know my snoring was loud, but I will remember to put my c-pap on tonight” Lane says. I make coffee in the kitchen “That is the hum I heard” he says yes and tell me about the apnea he suffers from. We eat our bacon, eggs and toast and get down to printing out last night’s pictures. “Here’s Gemma so now I know where she has been running off too” I tell him about all the times Marie said she has been out of town. Lane tells me about Louie Legs “he is a smarmy snake and total perve we have busted some drunks in there a few times that get too fresh.” I stare at the photos of Robbie and try not to lose it; I am still worried about him.
“Tell me about these guys are they connected to Gemma. I did hear her talking one night but it was about Cody. We all know who he is”. Lane makes a call to the Chief and then he lets me in on the guys Howie and Meathead yes, it is a nickname, but they are Louie’s thugs and now they are running with Gemma for Louie so at least we have the snake involved. I get the dishes cleaned and decide to go for a run through the forest trail as I hit the beach, I jog past Howie and meathead sitting by the docks and vaping (I have no idea why anyone dose that). I get back up to lane and tell him the news. “Why are they there I though they got into the boat.” Lane and I get our clothes on and head out to our spot for some picture taking. Sure, enough here comes Gemma and they take off down the beach. Lane and I do some more spying and again Gemma is on the phone. “You really need to tap her phone” lane looks at me like I am a dummy and says “We are already on that officer Thorn” I detect the sarcasm but say nothing. My phone vibrates and its Mom so I send it to voicemail I will call her later. He and I head back to his cabin and facetime with the chief “Yes she is talking with Louie and the stuff that Robbie is brining in is Fentanyl that is what has been killing the kids and now we have a fourth. Scott did you know a girl named Gina?” I rack my brain “No the name dose not sound familiar but when I get back home, I can look in my files on the computer.”
The rest of the afternoon and into the evening we research the drug trade going out of Blonde and I call Mom back. “Yes, mom got a flight I leave at 10pm on the 19th and will be staying there till the 30th, I know the transplant is on the 26th so that will be plenty of time to heal, I love you too talk to you soon.” Lane shows me the rap sheet for both dudes. Lots of assault, weapons, and drug charges. No wonder Louie likes these guys they are just as smarmy. “You are donating blood or something “Lane asks. I tell him all about Joe and how I am his bone marrow match for his Leukemia, its an easy procedure they put me under and harvest the bone marrow from my lower back and I spend a few hours resting then I get to go back to my room and take it easy for a few days. “Good for you that is a brotherly thing to do” Lane hand me some pictures of Robbie and says I can keep them. “Yes, its brotherly I just wish he were not so homophobic” and I thank him for the pictures. I grab the magnifying glass because something is catching my eye. I show Lane “Robbie has a co-pilot have you seen anyone get out of the plane” and he looks and tell me no. We try and make out the picture and suddenly it dawns on me “This little mother fucker its Brian look here is a picture I have of him.” We do take not of the resemblance and make sure we watch out for him tonight.
After dinner and a shower, we pack the gear for another night of surveillance, and I swear I am kicking my brother’s ass when I get the chance. We set up on the ridge and see the tourist planes again and some private ones as well. Around 11:45 tonight here comes Robbie plane and tonight we got a mic so maybe we can record some sound too. I set my binoculars and this time I see the co-pilot clearly and its Brian. I knew it.
I stare more and suddenly duck down “Oh my god there is a dog on board, I saw him and if he sees me, he will go nuts and blow the surveillance.” Lane looks and I duck even more on the ground we hear the guys talk and this time they are on the phone with Gemma. I roll over on my stomach and Lane says “In coming and sure enough there is King licking my face “Hey boy you can’t be up here get back to Robbie” I am petting him anyway. “We can leave yet my dog ran off I have to find him” so here come Robbie yelling “Here boy” and whistling “hey there you are sorry mam and sir, yes he is friendly” he gets down and we say, “are you safe do you need help” he says he is fine, and I tell King “Go on boy you be good and bite my brother for me.” Robbie takes him back, but the whine is hard to take. “I found him, but he was sniffing a lady down there” that gets a laugh, but we have some more pics and recordings.
We settle in and tell the chief what we found out and I explain as much as I know why my brother was with Robbie. “I think he is trying to help but hope he contacts one of us soon” so Lane and I head to bed. Sleep was better but I still cannot get King and Robbie out of my mind or my rotten brother who might have put himself in danger. In the morning we take turns in the shower and pack up for the drive back to Silk Stockings. Stopping for food at a diner we hear from Brian “Yes I was there Robbie told me he needed some back up because Meathead has been harassing him” we all get the details and Brian says he will see me in Hawaii and yes, he told Chief Nolan everything. I am not feeling any better, but I do not want to show it in front of Lane. After he drops me off at home I get on my bike for a nice long ride and as I get to dick peak Robbie calls.
* * *
Scott: “Nice to hear your voice.
Robbie:” Nice to hear yours too.
Scott: “I am worried about you, please tell me how you got Brian involved as well.”
Robbie tells me how meathead was telling him some disgusting things he was doing to woman at the club, then he told Robbie he swings so if he was interested then let us do some-mile-high stuff.
Robbie: “I had to have some backup, so I asked Brian to come with me the Coast Guard said it was fine because we were all working together.”
Scott: “I care about you and my brother I do worry, I guess. It was also nice to see King I did not want to let him go.”
Robbie: “He only stopped whining when Brian pet him but yes that dog loves you and I love you as well.”
Scott: “I love you too and the dog.”
Robbie tells me he is at the theater and working on the children’s puppet theater, yes, the police, coast guard and Blonde island all have enough evidence to get Loie for drug running but Gemma might be a hard sell she might claim diplomatic immunity because she is an Australian citizen.
Scott: “I hope they get her on something because three kids have died so far, and I am really beginning to not like her.”
Robbie: “I have to get back to work I have received all your texts I am sorry about Robb and what he did to your old place but its nice that you have your new house. I miss you and hope to see you for New Years Eve, I want to take you in the air.”
Scott:” Yeah I want to fly with you as well that is awesome babe take care, I will send pictures from Hawaii, I love you too.”
After we hang up, I am more depressed and hornier as hell I sure wish I had someone to suck my dick. I head back home but first to stop at the Indian place and grab some dinner I do not feel like cooking. When I get done with dinner, I still want a joint but cannot until I get back from my trip. I grab a beer and my phone rings; it is Devon calling. “Hey babe Marcus left on a trip I am horny and in need can I come over.” I tell him yes and he is here in record time he must have been down the street. He offers me some weed but I explain I must stay clean because of the bone marrow transplant. “you are doing a good thing my man and you have better will power than I do.” He steeps outside to hit the joint he brought, and I get myself ready for some substitute loving. After he is done, we head to my room and over to the loveseat where we had our fun the last time. I do enjoy sucking his chocolate cock, its so big and beefy, he stretches my throat muscles to the max. “I am cuming Scott suck me off, oh you pretty boy drink me.” I swallow him all down and mmm that is so good, and now I am rock hard.
He takes my dick with ease and he dose that suck and ball lick thing that sends me over the edge. I want to hold back because I do not want to cum to early. “Dam Devon you suck me so well I want to cum down your throat.” He sucks me off some more and I give him my juice which he swallows as well. We sit there in and embrace he is holding me. I go to kiss him, and he kisses me back. After a hot steamy make out we get in the shower he says he wants to do me but promised Marcus no anal only BJ. I tell him I understand I have told Robbie what we do, and he said the same thing. “I do not know I might not be able to take that dick” he giggles and tells me I can take it fine. He must get going because he must open in the morning. We get dressed and I walk him to the door, we kiss and agree to see each other tomorrow and he told me he cannot drive me to the airport because he must work. I tell him I will find another ride and he takes off. It will be nice to sleep in my own bed tonight and tomorrow I will ask Vivian or Jack if they can take me too the airport, for now I am going to have sex dreams about Robbie and some Devon thrown in as well.
* * *
These last few days have been busy, I donated my Jax in the bedroom(my local sex paper) to the old folk’s home. I never knew these old folks were interested in bedroom antics but its two issues a week so they can have them for now. Finally, Barry will take me to the airport in the morning, we are sharing a cab he is going to San Diego, Vivian and Jack left for Mexico this morning. With the mail on hold I need to pack and its so tempting to want a joint, that will be for when I get back my will power will have to carry me through. I finished my laundry and got my last big carry-on packed, I will need to wrap everyone’s Christmas presents when I get there. Got Mom some yarn because she loves to knit, Dad a book about JD Rockefeller, Brian a Team USA Jersey, Joe gets a bottle of Cuervo which I will buy in Hawaii, so I do not have to pack it.
Now to finally set up my ship in a bottle collection, it had been in boxes because I did not want to hang it at the old place. Looking at my wall space its going to need shelving but there is this built-in hutch buy the den. “I built it for my in-laws because they have some fancy glassware, they decided to live in Mexico” Jack told me. I put my happy little and one big ship in a bottle collection in the hutch, the light inside dose not work, that can wait for later. Its Robbie calling and mmm I do love hearing his voice.
Robbie: “Hey babe just wanted to say have a nice trip.”
Scott: “I will do my best wish my pilot was a sexy detective from Blonde Island.”
Robbie: “I don’t have any experience in commercial planes, but I would take you in the back and get some-mile-high action.”
Scott: “I would let you take me but who’s flying this plane, I joke but now that I know you can fly, come take me up sometime.”
Robbie: “I will, and King is good in the plane as well, but back to work I have desk duty tonight because there is a flu going around so we are short staffed.”
Scott: “I hope you stay well because you and I need to see each other again soon and in a sexy way Detective, I love you very much.”
Robbie: “I love you too babe and so does King send me pictures and a postcard I will text you my address.
We chat for a bit more before he gets back to work, and it makes me miss him, but I need to get this trip over with and Barry will be here soon. I have a red eye flight, so my plane leaves an hour after his dose. Next year I plan on being here for the holidays or maybe up in Blonde, but it would be nice to get some holiday decorations. Just as I thought Barry says he is on the way, so I get my bags and make sure all doors, windows and garage are locked. “Hey, Scott, nice to see you, the cab ride will work out to 25 a piece and I will tip.” Barry said so I handed him 25 Sextons and we were off. “What are you doing in San Diego” I ask him. He tells me its part business and part pleasure, but he needed a break, promoting a book is hard. We arrive at the airport and the international terminal is quiet at 10pm. Barry tips and pays then we get tour our counters, I check my big bag then go find the cash exchange. Barry needs to do an exchange, so we go together, and now I have American money again. I have not seen this in almost a year, Blonde Island takes sextons so that is normal to me now.
Barry and I chat while he waits for his flight and as he gets up to leave, we hug “I will be back after the first so see you next year” Barry laughs. I wave as he makes his way down the gangway and my flight is announced for 1115 because of a delay. I scroll through my emails and look at Robbie text:5798 Howard St Blonde Island 67889. I text him back that I got it and yes, a postcard will come your way. I collect ships in a bottle this guy loves postcards, hmmm a gift idea but after I land. My phone buzzes and its Lane “Scott we have a warrant for Gemma, but she has skipped town would you happen to know her whereabouts.” I tell him no but ask Marie and I guess she has been gone too but he will keep me posted also have a nice trip. I hang up and finally my group is called off to Hawaii to donate bone marrow to my ungrateful brother and spend time with Mom, Dad and Brian. I do enjoy spending time with Brian and we even got a room together to share cost. Just as I put my phone on airplane mode, I see him text me our room in 1238 and my room card will be at the desk. I text back my thanks and see you soon, the plane is taxing, and we are up in the air. The stewardess offers me a drink so its water for me because I now must avoid alcohol. I will have to be sober for all the family drama and I am not prepared. After I get back or post-surgery, I am getting blitzed I do not care what anyone thinks.
* * *
After the plane is in the air, I take an herbal air sickness pill, its nasty (man I wish I could have a gummy worm hope they sell those in Hawaii). I read my man’s latest note he sent me it arrived yesterday; he does have nice handwriting.
“I know I have been busy and being undercover dose suck because I can’t contact you. Then I land in Gigolo and spot both you and lane up on the ridge. My heart melted and I wanted to run to you, but I could not, so I signed love and according to lane you recognized my sing language. Getting back on the plane and leaving sucked but I cannot blow cover we need to take Gemma and these guys down they are running a pill scheme. Remember Casey and her dog tranquilizers, she was in on the whole thing she fingered Gemma and these guys. The reason we are undercover is because we need to take them down on my end and then Lane and company (now my sexy man has been sworn in, will I get to see you in uniform), but for now I still play along.”
I put the letter in my coat pocket because the pills have made me drowsy, so I get my neck pillow out and get some rest, I am still on my time. Before I know it, we are seeing the sunrise and are 1 hour away from the big island. After a bit of turbulence, we finally land, I wait for my big bag and text Brian but its early he must still be asleep. I am of course the last bag out of the shoot but finally I can get the cab to the resort. I stand at the taxi area because the resort runs buses back and forth to the airport. When it arrives, they take my name, and I am not on the list, but my brother is so after a quick call they confirm me. Can say that even in the early morning Hawaii is beautiful, the surf looks great and the sunrise is amazing. When we pull up, I get my bags and head into the hotel lobby. I spot a gift shop, but they do not open until 10am and its only 7am. I get my room key sign all papers and head up, I open the door and Brian wakes up a bit” He little squirt how was your flight, its longer from there but only by an hour for me.” I tell him it was good I slept most of it “I will unpack the rest later I need some sleep.” We both sleep till noon! I hear my bro on the phone, he must be talking to Dad or some official because I can hear the yes sir.
“Good after noon what did Dad want” he looks at me funny “It was not Dad I was speaking with my superiors so there” and just for fun I throw a pillow at him. He throws it back and I get up to stretch. “Dude wear some pajamas” I tell him I will I was just too tired to care when I got here. I finish unpacking and yes, I set out my pajamas just to make my brother happy. He tell me we will all have a big happy family dinner tonight “Oh gee want to take bets on the first homo remark dad or Joe.” Brian sits next to me and we have a moment “I know they don’t really understand but I spent some time with Robbie and that guy is crazy about you. I hope those two don’t razz you too much, but I am here for you I have your back.” We hug and decide to go take in some beach time. As we get down there it is way too crowded, so we head to the pool instead he and I race some laps to guy still swims like a dolphin. After some hot tub time we go find some lunch and mmm hot wings and a soda (dam I want a beer) so Brian drinks one for me.
After lunch I head to the gift shop and find some great postcards for Robbie. I buy them and some stamps as well. Its Sunday so no mail till the morning but I head back to the room and write out some messages and put the stamps on them. Brian and I watch Detective Grant and the Metropolitan Case, I have seen this one, but Brian did not. “I thought the lady did it the whole time, but it was the guy, and yes I know you know.” I tell him yes, I have seen this and read the book which is better than the movie. We both take turns in the shower and get ready to head down to dinner, I wish I could just disappear. Dressed in my nice jeans, Green shirt and my boots and Brian in his usual Kahiki pants and Coat Guard sweater and loafers. “You look so preppy” he slugs me and teases me about wearing green instead of Maroon. We hit the elevator at the same time Mom, Dad and Joe who are on the same floor as we are. We all hug and head to the hotel Chinese place.
“Scott honey you look wonderful how is the new place” mom says. I tell her its great and I will show pictures. The restaurant is full, but Dad got a table, so we are right in. We all chat about our flight and Brian got transport so his was uncomfortable “like sitting in a bleacher for 15 hours.” I tell them of my nasty air sickness pills and mostly sleeping. Mom, dad and Joe flew to LA first then on to Hawaii so much more comfortable. I showed off my pictures of the house and told everyone the fence will be put up after the first of the year. Mom told us about the baby blankets she makes for the hospital charity. Dad is tutoring college students in Finance and Joe is running the family company well. Dinner was wonderful and not cracks about my love life, I am weary the week is still young. The I see my phone and its Lane, but I will text him later. I do mention that I have been helping the Silk Stockings police department and I am now a volunteer, but no weapons yet I still need to get certified. “Are you going back to law enforcement” Joe asks, I tell him “No not full time but with these drugs and three kids dying I could offer my help and they have taken it. “Three kids that is awful” Dad says, and Brian tells everyone about the coast guard’s part. After dessert we all go our separate ways and decide to meet for lunch tomorrow and in the evening is a Luau.
Brian and I talk to Lane (he texted me earlier) but in the bathroom because I am paranoid. “Ok Brian tell me how Robbie came to you” he gets going and gets sidetracked. “Gee you two are bothers I tell Scott this all the time get to the point.” I ha-ha and Brian says “That meathead guy was giving him shit about his piloting skills, so I got on board as a co-pilot I am licensed through the guard. That is why I was on board I got up to stretch my legs and that’s when King got out, that dog has Scott sense because he went right up to the ridge Robbie told me about.” We recheck all details and Lane says all is well, see you when you get back Scott. Brian and I get ready for bed “I have not flown with him, but he took off and landed just fine to me.” Brian says, “He is a bit rusty on the take off but over all he is good that Meathead guy is a loser I hope he goes away for a while.” We turn in and I cannot sleep right away but thinking about Robbie is making me hard, I hear my brother snoring so I tiptoe to the bathroom for a bit of playtime, I miss my man and cannot wait to see him again.


1 comment

  1. /u/lordfox76, I have found an error in your post:

    > “couch and ~~its~~ [**it’s**] near him … he”

    I suggest that you, lordfox76, post “couch and ~~its~~ [**it’s**] near him … he” instead. ‘Its’ is possessive; ‘it’s’ means ‘it is’ or ‘it has’.

    ^(This is an automated bot. I do not intend to shame your mistakes. If you think the errors which I found are incorrect, please contact me through DMs or contact my owner EliteDaMyth!)

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