Getting to know the crew [group][bi][drugs]

>[I started writing this inspired by an ERP prompt, but it didn’t work out for the ERP and it just sorta wrote itself, so I figured I’d post it here and see how that works. Hope you like.]
[Submitted to /r/sexystories 2020-12-26]
>[reposted because I couldn’t find the original, hope that’s OK]

Kristy was a film star, but also a very approachable and down-to-earth person. She was on location in a small Canadian city with a crew she’d never worked with before. They’d been here for a few days getting set up, and she had just arrived. It was Friday night, but a scheduling mixup meant that the rest of the cast wouldn’t be here until Monday, so she was stuck at the hotel with the crew over the whole weekend. They seemed nice enough, though, and they’d asked her to join them in the lounge at 9:00 as they “might as well get to know each other., since we’re stuck here for the weekend anyway”. And they were right–there wasn’t anything else obvious to do, and she always liked to be friendly with the people who actually made her films happen.

As she walked into to the lounge after her skimpy room service dinner, Kristy wasn’t even sure at first who in the crowd was on her crew, but then she spotted some familiar-looking faces in a group at the back and headed over to talk to them. They had no trouble recognizing her–even though she wasn’t made up to the nines like she would be on set, her face was very recognizable and many of them greeted her by name. She was wearing a red silk top and a dark grey sheath skirt–nothing overtly elegant, but definitely the statement of a powerful woman in full command of her life and career.

“Hi, I’m Paul, if you don’t remember”, said the man she recognized as the general organizer of things–she wasn’t sure what his title was, but she knew from other projects that he was the one who tended to solve the problems no one else wanted to take care of. And he was always friendly to everyone!

“Over here is Jeff, he’s in charge of lighting, this is Malcolm, who is our location scout, this is Jimmy, and he’s with Lorraine, …”. She couldn’t keep track of all the names and just let the introductions wash over her as people shook hands or gave welcoming hugs. They were mostly young and fit, a good-looking crew, but that was to be expected for such a physically demanding project. Some of the men looked at her with evident interest, and even a few of the women, but she was used to that–her beautiful features and lithe body never failed to attract attention. The only ones who didn’t give her a second look–or even a first–were Jimmy and Lorraine, who were so wrapped around each other that they probably wouldn’t notice a car driving in through the window.

Paul steered her to a table and offered to get her a drink, quickly returning with her vodka and cranberry and telling her more about the people she’d be working with. She listened with half an ear as people came to sit with them and tell stories of their own, but she was captivated by Jimmy and Lorraine–they were being so blatantly sexual it was making her aroused, and she could see that half the guys in the room were trying to stare discreetly in the same direction. It was nice, Kristy decided, not having everyone stare at her for once!

She decided to have a little fun with them and got up and walked around the room, soon making her way to the amorous couple. “You’re in everyone’s eyes tonight”, she observed and Lorraine whispered “I know. It makes me so hot!” in response while Jimmy just smiled.

“Do you always get this wild this early?” Kristy asked.

Jimmy answered this time, saying “Well, actually, we kinda planned it this way. Bob has a bag of molly pills and we thought it would be fun to share those around, and we figured playing around would help get everyone in the mood. Do you want one?”

Kristy chuckled. She hadn’t rolled in over a year, the night was young, and they didn’t have anything to do tomorrow, so why not? “Sure,” she said, “count me in”. Jimmy said they’d just been waiting for her to arrive, so he untangled himself from Lorraine and went over to talk to a tall slender femme-looking guy (whom she guessed must be Bob) and talked to him, then came back with something in his hands. “Here’s three for us, and some more for the sound crew over here, and Bob will give out the others. So bottoms up!”.

They each carefully put the pills in their mouths and drank a toast, a scene repeated elsewhere among the twenty or so who made up the film crew, and then resumed chatting. Lorraine and Jimmy started making out again, but the sound crew–Cathy, Melissa, and Derek–started chatting with her and reminiscing about previous projects and the parties they’d inspired.

They’d been talking for about half an hour when Kristy recognized the first tell-tale signs of the molly, realizing that her skin felt really nice and smooth and sensitive as she touched it. She smiled then at Melissa, a short redhead with a wicked wit and great smile. Melissa smiled dreamily back and took Kristy’s hand, delicately touching their fingers together. To an outsider, it looked just like two women making casual contact, but it sent an erotic thrill through Kristy and she could see it did the same for Melissa. Conversation ceased for a moment, as Kristy took Derek’s hand and Melissa, Cathy’s, and they just smiled at each other for a moment and Cathy said something like “Don’t you just love this stuff” and started giggling.

They could see that the same thing was happening the the rest of the crew–Jimmy and Lorraine were wrapped together, swaying, and suddenly everyone was casually touching everyone else. It was 10:00 now and the bartender decided that it was time for dancing, so he switched on some new music, turned up the volume, and turned down the lights. As if in response to this signal, people from the crew and from the rest of the crowd started drifting to the open space and dancing–suddenly, where it had been empty, there were at least two dozen people gyrating to the dance music being played. Kristy and her three new friends were no exception. Still holding hands, they drifted onto the floor and started swaying to the music, sometimes dancing with each other, sometimes just swaying by themselves, always touching. First hands, arms, and shoulders, but then moving closer together to hold each others’ waists and caress their thighs as they bumped and rubbed against each other in the dim lighting.

Finally the four of them pulled together in a tight little bundle and swayed together, feeling their bodies press and move. “Why did I wait so long?”, Kristy thought to herself, and let her mind drift, lost in the moment, as the others talked a bit about how they were feeling and how it had been for them before. She gathered that the three friends she was with had been together on a lot of projects and knew each other quite well… from the tone of the conversation, it seemed clear that they’d had a lot of intimate playtime together, and she found herself hoping they’d let her join them.

Melissa, who hadn’t let go of her hand even once, but kept gently tickling her palm and playing with her fingertips, suddenly brought Kristy’s hand to her mouth and kissed one fingertip, and then another, and then took Kristy’s ring finger into mouth and gently sucked on it. “I love this feeling, don’t you”, said Melissa, and as Kristy nodded, Melissa brought the hand down to one of her breasts, rubbing it gently on the silky material of her top, letting Kristy feel the hard nipple underneath.

“Oooh, yes, I like this a lot!” Kristy said and moved to kiss Melissa. They made out like that for a few minutes, and then Cathy came over and joined the kiss, after which Derek whirled Melissa away for some making out of their own. But they all still held hands and kept themselves pulled together in a little knot, moving to the beat and enjoying each others lips and tongues. The kisses broke and Kristy thought “Kissing with molly is so delicious”, then realized that she’d said it out loud as the other three nodded vigorously. “What do we do from here?”, she asked, and Derek said they should keep dancing for a while, maybe get caught up with some of the others, but in an hour or so maybe they should go up to the crew’s hospitality suite.

These both seemed like good ideas to Kristy and she started moving elsewhere in the crowd, pulled along by Melissa who seemed to know everyone. They first came across Bob and thanked him profusely for the evening’s entertainment. He introduced his companion, Jasper, an beautiful and ethereal–there was no other word for it–man, tall and thin and very sensual, as they caressed each other lovingly. Kristy couldn’t help herself as she took Jasper’s hand and kissed it, it was so beautiful, and he bent down to kiss her forehead, then her cheeks, and finally her mouth, saying as he broke the kiss that he hoped to see more of her later. She smiled and agreed as Melissa pulled her away to get acquainted with another group.

Kristy just went with the flow, letting waves of sensuality pass over her as she was introduced to the rest of the crew, knowing that she was more likely to remember how they looked and how they smelled than anything to do with their names. One man took her hand and kissed it sensually, then placed it on his chest an teased it with his fingers before he, too, whirled away with a blonde woman in a tight white dress.

The dancing and kissing and cuddling went on for a while longer when Bob came around and said discreetly “We’ll be in suite 901, and there will be more party favors, but don’t all go up at once”. Kristy and Melissa and Derek and Cathy thanked him and each one kissed him, then they let go of each other for some more vigorous dancing, really getting into the music this time. They could only keep it up for about ten minutes when they decided it was time to head up to the suite.

Crammed in the glass elevator with another group from the crew, they all rubbed and groped together in the small car and burst out onto the 9th floor like a bunch of marbles, giggling and wobbling around until finally one of the other group said “901, this way”, pointing, and they followed her. Knocking at the door, they gave their names and Bob let them in to a suite that had been redecorated as a giant rave cave!

There was some quiet dance music playing and about two-thirds of the crew was already there. Bob offered them each half a molly pill and waved vaguely at a table where there were some vape pens and mushroom chocolates. They each took the pills, wanting the roll to last as long as possible, then explored the suite. It was a huge suite–a living room, two big bedrooms and two smaller ones, a big Jacuzzi tub off the living room as well as other bathrooms for the bedrooms. There were colored fairy lights everywhere, and pillows all over, big pads on the floor, even three papasan chairs, two already filled with canoodling couples.

One of those couples called out to Cathy when they saw her looking around so she went over and joined them as Melissa said “Let’s grab the other one”, grabbing Kristy’s and Derek’s hands and pulling them over to the other chair and settling in, putting Kristy in the middle. “You’re it, since this is your first time with this crew–I hope that’s OK”, she said, and Kristy answered dreamily that this was so much more than OK, she didn’t know what to say.

By this time, everyone had arrived so Bob announced that he was bolting the door and turning out the lights–which he did, so all that was left were the fairy lights, some color projectors, and psychedelic videos on the big screen TVs. The near-darkness further loosened everyone’s inhibitions and Kristy noticed that she was being lovingly undressed by her new friends, one button at a time. She reached up to reciprocate, but Melissa pushed her hands back down and said “Just touch us while we take care of you”, an invitation she was happy to accept.

Leaning back as the booster dose started to take effect, she felt Derek pull her blouse up and over her arms, all its many buttons having been taken care of, revealing her red lacy bra. Derek then moved on to Melissa, whose top had far fewer buttons, and was done much more quickly, revealing a filmy black lace bra that barely kept her breasts contained. Immediately drawn to them, Kristy started playing with Melissa’s nipples as Derek removed his shirt and pants, revealing a hard body and a big bulge in an electric blue thong. Melissa and Kristy removed each others’ skirts–Kristy had a black garter belt and red panties, but Melissa wore just black fishnet suspender hose that exposed her gorgeous shaved vulva for all to see. Standing up and twirling around, she then pulled Kristy’s panties down and then got on top of her to remove her red bra while Derek removed her black one.

The ladies now clad in just a little black lace and heels, with their sexuality completely exposed, stood up and, pulling Derek to his feet, rubbed their bodies against his, playing with his thong and teasing his cock, which could barely be contained in the thong. All around them, there were other couples and groups doing the same sort of thing–not everyone was undressed yet, but everyone was playing and touching and rubbing. A girl Kristy didn’t remember (well, she remembered she’d smelled of roses earlier) came over and said “Come with us”, gesturing to a bedroom, so they gathered up their discarded clothing and put it in one of the several bins scattered around the living room and went with her.

In the bedroom, there were two couples lazily fucking doggy-style on the king-size bed, but when the new arrivals entered, they broke apart and said “Welcome!”, gesturing for everyone to get on the bed into a giant cuddle puddle. One of the men had a huge cock, which Kristy stared at as he walked over to her and said “Here”, indicating that she should take it in her hand. Kristy had been with some big men, but this was something special–maybe not her biggest ever, but certainly impressive, and she took it with both hands, feeling the juices of his recent partner still coating it wetly. They walked over to the bed and laid in its unoccupied center, spooning as the rest of the group assembled around them, doing much the same.

Arms and legs casually strewn over each other, the group simply couldn’t keep still. Arms moved, fingers caressed, hips made circular sexual motions, and the group almost melted into a single writhing entity. Everyone was wearing something, although by this time most of the girls had shed their heels, but there was very little skin actually covered. People wandered in and out and watched enviously.

Soon, Kristy’s new friend asked her if she wanted to put his cock somewhere and she immediately agreed, telling him to lie on his back so she could be on top. They rolled over slowly disturbing the others hardly at all, and she got on her knees atop his crotch and started rubbing her cunt along his shaft as their bedmates looked on with interest. Another couple started assuming a similar position, but the other four just kept rubbing and caressing all the bodies that they could reach.

After torturing her new friend for a few minutes, Kristy was extremely wet and was leaving a slimy trail along his stomach and thighs. She lifted herself up a little, took hold of his cock, and pushed the head between her lips. They both moaned and he tried to push more in, but she pressed down on this chest and held up a finger as if to say “Not yet”. They stayed in this position for a little while, Kristy gyrating her hips ever so slightly to tease his cockhead.

Then, feeling another wave beginning to overtake her, she pushed her thighs down slightly and took more of his shaft in. He moaned again, and she pulled back, but she quickly returned, several times, each one taking a little more of his magnificent shaft into her sloppy dripping cunt. One of the girls had gotten behind her and was playing with her boobs and Melissa was positioning herself over the man’s head, and Kristy was moving a little faster, a little deeper, each time she took his shaft in.

Eventually, she felt so full that she didn’t think she could take any more, and she realized she had all of it inside her. She could feel his balls against her ass, and someone’s hand massaging those balls–she didn’t care whose! Lifting herself up, she took him almost all the way out, than pressed down again, taking the full length in one smooth motion. A little faster and harder, she did it again, and then faster and harder still. She was overcome with bliss, the molly overwhelming her consciousness as the sexy feelings took over her body. For her, there was nothing to think of but fucking, this glorious group fuck with this hugely endowed man, the other women, the men and women playing with them, too much to describe or even imagine.

She had no idea how long she was doing this, but eventually, she felt the man begin to tense with her thrusts and she knew he would be cumming soon. So grateful that he could do this even with the molly, she started begging him to fuck her harder, telling him how full she felt, how sexy and dirty it was to be fucking with all these people, and he responded by thrusting harder and faster himself.

She felt something cold on her ass crack, followed by the vibration of an anal toy, and yelled “Yes, stuff it in me! Make me cum” so the unknown hands did just that as she kept matching the man’s thrusts and he kept getting more abrupt with them. Suddenly, he let out a great yell and thrust his hips up harder than before, pushing himself a little bit farther into Kristy, and came. She could feel te huge gout of cum explode from his cock, followed by another thrust and another glob of cum, and another, and another. Everyone was rubbing her, playing with her tits, wiggling the toy, and while he was still cumming, she felt her own orgasm arrive and started wailing “I’m cumming, don’t stop,I’m cumming!” as he moved inside her, lubricated by the huge load he’d just shot.

Finally, they settled down. She laid down on top of him, his softening but still huge member inside her, cum dripping from her cunt over his balls and down his thighs. The rest of the group settled in around and and on top of them (except for one couple that was going at it in an armchair), everyone still moving slowly and rhythmically with the music, feeling the intense sexual energy mixed with the sensations of the roll. They kissed each other tenderly and then kissed and licked anyone else they could reach.

“What a fuck that was”, thought Kristy, and again realized that she’d said it out loud as everyone in the room started talking about it and how great it had felt. She wondered if she’d ever be able to walk again, but soon enough her energy came back and she started fondling and rubbing her other bedmates. Two of them helped her rise up on her elbows, then on her knees, and finally off her partner’s cock, which was quickly assailed by a man and woman who had come in earlier to watch. He waved weakly at her as she got up and was led off back into the living room by the couple that was helping her.

“Welcome back!” cried the omnipresent Bob, who was now naked and wrapped up with his equally naked, and even more beautiful, friend from before. “I bet you’d like some water and a snack. You were magnificent!”. Kristy agreed, a little weakly, her arms around the waists of Seth and Cindy who had introduced themselves while walking with her.

“We’re a pretty close-knit group, as you see”, explained Bob. “We’re delighted that we could introduce you to the crew.”

“Oh, Bob, so am I! I hope we’re not done with tonight!”

“Goodness, no. We can keep dancing and fucking tonight until we drop from exhaustion. We always make sure our suite doesn’t have any neighbors, and we have plenty of supplies.”

Kristy was still watching Bob’s beautiful companion, whose long wiry body and alabaster skin was like no man she’d ever met, and Bob introduced him as Angel (a fit name, she thought). “May I?”, she asked, gesturing vaguely at Angel’s crotch, and when he nodded, she got down on her knees and started licking his cock, quickly joined by Bob on the other side.

“I probably can’t cum”, Angel said, “but don’t let that stop you trying” and he looked up into the distance, letting the sensations carry him away. His cock was beautiful, Kristy thought, and it was so sexy sharing a cock with a man. She and Bob moved in synchrony up and down the shaft, then passed the cockhead back and forth between them, then licking some more, pausing occasionally to kiss each other. Their hands were all over Angel and each other, and she realized that there were other hands joining them as well. And oh, nice, there was even someone rubbing a cock in her hair. But she and Bob were focused on Angel, who was standing and making ever louder happy noises as they sucked his cock and balls together.

True to his word, Angel didn’t cum, but after about 20 minutes he asked for a break and they all stood up and embraced again. This time, Kristy actually got the water and the snack she had been too distracted to get earlier.

There had been lots of fucking sounds from all over the suite earlier, but things had calmed down a lot now and people were coming together on the big mat in the living room for another cuddle puddle. Some of their sexual energy spent, they laid down and snuggled, but still couldn’t stop moving and the energy in the room started to increase again.

“Let’s all suck each other” came a shout from somewhere in the group, and there was a general murmur of assent. Slowly, the cuddlers disengaged and started to form a long line of oral activities. Kristy let herself be led into the line, discovering she was going to be sucking the cock of a man she hadn’t noticed before and that she would be eaten by an also unfamiliar woman. She was never one to turn down variety and thought this was wonderful, especially when she found out how beautifully the man’s cock fit in her mouth. She was on her back, he was kneeling above her, and he already had his head between the legs of another woman. Slowly, the train assembled itself all around the living room, which was filled with sloppy sucking sounds and, increasingly, moans and little noises of pleasure.

Soon, she heard the first orgasm, from a woman not far from her, and then the characteristic grunts of a man cumming. It turned out that the “rules” of this game meant that you left the chain when you came, and instead went to help the others–apparently, this meant pouring oil on people and rubbing it in with your hands and body. Kristy loved this! The woman came over and poured out some oil onto Kristy’s tits, then rubbed herself all over Kristy. It felt heavenly.

There were more orgasms and more people left the chain. Soon there were more helpers than participants. There were only four people left after Kristy came, and she went to get her bottle of oil and found Angel who was being sucked by a sexy little blonde girl who had cum earlier but returned to the fray to get him off. Kristy rubbed oil all over Angel’s body and started playing with his balls, and though he was the last one left, he, too, finally had a magnificent orgasm. The blonde girl took his load and held it in her mouth, losing hardly a drop.

She let loose from Angel’s cock and crawled up his body to position her mouth over his, then started dribbling the cum into his mouth. Smacking his lips, he took it in, then raised himself up his elbows to give it back, but Kristy got in between them first, taking the load from Angel and then pushing it back into the blonde’s mouth. They kept swapping the cum back and forth while everyone else watched and played with themselves (except Jimmy and Lorraine who had, again, snuck off to a chair for another fuck).

Now it was getting pretty late, and everyone’s rolls were winding down. A few people toweled themselves off and grabbed their clothes, putting on robes to go back to their rooms, but most everyone stayed, smoked from the pens, and chatted about the experience. Kristy’s magnificent partner was exhausted–she was pretty sure she had heard him cum at least twice more after filling her up–but he sat with her in one of the papasan chairs as they both played with Cathy who had come over and plopped down in their laps.

More people drifted off in pairs or threesomes and finally Kristy decided it was time for her to go before she fell asleep right there. Melissa saw her get up and came over to her, asking if she would like company. Kristy thought that would be a prefect end to the evening and agreed enthusiastically, so they hunted down most of their clothes and headed down the hall to Kristy’s suite, hand in hand.

“I hope you enjoyed meeting the crew”, Melissa said with a smile, and Kristy said it was like nothing she’d ever imagined. “Good!”, said Melissa, “because we have more fun planned for tomorrow!”. Maybe, Kristy thought, she’d remember a few more names if she met them in daylight.
