Room 33 [MF][Str8][First Person][Workplace][Long]

[First attempt at a story. Feedback appreciated.]

Like many other people in the UK of the late 90s, I took a year out before starting university. Found myself a job at a new budget hotel which was opening in the next town; we were a small team of a dozen or so, mostly young, and we all got on pretty well. After a couple of months I switched to work the night shifts, it was a little more money but also more varied as sometimes you’d not see a soul and at other times you’d have a party in the bar until the small hours.

One of the benefits of everyone getting on is that we made a few of our own house rules. For instance, there was one room – Room 33 – which was always set to ‘out of order’ in the system unless we were really full: it was right next to reception and the automatic doors, so could be a little noisy, but there was nothing wrong with it otherwise. Some of the girls who usually worked the day shifts would sometimes have a quick snooze in there during the night if it was quiet, and occasionally one of the team would drop in after a night out on the town to sleep it off, especially if they were on the early shift the next morning.

The most frequent occupant of Room 33 was probably Mindy. She actually lived in the estate just behind the hotel, but she’d often weave through the door after a good night in the local nightclub so she didn’t wake up her parents. She’d grab her spare uniform from her locker in the staff room, crash out for four hours and then emerge fresh as a daisy, ready to go with a smile at 7am.

One Thursday night I was working the shift on my own as the hotel was quiet, with just a couple of guys sitting over in the bar area near our huge pot plants with their last beers, telling each other exciting stories of the world of mobile phone sales. I was in the bar cashing up shortly after midnight when Mindy strolled in, a little more upright than usual, and plonked herself on one of the bar stools with an audible “huff”. As ever she was looking good, a typical 90s girl in a little black dress hugging her swimmer’s figure, straight shoulder length soft brown hair which matched her eyes, dark red lipstick, carrying a pair of black shoes and a sparkly clutch bag which she dumped on the bar.

“Of all the gin-joints in all the towns in all the world…” I joked. She didn’t get the reference, of course. We were both 18, her about a month younger than me, and to be honest I hadn’t watched Casablanca then either.

“You what?” Mindy said.

“Film quote. Casablanca. “Of all the gin-joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine.” Never mind… what’s up?”

“Oh, funny. Anyway, not much” she replied. “Was looking forward to dancing with boys at The Owl, but Claire and her fella had a bust-up and I’ve spent most of the night with her crying on me. What a write-off, I’ve only had a couple of drinks all night!”

I took that as a hint and without asking, fished a Smirnoff Ice out of the fridge under the bar, popped the top and slid it her way. I knew her drink of choice from a team night out the month before, and another bottle on the ‘breakages’ form wouldn’t do any harm. She continued catching me up with her news about Claire’s boyfriend’s alleged misdemeanours while I finished counting the till and doing a stock take; when I’d finished so was her drink and she was starting to absent-mindedly shred the label so I exchanged it for a fresh one. This, and the two guys from across the room getting up to return to their rooms, disturbed her train of thought and she switched onto me.

“When are you going to bring your girlfriend out to meet us anyway?”

“Oh, I don’t know.” Truth was, I’d had a girlfriend when I started the job but it was a little on/off. And recently, mostly off as she had a lot of college work to do. “I haven’t seen her for a few days.” Make that two weeks.

“Aww, you should come. It’d be fun. Next Thursday? If your girlfriend doesn’t want to come then I’ll hook you up with Claire.”

“I’ll see. Anyway, I need to put this money in the safe, do you want me to do a key card for your room?”

“Of course!” She flashed me a smile and her big eyes lit up. I smiled back. She had one of those smiles where you had to. When I returned with it she leaned over the bar, pecked me on the cheek, hopped off the bar stool and sauntered off to the room saying a cheery “Ninite!” over her shoulder. My eyes followed her tiptoeing through the lobby, hips swaying, pert bum nicely held by her dress, shoes and bag held high in one hand and drink in the other.

Past 1am. I had things to do so found the remote for the bar TV and put it on the music channel as we always did for some random 80s background hits, added a couple of bottles to breakages, filed away some paperwork and was just about to start the dishwasher when I heard the reception phone ring. Room 33.

“Hey, er, it’s me, Mindy. I’m kind of stuck. Can you come and help?”


“Yeah, er… the zip, it won’t undo. On my dress.”

“Ha, sure, give me a minute.”

“And… bring another Ice? I’ll put the money in the till tomorrow.”

Two minutes later, I’d scribbled ‘BRB’ on a small folded card on reception, picked up a bottle and gently tapped on her door. She’d put the music channel on too, and it was softly playing some sort of poodle rock in the dim light of the room lamps.

“There you are. Look at this!” As we stepped into the room and closed the door, she handed me the puller from a zip, with the part that goes through the zip missing.

“Well, that’s broken. But it’s your lucky day – I’ve got a paperclip.” Actually it was my lucky day: it’s not like I usually carried paperclips. “Turn around?”

She twisted round, and I lifted her hair up off her bare shoulders to be out of the way, clipped the clip onto the zip and after a little push gently slid it down for her. It finished just above that pert bum, exposing the back of her bra and the top of her panties: white lace contrasting with the black dress and her olive skin. She turned back to face me with that big smile again, and as she did so my hands brushed her hips, causing the dress to fall down around her ankles. This made her giggle, her exposed shoulders and mid size boobs (34C maybe?) jumping briefly. This was an unexpected bonus and my cock bounced into life in the fitted boxers I was wearing as I looked her quickly up and down.

“Oi, saucy!”

“Sorry, I didn’t mean that. Nice undies by the way, suit you. Anyway, Mindy, I…”

“Thanks – and thanks for the clip trick, I’ll remember that.” She stepped out of the dress and leant forward to give me another quick thank you kiss, on my lips instead this time. As she did, it was her turn to brush against me, and as her hips made contact with the bulge in the cheap thin polyester trousers of my uniform she giggled again, but this time her eyes were wide. “Oh, enjoying your view are you?”

“Sorry – can you blame me?” My hands lightly rested on the curve at the top of her bum, feeling the texture of her lace panties under my thumbs and her soft warm skin under my fingers.

“Perhaps I should thank you properly.”

With that, Mindy quickly grabbed a good swig of the bottle I’d brought, then dropped down and sat on the end of the bed, pulling at the waistband of my trousers to unhook them and sliding them down. Her hands stroked along the outside of my boxers and she cooed at my cock pressing against the fabric.

“Oooh, well hello… who knew?”

After only a couple of seconds she pulled my waistband down and allowed me to spring free. I’m not the biggest at just over six inches, but straight, with a good well proportioned girth and a nice round uncut head. As she leaned back slightly on the bed to look at how erect I now was, her fingers folded around the base and started slowly stroking up and down, and her smile became even wider looking at the shiny head and the glistening bead of pre-cum that had appeared on it.

I could feel her smooth legs behind mine pulling me towards her as she stroked, not that I was going anywhere, and as I looked down between her spread legs I could just see her pussy lips peeking through the lace of her panties. I was getting a dry throat so picked up the bottle of Ice and took a glug. No drinking on shift, of course, but I’m pretty sure there was a rule against doing the rest of this on shift too, so never mind. Mindy took the bottle and finished it off while continuing to slowly stroke my shaft; as she raised her head to empty it I had a dream view of her round boobs and puffy pink nipples pushing against the lace. She tossed the empty bottle on the floor and then delicately licked the end of my cock with her tongue to taste the pre-cum. It tingled slightly from the fizz and the alcohol and I let out a quiet moan.

“Everything OK?” She asked.

“Are you kidding?” I replied. “Don’t stop…”

Mindy didn’t stop. Without warning, she took this as her cue to slide her red lips all the way down my cock until I felt the head against the back of her throat. I hadn’t been deep throated before, and I gasped in surprise. Clearly this wasn’t her first time however and she alternated between sliding my full length slowly in and out making a swallowing sensation, and her tongue flicking on the underside of the head, and let’s be honest here, I was ready to come in about thirty seconds. I was 18 after all.

“Mindy…” I murmured. “I’m…”

She stopped and looked up, her big eyes sparkling and her face a picture of mischief. “Well I said I should thank you properly! You do need to get back to work though…”

At this I let out a long low groan. “Oh, I’m pretty sure everything will be fine for a few more minutes?”

She laughed, and licked playfully at the oozing end of my cock. “I guess so… hey, I’m not on shift tonight so it’s not my problem.” With that she pushed me back slightly, stood up, and pressed her chest into mine to whisper into my ear “Perhaps you could continue helping me undress?”

By this stage I didn’t need asking twice. With my left hand I held her bum firmly, then reached behind her with my right and unclipped her bra in one movement, before kissing in a line down the centre of her chest as I slid the straps down her arms. The bra fell to the floor as I flicked and tickled the tips of her puffy nipples with my tongue, enjoying the crinkled surface and her shivers of pleasure.

“Well, that’s not the first time you’ve done that is it?” she purred.

“Got to have a party trick, right? Think I’ve already experienced yours.”

She laughed again. “Well, a girl needs skills. Anyway, sit down.”

At 18 I wasn’t entirely used to a girl leading in the bedroom, but I was swiftly getting the hang of it. Feeling a little overdressed, I quickly slipped off my shirt and shoes and did as I was told. Mindy stood in front of me and I leant in to continue kissing her sensitive nipples, while running my hands up and down her toned thighs, first outside and then slowly up the inside. After a minute or two I ran a finger along the outside of her panties and felt her warm slippery wetness through them.

“Let me taste you?” I asked.

To my surprise, Mindy refused. “I don’t really like it – not tonight.” Before I could complain, she put her hands on my shoulders and climbed onto the bed kneeling over me, pushing her naked breasts softly into my face instead and, sliding her lace-covered pussy down into my lap, started to rub her damp labia against my cock through the material with small circular movements, as I alternately took a firm handful of her bum or raised my hands to cup the underside of her boobs and rub my face into them. After a little while I could hear her making soft cooing and whimpering noises and breathing deeply. I raised my head out of her warm soft cleavage and realised she had her head turned to one side and was watching herself in the mirror placed to one side of the bed.

My cock was once again straining against itself and I was surprised to find myself egging her on: “You like that don’t you babe… watch yourself riding that hard cock. You look so fucking hot… I can smell your hot pussy from here… I can feel your slippery pussy on my cock.” Dirty talk isn’t really my thing, but as I did so, her thighs tensed, she let out a quiet yelp and ground her hips hard onto my cock as I felt her orgasm against me, her body going out of rhythm and collapsing onto my chest, then onto the bed to one side of me.

We lay there for a couple of minutes while I stroked her back and her hair, and she idly traced up and down my cock with a fingertip. Suddenly she sat up. “Oh my god! You’re supposed to be working!”

“Yeah… about that…” I smiled. “Prefer this though. You’re so fucking hot.” What a thing to say. Extra cheese on that pizza?

“You have to!”

I looked at my watch. Nearly 3am. Where did that time go? I needed to start setting up breakfast, sorting out the guest accounts for the morning check-outs. “Ugh. You’re right, I do have to.” I sat up.

“You’re not going anywhere until you’ve had your turn though.”

I lay back down.

“You don’t have to…”

“Yeah, I do.”

As she spoke, her fingers once again wrapped around the base of my cock and she slid down the bed, off the end so she was kneeling on her dress, discarded on the floor. This time she didn’t simply take all of me inside her mouth; she licked up and down it, tasting her own juices, then circled my head with her tongue while gripping the base firmly, flicking the frenulum. This had me fully hard once again in no time. I could feel her full boobs against my thighs, her hair trailing lightly against my hip and her warm mouth slurping on my cock and I knew exactly what Mindy wanted, because in between flicks of her tongue she told me.

“You’re going to come in my mouth this time. I want to taste your fucking cum. I want your cum down my throat. Come for me.”

With so much build-up I knew I wouldn’t be long, but I managed to last for a couple of minutes of this beautiful girl with the suddenly dirty mouth giving me her full attention. Breathing harder and my cock straining against her tight grip, through gritted teeth I panted “Ready?”. In response Mindy once again plunged my cock deep into her mouth, I put my hand lightly on the side of her head and came several large ropes, filling her mouth.

She stayed there until the pulses subsided, swallowing carefully, licking my cock clean and giggling to herself, then climbed back onto the bed. “Can’t have us needing to change the sheets now, can we? Anyway you – go and get breakfast ready. Get out of here!” She pulled the duvet over her almost-naked body and watched me pull my clothes back on.

“See you at 7 then?” I smiled.

She smiled back. “Yeah. Get us a coffee ready?”


Shortly before 7am, on the CCTV I saw Julie’s Golf pull up in the staff parking. Julie was a little older, 26, and like a big sister to some of the younger girls. I’d just finished making Mindy her coffee when Julie appeared in the back office.

“No sign of Mindy yet?” asked Julie.

“Ha – yes and no… she’s in her room.”

“That girl!” Julie laughed. “Did she have a good night?”

“I think so. You can ask her when she surfaces.”

With perfect timing, on the stroke of 7am Mindy appeared, hair still damp from her shower, and made a beeline for the coffee.

Julie smiled at her. “Oh hello, good night was it?”

Mindy grinned. “Yeah, not bad. Got what I needed.”


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