***This is my diary with diary entries written by me, about me and from my point of view. You should not be reading this if you’re not of legal age, 18 in America, 21 in some other countries. These are my fantasies and thoughts, not yours. You are not being forced to read this, so if you choose to then be nice and enjoy. ☺️***
Dear Diary,
When I go to the gym, I almost always do yoga. Above anything else, yoga makes me feel good and helps my back. Although I won’t pretend that I don’t enjoy the stares. I do. I welcome them. I love the idea of being visually objectified. I hope that they are examining my body and motions, picturing what they would be doing if they were able to get get me alone.
I wear very tight ankle length yoga pants from the only place that I will purchase yoga pants: Victoria Secret. I often wear an athletic crop top without a bra or just a sports bra. I finish the look with my mask, mat and removing my shoes. My headphones are put in and I drift away to another world, occasionally catching someone looking at me or imagining in my head what someone looking at me is thinking.
Now I’m aware that I sound narcissistic, like I believe that every passing eye is just mind fucking me. Let me clear this up by explaining that I’m well aware that I’m probably not everyone’s type. I’m sure some of those eyes are women that are angry that I’m not wearing a bra or something that continuously keeps women in the old ages. I’m sure others are men that find me to be on the small end or see happily taken and not interested. (Read other posts for a physical description). I’m sure there is a little of both genders that don’t think yoga is enough of a workout and are judging me on this alone. I am however, HOPING that a lot of people are sexually objectifying me.
I’ve said it in the past, but I am quite flexible. I often use this to my advantage, positioning myself in ways that would often be how I would be placed if I was tied. I like to add to the fantasy. You never know who at the gym is thinking with a bondage mindset, hopefully a lot. I also wonder if anyone in Colorado reads these diary entries and thinks to themselves “I think she goes to my gym.”
That being said I have this huge stalker/rape fantasy in my head completely based around the gym. It’s not detailed, as in story worthy, yet. I’m sure it will form more over time and then I will write out an entire fantasy story but until then it goes something like this:
I’m doing yoga, a man walking by the window of the room where people stretch or do non-machine based workouts and notices me. He watches me as I stretch moving from one position to the next. Over the next week, noticing that I go at the same time. One issue, I go with my husband so he can’t get to me in the parking lot. He follows us home and then when I’m alone, rapes me.
I love the predator and prey aspect of that. It’s a fun fantasy to entertain. Anyway, I have been posting most of my diaries only on my page but will post a few here and there on literotica pages. My page has multi-part stories, diary entries and sometimes a little porn. Yes, most are CNC/rape fantasy. It’s just my thing, sorry if that offends you are isn’t your thing. Come check out my page for more literotica!
#bdsm #taken #cnc #roleplay #sex #bigtits #literotica #slave #used #cum #slut #cumslut #followme #partone #parttwo #piss #pissplay #porn #officesex #officeslut #colorado #coloradocnc #northerncolorado #cumhaters #cumhate #cumhater
Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/l28i7e/dear_diary_part_nine_cncre_fantasy