Five unforgettable rounds with a stranger

I had been enjoying a first date with some business guy that flashed his platinum Amex at me to show he was high class. I wasn’t going to let him know that I was impressed and cut the date short due to other plans. As I took the last step towards my Uber, he spun me around and warmly pressed his lips against mine. After wishing me farewell, he waved as the car drove away – and that should have been the end of our night together.

I danced and danced with my friends, some new, until we took a short break and I finally got some water. My phone screen lit up as I sat down with a pale message reading that he wanted to see me again – tonight. My iPhone illuminated the way I chewed my lip to think it over and the transition from indecision to challenge. How far could I go before I couldn’t stop myself from sleeping with him? How far could I go before he dropped whatever was in his hands so they were free to grab me? I wanted to know. The heat between my legs started to grow as I imagined the coming…climax. Whose I didn’t know, but something came over me and I needed to find out.

My throat begged for more and relief at the same time. His hands tightened around my hair with each thrust into my warm hot mouth. The moans falling from his mouth met mine as they fell to the black tile floor I knelt upon. There was so much of him, I didn’t know how I’d take it but God I wanted to try. As soon as his head met my lips and I tasted how much he loved the view of my pale features in the moonlight, I couldn’t get enough. A hot strand of saliva dripped from my lips as I sucked the life out of this beautifully hard thing before me- until he pulled it from my mouth.

I remember whimpering from its sudden absence.

Shall I continue?



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