Sci-fi, Bizarre, Zombies, My First Story

For all my mind, I cant imagine a worse situation to exist in than this prison. I have nothing to bargain with now but the memories of things so valuable that their passing thought overwhelmes the senses, though I would trade those one by one for passage in inches towards what I know to be certain death.

I have been observing & charting relentlessly the actions of those that did something similar to “survive” though this version of survival appears more carnal than even the most vicious predator.

It was months before the bodies began to reanimate. Those whose signatures had maintained through the planetary tidal wave of death, those with an incredible immunity that comforted my loneliness & held my last moments of hope in tender fascination, were quickly demolished as these new players emerged from hybernation.

I was tracking every bit of information possible from the newest privatized space transport. I boarded the vessel, one in a team of eight, to prepare it for those who had never known anything but extravagant wealth. I was lucky enough to have been one of the most intelligent brains alive & landed the job.

Whatever happened down there, it happened as we watched the shuttle that ferried us crash decisively into the US Capitol. The first of us to go gave the airlock the power of God within the first month. Another slipped out in an untethered suit on their watch shift a week later. Hope is hard to hold when a satellite can confirm that every soul you care for is deceased.

The remaining members of my team took advantage of the cryosleep pods. Not the ones designed for those that had secured a voyage originally & wished to suspend themselves through the travel portion but the chambers built into the walls of the “detainment” wing because there they could use an isolated power cell. I have first shift, as long as I can manage without going insane or 2 years… whichever comes first.

Ive set every instrument aboard away from the stars & back towards Earth. Recorded every bit of information attainable so my team may be also able to make some sense of the reality weve landed in once they wake. I spend every second I can pouring over the heat signatures, motion captures & active cams… looking for light in a single set of eyes.

I don’t know whats going on down there but if I had to state it directly… it looks like horny zombies? There was that time of hibernation where the bodies registered cold. I could see them everywhere, colder than the surrounding air. But somehow they all lit aflame at once. 110° minimum temp on each body, though their biochips all registered deceased.

I tapped into the global network a long time ago to observe indoor camera feeds. When two bodies who had hibernated together wake up they would usually stay in that exact place, fucking furiously, & never leave. If they woke up alone they roamed continuously but still savagely grinding down on what they found along their way. If three or five or twenty woke up in the same place the results varied wildly.

In the beginning I was so lonely I’d end up masturbating to some of the infrared footage. I couldnt imagine doing it while evaluating live video because it was too confusing & painful… but those technicolor frames created a rise & I couldnt help reaching down to alleviate the ache.

My favorite spot to watch now is the security station hub of a 5 story sex shop in my home town. I searched for my wife’s biochip & found her body there, lashed out in a spread eagle position with a brutally fast fucking machine endlessly railing her pussy with a dildo larger than any I had ever seen. It made me so sick at first but I kept coming back to check on her & ended up fascinated.

She had been taking it from this machine for eight days straight before she suddenly stood, wandered into a different area on the same floor of the shop & started twerking her asshole back and forth, deeply penetrating it on a statue of a fully erect man. But 22 minutes and 14 seconds later she wandered 2 stories down & grabbed some object. She ran full speed up the stairs back to that statue, wrapped the object onto the dick & went right back to hiding it inside her tightest hole.

I was confused, fascinated, repulsed, angry that life had come to this…. but also tugging my pants aside and spitting directly down onto my cock. For a few days, on and off, I watched her endlessly pound herself anally… she never looked tired or pained & her teeth shone in a smile every now and again so I thought maybe it wasnt as tragic as it seemed.

Eventually another body wandered into the shop & I saw as they attacked each other. Wrestling & shoving until my wife had pinned down the stranger & forced a double dildo out of its display & into both holes of the used-to-be-woman below her. The loser wiggled underneath but my wife managed to reach for a strap on contraption shelved close by & wrangle it on. With no mercy & an immediacy that terrified me she shoved the shaft of this new toy into the already stuffed asshole of the body she was abusing. The victim didnt miss a beat, arched her spine for maximum penetration, & began launching herself back on each thrust.

I came so hard & so quickly after hours of gentle toying that I felt ashamed, cleaned up & went for a walk around the station. I had access to every area & decided to finally break my own rules & explore some of the suites.


*Constructive criticism welcomed, if requested I’ll write more but for now Ive got work so I’ve gotta go.*


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