Alice, Scott and Mom [FFM] [Inc]

**Continuing adventures of Katie and Kayla, their mom, Alice and her brother, Scott, and confession time with mom.**

During the week, Alice had let her mom know she was coming over and found her dad was going to golf, her company would be most welcome. She let Scott know this is what she was going to do and asked Scott if he could join them. Scott’s kids were still of an age they needed a parent to get them around so left that duty to his wife for the day.

Pulling into his parent’s driveway, he could see that Alice was already there – then he saw that dad’s car wasn’t. Fuck! he thought, What’s she up to?

Scott didn’t have a key, so rang the doorbell, quickly answered by Alice. She welcomed him in and as soon as the door was closed, she wrapped herself around him and kissed him, deeply, running her hand over his dick. “What the fuck?” Scott whispered. Alice smiled and said “You’ll see.”

Alice led Scott into he kitchen, where their mom was sitting at the table and two cups of coffee already half drunk. Alice made Scott a coffee and sat him down at the table. “Okay, I’m here, so what’s this all about?” Scott asked.

“Mom, first, I want to thank you for making Scott such a wonderful lover.”

Mom looked at Scott, “You told her then?” There was no surprise or anger, just a comment.

“Yeah, everything.”

Mom nodded and said, “I hadn’t really expected you not to tell her. But you did manage this long, so well done.” Mom looked at Alice “Now you know, what are you going to do about it? Or what do you want to do about it?”

“Nothing, really,” Alice replied, “Nothing to be done and I really do appreciate it, Mom.”

“Well incest runs in families, they say. We have a long line of incestuous relationships in my side of the family.”

Scott and Alice’s eyebrows lifted at that. “Tell us more!” they echoed.

“Oh, from what I understand, your great-great-great grandmother thought she was Cleopatra or Nefertiti of some such. She was intent on marrying her brother, that’s what Egyptian queens did. The story is that her brother did talk her out of it, she married someone else, and it is unlikely that her children were by her brother. None of our ancestors have been born with three eyes or such, so is all good. However, she did encourage them into incestuous relations, as have the sons and daughters ever since.”

“You didn’t!” Alice stated.

“No, I didn’t need to, you were such a beautiful girl, still are, Scott is so handsome, I couldn’t resist him, so how could you? But I made sure that neither of you would fuck up your lives because of it.”

“What about lesbian incest?” Alice asked.

“Well, my Aunt Liz switched me on to it by seducing me. We had a very sensual relationship. Then dad was introduced catching us in bed. It didn’t take long for me to figure it out, but by then, it was too late, I was loving it. Making love with Liz was a real pleasure, adding your grandfather, well that took it to the next level. Having a sexual relationship with another woman is okay, but you know how hard it was to find another woman then? They were there, for sure, but in the woodwork as it were, too afraid to come out. Or are you asking?”

Alice shook her head, “Well, Kayla and Katie are having a lesbian relationship, a complete 180 from where they were a few weeks ago. I’d never considered it before so I didn’t know where it came from.”

“And?” Mom asked.

“What should I do about it?”

“Nothing, dear.” Mom said, “Do nothing, they won’t appreciate it. They’ll see it as interference and get angry with you, likely causing some serious damage to your relationship with them, especially Katie. She is only sixteen and sixteen year olds can be pretty precious about a parent controlling their lives.”

“You mean like I would have been?”

“Oh yes, that’s why I never said anything and made sure your father never found out. He would likely have gone ballistic. So, how has my son and star pupil been? As a lover?”

“Brilliant mom, he has always done things to me that no other man has ever done. He gets so far into me, into my head no one else has ever reached.”

“Good, that was the idea. I’m glad you have managed your relationship so well, though. It could have been seriously damaging for you if you hadn’t.”

“You mean the children?”

“Yes, in part. I went through months of hell with you, Scott. When I first learned I was pregnant, I was terrified that I had made a mistake and your grandfather or your uncle were the real father.”

“Uncle Greg? You’re kidding?” Scott asked.

“No, not at all, I was fucking three men at that time. The women didn’t count, obviously.” She saw the look on Alice’s face, “Yes dear, sluttery is inter-generational so passed down from parent to offspring.”

“Jeez mom!”

“Well I can’t help it, I love sex, still do. I grew into adolescence and when Aunt Liz seduced me, with my willing cooperation I might add, got me on the pill then your grandfather, Liz and I had my first threesome.” Scott was looking somewhat scandalized, Alice was surprised. “You young people think you’ve invented sex, but I can tell you, we are programmed not to think of our parents as sexual beings. I didn’t but it’s obvious they are. You’re fit and healthy, without flaw, as they used to say but you look more like your grandfather than your father.”

“Am I grandpa’s son?”

“No, you aren’t. Liz helped me work it out, I got it right, but that didn’t stop me from worrying about it. That is why, if you remember I was so adamant that you had to have other people in your lives, that you were informed and very careful about the issue of children, as I was. There was no room for error.”

“Me too?” Alice asked.

“Oh yes, but you look more like my mom, so I’m thinking that your good looks come from me and your brains from your father!” She laughed. She sighed, “Damn, if I knew this is what you wanted to talk about, I would’ve had your Uncle Greg over here too, he would add another dimension.”

“Mom, really?”

“Oh yes dear, he is a brilliant lover, you should try him some time, he’s as big as Scott, and knows how to use it.”

“And what about dad? Has he ever been involved?”

“Oh good god no, he’s far too straight laced. The guilt would consume him and ruin his life. Your father is an honorable man, unlike us, we’re essentially cum sluts, all of us, like to give it, like to take it.” She stopped, “But I can’t help liking dick, can we?” She looked at Alice. “Or tongue.”

Alice knew what she was saying, tongue, her tongue specifically inside Alice. “Mom, you’ve never made a pass at me before.”

“No, I didn’t get the idea that you were interested in a woman until now. It’s been a while since I’ve had Scott’s dick in me, as well, so why not?”

“MOM!” Alice cried, “You-”

“I’m what dear, still a slut? Oh yeah and if your Uncle Greg was here I would have had him undressed and sucking his dick before now. I’d show you how much of a slut I really am, always have been. Greg comes over when your father’s at golf and we fuck. Not today because you called.”

“Don’t you worry that Dad might get suspicious and not be at golf?”

“Oh no. I’ve tracked his phone for years now, looking for some indiscretion that I can use to loosen him up, but nothing, never. Unless he’s fucking someone in his office, at the gym, at the golf club, your father is pure of heart and pure of deed. I just wish he wasn’t sometimes, maybe he wouldn’t be so fucking boring!” Alice was shocked at this admission. “Don’t get me wrong, I love him to bits and would never leave him, but he is so straight he can’t even imagine I would be fucking anyone else, let alone my brother, or my children. Now come on Scott, I want to close up look at that gorgeous dick of yours.”

Mom got up from her chair and took Scott by the hand, “Coming dear,” she asked Alice, “It’ll be fun, promise!” Scott wasn’t resisting, Alice saw. Fuck, she thought, mom is sixty-one years old and she wants to fuck. She sat and saw them leave the kitchen, not heading for the master bedroom but for the guest room. Well, that makes sense. Alice sat, not moving, she was stunned a little by what was happening around her. Mom telling her all this. Her mom dragging her brother off to have sex. Her mom asking her to join in. She reviewed her own sex life, in light of what she had just heard. Apart from Scott, she had only ever had three lovers, including her ex-. Mom is certainly more experienced, so how many others were there for her?

Alice went down the passage to the guest room and found the door wide open. Peering in, she saw mom at an angle she had never seen before. Mom was on her knees, her face buried in Scott’s crutch, his dick in her mouth. A wave of jealousy swept over her, mom was sucking her lover! What’s more, he was loving it! Scott saw her and waved her over, “Come and sit on my face!” he said. “Yes, please do, dear,” she said around Scott’s cock.

Alice stood in the doorway, taking the scene in, not moving. Everything, every revelation, her stormy emotions were all flowing around inside her, rocking her world like it had never been rocked before. Scott and mom both held a hand out to her, encouraging Alice to join them. Into the looking glass, she thought. Taking a step forward, Alice took her blouse off, her bra quickly followed. Another step and her sandals were off, followed by her slacks. Another step and Alice was naked, her panties on the floor behind her.

Alice climbed onto the bed and crawled over Scott’s head, lowering her pussy onto his mouth, facing the action as mom sucked his dick. She knew it was mom, older, wrinklier, but you could still see the beauty of her. Her tits sagged a bit, as did other parts, but Alice saw the woman inside too. Did she want to fuck her own mother? Did she want her mother to fuck her? See what happens when it really comes down to it, Alice thought, Scott was loving this, I bet. She gently ground her pussy on Scott’s mouth, trying to make sure his nose prodded her asshole. Fuck him, he can eat my ass too, she thought, What was fucking wrong with her? Jealousy? She’d never thought like this before, what was making her so angry? Why should she be jealous of mom?

A week ago Alice had not known of mom’s knowing of the sexual nature of her relationship with Scott, then Scott had finally opened up on that. Now here they were, right in front of her, mom was sucking Scott’s dick and he was obviously enjoying it. She might have been angry, but she was also incredibly turned on by the breaking of this ultimate taboo. Thinking about it, she was glad her father didn’t know about this, mom was right, it would break him. A really nice guy, straight arrow all his life, so how the fuck did he get mixed up with mom?

Alice realized at that moment she was getting her pussy eaten by her brother, turned on by watching her mom sucking his dick and thinking about her father? WFT? Nah, dad was a good looking guy when younger, but was now as round as the golf balls her had been having a passionate affair with, like forever, it seemed to Alice. At one level, she understood why mom behaved like she has, fucking a brother, a father, an aunt can be fun, well, honestly, fucking anyone can be fun, if they’re as giving to you as you are to them. Mom lifted her head off Scott’s dick and said, “Over heating now, come, eat me! Lick my pussy!” She rolled over onto her back, bringing her knees up.

“Who?” asked Alice.

“Either one of you, but you’ve never licked a pussy before, so if you want, you can start on mine!”

Scott moved, scrambling out from under Alice, “Yeah, and I can fuck you doggy! A fantasy I didn’t even know I had come true!” He saw Alice’s hesitation and said, “Or maybe not?”

“Don’t be so reluctant, dear. Trying new things is the only way we work out what’s good and what’s not, what we like, what we don’t like,” mom said, “Or if you don’t want to eat me, then use your fingers, come and kiss me, and use your fingers.”

Alice repositioned herself and reached out, touching mom’s pudenda, running her hand over the trimmed bush of pubic hair. For the first time, she was touching another woman’s pussy. She had touched her own frequently, masturbating, but never anyone else’s. She ran her fingers over the soft skin, thinking that she had enough experience to play with it then realizing that what she likes, might not be what another woman likes. Her fingers slid over the labia, feeling the stickiness of mom’s lubricating juices.

It was soft, but leathery, an odd feeling, something she had never felt before. She felt mom tugging on her arm, pulling her down, offering her face for a kiss. This definitely felt weird to Alice, and she nearly shied but she held her nerve and kissed mom. It wasn’t the kiss of a mother to a daughter, it was the kiss of a lover, exploring their partner’s mouth and lips. “Finger me,” mom said as Alice’s fingers slid over mom’s pussy. “Put it in,” she said. Alice did as she was told, sliding a finger into her, feeling her way around mom’s pussy like it was delicate instrument. “Two,” mom said, so Alice slid another finger into the wet tunnel. “Three!” Mom demanded, so Alice complied, three fingers pumping mom’s pussy. “Scott, in the drawer there, oil!”Mom said as she gasped, “Four!” mom cried and again, Alice complied. “Pour some oil over her hand!” Mom ordered, “Twist as you put it in Alice!” her orders between forced breaths, “Oh fuck! That feels so fucking good!” As Alice pumped her hand in and out of mom’s cunt. “Oil!” Mom demanded as Scott poured more onto Alice’s hand, making it slippery. Alice could feel mom’s love tunnel relax more as she put more fingers in, “Cup your thumb into your palm, pump it Alice, twist and push!” Alice did and then almost magically, mom’s hole opened enough to allow her knuckles bury themselves deep into mom! “YES” Mom cried! “FUCK ME! KEEP GOING, ALICE” Mom groaned as Alice fisted her.

“Play with my clit!” Mom ordered, “Keep pumping!” Alice pushed in as far as she could, then pulled out to push in again. She was fist fucking her mom! She was stroking her mom’s clit! Mom pumped herself up against Alice’s fist and got faster and faster! “YES! YES! CUMMING!…..NOW!” Mom shook and her torso turned a bright red Fuck! Alice thought, she was cumming hard. Alice kept fisting mom’s pussy and Scott just watched, not involved in anything. Mom flopped back as her orgasm passed, taking big gulps of air. After a few moment, Alice slowed her pumping, and mom didn’t move. She took another big breath, let it out slowly, “Fuck, I’m really glad I go to the gym now! That was fucking unbelievable! No-one has fisted me since Aunt Liz, that was marvelous Alice. First time and you made me cum! Well done, you!” Again, mom pulled Alice close and kissed her, “I loved that, you can do that to me anytime you like!” she said. Mom pushed Alice’s shoulder and rolled her onto her back.

“I’m gunna taste you now, lick you, eat your pussy. Then Scott is gunna fuck you, make you cum.” Mom dived onto Alice and with no fanfare, she plunged her tongue deep into Alice’s pussy. She lapped the clit, licked the labia, tongue fucked the vagina and Alice had to admit, there is no-one else, even Scott, who licked her like this. Mom was fucking brilliant at it. Alice could feel her passion rising and it wasn’t long before she was pumping her hips into mom’s mouth. Suddenly, without warning, mom lifted off Alice and said, “Fuck her, show me what you’ve been doing for twenty years.”

Scott did. Alice had her legs spread, her body open to receive Scott’s big dick, allowing it to slide right into her. In a missionary position, Alice drew her knees up and wrapped her legs around him. She love being ridden like this, in a seemingly submissive position, on her back, but able to control the speed at which Scott was driving his pin into her. She was able to pull her hips up to meet his, to slow his thrusts down, to kiss him while his cock was deep inside her. She could her mom in the background calling him to fuck her, fuck her good, to cum in her, encouraging Scott to do as he has always done, make her cum.

There was something wild about this for Alice, her mom being there, licking her pussy, watching her fucking Scott. There was something so taboo about it! She was so mixed up, so turned on and so appalled! Her body betrayed her, it was loving it while her head was screaming this was wrong! Her sex had never been more reactive to a cock pumping into her, her nipples so hard they felt like they were going to burst. Her skin was s sensitive to every thing that was touching it, Scott’s hips pounding her pelvis, his lips on hers, his cock filling her up. Even that felt bigger than it ever had before! She couldn’t deny it, she was going to cum! Scott kissed her and his stroke became a little ragged, he too was near cumming, “Fuck me!” Alice cried, “CUMMING! CUM IN ME!” She felt her body shaking and the muscles in her vagina pulled at his dick demanding he giver her his juice. And he did! Scott grunted and started shooting inside her. She wouldn’t let him out as his dick spewed its precious contents into her.

They remained in that position while they got their breath back. Scott’s cock slowly detumesced, falling out of Alice after a time. He rolled off her and mom, seeing an opportunity, replaced him. Without warning, she slid over Alice and then down, placing her mouth over Alice’s oozing love tunnel. “Yum, cream pie!” mom said and lowered her mouth onto Alice. Again lapping at Alice’s pussy, mom let her tongue lick all of the juice from Alice’s pussy. Alice could feel a slight suction on her puss as mom wrapped her mouth around it a tongue sliding all over with the expressed intent of finding every little wriggler and scooping it up like a vacuum cleaner.

Mom dug and dug with her tongue and although Alice had just cum with Scott’s cock inside her, she was now building to a second cum with mom’s tongue in her. Oh yeah! That was it, just like that Alice was screaming inside her head, swamping any other thoughts. She started pumping her hips upward, getting as much enjoyment from that mouth as she could. Then it happened, her whole body snapped in spasm as one of the strongest cums she had ever experienced took her body, shook it, turned her inside out as it swept through her. She could feel herself levitating off the bed with the heat of the cum blush all over her body, lighting her up like a red light.

Alice fell back, gasping for lung fulls of air. Mom planted a final kiss on Alice’s mons, then crept up to suckle on Alice’s tits. Scott didn’t mind sitting back, being completely passive here. He was just the random dick, so that’s okay. He really hadn’t thought about mom like this before, not eating Alice’s pussy, sucking his dick, yeah, even fantasized that long before she did for the first time. Apart from the occasional lover before he married Mardi, it was only Mardi, Alice and Mom whom he had had real sexual relationships with. After he married Mardi, it was only Alice two or three times a month, whenever she wanted, and Mom very occasionally. It didn’t matter now, he could see this becoming a regular thing.

Gives a whole new meaning to the idea of Saturdays with the family.
