[Step]Our Family Story 2

**Chapter 2: New Beginning**.

**I was half awake**, when I noticed, that she rolled over and hugged me. I hugged her back and caressed her back down up to her tiny butt. It was nice, but something was off. I couldn’t think of anything and then suddenly my brain got lit. “Susan’s butt is larger than this one!”. I’ve opened my eyes and Realized Jessica was still laying in bed hugging me. The first thought I got was: “Damn, when Susan sees us like this I’m a dead man!” I gently removed her arms from me, got up, opened the door, slid silently out of the room and closed it. I went to the master bedroom, where I found an empty bed. “Damn” Susan was already awake. I went to Jessica’s room and saw that the bedsheets were already down. “Shit”. I went back to the bedroom got a quick shower and got dressed. I vent downstairs. I smelled coffee. Susan was in the kitchen preparing breakfast. “So you are awake” said with a very neutral and controlled voice, without even looking in my direction. “So you bring a teenager home, you were away from our bedroom for the whole night, in the morning I find you with her in bed cuddling and what the hell happened with the bed in Jessica’s room? You better have a very good story about that or else.” My mouth got dry. “I can explain” “You better start right now.” So I started telling the whole story, I showed her my purple pinky on my foot ( that was actually the first time I was happy to hurt my toes, as I had an actual proof of my story). Then I told her about Jessica wetting herself, and that then she was afraid to sleep alone. “That is one hell of a story, what makes you sure, that I would believe it?” I simply answered “This is how it went. You can ask Jessica, she will confirm my story.” Susan gave me a cold stare, then she started to laugh. I was awakened by the incident. You weren’t very silent in the evening. And yes I smelled urine on the bedsheets. So I thought of something like that. Thank you for being honest with me.” I felt like loosing a ton of pressure. “Jeez, I almost got an heart attack because of you”. “Don’t be so dramatic, just little bit of teasing.” She replied. And gave me a soft kiss. Go upstairs and wake up Jessica. The breakfast will be ready soon. I went upstairs, and got into the bedroom. “Good morning sleepy head, rise and shine, the breakfast is almost ready”. She opened her eyes, gave me a very neat look and replied: ” Good morning daddy”. She got up, hugged me and then went to her room to get a shower. I was just thinking of what clothes to get her. Neither of the girls clothes would fit her properly. After examining Ashley’s closet, I decided to go with grey gym sweatpants, white T-shirt and for the outside a Grey hoodie. I put the clothes on the bed and vent downstairs. Few minutes later Jesica joined us. “Good morning” she said and I almost chocked at my coffee. I didn’t realized that it was a very thin T-shirt and that white color would make it partially see through. Her nipples were sprawled under the Tshirt and their pink color was partially visible through the shirt. Susan raised an eybrow and gave me a look. “Good Morning” I replied. And then added: “I think we should change the T-shirt before we go outside. “I think that is an excellent Idea” said Susan with a little smile. The plan was to get Jessica a medical checkup at the hospital and then to go shopping and run some errands. So we took both Cars. I took my truck and Susan took Jessica in her car.

**The Doctor** was a nice chubby Black woman in her fifties. We requested a female doctor, because Jessica was quite hesitant when dealing with other males. When she undressed in examination room the doctor raised her eyebrows. I explained to her that She has been living on the street for some time, and even got sexually assaulted 2 days ago and that we have taken her in but we want to be sure that she is healthy without any injuries. “Is that true?” She asked Jessica. “yes” she replied. “better be true or otherwise this would have been a case for child services. After getting whole checkup and tests, we found out , that she was ok, no STDs , no Substances just malnourished. And that rush on her back were actually bites from bed bugs she got from sleeping at an old mattress. When dockor asked about her period, She said that was very irregular and even skipped it once. “ Well you are very underweight and you have low iron level, that is usually the case for irregular period. We will get you some vitamins and also to get you on the pill” – she looked at us and we nodded “ to get your period stabilized.” We were ok with her getting contraception because Susan and Ashley were on the pill as well. Susan to prevent pregnancy, and Ashley to control her period, as her cycles were so strong that he had to call in sick at the school for 3 days each month and she didn’t want to skip any of her trainings. I paid the bill at the reception desk, as she was without insurance.

**We split up at the mall**. The girls went shopping for clothes and I run few errands myself. Got a cell phone for Jessica on my plan. When I walked around kids’ store something in my mind made me to slow down. I Stood still for few seconds until I realized why did I stopped. This is exactly what we need right now. I rushed inside to make the purchase. Susan got Jessica several sets of clothes. Then she left me with 10 bags outside of an lingerie shop. I wanted to protest but Susan shushed me with: “Wait here, unless you want to watch her fitting underwear” I must have turned red as she said:” Don’t even think of it you horny dog” It might have been about 45 minutes when they got outside. They got Jessica several sets of underwear and several sport bras. “I hope you got everything” Well we need some shoes. WE went to a shoe store and got Jessica 3 Pairs of sneakers. That should be enough for the start. “Now we have everything we need” said Susan. Jessica just kept smiling all the time. We got the bags in the truck. Susan told me to drive home as she’s going to have some Ladies’ time with Jessica.

**They arrived home** 3 hours later. They had their nails done and both had new haircuts. Jessica got her hair trimmed and her brown hair just slightly below shoulders with light curves. She also wore light makeup and suddenly a phrase I might have read some time ago jumped to my mind. “ She wasn’t child anymore, but not a woman yet” I must have had spaced out for few seconds as Susan asked : ”and what about my new hair Darling? “ “Eh yes very pretty” I answered. Her haircut looked the same to me, but never argue with woman about hair. Jessica hugged me :”Thank you for everything” “Gladly” I replied. She went upstairs to her room and Susan sat down on the sofa. “I need a drink”, she exclaimed, “my feet are killing me”. “Your feet hurt? Can you imagine how does my wallet hurt?” I replied while getting a bottle of Rose out of the fridge. “It’s not that serious, you will live” she replied with a smile. She knew that I am not a cheapskate but I learned to value money, as my family were quite poor, when I was young, so I kept the unnecessary spending within a certain budget. I brought her a glass of wine and she took a sip. “I am going upstairs to check the clothes and have some girl talk to with Jessica. “Sure” I turned the TV on but after few minutes I started to check my phone as I got few notifications from an office buddy regarding our latest project. Sometimes you have to sacrifice the little of the spare time for some important projects. Not sure how much time has passed but I needed to go to toilet. So I went upstairs while typing at the phone. I grew this habit of going to the guest room which was the first room to the right next to staircase , as it had its own bathroom and I could spend there as long as I needed without anyone disturbing me. I went to the room and while typing a reply with my right arm, I opened the bathroom door. “ PETER GET THE HELL OUT HE HERE RIGHT NOW” Susan screamed. I looked up and saw Jessie sitting on a small chair I have put there for my mancave sessions. She was wearing a bra, but no panties, sitting with her legs spread. Susan was on her knees between Jessica’s legs holding a pink razor “so-sorry” I gasped going out in reverse with slamming the door louder than would be normal. I went downstairs, with my heart racing, I got to the bar, and with shaking fingers I poured me a double whisky. “Shit, this can’t be happening” I told myself. While replying to the company chat I totally forgot that this is now Jessica’s room”. After I got bit calm, I went to the bathroom downstairs. It was quite difficult to pee with a hard on, which I got from that stress and encounter but with some effort I could manage. Few minutes later I got a text from John that they will be home in an hour. That fives me some time to come out with a reasonable apology for Susan. I just started to dread the evening talk with Susan. The picture of that situation kept jumping my mind and I couldn’t focus on anything that afternoon. Well, I guess I am pretty screwed.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/lewmh7/stepour_family_story_2

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