Backcountry Hiking Slut – Part 2 [MF] (rape fantasy) (free use) (bdsm) (cheating)

Forgive some of the errors, or misplaced punctuation, as I wrote this on my phone. The story was inspired by a fellow Redditor, her body and specific kinks. It bounces back and forth from her to the narrator. It’s my first time putting forth any of my writing so please go easy, I am definitely up for constructive criticism though.

***Note: If rape fantasy, anal, BDSM, free use, or cheating are not your thing, don’t read any further.***

I get out of my truck and stretch. I Take a look at the little suv I parked beside and spot a skirt in the backseat…could it be?? Nah! She doesn’t seem like the outdoorsy type. But you never know. The thought slips my mind and I start prepping my gear. Doing mental checks, to make sure I have everything. I nearly forget the smooth nylon rope that will come in handy for hanging my pack away from my campsite at night. At long last I’m ready to go. I slide my pack on my back and lock my truck. I take a look into the suv again and see the blouse and think…”wait no way. Same blouse, same skirt?? This can’t be. It’s got to be a coincidence,” I think to myself. “There’s no way she’d be out here by herself. But if she is, hmm, maybe I’ll see her? Damn Katie, she is really stuck in my head.”

I shake my head and start my hike. Looking forward to getting at least five kilometres in to the first set of backcountry campsites, before I can make camp for the night.


You arrive at a stream and crouch down to look at yourself. “I’ve still got it, yah I’m a mom, and I’ve rid myself of my ex, but I’ve still got it. Sure my modelling days are in the past, but I take care of myself,” you think to yourself. “I deserved that attention from that couple finishing their hike, I’ve got a killer ass, a waxed and always ready pussy….I guess it’s a good thing they played along so well!” You place your hand in the water to test the temperature and it instantly turns your nipples hard. “Woah that’s cold and hello there ladies is there any glass for you two to cut right now!!” You laugh pious to yourself. Your pussy gets a little wet from the hardening of your nipples and you laugh at yourself again, “ fuuuuuck do I need a cock in me. I need it so bad!” You stand up and continue your journey, looking at your GPS watch you know you’ve only got a kilometre to go to set up camp.

You arrive at your planned camp site 20 minutes later. You remove your pack and take in the scenery. “There’s no one around for miles, and I have this all to myself!” you yell out loud into the expanse of wilderness. Your campsite for the night is nothing special. A small fire pit, common at backcountry campsites, a picnic table, and a small space to put up your tent. You set your pack on the picnic table and start unpacking your tent, foam pad, and sleeping bag. As you do so, you decide, “fuck it, I’m doing this naked.” So you take off your blue sports bra and hang it on a branch to dry out as your boobs were sweating as you climbed the final hill to the site. You then peel off your tight yoga shorts, carefully removing on leg at a time from your boots and then putting your foot back in, just to remove the opposite foot and to fully remove your shorts. “This is the life,” you think to yourself, “me, in nature, naked, and loving life! And who cares if someone comes along and sees me, maybe I can get some dick that I desire!”

Setting up your tent, you layout your foam mattress, and lay your sleeping bag down. You start a small fire and prepare a meal as the sun comes down on you, shining through the trees just on your site. You relish the sun on your face, belly, breasts, and freshly waxed pussy as your run your hands down the front of your body, exposed to the world, drenched in the sun of the golden hour. You turn around and let the sun drench your back, sexy ass, and legs. As the sun moves beyond your site you dance and sing around your little fire. Happy to be taking in the forest and all that Mother Nature has to offer. You clean up your meal and then realize you forgot to bring cord to tie your food into a tree. “Ah, it’s not that big of a deal, there were no bear warnings on the trail reports,” you think to yourself.
Eventually, the sun has long since set, your fire has died and you put your bag in the tent and lay your head down and drift off to sleep. The last image in your mind was of Stacy slamming your pussy, nearly fisting you as you came all over both you and her. You smile and fall asleep on top of your sleeping bag.


Hiking the trail I realize I haven’t passed anyone, “so the car in the parking lot is likely another backcountry hiker. I hike pretty fast,” I think to myself, “I’d have caught up to this lady most likely, or she started way before me…yah that’s probably it.” I approach the campsite, climbing the one final hill. The sun has been down for about an hour and a half, it sets late in the heat of the summer, my watch says 10:30pm, and I’ve been hiking by headlamp for the last half hour. As I approach the campsites, I don’t see a single tent, but then again it’s dark. No big deal, I’ve set up camp in the pitch dark before.

I take my pack off, fumble for my tent, foam mat, and sleeping bag. I set my tent up quickly, throw my mat inside and roll out my sleeping bag. I sit down, scarf down a protein bar and then take off my shirt, shorts and socks. I love being naked and there’s something animal-like being nude in the outdoors. I put on my flip flops and grab my rope to go hang my pack 100 yards away from my site. I’m tired from my week of work and want to be fresh to start the day tomorrow.

I make my way downwind from my campsite with my headlamp on counting my steps in the dark.
“ Uuuuuungh,” echoes in the night

“Was that a woman?” I think to myself. I wait to see if I hear it again. Thirty seconds pass, nothing. I continue walking, counting my steps.

“Mmmmmmuuuuunnnngggghhh” slowly but seductively the sound of a woman’s moan quietly fills the night air. I turn to my right. In the distance I see a small yellow tent. I turn off my headlamp and listen, fully naked and exposed in the night.

“Yeeeeeeeeeeessss” muffled, but definitely from the yellow tent.

I stand there. “Do I investigate? Nah I’m naked! I don’t need to surprise someone this way….but then again why not? What’s the worst thing I see, a couple fucking? That’d be fine! Hell, what a way to start a week! Or maybe it’s Katie from work? Nah! It’s not her! Now wouldn’t that be fucking hot though!” I quietly make my way toward the little yellow tent. As I get closer I hear mumbling and moaning.

“Stick it in my ass, fuck me hard,” mumbles out of the tent.

“Holy fuck! This girls dreaming out loud! Is she with someone?” I whisper to myself. I continue my journey to the moans and mumbling now streaming from the yellow tent. As I get about 5 feet away, using the slight bit of moonlight to guide my way, I see the silhouette of two perky breasts. “She’s on her back. Now is there anyone with her?” I wonder internally.

“Fuck it harder!” Slips from her lips, “ fill my ass with your cum daddy.”

“Woah this girl is fucking hot and likes anal. Haven’t done that in awhile. Let’s just get around to the front of her tent, see if I can sneak a peek of this dirty-mouthed vixen.” As I quietly sneak to the front of the tent, to my surprise, the fly is wide open! “ holy shit! How lucky am I? Okay, stay calm, she’s alone, she’s asleep, she sounds kinda like Katie, but I’m naked…what am I going to do…just listen, crouch down, see if I can get a better look.”

I put my pack down and crawl to the entrance of the yellow tent. I put my head in and instantly smell the aroma of wet pussy. Her breasts glow in the night from her tan lines, and she has a white glowing of skin in the area where her bikini line covers. The moonlight allows me to see a slight glistening between her legs.

“She’s fucking buck-naked…sleep talking…in the middle of the woods! What a fucking hot little slut! Is it Katie though? Who cares if it is or not? I should at least try to get a look at her face.”
I slowly crawl closer, my cock begins growing, I remove my headlamp and remember it has a red light setting that I could turn on and not blind and potentially wake this sleeping beauty. I turn my lamp on into my hand, it glows red. I inch closer to her face. “Holy fuck! It’s Katie! How the…what the…fuck is she sexy! I’ve got to be careful, if I wake her…holy shit…I’ve got to back out…no don’t be a wuss…when else would I get a chance like this?? She’s asleep, I could blindfold her, tie her up, fuck her, and just leave her. No one but her will know what happened, she wouldn’t know it was me…there’s no one around…I could fuck the shit out of her then then go back to my truck and find another trail for the week..I’m getting so hard…okay think…how am I going to do this???…okay back out, get your rope, get your bandanna, and get a pair of your underwear out of your pack to put in her mouth…wait for her to roll over…crawl in…quietly get the bandanna over her face…how?? She’ll wake up…maybe not…okay just try it…what have I got to lose…I can overpower her and she’s not going to recognize me…even if she does wake up before I get her tied up…okay get out and get the supplies.”

I slowly back out, barely making a sound.

“Yes daddy, fuck it harder, fill my ass!” You moan from your deep dream of being fucked hard in the ass by your last boyfriend.

“Damn Katie’s having a freaky dream!!Okay…rope, check. Bandanna, check. Underwear, check. Okay…get in there…and take advantage of this slut.”

I make my way into your tent, my cock at full attention, I stand up in a bent over position to straddle your body so as not to wake you. I get to your head and just my luck, you roll onto your belly, ass up in the air.
“Okay slowly, quietly, get the bandanna over her eyes…damn she’s moving again…oh this is perfect…she’s facing away and the back of her head is facing me…this is going to be easier than I thought…lower it down…good…onto her face…she hasn’t moved yet….fuck my cock is hard…okay, okay, tie it up, tighter…oh shit she’s moving…oh good…she stopped…fucknyes…blindfolded sexy fucking slut. Alright stage two…tie her legs together…no… I need access to that pussy and asshole…fuck yah…okay right hand to right ankle, do it up tight.”

“Mmmmm…I want you to cum in my mouth daddy…take your cock out, slap me with it and cum in my mouth daddy,” slowly and quietly fumbles from your dirty sleeping mouth.

“ I’m going to fuck your brains out! …Okay, tied the right side, that was too easy….do I need to tie the left?? Yes, just get it around her ankle, tie it and see what happens…good…this girl sleeps deep when she’s dreaming…god this tent smells like pussy!! I can’t handle this…okay…okay…push her forward…warm your hands first…if I rub my cock it should tell me if my hands are cold…not bad…not bad…okay slowly move her left arm…wrap that rope around and….woah…careful, tightly…yes…I’ve done it… so now what…okay…why do I need the underwear?? I guess I don’t…I want to hear her scream…yah…she’s wet already…so not going to cause her injury…alright…lower yourself…lift her by the hips, get her ass up…oh she’s waking up…pull on the ropes…good…and slide your hand down…there it is…fuck it’s drenched…oh she’s really waking up now…slam it it into her…yah…fuck she’s wet…”

I slam my cock into you and get three strokes in before you say anything. Your legs and hands are pulled tightly together, and I continue pounding your sloppy wet pussy.

“What the fuck? Am I being fucked? Why can’t I see? Why can’t I move?,” you think to yourself. “Get the fuck off me!” you scream and attempt to squirm away, the ropes tighten around your wrists and ankles. “Get the fuck off me!” you scream again. “Stop! Please stop! Pl..ease…stop!” you sob.

“Shut up and take it you slut!” I order. “What kind of woman goes out into the woods and sleeps naked with her tent open that doesn’t want to be fucked? Huh slut? Tell me, you dirty little cum slut?”
I ram my cock hard into your pussy, grazing your cervix and forcing my cock deep into your cunt. “You like this don’t you, slut?” I grunt, trying to disguise my voice.

“Please…please get off me!” You plead. Your pussy fighting a battle you just can’t win, as the harder I fuck you the wetter your pussy gets. “You are a fucking asshole and will pay for this…fuck you and get the fuck off me!! I will sue you! I will fuck your life over!! Get the fuck off me!” you shriek and beg.

“Your pussy isn’t helping you bitch! It’s getting wetter. Even though you keep telling me to stop. I’m not stopping until I fill you with cum or your pussy dries up. And if I do cum, well it won’t be the first load you take tonight you little whore!” I growl over you and into your ear.

I slam into you, reach over and grab your left breast, your nipple is hard, and I pinch it between my fingers. I pull on it and you give a little moan. I pull on it harder forcing your breast to the left as it follows your nipple that has now been pulled to about two inches in length. I let it go and you exhale deeply. I smack your ass hard, you take a deep breath in. I smack it again, this time so hard my hand stings with pain and heat from the power of the strike. You squeal.

“Get. Off. Of. Me. Mmmm. Ow! Fuck you! If you stop now I will let you leave and nothing will happen,” you beg, but your pussy gushes another layer of cream onto my cock. I pull harder onto the ropes. You struggle to move. You attempt to wiggle free and I slap your ass a third time, just as hard as the second. Your ass cheek is on fire, and you can’t help but moan.

“Fuck, I have to stop this guy…I can’t move…but fuck his dick is big…and damn he’s fucking me so deeeeep…no, fucking idiot, he’s raping you, he’s fucking raping you in the middle of the woods…there’s no one out here but me and him…fuck what do I do??? Oh fuck my pussy is wet…it’s not like I’m bleeding…no this is wrong… I’m being raped…he seems strong…what am I going to do…don’t give up…maybe he’ll cum and just be done soon…no fight him…ah fuck he smacked my ass again…that makes my pussy so wet…stop this, stop this stop this!” You battle internally with your emotions, your actions, your involuntary reactions, and my cock.

“You like it rough don’t you, you little slut! Tell me you don’t like this? Go on! Say it! You’ve only told me to stop, not that you didn’t like it! You are such a cock whore! This pussy defies you, your moans defy you, you like this and deep down you know it! I’m going to fuck your pussy, your ass, and your mouth…all night long! And you are going to learn to like it, you filthy little slut.” I yell as I know no one else can hear me but you. I have you right where I want you and I’m going all in!

“Fuck you! Fuuuuck yoooooou….unnnnnnghhhh…fuuuuu…uh..uh..uh…UH!” You go from screaming at me to attempting to hold back your quickly rising orgasm. You can’t fight it any longer and cum hard onto my cock. Writhing and pushing back onto my rock hard shaft, as I continue to defile your sloppy wet pussy. “Why…why am I cumming??? What the fuck?? He’s raping the fucking shit out of me and I’m cuuu…uuu…mmmming!” You question in your mind. “Oh fuck…oh fuck no…don’t squirt…don’t squirt…ooooohhh fuuuuuuck…this is so wrong!”

“Did..di…did…did you just squirt? You little whore! You do like this! Oh you are mine now! My little slave girl!” I smack your ass again, and as I remove my hand I can feel the welt I’ve formed on your round cheek. I take my left hand and collect up some of your juices, smear them on your tight little rosebud then slide my thumb into your ass. You let out a soft, quiet moan.

“Did you just fucking moan??!!” I spit on your ass and rub into your hole with my thumb. “You want my cock In your ass!! That’s what you’re getting now! Fuck I’m glad I heard you sleep talking about having your ass filled! This is the best fuck of my life!” I slowly remove my cock from your pussy and it begins queefing as it has been pounded for nearly ten minutes. I slide my left hand into your wet puss and gather as much of your juices to slather them on your asshole. I take my fingers and slide them into your tight puckered hole. They easily slide in. I remove them and rub my cock over your sphincter, pushing gently, then realizing I’m soaked, I shove it home!

“No…he can’t take my ass…god I love it In my ass…oh fuck I’m so wet…too much cream and juices flowing out of me…fuck hydration!! God I hate my self right now…oh fuck, no, no…yes, yes, oh his fingers…mmmm…oh shit…his cock…oh god no! If he…oh…slides in…I’m doomed…oh fuck! He’s big and oh, he’s in….deeeeep!”

You whimper as I pull back out of you and spit down your ass crack, letting the saliva smother my shaft and then slamming it back into your ass. You start to meet my rhythm and begin bouncing into me. I smack your virgin right ass cheek and you let out a deep guttural moan. You’ve given up fighting and have started to let your body take over, it was winning this battle with your mind anyhow.

“Look at this slut! What a fucking whore! I’m going to cum down your throat bitch, once I’m done wrecking your ass! It will be gaping for hours when I’m done!” I match your rhythm and pound your ass. I reach under for your pussy and collect more of your juices to slather onto my cock. I reach back under and find your clit. I grab onto it between my index and middle finger and pinch it between them as I continue to be bent over pounding your ass. I squeeze your clit and pull on it by slowly curling my fingers toward your slit. You begin quivering, I pull on the ropes that attach closer to your wrists and you fall onto your face into your pillow. Your ass is high, getting driven by my long thick cock, my balls slap against your still gaping pussy and smash into your clit adding to your growing pleasure, my balls are constantly soaked and re-soaked as you can’t turn the faucet off that is your dripping wet sex.

“Fuck my ass! You fucking piece of shit! Yah fuck it good, you lowlife piece of fucking meat! You want it, fuck it! Pull on my clit…yah make me cum again! That’s what you want right? Right? Harder asshole! Fuck it harder! “ you moan and yell at me. I remove my fingers from your clit, raise my hand and slap you across the face with all of my might.

“Shut the fuck up bitch! You take my cock, you enjoy it, but you don’t tell me what to do with it! Do you hear me?” I slap your face again and a tear streams down out from under the bandanna and across your cheek. “You Don’t get to tell me what to do to you bitch. I’m the one fucking you, remember?”

I remove my cock from your ass, grab a handful of your hair and force you to roll onto your back. I pin your shoulders down with my arms, fold my legs underneath myself and use them to keep you from squirming away. Your hands are tied close enough to your ankles you can’t struggle free, but I can’t be too sure. I line my cock up with your face and smack you with it. You jump in surprise, expecting my hand, not a cunt juice covered cock. I smack you again with it, then tap it on your lips. You attempt to keep your mouth closed. And I continue smacking you with my soaked dick. Your lips are taking a beating and you open them ever so slowly.

“Okay…okay…here,” you give in, opening your mouth to allow my cock in.

“ if you bite me bitch, I will fucking kill you! Promise! I don’t want to have to hurt you! Just take my cock in your mouth and try to enjoy it!” I plead.

“I won’t bite it..promise. Who would do that? How would I get away with that?” you respond.

“Good, lick your sexy little lips.” I demand as I prepare to fill your mouth with my cock. “I hope you’ve worked on your gag reflex bitch, I’m going to fuck your throat!”

“Please daddy! Fuck my throat!” you beg.
You open your mouth and I slowly work it into your mouth. I realize you aren’t going anywhere and have given in to my demands. You swirl your tongue around my glans as I slide it into your mouth. I’m shocked but pleased. I continue to fill your mouth and then begin working it down your tight little throat. You give in to my cock and let it slide down your throat. I slowly slide it out all the way, you gasp for a breath and I slide it back in, slowly working it to get you used to the sensation. I slam the last inch into your mouth and you let out a slight gag. I pull out and slam it back in. Again, repeating the motions.

“Mmmm he’s got a nice cock…not that I can see anything, but damn it’s good…he’s good…what the fuck is wrong with me!!! I’m being fucked by a total stranger and I’m enjoying it…no, I’m being raped and I’m enjoying it??!! God this is a new low, I’m such a slut! If I give in it will be better…yah…just let him fuck my face, god his cockhead feels so good in my mouth…I’m such a whore…I’m his cum dump for tonight…I guess…This is so wrong…but I’m so turned on…fuuuuuck!” Your mind wanders as I fuck your face. I’m keeping it deep in your throat and pumping it in. You start making “guh, guh, guh, guh,” sounds with every pump into your throat. I pull it out and you take a deep breath. I look down and faintly see your saliva shining off my cock in the moonlight. Strings of saliva shine and fall from my cock onto your face. I slam it back down your throat and continue ravaging your face. I reach back behind me with my right hand to find your right breast. I squeeze it, find your nipple and pull on it. You moan. I pull on it again, this time harder and stretch it to almost four inches. I let it go and you squirm under me. I slap your tit, making contact with your nipple and you let out another moan. I remove my cock from your mouth and let you take another deep breath.

“You ready for a load of cum bitch? You want my cum now? Hmmm, you little useless fucking whore?”

“Yes daddy! I want your cum! I want it now, please give me your cum!”

I place my cock back in your mouth and begin rapidly fucking your face. I grab hold of two handfuls of your hair and force your face to fuck my cock. You start humming and moving your tongue rapidly on my shaft, licking at my balls as I slam all the way into your pretty mouth.

“Yes, yes, yes you fucking cum dump, I’m going to drown you with this load Katie! Get ready! Ungh! Ungh! Oh! Fuck! Yes! Here it comes Katie! You fucking little whore! Yeeeeeesssss!”

I unload my cum deep into your throat and start to slowly pull it out as I continue cumming. I pull it out all the way and cum on your lips and chin, a shot flies into your hair. I laugh a bit. And then shove my cock back into your mouth to finish the last four or five pulses of my load. “God I’ve never cum that much in my life! You’re a good slut! Did you like that you dirty whore?”

“Did he just say my name? How does he know my name? What the actual fuck? Do I know this guy??! Who is this guy?? How does he know my name?” Your mind is going ten thousand miles a second. As I pull my cock out after the last drops make their way into your mouth, you swallow with a big gulp and stick your tongue out showing me that it’s gone.

“Who are you? How do you know my name?”

“What are you talking about slut?”

“You said my name, twice! Clear as day! Who the fuck are you? How do you know me?” you angrily plead.

“Shut the fuck up you little cum guzzling whore! What does it matter? Huh? You liked it! You gave in to your deepest darkest carnal urges and took that session like the slutty fucking whore that you are. What’s the fucking difference? Huh?”

“It makes a difference! Well, I guess it does…yah I’m a slut, but how…why?? What did I do to deserve this? Yes I gave in, but how did you know I was here? You know me don’t you? How? How do you know me?”

“It’s not like I followed you here. I thought I was alone out here. I saw your skirt and blouse in your car, didn’t think it could be true, that you were out here too. You were having some cum-slut-ass-sex-moaning dream as I was getting my camp prepped for the night…your noises intrigued me. It was dumb luck that I happened To work with you.”

“I was having a loud dream? That’s your excuse? You are pathetic!”

I smack you across your face. Twice. Hard.

“Fuck you! Stop slapping me!”

I slap you again, this time even harder. You begin to cry.

“You work with me?” you whimper through tears.

Your tears turn me on and I reach back to rub your still wet pussy. My cock begins to harden, as it barely shrunk after finishing on your face.
“Yes we work together, you fucking slut.” I rub your clit and you let out a gentle cooing sound.

“Can you tell me your name? Please?”

“No, here’s what’s going to happen, I’m going to fuck you again, cum in your pussy and leave…okay?”

“Fine…don’t tell me…but we work together, right? You kind of sound like someone I know…it’s Shane isn’t it?”

“No, who’s Shane? Quit talking…fuck!!! Quit talking!!! Damn you Katie, fuck…fine…yes, it’s me, Shane, two workstations from you. You caught me checking out your cleavage a few weeks ago, remember?”

“Shane? No, fucking way?! Yes, I remember! I went home that night and fucked myself with my dildo after catching you checking me out. I thought I was losing it. You were the only guy to notice me that day…I wore that shirt to see if I could get attention and you made me feel so fucking horny! Please, don’t stop rubbing my clit…mmmmmm”

“What? I was the only one that noticed? You are crazy! This pussy isn’t getting a break, I told you that earlier you little slut.”

“I thought you were married?”

“I am”

“What made you fucking take me tonight! You put your marriage in jeopardy to fuck the daylights out of me? Why?”

“Opportunity knocked…figured we wouldn’t end up talking like this, I’d keep you tied up until I was done with you. Leave you that way while I packed up my camp and then let you know you could escape your bounds if you could find the jackknife I have placed in the tent. Figured it’d take you awhile to cut yourself free, in the meantime I’d make my way back to my truck and find a new trail to hike for the rest of the week, you’d never know it was me, my wife would never know. I get to have the night of my life with a hot slut.”

“Well, aren’t you just a little deviant! Sounds like it would have worked out, but you couldn’t help but say my name. Too bad for your luck. Now you’re going to be stuck with me and I’m going to have you fired, charged, and destroy your family.”

Smack, smack, smack, smack! I slap you across your face in angry disgust.

“Fuck you, you will Katie. You enjoyed this! You’re still enjoying it! I’m not losing my job, going to jail, or ruining my marriage, you are going to become my whore. And you are not going to say a word. Are you cunt? Huh? Noooo, Katie doesn’t have the upper hand, she likes being degraded, she likes being treated like a cock plugging factory. You’re not telling anyone! You are mine now.”

I rip off the bandanna and then continue to roughly rub your pussy. I slide down between your legs and ram my middle and ring finger into you. I lift up into your pubic bone from inside your pussy and begin to furiously lift you up while working your g-spot. You start panting and moaning, “yes, yes, Shane make me squirt, make me your squirt fountain, let me soak us!” I continue to work my fingers, your pussy begins convulsing and you grab your ankles and arch your back raising your pussy up and spraying a massive stream of cum all over my face, the wall of the tent, and your chest.

“Fuck yes, don’t stop Shane, I need this so bad, I will be your slut, you can do whatever you want to me, whenever you want. At work. At my house. On this backpacking week! Just don’t stop making me cum!!!”

“Really? You’re out here for the week too?” I stop my pumping of your pussy and pushed your hips back down.

“Yes, my plan was camp here tonight, go up Mount Robinson, camp there tomorrow, then hike across the valley to the backcountry cabins on Rock Creek. Make my way back over the last half of the week. Why?”

“That’s the same as my plan. Looks like you are my slut for the week. Won’t this be fun?” I gently start rubbing your belly and working my way to your breasts.

“Well it’s definitely turned into more than I had planned on, that’s for sure, Shane. Do you really want to fuck me all week? I’m not against it, I’m actually really happy right now, I’m still trying to understand what just happened, why my body gave in, why I gave in to you. I’m such a slut! I think this week will be amazing…I hope I don’t disappoint you.”

I pulled myself over top of you, continued to rub, massage, and pull on your nipples. I leaned in and took your bottom lip into my mouth and sucked on it, then kissed you and flicked my tongue into your mouth, it still tasted like my cum, and I moaned.
“As long as you taste like you or me when I kiss you this week, you won’t ever be able to disappoint me, you little cum slut.”
I pulled hard on both your nipples and let go, snapping my fingers as I did so.

“That shouldn’t be a problem then! Just promise we walk slow…I’m not sure I’m going to be too limber tomorrow,” you state, and then I smack your hip and slowly start untying you.

“Let me help you out of these, then you can lube up your sexy little ass and ride me until I cum in your ass, slut.”

“Mmmm, yes daddy.”
You rub your pussy and slide your fingers into your ass, first two, then all four, then your thumb and all of a sudden your wrist disappears into your ass.

“Hey, get that dirty slut ass down here, and let me fill it with cum.”

You pump your fist into your ass two more times and then spit on my cock, slowly lining up and then sliding your gaping hole over my cock, lowering it down, to “smack, “ and land on my lap, filled.

“Damn, what a way to start a week long vacation! My own little cum slut to fuck, suck, and degrade all week! Don’t worry babe, we’ll walk slow. We’ll be naked all week, and I’m going to use you when and how I want on the trail. We might not reach our destinations, and that is fine by me. Now, ride my cock bitch.”

“Yes, Shane, whatever you desire.”
