The Alice and Clark show (Part 1) [3rd Person] [MF] [Bondage] [Fiction]

Drew leans forward on his taupe-colored, padded, leather office chair, clicking from email to email, making sure he’s up to date on the office’s happenings. A good day for the company, for sure. New business rolling in and some older clients looking for new services. Being a consulting firm in advanced tech can make for interesting days. But there is still no taking away from the reality though, of it being “the same old,” after years of grinding and building a reputable firm. As he finishes the last new message, Drew leans back in his chair, rubbing his eyes gently, and looks out of his office window to the dark-haired girl sitting in her cubicle from the glass partition of his office. His dark-haired girl; and smiles.

Just as he goes back to his computer, and the work in front of him the sound of the glass door opening breaks his daydreams.

“No knocks?” Drew mocks, jokingly at his friend. He breaks into a smile, “Thanks for coming by.”

“No probs, I was just around the area,” Clark replies as he seats himself on the cube-shaped armchair, facing his good friend. “Look at this place,” he says marveling at the meticulously decorated corner office. Contemporary, sleek, and clean. “Do I need to take my shoes off at the door?” he laughs?

Drew rolls his eyes and scoffs playfully.

Clark settles into his chair. “So, mind telling me why you wanted to see me as soon as possible, and during your office hours?”

Drew instinctively pushes his chair forwards towards the desk, and talks in a low voice to his friend. Not that anyone could possibly hear, but the subject matter requires even unintentional discretion.

“I wanted to tell you,” Drew pauses. “Ask you.” He laughs. “I don’t know where to start. Might as well get to the point.”

Clark raises his eyebrow and nods.

“I’m a part of a higher-end, very secretive sex club downtown.” Drew pauses to gauge Clark’s reaction, which so far is just the beginnings of a bemused smirk. “Each month, we have a special event where…” Drew looks for the exact words, a little surprised that he’s a bit flustered. “It’s a show, Clark. It’s a sex show, with good-looking performers, on stage, while the patrons of the club watch.”

“Uh-huh,” Clark nods, listening, unsure where the conversation is going.

“The performers are paid. Paid quite well as I understand it. And the show is usually the highlight event of the month. And…” Drew looks his friend in the eyes. “I thought maybe you’d be into the idea of performing this Friday. With Alice.”

“What? Are you serious?” Clark asks, clearly shocked.

“Yeah, well, the performers they had lined up backed out, and I told the club I may have a backup possibility.” He smiles. “You. And of course Alice. I’ve seen you two in action. You’re both young, fit, and attractive. You two look great together, and…” Drew’s voice trails off. “You’d be paid for your performance, as a service.”

Clark sits stunned while he gathers his words. “I mean. Thank you, I guess,” he responds, somewhere between a statement and question. “I’m flattered you thought of me, but, I don’t know. That’s pretty wild.”

Drew nods, in understanding, but continues. “It’s $2,500 if you wear a mask. $6,000 if not.”

“Oh shit!” Clark spits out. “You’re fucking serious?”

The outburst makes Drew laugh, his head turning instinctively towards the rest of the office. That’s when he notices immediately, a particular dark-haired intern, pushed back from her cubicle, staring into their meeting. Alice buries her head quickly into her work, but she has been caught. Drew smiles at the thought of her, and turns back to Clark.

“Yes. I’m serious. Alice will be paid even more, though. Frankly,” he says jokingly, “You’re just the lucky guy with a good dick. She’ll be the star.”

“Figures,” Clark smirks. “Anyway, speaking of her, what about Alice? She’s in on this?”

“I haven’t told her yet, but I will soon. I’m not going to tell her about the details of the… performance you both are going to do. That is meant as a surprise for her. But I will tell her about the event and the place.”

“Are you sure she’s okay with it?”

“Pretty sure, yes.” Drew smiles at his friend, reassuringly. Ever since she spent the night at his place, alone, the two had gotten much closer. “But I will tell her about it. And I will ask her.”

Clark nods, feeling more convinced. Of course, the voyeurism aspect feels exhilarating and it does entice him, but he can’t help but still feel doubtful. “What about our privacies and such?”

“You’ll be signing an NDA. But, this club is full of some of the most influential people in the city. You’ll be on the stage, but honestly, the ones who will be watching have way more to hide than you. Hell, it may even work out as networking for you. I’ve definitely heard of people getting jobs from this.”

Clark hums to himself, mulling over all the information Drew just dropped on his lap. The sex club, though he had never heard of this one, in particular, he had always wanted to visit and experience one. And, he still remembers the moment he and his friends shared with Alice, and he can’t help but want her again, all to himself. Now, both opportunities are presenting themselves. “Okay. I’m in. But you will have to ask her about it.”

“Of course.”

“So, you’ll send me the play-by-play later?”


He nods, breathing out a long breath, now more excited about the idea. Clark stands, heading over to the same door he entered earlier. He turns back to his friends before opening the door shaking his head. “This is weird as fuck. So many secrets I don’t know about you, Drew,” he says laughing. “See you.”

Drew nods, “Yeah. See you.”

As Clark walks through the hallway of the offices, Alice gazes at him from her cubicle, watching him leave. How unexpected, she thinks. He doesn’t exactly work in tech. Clark Hayes, ex-pro athlete, current personal trainer at a yuppie gym downtown, and part-time middle school soccer coach. Whatever reason for his presence in Drew’s office is probably not of professional motive, and Alice can’t help to jump to the conclusion that it might be of another motive.

She pushes the thoughts to the back of her mind. Product listing and pricing spreadsheets don’t make themselves. However, her speculations remain in the back of her head.

Entering numbers and formulas into individual cells keep her distracted, at least until her stomach grumbles, demanding more sustenance to fuel her thinking gears. She gets up from her swivel chair, stretching, making a beeline to the snack station.

As she hesitates between stuffing her face with sour cream and onion chips or cheese puffs, she feels a tap on her shoulder, startling her. “Jesus! Fuck!”

“Well, that’s a rather inappropriate way to greet people in the office, isn’t it Alice?” Drew teases, smirking at her reaction.

Alice groans, unimpressed by Drew’s attempt at humor. “Came here to jump my nerves, sir?”

“No, just to jump your bones.” He smirks, keeping his voice low, whispering just for her to hear.

“And look who’s being rather inappropriate now,” She teases back. “You know, if you weren’t one of the higher-ups in this company and if I didn’t like you, I would’ve reported you to HR.”

“Hmm… Is that so?”

“Mhm.” She nods, as she leans against a wall, pushing a couple of cheese puffs into her mouth, munching somewhat politely in front of her boss. She swallows the orange snacks, “Anyway. I saw Clark earlier. What was that about?”

“Ever as curious, Alice.”

“Just being a good, observant intern, sir.”

“Well, stay late tonight. Come to my office, after everyone is gone. I’ll tell you then.” Drew straightens himself and starts walking away. “See you later, Alice.”

Alice throws him a side-eye, not appreciating the secrecy. She stuffs a handful more cheese puffs down her throat before making her way back to her cubicle. It was already late in the afternoon, but there are still three hours to go nonetheless. Her curiosity gnaws at her, and she actively pushes out those thoughts out of her mind, by throwing herself into her spreadsheets and blasting her favorite true-crime podcast on her headphones.

The hours have gone by, and now, indeed, only Alice and Drew are left in the office. As soon as the coast is clear, Alice rushes into his private office.

“Alright. I’ve waited patiently for this. Mind telling me what your secret plans are, sir?”

“Always a straight shooter, my Alice. That’s why you’re my favorite intern.” He winks at her smiling.

“Oh stop,” Alice smirks and rolls her eyes, but her blushing cheeks betray her.

“I love it when you turn pink for me like that…” Drew whispers, lowering his voice and leaning into her from across his desk “Pink… Just like the panties you’re wearing today.”

“Oh, so you do like the pictures I sent you from the ladies’ room?” Alice leans in closer. Under the desk, their legs touch, a zap sending tingles down her spine.

“I know I should punish you for teasing me during office hours. But I like it a little too much. Can’t help myself.” Drew lays a hand on her inner thigh, rubbing his hand against her jeans.

“Good… And speaking of which, I think I have been really good today, and I deserve to know about your plans.”

Drew is about to tease her again, but Alice begs again. “Please, sir?”

Drew sighs and his face suddenly grows serious. “Alice,” he says sternly.

Alice nods and listens, allowing Drew to continue. She shifts in her seat. The chemistry between them and the suspense of the conversation begins to soak the front of her cotton panties.

“There is something I want you to do for me. An offer of sorts. I think you’re going to really like it.” Drew smiles seductively, “And I think you’re going to say yes.”



  1. Oh, that is such a cliffhanger! I love it so far… I can’t wait to hear more ?

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