A Night to Remember [MF] [Roleplay]

Throwaway account for reasons.

My wife (36 yo f) and I (36m) just had one of the hottest sex sessions in our 16+ years of marriage, and it was thanks to role play. I figured I’d tell the story for those that may be on the fence, or possibly looking for an idea, and also so I can just relive the scenario in my mind.

Several days prior I told her only that I had an idea for a little scene for us to try. She gave me her normal “you are such a perv, but I love you” look, and we were off to the races. We made an effort to tease each other some in the 3 or so days leading up to the event, but refrained from having sex in order to build up the anticipation a bit. I went over the scene in my head probably more than necessary, but I think it helped in the end. Anyway, here is the story of the night, written in the 3rd person. It is a bit long, but I do hope you enjoy!


Becky sat alone at the interrogation table, waiting impatiently to get this over with. She had never been arrested before, but it wasn’t for lack of trying. As she squirmed in her seat for what felt like hours, she finally heard the sound of soft footprints coming her way down the hall. She looked at the door, trying to hide her nervousness as best she could.

A young man entered, similar to her in age. He was clean cut and wore a simple black “police” shirt and some dark jeans. He was attractive, and had a friendly smile, which helped put her at ease.

“Ms.. Becky, is it?” he asked as he looked down at his clipboard. She nodded. “My name is officer Mac and I’ll be handling you.. erm, I mean your case today.” Becky couldn’t help but let out a sly chuckle. He seemed nervous too. “Can I get you anything to drink?”

“A water would be great.” She caught him very obviously staring at her breasts as he walked by, which wasn’t surprising considering the deep low cut top she was wearing. *God, wait til he sees the rest,* she thought to herself, another grin surfacing on her face.

Moments later he returned with the water. “So, it uh, looks like you’ve had quite the busy day today,” he said, again looking at his clipboard. “Two charges of public indecency – looks like you were caught masturbating in public and then exposing your backside to strangers after your arrest.”

*Did he really just say backside? He’s so corny*, *but kindof cute at the same time.*

“Also one charge of vulgarity and public intoxication. And lastly, resisting arrest and assault of a police officer. That is quite the list! Do you care to explain your actions at all?”

“That cop grabbed my ass,” Becky promptly retorted. “And.. I’ve just had a bad couple days, ok? I just found out my boyfriend was cheating on me, and I just wanted to.. show off a little I guess.”

“I see. Well, I’m sorry to hear that, I really am. But unfortunately that is not how a judge is going to look at it. These are some serious charges. You could be looking at up to a year in jail, and trust me, a pretty girl like you don’t want nothing to do with that.” He had a bit of a southern charm that she couldn’t help but notice. “Fortunately for you, we have a new program going right now that gives first time offenders such as yourself a chance at rehabilitation, to wipe the slate clean so to speak, by focusing on correcting some of your bad behaviors. Does that sound like something that would interest you?”

It obviously did. But Becky couldn’t help but wonder just what officer Mac was up to. He seemed polite thus far, but she wondered if there was something more sinister at play here. Nevertheless, her pulse quickened slightly as she let out a faint, “Yeah, that sounds good.”

“That’s great! I guarantee you that is the best decision you’ve made today Ms. Becky. So let’s go ahead and get started. First thing’s first, any time there is an assault charge, we are required to restrain you. So if you would, just place your hands behind your back.”

She did as she was told. The cold metal cuffs clicked loudly around her wrists. She smiled again as Mac seemed to fumble with them.

“There we go. Now, let’s address this vulgarity charge. What’s a pretty girl like you doin’ with such a potty mouth?”

“I don’t fuckin’ cuss,” Becky snapped, that sly grin returning on her face.

Mac chuckled. “I see. Well, don’t hold back on me. Let’s hear what you’ve got.” This instruction seemed to surprise her.

“Uh, fuck you, you cocksucker.”

“There you go! Keep goin’. Trust me I’ve heard it all,” Mac said as he got back up from his table and began walking toward her. “Eyes front,” he declared as she continued calmly spouting off all manner of profanities.

A faint jingle could be heard just behind her. *What is he doing?* She hesitated a moment before continuing. “Bitch ass cu-” Her voice was suddenly cut short, as she found her open mouth filled with a soft, rubbery ball which was fastened around the back of her head snugly. She knew what it was. But had never envisioned herself with one in her mouth.

“There now. That’s alot better, don’t you agree?”

Becky glared at Mac, this time with a look of distaste. He was clearly happy with himself, his goofy smile spread widely across his handsome face. It was becoming more clear to Becky what this was about. *Whatever. He can have his fun. I’ll be out of here soon.*

“Hey you’re doing great. Let’s go ahead and take care of this flashing problem. Why don’t you stand up for me and turn around so I can see what all the fuss is about.” Becky obliged. “Well hot damn!” Mac exclaimed. “If I had an ass like that, I’d want to show it off too!” Becky snickered through her gag as she shot Mac a look over her shoulder, clearly not hating the compliment. She did have a gorgeous ass. And her tight-fitting, cut off blue jean shorts weren’t leaving a whole lot to the imagination. “But you do understand, we can’t have you doing that in public. Just think of all the accidents you could cause. No, no, that’s no good at all. So I tell you what. Let me take a seat and you turn around and bend over my lap here.”

Becky begrudgingly did as she was told. “That’s beautiful,” Mac said, in almost a whisper, more than likely talking to himself before continuing. “Ahem. Now, let’s see here. You have 6 charges, so I think it only fair to administer 6 spanks, 3 for each cheek. Does that sound fair to you?”

Becky didn’t know why he bothered asking her. He knew she couldn’t reply. *Maybe that’s why he asked?* Regardless, she let out a stifled grunt, realizing there wasn’t much she could do about it in her current position, not to mention this whole situation was oddly arousing; her bent over this strangers lap, gagged and handcuffed, about to be spanked. *What the fuck is happening?*

“Good,” Mac continued. *SWAT!* There was no warning. No gentle stroking like she was used to with previous lovers she’d had. “I want you to count them on your fingers.” His tone seemed to change a bit. The polite southern gentleman seemed to have faded away. Becky promptly shot up one finger behind her back. *SWAT!* This one to the other side. It stung a little more than the one before. “Maybe if this ass of yours was a little more pink you’d be more hesitant to show it off.”

*You little prick.* Becky grinned as best she could with her gag as she lifted two middle fingers behind her back.

“Now that’s not very nice. I’m just trying to help you. Were you wanting me to double it?” Becky’s brow furled as she debated whether or not to flex her will. *He’d probably just get off on it,* she mused, electing to change her raised fingers. “That’s better.” *SWAT! SWAT! SWAT! SWAAAT!!* Smack after smack delivered with barely a time to catch a breath in-between. Becky’s face filled with color, as did her full figured ass. Mac guided her upright. “Well done. For this next part of the lesson we’re going to have to step into my office. But before we do I’m going to have to put this on.”

Everything went dark. Becky’s heart began to race as Mac started to escort her to his “office.” She had a pretty good idea where this was going now, or, at least she thought she did. Oddly, she began to laugh. She wasn’t sure why. Probably some combination of nerves and anticipation, mixed in with the absurdity of the situation.

“Well I’m glad you’re having fun.” Mac stopped her as he undid her cuffs and casually undressed her. Becky didn’t think anything of it at this point. She was resigned to see what this crazy night had to offer. “Lie back on the middle of the bed there and extend your left arm for me.” A soft cuff was swiftly attached to her wrist. Moments later Becky found herself laying there, blindfolded, spread eagle, restrained, with gag in her mouth. She was excited about what was to come. She did not expect what Mac said next.

“Alright Ms. Becky. I’m afraid I have another call to attend to. But don’t you worry. My partner should be here shortly to finish handling your case. You’ll be in good hands. I do wish you the best!” His footsteps trailed away as Becky was left there for what seemed like an eternity before finally hearing the voice of another man.

“Well, well, well.. Look what we have here. A little *slut* all tied up and ready to be played with.” His voice was lower, smoother, and had a more sinister tone. Becky trembled ever so slightly at the sound. “So you met my partner, Mac. He’s what we like to call.. the Good Cop. Can you guess what that makes me?” The very words sent a tingle to Becky’s clean-shaven crotch. A moment later a soft, feathery sensation began floating over her exposed body. “So this is the Good Cop side.” Becky squirmed as the unknown man ran the feather along the lengths of her tummy and breast. “And *this..* This is *my* side.” The feathery sensation was replaced with a small bit of stitched leather. “Mmmm,” Becky moaned. The first one of the evening. *Thwack* A firm, but somehow gentle smack applied to her breast, just missing her nipple, followed by more teasing with the feather and more smacks all over her supple body. The ones applied to her inner thighs and exposed vulva really began to send Becky over the edge. This carried on for some time before the man stopped abruptly. Becky strained to hear what was happening before being startled by his voice whispering into her ear. “I always like to play with my food, before I *eat* it.” Things quickly heated up from there. She was already drenched with anticipation as he began having his way with her with his mouth. It was delightful.

Some time later, he came up for air. “Delicious. But it just doesn’t seem fair that this pussy is getting all the attention when you have such a gorgeous ass right here now does it?” Becky let out another deep moan as a finger ran around and into her asshole. The man proceeded to lick her clit as he inserted a medium sized plug, slowly sinking into position. “Beautiful,” he mused. “You know what that does, right? It makes everything a little more.. sensitive. Let me show you.”

Moments later, a substantial *bzzzzzzzzz* was heard. Becky knew what it was. She had played with vibrators before. But this one sounded more powerful. “Where should we put this? Here?” *BZZZZZzzzzzzz* He moved it to her right nipple. “Lower?” Becky nodded hastily as he moved it down her belly to her inner thigh. “Or maybe here?” It rumbled over the end of the plug in Becky’s ass. She squirmed with delight before it finally rose to the spot she was more accustomed to placing it. “You like to come, don’t you?” Becky nodded, barely hearing the question. “Well that’s good. Because today I want you to come as often and as hard as you can, and when you think you are done, I’m going to make you come again, and again.” Becky came within moments of those last words leaving his mouth. He gave her a moment to recover. “That’s good- oh shit. You’ll have to excuse me. I’ve got to take this call. Let me just set this here..” He rested the wand on the bed, the vibrator directly on Becky’s clit. “This had better still be there when I get back. And do *not* come while I’m gone, do you understand?” Becky nodded her head but she had no idea if that was going to be possible.

Thankfully it wasn’t a very long call. Moments after his return she promptly enjoyed another orgasm. “Very good. Thank you for waiting. For being such a good listener I have one last surprise for you.” Becky couldn’t imagine what could possibly be produced to send her into any further bliss. Moments later, a cold, hard, metal object was placed on Becky’s torso. It was *heavy*. Like, really heavy. Certainly nothing like she had ever played with before. The man could sense her curiosity. “I call this The Fountain. Can you guess why?” Becky shook her head. “You’ll find out, soon enough.” He began teasing her with it, rubbing the cold metal ball all around her throbbing parts before finally inserting it into her opening. She wasn’t sure what exactly to make of it at first. It felt good, but not entirely different than other toys she’d used in the past.

That thought soon changed. As he began to pick up the pace with the toy, she felt an altogether new sensation. A deep, guttural moan escaped her mouth beyond the ball gag as he vigorously rubbed the toy in just the right spot, the sounds of splashing water inside her, before finally erupting. Her juices flowed out of her and ran down around the plug in her ass. It was warm, and oh so wet.

*Bzzzzz.* The sound returned. *”*Good. Now let’s see how you do with both.” Becky lost where she was. She no longer cared why she was there or who she was with. She must have erupted at least 5 more times. Truth be told she had lost count. Eventually, he gave her a moment to collect herself. “That is quite the mess you made.” She could feel the sopping wet puddle under her ass. “Don’t you think it’s time I had a turn?” Before she had a chance to nod, he was inside her, thrusting into her like a bull in heat. Becky could tell she wasn’t the only one who had enjoyed the evening’s activities.

Moments later, the mystery man pulled out. “Shit, I almost forgot about your last offense. Public intoxication, was it? Well, I’ve got something for you to swallow.” He unstrapped her arms and legs and directed Becky to her knees, removing the gag before administering further instruction. He pressed the vibrator into her hands. “Now,” he said, more sternly than his previous declarations, “you are going to keep this pressed to your pussy until you have swallowed every drop of me. Do you understand?” Becky shuddered in anticipation. The directness of his voice was nearly enough to send her over the edge yet again.

She allowed him to use her mouth as he pleased, and oh did it please him. He rocked his throbbing member into her slobbering mouth with a ferocity that she hadn’t encountered before. As his grip around the back of her neck tightened, he shot load after load into her mouth, each one bringing her closer to her own climax. She held his rod in her mouth until she finally came one last time, before collapsing in her own messy puddle.

The man leaned down and gave Becky a soft kiss on her cheek. “You are free to go,” he said softly – his footsteps slowly fading away.


We spoke afterwards. We both agreed that it was one of the hottest sexual nights of our time together. The only thing that didn’t go really as planned was the ball gag became uncomfortable for her a little while after she was on the bed. I removed it but told her if she spoke it was going back in. Didn’t take anything away from the experience.

Anyway, hopefully this might encourage other folks to try something like this. It took some time and a bit of effort, but well worth it in the end. I hope we can try something else in the near future!

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/l2ewzq/a_night_to_remember_mf_roleplay