Adventures in Broadcasting, pt 2: Little Miss Perfect (m/f) (fiction)

One afternoon shortly after T and mine’s initial tryst, we were hanging out at my place talking about some of our co-workers. She then said something that I quickly found out to be true: the person you see on-screen is usually nothing like they are off screen. This is especially true in the case of who T calls “Little Miss Perfect” (who we’ll call C).

On-screen C is kind, warm, genuine, caring, and understanding. Off screen, however, she’s a demanding, impatient, high maintenance, manipulative, back stabbing, holy terror to work with fucking bitch. Nobody is safe from her wrath if even the slightest little thing goes wrong. I have seen C go off on everyone from the hair and makeup, wardrobe, camera, sound, and copy edit people. After every explosion she huffs into our station manager’s office and goes on tirades about anything and everything. I once asked T why everyone just goes with it and she said, “She gets ratings and advertisers dump money into the station when she’s on. So they let it slide.”

I guess I should mention that C is drop dead gorgeous. She’s tall, leggy, athletic (she played volleyball in college), long brunette hair with beautiful DSLs, and an incredible rack. She is an ex-pageant queen who met her husband at the same hole in the wall Christian fundamentalist college they both attended and they have 3 small children together that she publicly flaunts at every opportunity. Her social media pages are chock-full of pictures of her family and appearances for whatever charities she’s attached to. She’s a PR department dream come to life. She knows that she’s hot and she knows how to use her looks for whatever she needs to do to get ahead.

About a year into my job I was called into our station manager’s office and was told that I was being sent to Las Vegas for a week to attend our network’s annual convention. Basically, our network throws this soiree every year for all the affiliates to meet up and talk shop and listen to bullshit rah rah speeches from various network executives about how working for them is so great. Under normal circumstances I would be ecstatic about having a paid week off to fuck around in Vegas, but my joy was short-lived after I was told that C was to be going with me on said trip. “Look, I know she’s an unbearable cunt”, my manager said between sips of bourbon, “but we wouldn’t be sending you if we didn’t think that you have a bright future here.” The words were somewhat uplifting, but a whole week having to be with C 24/7? Oh boy…

As our flight touched down at the airport in Vegas (which I should add she sat first class while I was crammed into coach, wedged between an elderly obese woman and a drunk guy who passed out shortly after take off and snored in my face almost the entire time), she immediately departed and booked it to luggage claim without waiting for me. She then belligerently DEMANDED that I retrieve her luggage and help our cabbie try to stuff her countless number of bags into the trunk. When I tried to climb into the backseat of the cab next to her, she started going off about who do I think I am. Trying to defuse the situation, I instead climbed into the cab’s passenger seat and received a sympathetic “you poor bastard” look from our driver.

We arrived at the hotel only to discover that either our station or the network made a slight snafu in our booking: we were booked for a single room. And since there were several other conventions in town, there were no other vacancies in or around town. I looked down to stifle a chuckle as she went off on the desk clerk and the manager about our lack of amenities. I apologized to both as our poor bellhops escorted us to our room. As we arrived, I apologized to them as well as C immediately got on her phone to call our station, no doubt to berate whoever was unfortunate enough to answer her call.

I quietly left our room as she was in full Queen of Karendom on the phone to lounge around the pool chatting up folks from various markets and scoping the local scene for possible conquests. On the first night, I was not surprised to discover that I was going to be sleeping on the floor. In the morning we were off to the large conference center to hear boring ass lectures from people I never heard of while C slinked away with friends of hers from other stations. This was pretty much how the week went until the Thursday night of our trip (we were leaving Saturday). After 4 days of not having to be around her, I returned to our room late at night after having befriended some guys from the affiliate in Birmingham and spending most of the day patronizing some of the finest gentlemen’s clubs Sin City had to offer. I may or may not have had imbibed a few too many beverages that night, but apparently I was making too much noise to C’s liking and, as expected, she proceeded to read me the riot act. As she was loudly trying to explain in her self-righteous way about how I should be acting and how unprofessional I was being, the mix of alcohol and professional disdain I had for her finally boiled over. I cut her off and hit her back with, “Look, C. Yeah, I have been acting immaturely tonight, but for the last 2 years, you have acted like a complete evil bitch to damn near everyone. You go off over the pettiest shit that’s beyond anyone’s control and act like you’re so much better than everyone. Everyone we work with hates you and is sick of your bullshit. You think you’re something? You think you’re so important? Well I’ve got news for you: you only have your job because you’re just a pretty face with tits and ass that can read a teleprompter. I could replace you with someone from the whorehouse down the street and no one would notice.” I could see I had struck a nerve with her and she was visibly shaken. Her eyes started to well up and she was shaking when she attempted to slap me. I grabbed her wrist and stared her right in the eyes when she attempted to slap me with her free hand. I blocked her and grabbed her other wrist and sternly told her, “Look. I’m of the opinion that no one you’ve worked with has said something to you like that and I can see your ego has taken a blow. But take what I’m about to tell you with all the seriousness in the world: I’m going to let you go, but if you try to hit me again, I’ll let you. But if you hit me, I’m going to call security and they’ll drag your uppity ass out of here and you’ll go to jail faster before you know what even hit you. And while you’re there, they’ll find out who you are and where you live where you work and what you do and that little house of cards you’ve built for yourself will come tumbling down. Are we clear?” She nodded meekly, looking down at the floor.

As I slowly released her, there was an uneasy bit of tension between us. It seemed like hours but was probably only a few seconds before we embraced each other and proceeded to passionately lock lips. I probed my tongue into her waiting mouth as she moaned and went limp in my arms before pulling herself away whispering, “I… I’m sorry” and ran to the bathroom, locking the door behind her. I sat in our room listening to her whimper softly for about an hour before she reemerged, jumping into bed as if nothing happened. We still had one more full day to go. Before I drifted off to sleep, the beast within me just knew that if I were ever going to have her, tomorrow would be the day.

I awoke the next morning to head down to the gym before C awakened. After I finished, I went back to find our room was empty, so I decided to grab a quick shower before heading out to grab breakfast. I intentionally left the bathroom door cracked open for two reasons: one, the ventilation in there sucked; and two, if C were to return I hoped she would peek inside and she would catch a glimpse of my tight, toned body and meaty member. My plan was on. C did indeed return while I was in there, and as she was in the phone with her husband I heard her stammer something to him before abruptly leaving the room again. After I got out, I put on my clothes and shot T a quick text telling her about what had happened the previous night and what I was planning to do later that night. She texted me back saying, “Go get her, Tiger. Lol”

That afternoon while I was lounging poolside, C and a couple of her cronies were walking past me when I called out to her. She was wearing a conservative one-piece with a sarong wrapped around her waist, either because her religious upbringing forbids wearing anything too revealing, or she’s still self-conscious about her body since her last baby. Either way, she looked embarrassed and acted like she didn’t hear me. But from the gawks towards me by some of her associates, they were impressed by my looks. “Yep”, I thought to myself, “this will be like taking candy from a baby.

As the night wore on, I decided to stay in due to the fact we’d be waking early to fly home. It wasn’t too late before C returned to our room. She was a little tipsy, but not smashed, like a couple points over the legal driving limit. She sat on the edge of her bed, looking towards the ceiling, avoiding eye contact with me when she said, “I’m sorry for how I’ve acted in the last couple years. It’s just… this business is hard, you know? Everyday I have to look perfect and put up this facade while I drone on and on about every shitty thing that goes on in our shithole city, and every shitty thing that goes on in this country and around the world. And then I have to go home and watch my kids while my husband is off doing God knows what and gets home late when I should have been in bed for a few hours. Let me ask you something, are you married to someone who you hardly see and never wants anything to do with you when they’re actually home?” I told her I’m not. She continued, “Do you have a big house you can barely afford, even though you make a damn good salary and your spouse supposedly does as well?” I told her I didn’t. She then said, “I’m not making any excuses for how I act around the office. I know it’s not right. I’m not that way at home. But my life isn’t the way I portray it to be publicly, and it’s a pain in the ass having to act a certain way all the while being pulled in a million different directions. I don’t know how long I can deal with it.” And then she started weeping. Not the way she was simpering the previous night, but full on weeping. It was terrible. I sat down next to her and put my arm around her, partially because I felt sorry for her, and partially because I knew that if I were to claim her, the sympathy card would be my way in.

As I we began embracing, she looked up at me with her beautiful brown eyes, her mascara starting to run down her one cheek. I gently wiped the streak away with my thumb as she cradled my face and whispered, “Thank you.” Looking deeply into one another’s eyes, we passionately began kissing like the night before. After a couple of minutes, I again probed her soft, wet, waiting mouth with my tongue and both of ours swirled wildly before I made my way to her neck. Her soft, supple skin trembled from my touch as I gently kissed her neck, being careful not to be too rough. I didn’t want people talking when we got back. C shivered as my hands caressed her arms and made my way down to her thighs. She seemed reluctant to lose herself in the moment, but gave in once I gently told her everything was all right.

As my free hand made its way further up her thigh, C kissed me with a fury that I’m positive she never shared with her husband. My hand, slowly made its way towards her taut belly as I began to massage her midsection. She felt as if she was beginning to realize she was going too far so I began to kiss the other side of her neck and gently nibble her ears as her breathing began getting heavy and labored. She was mine now, and there was no turning back.

I moved my hand from her belly and gently started gliding my fingers along the outline of her pussy through her panties. She gasped. My kissing along the nape of her neck picked up in its intensity as I unzipped the back of her dress with my other hand. She began to whisper in protest, but as my fingers slipped inside her panties and along the folds of her warm, wet pussy she stopped. I assisted her in freeing her arms from the confines of her dress as it fell to her waist, revealing her plain looking bra that was trying desperately to contain her massive tits. They were larger than I hoped. With one hand, I undid the clasp and her bra seemed to explode as C’s triple D cup breasts were finally freed. I quit kissing her neck and my mouth made its way down to her large, hard, beautiful nipples. My tongue swirled around the one closest to me as I finally inserted a finger into C’s soaking pussy. By her reaction, I knew she had never been through an experience such as this. I slowly fingered her while gently sucking and nibbling on her nipple when she had her first orgasm. It was probably the first one she ever experienced. But I wasn’t done yet. Not by a long shot.

I removed my finger and began removing her dress and her plain, white, cotton panties. She laid back and raised her ass off the bed to assist me. As I tossed everything aside, I began slowly and gently kissing her inner legs and thighs until I finally made my way up to her pussy that glistened in the soft light. She seemed taken aback that I was about to go down on her until I spread her meaty lips and kissed her clit. She began to relent as I slowly circled around it with my tongue and alternated between licking and sucking it at alternating speeds and intensity. She trembled as her second orgasm overcame her. I then waited for the tremors to subside before I one again started licking her, only this time I slipped a finger inside and simultaneously finger fucked her while sucking on her clit. She came shortly later for a third time, only this time she showered me with a torrent of pussy juice that took us both by surprise. She seemed to go catatonic for a moment, but when she came to she looked up to see me standing at the edge of the bed, having removed my clothes with my cock standing rock hard.

C looked at my cock with a look of bewilderment on her face. It was as if she never knew a cock could be the size of mine. She timidly made her way towards me, knowing that shortly it would be inside her, afraid of what it could do to her. “It’s OK, C. It won’t hurt you”, I gently reassured her, “come here. I’ll take care of you.” She had reservations as she reached out for it. Her soft hands trembled when my cock twitched as she touched it. “Do you want to suck it?, I asked. “I… I’ve never done that before”, she softly replied. “That’s OK. I won’t make you if you don’t want to”, I said reassuringly. “Can I please?”, she asked. I knew that it was probably going to be less than awe-inspiring, but the sight of seeing my cock in C’s mouth was an opportunity I wasn’t going to pass up. She began by licking up and down on the sides. I told her to gently massage my balls with her other hand and she did as she was told. She then licked my head before she got the courage to try to put it in her mouth. She struggled to open her mouth wide enough to fit my dick inside, but once she figured it out it wasn’t half bad. My cock inside her warm mouth with her full, plump lips wrapped around it was a sight to behold. As she got the hang of it, she wrapped her long fingers around my shaft, stroking it as her head bobbed up and down.

Them it was time. I told her to stop and lay back. She did and I could see the fear in her eyes. It was starting to seem like she knew that she’d gone way too far and she should ask me to stop, but as I climbed on top of her and she saw my muscled frame over her, she relented. I asked her if she wanted to continue and she nodded yes.I whispered in her ear to relax and reassured her that I wasn’t going to hurt her. I teased her folds with the tip of my cock to prepare her for what was to follow. I felt her wanting pussy get wetter with every stroke. She squeaked as I did so and gasped as I began to penetrate her. I slowly eased my way inside her, plunging deeper with every slow, gentle stroke until I was all the way inside her. I pumped inside of her with a gentle intensity that I never had tried before. As much as I loathed her, I knew she was in need of a slow, loving fuck that she wasn’t used to when I really wanted to pound her to teach her a lesson. But I kept my pace while we kissed with a passion that she never knew existed. She came several times, each time her contraction putting a vice like clamp around my cock. As I felt myself beginning to cum, I slightly picked up my pace until I flooded her womb with a torrent of jizz that seeped out of her pussy onto the sheets. We both passed out in each other’s arms later than we would have liked. Fortunately, I had set the alarm on my phone so we didn’t oversleep and miss our flight home. We awoke, both nude and she raced to the bathroom to clean up, probably to avoid me.

When we were leaving she ignored me the whole time, but I wasn’t mad. I fucked her. I was happy.

A couple days later, C was up to her old tricks at the office. I was at my desk when she was going on a tirade about…who knows. I wasn’t listening. She approached me and went to say something, but I sat back in my chair to mockingly appease her when she groaned and stormed off. I went back to my computer when I got a DM from T. ” So, Big Guy, you fuck her last week?” I typed back, “A gentleman never tells” and a wink emoji. I heard T laugh from her work station. I love working here.


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