Rose of Two Thorn’s Scott Part 31-35 RVS & Dream Master (FF MM MF MFF MFM Bondage Solo Toys)

 walk around the mega warehouse store and pick out some tile for my bathroom and the hall bathroom, I got Devon hear to help me take it back to the house because he has a truck. My Triumph is a sweet ride but not handy for hauling, and a blow job payment for work to be done is not a bad deal. We head out with my black and white shower tiles and subway tiles for the other bathroom in a warm beige.  All the other stuff to get it done and he follows me to the new place. Starting in the master bath we clean up the shower and get all the new tiles set he shows me a great pattern and I love it so its set. Black and white diamond pattern. Now that is done and we head out to the hall bathroom and we set those tiles in a straight across pattern, but we are short so before we head back to the store we get to some sexy time, I am a man of my word and his dick is so thick and tasty.
           I swallow him down and he fills my throat up, “Dam babe you give great head I do hope your man appreciates it.” I smile and he stroke my cock while we make out, I get my return and I get my meat swallowed by him. “I like your technique too my dick needs attention, I really hope Robbie gets a job hear I want that man so bad I hope he does not mind sharing at least once in a while with you” we kiss more and then head back to the store, and we finally have enough tile. The bathrooms are all set, and this house is starting to look good and now to find new sinks and toilets which Marie said she can help with after work next week. Devon and I head out to Long Dong for some Chinese and a beer we have earned it after a day of bathroom tile work. After saying goodbye in the parking lot, we set up a jogging time for Wednesday and I head back home, its Sunday night so my favorite detective show is on, after the show is over its Cher and a joint time.
           I was singing along to Just Like Jesse James when Robbie buzzes in on Facetime.  “Hey Robbie, how’s it going and hey King I see you big boy oh you’ve gotten bigger” we both giggle as King is trying to lick the screen but Robbie stops him. We chat about his interview “I don’t know yet if they are considering me, I am a detective so maybe that will get me in the door” I tell him about the bathroom and tell him I will take pictures next time I am there. “I wish you could see me for Christmas, why are you going to Hawaii it sounds like you don’t want to be there” I take my last puff and tell him “get comfy grab your and my favorite lab and let me tell you a story. Well, the family birth order is Joseph Jr, Brian and me, there is 4 years between him and I and two between Brian and I, so I was the surprise baby. Anyway a few years into our childhood Joe came down with leukemia and its chronic. Everyone in the family was bone marrow tested and I was a 95% match. I donated and when he was 20, I donated again, he has been cancer free but its back and I will need to donate again.”  I tell him the procedure is a small incision in my lower back and I just need a few days rest and I am fine. “well, what about the New Year we can be together again after that I hope, I just really need to see you.”  I promise him I will visit after the New Year and we say goodbye just as King tries to lick the screen again.
           The next morning, I got out of the shower and could hear Gemma arguing with Marie again about going away so much and this time I heard a smack and I know it was not just an ass smack then I heard and ow and more crying so this time I called the police this is domestic violence, and it is not okay. The police come and escort Marie to the police station and Gemma is hauled away in a police car, I give my statement after they both leave.
I head to work and after my first student’s detective Lane comes in and gives me an update on Gemma and Marie. “Marie does not want to press charges, but Gemma has agreed to a one-week separation so we took Gemma home to get some things and she will be at a hotel for the week, no contact either. I guess Marie will have today off but she said if you could take her to and from that would be great, and she is a bit ticked because you called but all is forgiven, I guess. If you could sign your statement we will be done here.”
           I get up to the new place and take pictures of the bathrooms to show Robbie and everyone else. Heading back home I see Gemma’s Jeep following me around the bend and she is getting a bit to close, so I dodge her down the path by the park big enough for a bike not a big Jeep. I look up as she flips me the bird and shows me her black eye, well if that do not make a lot of sense, Marie fought back because Lane told me her injuries, this is too much for me, but she drives off and I head down the path and exit to the diner I am a little rattled so as I walk in.  Vivian and jack wave me over I tell them all that happened with Gemma and Marie and the twist I did not see.  “It’s nice to tell someone I am very rattled still she wanted to run me off the road.” Vivian takes my hand and says “that is awful I hope they get the help they need but for now how about we get you dinner” so we all order, and I think about how great these two are its like we are a family, this is what it was supposed to be like. Later I head back home looking at my side view mirror, Jack and Vivian follow me to the driveway and then I wave at them as they drive the other way. The house next door is dark and I don’t want to deal with that I take a shower and spark a joint, I read some texts from Robbie and think about sexing him up again, real soon I want him.  Damn I am in love or just horny cause the cock is rising at the thought of him.
Getting up early on Wednesday I do some stretching and check my text messages, got a sexy pic of Robbie’s ass mmm a mirror pic, yes, I am in love my package is throbbing. I head out the door and see a new car next door, that must be Jane, so I jog over to the park to meet Devon. I hug him and he tells me “babe you are glowing is Robbie hear did you get some” I smile and show him the pic in confidence, “dam that is a doable ass I’m a bit jealous” we hit the trail and stop for a stretch over by the lake. I catch Devon up on what has happened the last few days “Babe I am sorry you had to see that and hear that well everything,” and he kisses my cheek, I give him one back when my phone rings. I see that its Lane so I walk over to the lake so we can chat. “Robbie gave us the mic recordings but it’s not enough to get her we need more stuff, and yes I know about her and Marie but there has to be a way to catch her in the act. Do you know where the kids are getting these things by chance?” I tell him no, but I could listen and see what I can find out, we disconnect, and I get back to Devon. We get back to the parking lot and he asks about Marie “if she does not help you, I can hook you up with a guy” I thank him and we both take off, he is a great guy but not marriage material which I am thinking a lot about lately.
After a shower and a shave, I get dressed for work, I grab some bumming clothes because after I want to help Jack around the new house so I take my cart because it might rain later. I say good morning to Miss Grant and get my student list for the day its only two students so Dean Kane approaches me “Scott could you help coach William down in his gym, we need to se up for a mudwrestling event with our girls, so he would really appreciate it.” I tell him sure and he tells me to be there about 130. I have some time before my first student so I start scanning for deals on airfare to Hawaii I do find one but its not a return flight which is what I need, so I will keep looking later for that.
After my last student, its lunch time so I head into the cafeteria and scan the kids, briefly I hear some of them talking about some fun candy. I do not see Marie, so I grab my food of chicken Caesar salad, some fruit, and a tea. I sit down near them and pull out my phone to pretend to scroll and eat at the same time. I check on my Pride Corner pic and bio I am tempted to take it down, but I do not want to jinx anything with Robbie, I have no messages, so I just leave it alone. I hear one girl talking about some Nerd as she says, sells that candy at the beach club, whatever it called Pink Sands or something, he works in the pool area, I take mental notes as I am still looking for flights and I will call Robb or Lane later. Right now, I text Robbie that I miss him, loved the pic and I will send him my own later.
Getting back to my office I shut the door so I can put on my bumming clothes after the set up is done I need to get to the house. Heading down to the Gym I find some girls stretching on the grass outside and some girls are really into each other and in full make out mode. One girl asks if I want to join so I just flash my pride flag tat and she says whatever and leaves me alone. I did date a girl back at Preston, but I still do not see the need to get involved with any students that was a hard lesson to learn dating my ex because we started dating on the down low my senior year. I call out “Coach William” and he comes from across the room. “Thanks for your help I need some extra muscle so let’s get started” it dose not take to long to set the inflatable ring up and he fills the mud like substance when the girls come in. They are impressed and want to get started right away but coach tell them to wait until the rest of them get here and the spectators. I tell him I have an appointment and head up to the parking lot. Miss Grant comes out and tell me “Marie said she has a ride for the rest of the week and Friday she can help.” I sigh but at least she has a ride it has been a bit awkward lately “Thanks Vivian it’s been strange, its like they both hate me for calling the cops, I was not going to let then beat each other up.” Vivian takes my arm and I feel instantly better “It’s not just that, it seems like Marie has issues I checked her personal file she had some trauma, but its not your fault so do not be down on yourself.” I smile and do relax, as I am heading to the new place. Jack and I work on kitchen counters we get the breakfast nook set in the corner and we set the bar up in the opposite side of the kitchen.
After we are done, I Facetime with Mom and Dad to show them the house so far “It looks great Scott we look forward to a visit one day” thanks Dad I will be setting up the guestroom for you and yes, I will be getting a Lab again after I put up a fence of course” we chat more, I take pics to send Robbie and I get in my cart to head to the store for coffee. As I get home Jane is still there so Marie must be doing fine without Gemma, I roll my eyes and head inside. I make a burrito for dinner and I work on my ancestry things some more. Then before I go to bed, I take my own ass pic for Robbie. After I sent it, he sends me a heart emoji text back, we text some sexy stuff and say goodnight. I hear Jane and Marie having some hot sex, well dam she is not broken up after all.
 woke up with the alarm and saw that it was pouring rain again, sure dose rain here a lot. I look at my phone and Devon messaged me that maybe we can jog Friday the rain should be over by then he hopes. I text him back see you then and go start coffee.  I was reading my paper when I got a Facetime call from Joe, I was amazed (wonder what he wants). “Good morning Scott I was wondering if you found a flight yet” I tell hm “No not yet but I am still looking and I have alerts out there too.” We chat some more he tells me he is nervous, but I assure him we both will be fine, and he will feel better, he is looking a bit thin. “Well take care Joe.  I actually do look forward to some surfing if we can swing it.”  He laughs and says, “Yeah I hope so too take care Scott” and “You too man don’t work to hard.”
           I eat my break fast and get some pushups and squats in before I head out to work. I get to the garage and as I open it there is Marie, “Good morning Scott have you ordered your toilets for the new place yet,” I tell her “Yes but they won’t be available till Saturday and I remember you said you were busy” she tells me yes and says we can reschedule for next week sometime and she would tell me her schedule at lunch. “No problem see you later Marie.”  I get in my cart and head to campus and as I get inside, I see that no one else is here yet so I get into my office and catch up on emails both personal and work related. At 9 Miss Grant comes in and hands me a blueberry muffin. “Thank you this looks good all I had for breakfast was coffee and some toast, I need to go grocery shopping.” She tell me I need to eat and yes go shopping today.
           I see my first students of the morning and then head to see Dean Kane for more ideas about the no drugs program. We bounce some more ideas and I get back to the office and see Hailey waiting for me. “Hi Mr. Thorn just wanted to tell you I love the new house I live in and I am doing great in my classes, you really have helped me.”  I tell her I am glad for her.  She then whispers “Some girls were talking about you in the gym this Moring, one wrestler girl does not like you” I tell her not to worry about it and if anything happens, I can handle it. After she goes Miss Grant and I catch up on the house renovations before my next student comes in.  “We can get you into the photography class and that should help you in your nude modeling career, so you are all set, let me know if I can help you.” I can see her being a model she is pretty, just then I get a text from Robbie, speaking of a pretty boy. He tells me he did not get the job out here, but he is on the list if an opening is available. I text him back that it sucks but I would hire you if I were the chief of police. We text for a bit before he must get back to work and its lunch time for me.
           Heading down to the Cafeteria I see the girls wrestling team doing laps around the track topless (really whatever). Now I am starving that blueberry muffin did not hold me over that much, so I see Marie and she gets up to get me some lunch.  I choose tacos, rice and beans and some cucumber slices, plus my tea. “These are so good Marie I like the soft taco shell and the beans and hard shell in the missile great combo.” She tell me they are based off something she had in Tucson where she is from and its popular here. “Well, are you ok with Gemma coming home and yes I know what I heard and that is still not okay.”  She looks at me and tells me “I know Gemma and I have had this oil and water relationship for years; this time I hope she is sorry and stays home more I have had it with these out-of-town trips.” We chat more and she tells me she needs to get back to work because two people are missing today, I hug here and tell her I am always available if she needs to talk.
           I see my last student and finally the rain let’s and I say goodbye to Miss grant and stop to chat with coach William who tells me the team did well and he thanked me for helping him. I get a call from DR. Yang telling me to please get blood work done soon so if I have anything wrong it can me taken care of. I promise Dr. Yang I am in good health but yeah, I will get that taken care of and the results to him.  I hang up with him and head to my car but as I get there, I cannot believe what I am seeing. I do not remember how long I stood there but Vivian’s voice takes me out of my shock. “Scott honey why are you standing there, oh no Scott come back inside.”
           I do not think I stopped shaking for a good 5 minutes, Miss Grant bought me some tea and I drank it until Detective Lane arrived. “Scott we really have to stop meeting like this” I know he was trying to break the ice, but I was not in a good mood. “Yeah, we do lets go jogging” he looks at me and says “I am too old” but we go outside to look at me cart in black spray paint (my cart is red with a blue and white stripe on the hood) it says faggot “hey have you seen the other side” just as jack pulls up he sees it and whistles, I go over there and it says cock sucker. I went numb, I am not one of those openly out their gay men, its my lifestyle and I do not force it on anyone, but obviously someone has something against me. “I think I have two people in mind, but you are not going to like it Dean Kane who was standing next to me. “Say it Scott could this be a student” I tell him all that Hailey told me and I mention Gemma to Lane.
           The other cops show up to take pictures and I give them my whereabouts for the last 3 hours. “Miss grant do I have any students for the rest of the week?” She looks at her schedule and mine “Not really we can reschedule some” I tell her, and Dean Kane I am taking the rest of the week off and they all understand. “Please take all the time you need Scott we have it under control here, we will scroll through the security cameras and find out who did that.”  I tell Dean Kane “Thank you I want to get out of town I will have my phone if anyone needs me.” After everyone is done, I call a tow truck and my insurance takes my cart to a body shop, so I will be out transportation for a while. I do have my bike but its not safe in the rain and I do not need a rental if I am leaving town. Jack drives me to the grocery store and then home, “Thank you for the lift, the toilets I ordered for the house should be there Saturday if you can just let them in, I would appreciate it.” He tell me “No problem I can have a plumber there to install them during the week.” I thank him and grab my bags to head inside, but then realize my keys were on my key chain in my cart. Jack gets out and asks “Do you want to go to the shop first” I tell him to wait and I remember my back sliding door was unlocked so I drop the bags and head back there, but it is locked. I go around again, and Jack tells me he can shimmy the window. He dose it with no problems, so I hop through and open my front door, get my groceries after Jack takes off, I put my stuff away.
           I call Robbie but he must be at work, so it goes to voicemail “Hey babe call me I need someone to talk to something bad happened I need to see you” after I hang up. I know its only 4 pm but I search around and remember I need joints. Its not raining right now so I get on my bike and yes, I have a key on this ring, and head to the Pot Shop. Then I go to the Hardware store and make two copies of my house key and head back home. I get online and look for a flight to Blonde island, but the website says airport closed, I am now confused but then Robbie comes in on Facetime. “Hey, its nice to see your cute face what happened today” I tell him the whole story and he whistles and the stuff that was spray painted. “I have a question why is the airport closed I though this was a popular destination.” He tells me “It’s the fog if the fog is too thick the airport closes and not flights in or out. Its only temporary the fog should be gone in the morning.” That is a good thing “I am trying for a flight would you like some company” he smiles and says “Yes and someone else would like your company too” just as King pops up on screen “Oh who’s a good boy, yes you are I will see you soon” Robbie tells me he is at work, so he must go but to keep him posted.
          Searching for a flight I find one at 9am tomorrow, foggy weather permitting of course but I keep the alert on just in case. Making some chili and rice for dinner I spark up my joint and have a nice eat and smoke session. It has been a wild afternoon, so the evening is going to be mellow. Just then a knock on the door (shit who could this be I want some peace). I open it and its Marie “Scott are you ok the staff email told us what happened” I invite her in “I am smoking is this going to bother you I have manners I won’t blow it in your direction” she tell me no and I sit in my recliner and she is on the couch. I tell her what the words were on the car and she offer me her sympathy and says, “That’s wrong you don’t bother anyone dose someone have anything against you or gay men.” I tell her about the wrestler girl but leave out the Gemma part. I get the ding on my phone and the flight is good to go in the morning. “Marie, Jack is going to install my toilets, but I still need the kitchen sink, shower, bathroom sinks and lights in the living room do you know your schedule yet.” She checks her phone, and we work out next Friday “I will be going to Blonde for a few days, could you grab the mail and paper again?” She tells me she is going away for the next few days as well, so I tell her no problem, “I hope whoever did that is punished” I tell her I hope so too, and she leaves.
           I call Devon and he says he is pulling into the driveway, “Word gets around in a college town are you alright babe” I pick that time to fall apart so Devon takes me to the couch and hold me for a bit. The tears do come to an end and I tell him the whole story just like I told Marie, he kisses my cheek and I kiss his back. We share a joint and decide to have a steamy make out session, his kisses are good and all, but I want Robbie, so are we come up for air I ask him “Can you get my mail and paper for me I am heading to Blonde for a few days” he tell me he will for a BJ, and I smile and him as I take his meat down my throat. I swallow his juice as he says “I want that cock you have pretty boy” I pull down my shorts and get some dam good sucking in return. I give him a copy of the key; we talk about where the mail will go and if he wants the paper, he can have it. I kiss him goodbye and text Robbie. I tell him my flight leaves at 9am and I will be there after 10, he tells me he will pick me up, but I might need to wait a bit, I don’t mind I get to see my man for a few days, I want to make this official but something is telling me he is not ready, but I get to the room and start packing, I will see that sexy man tomorrow and King too.
Waking up to this hot man bumping up against me is making my cock hard “Good morning sexy” he kisses my ear and says, “Good morning come shower with me and yes there will be sex.” I jump up, follow him to the shower.  This is roomier than the one I have currently and thankfully I will have a nice big one soon. We shower but for some reason I am having issues and feel bummed “Hey don’t let it bother you babe I know we can have sex later” he kisses me I instantly feel a lot better. We get to the kitchen and King cannot decide who to go see first so he runs back and forth between us, “I will refile his water bowl how much dry food do you give” he shows me the scoop and bag, but Robbie lets him out first, so I make breakfast for us.
           “I should not be to late tonight the meeting starts at 7 so plenty of time to get home and eat dinner” making the eggs and some bacon Robbie toasts some English muffins and we drink our coffee. He can still see I am annoyed that I could not get it up and he strokes my thigh, mmmm that is so good. “You are a bad boy Robbie Denton, but so dam sexy I want to do you” finishing breakfast he puts on a suit and tie that makes him look very sexy. “You are not fair either I could do you even more now and you are about to leave.” He kisses me and tells me the computer password because Lane wants to speak to me. After telling King to take care of me I get one more passionate kiss and a full-on ass grab he heads out.
           King and I are playing fetch in the backyard when I get a call from Lane “Good morning Scott I won’t have time to video chat I am heading to campus our wrestler girl is being elusive” he tells me we can chat tonight, but I tell him “Robbie and I are going to a Fido Society meeting at 7 but we can chat after that” he tells me that is fine, we hang up. King is getting worn down, so we head back inside where I give him his scoop of food, I do make it bigger he is a growing puppy after all. After a sandwich and apple for lunch I catch up on work emails, nothing to important just some staff saying how sorry they were after what happened. I did get one from Hailey who told me she talked to Detective Lane and the wrestler girls name is Bobbie and her girlfriend is Kay so both could have done that, Kay will go along with anything Bobbie says. I make notes about that and I look over and see King having a bunny chasing dream as I call them, I do miss that puppy stage and look forward to getting my own again after the house is done. Just then Miss Grant calls and says “Scott its Vivian I am checking on you are you doing OK” I tell her yes and we chat about the house updates and she will send pics later of the new toilets. I tell her thank you and to thank Jack too. “I will and when are you planning on coming back Dean Kane want to make the student schedule before the holiday break” I tell her “I will fly back Monday afternoon so you can get kids in Tuesday morning and that should take me right up until I leave for Hawaii.”  We chat for a bit more and I let King outside for a potty break and I want to light a joint, but I will save that for later.
           After 5 he comes home, and I am making dinner “I found some Pork chops, so I decided on some breading and making potatoes and some green beans. “It looks great and I am starving but to change my clothes first.” He feeds King his nightly wet food and we sit down at the counter stools to eat. “I wish I could have taken the table, but she wanted to keep it, it was a family heirloom” I tell him its no big deal and look where we eat at my place. I do show him pictures of the breakfast nook and the new toilets for the house.  After dinner we get ready to go to the meeting and I update him on what Lane said earlier “He wants to chat later after the meeting, and I don’t mind you knowing any details a fresh set of cop eyes is always good.”  I text lane that the meeting is over after 8 so 845 would be fine, he texts back that is fine and see you later. We drive to the house and King is getting excited “he must love it hear look at him he practically dancing” so Robbie parks and gets him out and he jams up to the front door and a lady opens it up and King dashes inside to see some other labs I look at Robbie “I will be in lab puppy heaven tonight” he smiles at me then I get another ass grab, so I grab his back.  I have been having sexy thoughts about you today, I took the whole weekend off its just you and me babe.”
           I smile and that and all the delicious things I want to do with my sexy man. We walk right in and yes, its labs everywhere of all the colors, but first Robbie introduces me. First is Nancy the founder of the society and her husband Oren, then we have Tammy, Justina, Heather, Frank, and his wife Jillian. I also get to meet the dogs Billy, Goldie, Buck, Champ, and some new puppies from Goldie who do not have names yet. They get to meet me, and I sit on the floor with the puppies I am so in love I do not want to leave. After the business I get to ask about the labs “Is it all labs or do other dogs qualify” Nancy tells me they have worked with German Shepherds and Goldens, but labs do make better emotional support animals so that is what we all work with. Then King jumps on my lap and starts getting an attitude with Buck, so I pull Buck on my lap too and make sure King knows this is a friend “no jealousy mister it very unbecoming of a service dog” they both settle down and we see everyone’s new tricks before the meeting is adjourned. Everyone tells me it was nice to meet the man Robbie talks about and you do make Robbie happy we can see the smile come back again. I do blush some and tell everyone thank you after we get in the truck Robbie id smiling “I do like your smile and everything else about you” we kiss before taking off back home.
          Detective Lane is available, so we connect on the computer “Well we found out the name of the girls who tagged your car, Bobbie and Kay.” I tell him the email Hailey sent me and Lane tells me they did confess after all they were caught on camera.” We chat some more about how the school will secede further punishment but for now they are suspended, online classes and no wrestling for Bobbie. “I still don’t get it what do they have against me I just did not want to join in there make out session, I mean yes I flashed my tattoo a bit harshly, but I am an old fart you don’t need to flaunt it I get it.” He tells me they do swing, and they did not know you were gay, and that fact ticked them off, they found you getting out of the cart one day and the next time the spray paint came out. I tell him I am coming home Monday evening so we shall see each other then. “I know you were ice breaking, but I did not mean to snap or insist you are out of shape” he tells me no worries, but he has old knees maybe shooting pool, I agree, and we hang up.
           Robbie and I walk King and get some ice cream at the corner liquor store along with some beers and head back home. We drink some beers and watch some old A-Team episodes before heading to bed. We crawl in bed and have a sexy kissing session before falling asleep he asks if I have ever done it bareback (no rubbers) I tell him I have with my ex he tells me he has not but wants his first time to be with me, I smile at that and he drifts off to sleep. I do not fall asleep right away this is a big step in our relationship, we will be having unprotected sex, it is something to think about I hope we are both ready for this, I put an arm around him and we both snuggle up together and sleep.



  1. /u/lordfox76, I have found some errors in your post:

    > “two are ~~its~~ [**it’s**] like we are”

    > “men, ~~its~~ [**it’s**] my lifestyle”

    > “tell him ~~its~~ [**it’s**] no big”

    It is possible for you, lordfox76, to write “two are ~~its~~ [**it’s**] like we are”, “men, ~~its~~ [**it’s**] my lifestyle”, and “tell him ~~its~~ [**it’s**] no big” instead. ‘Its’ is possessive; ‘it’s’ means ‘it is’ or ‘it has’.

    ^(This is an automated bot. I do not intend to shame your mistakes. If you think the errors which I found are incorrect, please contact me through DMs or contact my owner EliteDaMyth!)

  2. /u/lordfox76, I have found some errors in your post:

    > “two are ~~its~~ [**it’s**] like we are”

    > “men, ~~its~~ [**it’s**] my lifestyle”

    > “tell him ~~its~~ [**it’s**] no big”

    You, lordfox76, made a solecism and should type “two are ~~its~~ [**it’s**] like we are”, “men, ~~its~~ [**it’s**] my lifestyle”, and “tell him ~~its~~ [**it’s**] no big” instead. ‘Its’ is possessive; ‘it’s’ means ‘it is’ or ‘it has’.

    ^(This is an automated bot. I do not intend to shame your mistakes. If you think the errors which I found are incorrect, please contact me through DMs or contact my owner EliteDaMyth!)

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