Another episode from our lifestyle

Hi everyone, here another episode of our lifestyle.

We’ve booked a vacation in Canary island from last September 17th until last October 2nd. We went in a huge resort all 3 of use, me, my girlfriend and the bull. That was an incredible and intense experience, of course with a lot of hard rules for me! We booked 2 different rooms, a double and a single one. She had to stay always in the double, 3 days with him and 1 day with me, repeating that for all the duration of the vacation, so while it wasn’t my turn I had to stay in the single room and I had to spend the day alone not being with them, eating alone, going to the beach alone etc. and the same thing for the bull while it was my turn.

Obviously I had more restrictive rules. My rules with her about physical contact and sexual things have remained the same, so I can’t have any kind of physical approach with her, or seeing her naked. While she slept with me she had to wear underwear and pajamas and while she was out with me she had to wear no sexy clothes or swimsuit. While they were together she was all most naked all days and they went every day to the nude beach. During this vacation I had a different possibility to cum, my normal rule is that I can masturbate myself only once a month. During the vacation I had the chance to masturbate my self whenever I had my turn with her, but in a very humiliating way! I could do that only in the morning as soon as I get up, me naked on my knees, watching only her feet and cuming on the floor. She had to stay fully dressed and she didn’t have to touch me in any way. Then I had to clean up my cum and dress me.

Another thing he said me before the departure was that when they were at the nude beach someone else would put the sunscreen on her, and they found a man around 50 for the first week and an 18 year old boy for the second week.

That’s the summary of these weeks, I will write some particular events in the next post, feel free to ask me what you want.
