Submission 1101 [BDSM, Spanking]

Submission 1101 Part One: Meeting the Board

As Jamie sat on the blue, cold, hard, plastic desk chair her mind was immediately flooded with memories. Her high school years weren’t the best for her and she had sworn to never go back again. Yet here she was, 28 years old and once again sitting in one of those desks. This time she felt different. In high school she was anxious and nervous because she wasn’t in the cool crowd. She didn’t have many friends and was considered too nerdy to be dateable. Today she was still feeling anxious, but it was for a whole new reason.

It all started about a week ago while Jamie was browsing Reddit and she came across a very intriguing personal. “39 [M4F Class] Male Dom looking for additional student for submissive schooling.” Immediately she had to check the post. She had never seen anything quite like this before and she had to click on the link. What she read after that lead her to her outfit, and led her to this seat. She didn’t know what to expect from the personal. It was simple enough: “39 yr. Old Dom seeking an additional student for Submission 1101 class. I had a student graduate into Submission 1102 and need a replacement. If you want to be taught how to submit to a Dom then wear your school uniform and report to class at 8am on Saturdays.” The personal went on with an address and even a syllabus of supplies needed and topics of discussion for each class. Jamie didn’t need to read much farther because she realized her panties were already soaked. Jamie had schoolgirl fetishes her whole life. Dealing with high school was hard enough without having to deal with the constant fantasies of being bent over her teachers desk with her panties at her ankles getting paddled for all kinds of things. This brought all of those feelings back instantaneously and her pussy just couldn’t handle the stimulation. She barely even thought before she sent a private message asking if the slot had been filled. She knew it could take hours for a response from a Redditor, but she couldn’t help but stare at the screen in anticipation; her panties now starting to wet the cloth of her chair. She needed a towel, and some new panties. By the time she got back to her computer she had a message. The slot was hers if she wanted it. She quickly replied then took to the internet. She had 4 days to get a school uniform. Hopefully someone could ship overnight.

That’s how she got to where she was, 7:45am in an empty classroom wearing a white button down shirt, blue and white plaid skirt, white panties, and thigh high stockings. The anticipation was killing her. The cold of the chair had kickstarted her pussy and it was already wetting her brand new panties. She couldn’t think about it much because just then another student entered and sat down beside her. She was wearing a similar uniform, but she had a red and black plaid skirt on.

“Hello! I’m Sophia. You must be the new girl we heard was starting today. Nice to meet you.”

“Hi. I’m Jamie. Yes I’m the new girl. I’m a little nervous right now. Did I need to wear a specific color skirt?”

“No. Not at all,” replied Sophia. “Mr. Baker likes having lots of different colored skirts. You look cute. I think he is going to like you. I’m so glad you came.”

There was a bit of relief when she found out her skirt was okay, but that last sentence troubled her. Was it important that the teacher like her? Did she mean like her because of the color of her skirt or something else? Because of the way she looked in her skirt? That thought sent a pulse deep inside her. She quickly dismissed the second option. Sophia was beautiful. Way more beautiful than Jamie, and Sophia filled out her uniform in all the right places. Jamie might have been a little jealous of her had she not been so completely in awe of her striking beauty. Finally she got the courage to speak again.

“So what exactly do we ‘do’ in this class?”

Sophia just smiled. “Sorry hon, we can’t tell you anything to spoil your first experience. He can tell if someone gives you a heads up and my bottom isn’t completely healed yet, but you’ll see it all soon enough. Just remember to take it all in and savor each moment. It’s never quite as exciting as it is the first time.”

That response only gave Jamie a million more questions, but she wouldn’t get the chance to answer because just then another girl burst into the room. She was wearing a green plaid skirt and was moving very briskly.

“Sofie is he here yet? Please tell me he’s here early?”

“Sorry Brit, you know he always comes in right on time. And you know he remembers and will probably make you wait a bit. I mean you deserved it after last week.”

“Yes, damnit I did, but I can’t take it anymore!” She looked at her watch. “Five more minutes!”

“You didn’t follow his directions exactly did you?” Asked Sophia. Brittany couldn’t look at her.

Jamie had no idea what was going on, but this new woman was pacing up and down the front of the room looking out the door and checking the large clock on the wall.

You better sit down Brit. You don’t want to be caught out of your seat when class starts. Not after last week.” Sophia turned to Jamie and whispered. “That’s Brittany. She’s happy to meet you too, she just forgot to turn in her homework last week and she’s a bit preoccupied right now.”

Brittany took Sophia’s advice and sat down in her desk, rather gingerly, Jamie observed. At that time another woman walked in with dark brown hair and a white and black plaid skirt. She sat down right behind Jamie. “Is this the new girl, Sofie? Mr. Baker is going to like her. Hi. I’m Cassandra, nice to meet you.”

“Likewise.” Answered Jamie. “Why does everyone keep saying that Mr. Baker is going to like me?” Again, nothing from anyone except the tapping of Brittney’s foot.

“Five with the belt says Hollie is late again,” Cass whispered.

“That’s not even worth it, make it ten and you got a bet. No way it’s three weeks in a row.” Sophia looked confident.

“Okay, bet. three minutes left and all I saw was Mr. Baker’s truck.” Kiss your ass goodbye Sofie.”

Brittney perked up. “He’s here? Thank God I can’t wait any longer!”

As soon as she finished those words a middle aged man in a wheelchair quietly rolled into the room. He slowly started to unpack his things from a satchel that was propped up against his legs. Brittney couldn’t contain herself. She was frantically waving her hand.

“Mr. Baker, sir, permission to come to you desk, please, I have my homework from last week and my punishment sentences. May I please turn them in now?”

For the first time Mr. Baker looked up from what he was doing and spoke. He had dark black hair with just a touch of grey starting to show. He wore black glasses and was a little on the heavy side. His voice was deep and commanding. Jamie thought he was average looking. “Is this the man that is supposed to teach me how to submit?” She thought. She couldn’t dwell on the subject for long because his voice was commanding the room.

“Brittney you know that it isn’t time to accept homework. You will need to follow procedure and wait until I ask for your homework.” He continued to unpack his things. “Has anyone seen Hollie yet?”

“Not a sign of her,” quipped Cass very proud of herself. Sophia squirmed in her seat.

Brittney interrupted again. “Sir, I’m so sorry but I can’t wait until you ask for homework. I need to give it to you now. I’ll take whatever penalty you give me, but I have to turn this in now.”

Mr. Baker finished removing his things from his bag and rolled around to the front of the desk. “Okay Brittney. If you agree to the penalty you may bring me your late homework now.”

Brittney jumped out of her seat and produced a stack of papers and handed them to Mr. Baker. “I’m so sorry that I forgot to do my homework sir. I will NEVER forget again. Will you please accept my late homework and my apology?”

Mr. Baker took the papers and slowly looked over them. Brittney was dancing around the room in front of him. After about fifteen seconds of silence Mr. Baker looked up at Brittney and spoke. “I accept your late homework and your apology.”

Brittney moved with lightning fast quickness. “Thank you so much sir!” As she was thanking him she started to turn around and bend over. Jamie was shocked to see as Britney bent over and pulled her skirt up that a beautiful jeweled plug could be seen through her thin white panties. Want shocked Jamie even more was watching as Mr. Baker pulled down Brittney’s panties and removed the plug in front of everyone. Brittney groaned in relief. “Please sir, may I go to the bathroom before class starts?”

“Yes, you may go,” Mr. Baker said sternly. With that Brittney ran out of the room leaving her white panties crumpled up on the floor in front of Mr. Baker’s desk. Mr. Baker then looked at the clock on the wall and rolled over and closed the door. He moved back into the center of the room and smiled at the class.

“Good Morning, class,” he said. “It looks like Hollie is going to be late again and Brittney isn’t going to make it back from the bathroom in time. I do not stop class for anyone so we will go ahead and get started.”

Cassandra couldn’t contain herself. “I told you she wouldn’t make it, Sofie! ten with the belt for you!” Sophia was rocking back and forth in her seat. Mr. Baker took notice and moved towards Sophia.

“Is this true Sofie? Did you make a bet with Cassandra that Hollie would be late again?” He was waiting for her reply.

Sophia shrugged. “Yes, sir. I thought for sure she wouldn’t be late three times in a row. The bet was for ten swats with the belt. I lost fair and square.” Jamie could see Sophia’s leg shaking under her seat as she talked.

“I see,” said Mr. Baker. Since you chose to take a bet in class Sophia I am going to add to that bet. You will receive an extra swat for every minute that Hollie is late, do you understand?” His voice, which was already deep and commanding, became more so.

“Yes, sir, I understand,” repeated Sophia with her head hung low. Mr. Baker now looked to Cassandra who had a look of satisfaction on her face.

“And you will receive the same for bringing up the idea of betting in my class. Especially against one of your fellow students. You are supposed to encourage each other, not tear each other down. I’m disappointed in you Cassandra.” With those final words all sense of accomplishment left Cassandra’s face. She swallowed hard.

“Yes, sir, Mr. Baker. I’m very sorry sir.”

“You will be when it’s all over,” said Mr. Baker. And today we are learning how to take the paddle. You will really feel the paddle after this is all over. Both Sophia and Cassandra looked at the floor, then at each other. Mr. Baker moved back to the front of the room and continued with class. “It seems we have a new student with us today. I assume you are the woman from Reddit that messaged me this week? Welcome to Submission 1101. In a moment I’ll have you come up and introduce yourself to the class. Before that, though I need a volunteer to come and show our new student how to properly introduce themselves. Do we have a volunteer?”

Sophia instantly raised her hand. “Yes, sir. I will be glad to model the correct way to introduce yourself to our new student.” Sophia got up from her desk and moved to the front of the classroom while Mr. Baker moved his chair to the back of the room behind us. Jamie couldn’t decide where to look. She decided to keep her eyes front and center for the time being.

Sophia stopped in front of Mr. Baker’s desk and turned to face the class. She had legs for days, a tight red plaid skirt, a white button down shirt and the most striking face Jamie had ever seen. Her long red hair matched her skirt perfectly, Jamie thought. Finally Sophia started to speak. “Hello class, my name is Sophia. I’m 27 years old.” As Sophia was telling the class her age she was also unbuttoning the white shirt revealing a beautiful white laced bra enclosing two of the most perfect breasts Jamie had ever seen. Jamie was starting to blush but Sophia was steady. Sophia continued to speak. “My favorite hobbies are reading, watching horror films, and jogging.” As she told this next fact she slowly reached behind her back and unzipped her skirt. With one push over her hips the skirt fell to the floor revealing the white panties beneath it. Sophia paused and picked up her skirt and carefully folded it and placed it on her desk. Jamie was blushed for both of them. Sophia reached for her bra and unhooked it as she said, “I studied Biology in school and I’m getting ready to start nursing school soon.” By this time Sophia had removed her bra revealing a very perky pair of breasts. Her nipples were large and protruded. Jamie knew she should look at Sophia’s face, but she couldn’t. Sophia didn’t stop. She continued to move her hands down to her panties and started to remove them. “I’ve known that I had a BDSM fetish since I was 12 years old. Mr. Baker has given my first real submissive experience.” As her white panties dropped they revealed a fiery red landing strip leading directly to the pinkest pussy that Jamie had ever seen. The redness of her hair contrasted nicely with the pale freckled skin that was around it.

From behind her Mr. Baker spoke. “Thank you for showing our new Student how to introduce ourselves by giving us the ‘core four.’ Four things about yourself that you would like to share with the class. You may be seated Sophia, good job.” Sophia gathered her clothes, folded them neatly and placed them under her desk. She then sat in her desk completely nude. Mr. Baker continued. “Now let’s have our new student get up in front of the class and give it a try.”

Jamie blushed even harder. Did he really expect her to get up in front of the class and strip naked in front of everyone at the beginning of class on her first day? She was trembling, but her pussy was throbbing harder than it ever had. Slowly Jamie got up and started moving to the front of the classroom. When she got to Mr. Baker’s desk she slowly turned around to face the class. Was she really about to do this, she thought? Well, she bought the outfit, she was really turned on by the add on Reddit, and watching Sophia do it. Jamie slowly started to unbutton her blouse. As she did she addressed the class. “Hello, my name is Jamie. I’m 28 years old, and I’m a Virgo.” With that she unbuttoned the final button and removed her white blouse. Her white bra was not as pretty or lacy as Sophia’s but she thought it looked cute. Next she moved her hands behind her back and unzipped her own skirt. She continued. “I moved here when I was in college. I’m originally from the south” South was where her skirt headed at a record speed. When it dropped she was horrified when she noticed the huge wet spot on her white panties. She immediately started to blush and clam up.

Mr. Baker spoke first. “Don’t worry about that Jamie. Everyone gets a little bit excited their first time. Isn’t that right ladies?” Both Sophia and Cassandra nodded in agreement. Cassandra was the first to speak.

“I remember my first time. I think my wet spot was twice the size of yours, Jamie. Sophia has a way of doing that to people.” Sophia reached over and slugged Cassandra in the shoulder. “Ow, Sofie! Cut it out. You know you’re hot.” They both laughed. Jamie started to feel a little bit better.

She continued. “I studied Literature in college. I’m currently and editor for a publishing house.” As she told the class this she unhooked her bra and allowed everyone, including Mr. Baker to see her breasts. As they quickly fell into place she felt embarrassed all over again. She was already cold from the plastic seat and now her nipples were sticking out farther than they ever had. She wanted to hide behind the desk. Her hand instinctively covered her breasts.

Mr. Baker spoke up. “No Jamie, you are never allowed to cover up any part of your body. When you are in this classroom your body belongs to me and the class. Please remove your hand from your breasts.” Jamie slowly removed her hand from her breasts.

Jamie took a deep breath and continued. She moved her hands down to her wet, white panties and she slowly started to remove them. “Since I read all day when I’m at home I like to take a break from that. I love to cook, and I love to garden.” Just like that her panties were sitting in a pile on the floor around her ankles. Her thick black bush was unkept and she was suddenly very self conscious about it. It was all that she could do to not cover herself.

Mr. Baker spoke. “Thank you Jamie for telling us some things about yourself. I want to let you know that I expect all of my students to keep themselves groomed and clean. Next week when you come back I would like to see you completely shaven. Is that clear?” Jamie didn’t know what to say, at first she was a little upset that seeing her naked wasn’t enough, now he wanted her to shave? She wanted to grab her clothes and run out of the room.

Sophia spoke up. “Don’t worry Jamie, we all shaved our bushes after the first class. Eventually he will let you grow it back.” Cassandra added. “I’m still silky smooth, but I have a feeling you’ll be seeing for yourself in a bit. Look who just walked in the door.” Jamie turned and saw a new girl standing at attention just inside the doorway with her hands folded behind her head. She had on a purple plaid skirt and a black bra that showed through her thin white button down shirt. She had jet black hair and purple lipstick to match her skirt. Jamie could only assume that this was Hollie.

Mr. Baker’s voice rolled from the back of the room like thunder. Jamie actually flinched. “What time is it Hollie? Look up at that clock and tell me what time it is.” Hollie glanced up at the clock and spoke for the first time.

“It’s 8:15.”

“8:15 what, Hollie?” thundered the voice from the back of the room.

“8:15, SIR,” Hollie said in a rather sarcastic tone.

“Hollie, this is the third time in a row that you have been late to my class. I thought the first two tardies would have taught you not to do this, but I guess you need to learn a little bit more respect for other peoples time. Jamie, be a good girl and help Hollie to the front of the class for me please.” Jamie was a little surprised by the request, but she slowly moved over to Hollie, leaving her panties in the middle of the floor and walked Hollie to the center of the classroom. Mr. Baker continued. “Hollie I told you last week that I didn’t want you to be late for class ever again. Since your spanking last week didn’t teach you a lesson we are going to try again. Jamie please remove Hollie’s clothes so that I can spank her.”

Hollie didn’t move, but Jamie could tell that she was trembling softly. At first Jamie was taken back by the request. Hollie gave her a quick nod of approval. Jamie slowly started to unbutton Hollie’s blouse revealing the sexiest black bra Jamie had ever seen. When she had her shirt unbuttoned Hollie dropped her hands from her head and allowed Jamie to remove her top. She quickly placed her hands back into position. Jamie then slowly moved behind Hollie and unzipped her purple skirt and let it fall to the floor. What Jamie saw next made her gasp out loud.

Hollie was wearing a lacy black thong. From behind Jamie could see Hollie’s dark purple bottom. Jamie had never seen bruises like that anywhere before. She could do nothing but stare. She didn’t stare for long before the thundering voice from the back continued to speak. “Hollie, you are not in uniform. You know that you are to wear a white bra and white panties to class every single time. Not only am I going to spank you for being late, but I’m also going to spank you for being out of dress code. Jamie, please continue to undress Hollie.” Jamie was terrified at what was about to come next. She quickly unhooked Hollie’s bra and Hollie moved her hands letting it fall to the floor in front of her. Jamie then put two hands on either one of Hollie’s hips and removed her black thong. She then moved a couple of steps away from Hollie. Mr. Baker spoke yet again. “Thank you Jamie, why don’t you collect your clothes and have a seat. I need to deal with an unruly student before we continue with class. I hope that you understand.”

Jamie collected her clothes and folded them and placed them under her desk like she had seen Sophia do. She didn’t know what type of spanking Hollie was about to get, but one look at her bruises told Jamie that she didn’t want to do anything to get the attention of Mr. Baker at this juncture. Mr. Baker rolled to the front of the room and as he did Brittney returned from the bathroom. Mr. Baker didn’t let her get away with anything either. His voice was as stern as ever. “It’s 8:20 Brittney, you were in the bathroom for way too long. I’m about to teach Hollie a lesson on punctuality that I think you would benefit from. Why don’t you take off your clothes and join your classmate at the front of the room.

Brittany sheepishly replied, “Yes, sir.” She moved to the front of the room beside Hollie and started to undress. Her panties were still in the floor at the front of the room where she left them so it took her much less time to get naked. Once she was completely nude she stood at the front of the room with her hands behind her head just like Hollie. Mr. Baker rolled behind his desk and took something out of a drawer. It was a long thick paddle with holes drilled all over it. On the handle burned into the wood was the phrase “Board of Education.” Mr. Baker rolled beside Brittney and began to speak.

“Since we have already wasted a lot of class time I thought we would go ahead and introduce our Submission topic for the day. Paddles. Today I’m going to teach you how to properly position yourself for a good paddling. Since Brittney and Hollie are already here at the front of the class why don’t we let them try it out first. Ladies, please turn around and face the board. Spread your legs slightly apart and bend over and put your hands on your knees.” The girls slowly turned and did as they were told. As they bent over Jamie could see Hollies purple bottom clearer now. Brittney’s was not as bruised as Hollie’s was, but she still had a mark or two on her bottom. As they both bent over Jamie could see their pussies in between their luscious bottoms. Hollies was glistening in anticipation. Mr. Baker went on. “You see class this is the first position that I will teach your for being paddled. This is a standard paddling position.” He rolled over to Brittney and placed the paddle on her bottom and rubbed it around just a little. “You see, this position allows for the paddle to hit just the right spot on your bottom.” And with that he swung the paddle back as far as he could and brought it down with force onto Brittney’s white bottom.


Brittney cried out in pain.


Mr. Baker had moved to Hollie and the Board of Education was acquainted with Hollies purple ass. She too cried out in pain.




The Board of Education came down three times fast and Hard on Hollie’s bared bottom. She couldn’t say in position and she stood up to rub her bottom. Mr. Baker chastised her. “I did not tell you that you could rub your bottom Hollie. You get back into position this instant.”





These four strokes landed on Brittneys quickly reddening bottom. “I told you last week to make sure you went to the bathroom before inserting your plug last night. If you had followed my directions you should not have had to go so quickly. That final swat was for the panties you so carelessly left in my floor.” Brittney was sobbing uncontrollably, but she managed to say: “Yes, sir, sorry, sir” in between sobs.

“Ladies, get your clothes off of my floor and go sit in your desks. I don’t want to hear another sound from either of you.” Brittney and Hollie gathered their clothes, folded the and placed them under their chairs. As they sat down in their seats Jamie could see the pain on their faces as their red hot bottoms touched that cold plastic seat. Mr. Baker positioned himself at the front of the class and turned his attention to Sophia and Cassandra. He pointed the Board of Education at both of them.

“Now, ladies, what is this I hear about a bet?”



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