Long Night of Rum [FMF] [Slow burn] [Realistic] [Dialogue Heavy] (Four friends go to a house party and after aa few bottles of rum they all have a really fun night)

[Leeds UK]

24 year old Oscar is going with his girlfriend Sarah and their two mutual friends Mandy and Gloria to a house party, celebrating Leeds United finally winning the Soccer Premier League.

Mandy wearing a bright red dress clutches a bottle of gift wine in her hand as she knocks on the door to the large house.

Oscar leans over Mandy gazing at her bottle of wine, “ha you didn’t think to bring beer like a normal person?” Without looking at Oscar, Mandy replies, “There are over twenty people coming, really think no one brought beer?” Gloria chimes in “Oh relax, wine is classy! Makes us look more formal and professional”

Oscar: “You want to look more formal?….. At a weekend house party?”

Gloria gives a play full jab against Oscars shoulder “maybe I do, you classes clown”

Oscar: “I might be classless but a…… wait” He looks down at Mandy’s leg and notices it’s in a brace.

Sarah looks over that Oscar as he stops mid sentence noticing Mandys condition. “Oh she pulled a muscle at practice” Sarah says before returning to her phone.

Oscar: “ouch, Mandy you should be more careful”

Mandy: “didn’t you break your arm by falling down some stars once?”

Oscar is about to casually reply when the door opens. Devon, a tall muscular Jamaican man greets them at the door. “Oh you must be you dancers Jack was talking about” He learns over to the left noticing Gloria. “Hey! How have you been?”

Gloria: *semi embarrassed* “Oh, hey I’ve been good thanks for asking” she chuckles for a brief moment after.

Devon: *looking towards Oscar* “and you must be the lucky bastard that’s dating one of these fine dancers” Devon leans In to kiss Glorias hand before leading them all inside.

As they step inside, Devon excuses himself and heads to a TV room out of site. Oscar feels a tap on his shoulder as Mandy points him towards a table full of cheap beer.

Mandy: *looking smugly at Oscar* “told you there would be beer, now do you feel stupid for pestering me” she ends her statement with a faint laugh.

Oscar grabs a beer from the table and precedes to take a large swig and hands another to Sarah as Mandy places her wine on the table.

Gloria: “it’s cool of your brother to invite us, he must know none of us give a shit about Leeds United” She says while facing Sarah.

Sarah: *finishing a gulp of her beer* “Hey Jack is just extroverted like that, wants everyone to hang out all the time”

Oscar: *putting his arms around Sarah and Gloria* “And for his hospitality we are extremely grateful…… where is he anyway?’

Sarah: “I actually don’t know but I’d guess watching plays from the premier league final in the TV room or maybe he went to his office upstairs”

Oscar: “damn this really is a big house, I wish we had a TV room and an Office”

Mandy steps away and peaks into the TV room briefly before turning back to see Sarah and Oscar arguing about if they really need a TV room of their own. Jack notices Mandy and smiles as he excuses himself from the lads watching TV.

Jack: “Mandy is it?….. I take it that my sister and her boyfriend are with you as well?”

Mandy: “Yes, it’s been a while, they’re by the beer table. The fancy bottle of wine is mine” Jack shakes her hand and steps past her noticing her leg brace.

Jack: “there’s a small room with a couch and bean bags upstair if you want to go rest your leg”

Mandy: “I might just do that, it hurts to stand for more than 15 min”

Jack and Mandy walk back to the table. Oscar shakes his hand and thanks him for the invite. After a brief moment Jack subtly slips away to talk to some of his other guests.

Sarah: *putting her arm around Oscar* “here I can show you all around, let’s go upstairs he has a bunch of cool collectables somewhere”

Oscar helps Mandy up the stairs as cheers are heard from the downstairs TV room. Mandy feels Oscars warm hands on her shoulder and leg, blushing slightly. “Thanks Oscar, I’m exhausted”

Sarah looks back and comments with a smile “That’s what you get for not stretching”

Gloria leans over and adds on “As well as continuing to dance after you thought you pulled something”

All of them make it to the top of the stairs and Sarah leads them into a small room with a couch and bean bag chairs. Mandy jumps on one laying face first.

Gloria follows Mandy’s lead and jumps head first into a nearby bean bag chair. Sarah takes Oscar by the hand and embraces him as they cuddle together on the couch.

Sarah looks back towards Gloria as she’s burying her head upper body in the soft malleable bean bags. “These are so relaxing” Gloria says as she tilts her head up.

Mandy: *stretching her leg out* “Gloria, that guy that opened the door for us? How do you know him?”

Gloria takes a brief pause before quietly mentioning “Oh Devon? I met him on tinder a few months ago”

Mandy: “oh, must have been a good date for him to remember you like that”

Gloria: “Oh it wasn’t that type of meet up” She forms a circle with one hand and thrusts a single finger through demonstrating to Mandy what she was doing with Devon all those months back.

Mandy: “Oh…….” mildly embarrassed she asked, she lays back in the bean bag chair and looks up to the slowly turning ceiling fan

Oscar: “huh small world”

Oscar looks around the room, noticing oriental cabinets and old timey trinkets from half the world over. Globes, statues, small flags and maps of every continent. “Your brother seems like quite the traveler” He stands up and takes a sip from his beer and approaches what looks like a wooden mini bar.

Sarah: *spreads her body out to fill the vacuum Oscar left by getting up* “Yup he’s traveled the world and the seven seas”

Oscar: “everybody is looking for something” He opens a tiny cabinet to see a small cd player on top of several large bottles of Caribbean Rum. “Jackpot!” he says while he pulls a bottle out.

Gloria looks up to the cd player, and decides to get up and try to turn it on

Oscar: “Think you’re brother would mind if we drank a bit?” He says while holding one of the fancy bottles in his hand

Sarah: “normally he would, but he hates rum. Not like he was going to drink it all. I think he told me it was a gift from when he went to some island, forgot the name… it ends with ados….Carados? Darados?”

Oscar: “Barbados?”

Sarah: “yeah that’s the one” She takes another large swig of the beer Oscar got her earlier. “In any case it’s bound to be more enjoyable than this” Looking at her beer she reads the label ‘Budweiser’.

Gloria presses play on the small cd player, a smooth reggae beat is heard followed “Get up stand up, stand up for your right, get up stand up, don’t give up the fight, preacher men don’t tell me heaven is under the earth, I know you don’t know, what life is really worth, it’s not all that glitters is gold, half the story has never been told, so now you see the light, eh stand up for your rights” Gloria turns to face everyone looking at her.

Gloria: *jamming out to the music* “I guess your brother is a Bob Marley fan”.

Oscar takes a large swig of the Caribbean rum before handing it to Gloria: “Now that’s what I’m talking about!” he shouts as starts jamming to the beat as well.

Gloria takes a large swig and hands the bottle to Mandy who is still looking up at the ceiling.

Oscar: *jamming out* “C’mon Sarah, come dance with us”

Gloria puts her hand around Oscar and points to Sarah “If you don’t dance with him I will” She says while playfully rubbing his chest.

Sarah: *staring daggers at Gloria* “All right, All right” She gets up and moves to beat as well.

All three of them start raising their fist while singing along and taking turns sipping from the rum bottle.

Oscar notices Mandy softly singing along and half heartedly attempting to move her body with the beat. He walks over to her trying to pick her up so they can all dance together.

Oscar: *while holding Mandy up with* “Sarah help me out over her, help her up. No dancer should have to sit out while music is playing” Sarah helps support Mandy by holding her other shoulder. The song changes after a few minutes and they all sit back down in a close circle together as the volume lowers.

Gloria: “wasn’t that fun Sarah?” she says as she rubs Sarah’s back and takes her beer from her hand.

Sarah: “Yes but now I’m hungry”

Mandy: “I think I saw some pizza downstairs, one of you should go get pizza for the rest……I’d go but it hurts to walk hahaha” She laughs lazily as she rolls herself towards back onto a bean bag.

Sarah looks to Gloria as they both look to Oscar who is on his phone. “Not it!” Sarah exclaims

Gloria: “Not it”

Oscar: “Not i…. Fuck, fine ill go” he gets to the door but before leaving looks back with a grin. “I’m only bringing back Pineapple Pizza” he says as he bolts out of the room closing the door behind him.

Gloria attempts to rush after shouting “YOU ASSHOLE” before being grabbed by Sarah.

Sarah: *holding onto Gloria’s leg* “Oh relax, he doesn’t mean it, sit back down” She pats the side of the couch where Oscar was sitting previously and motions for her to sit. Gloria begrudgingly sits back down and drinks the last of the Rum.

Gloria: *mildly tipsy* “If he brings me pineapple pizza I’m going to throw it out the window”

Mandy: “oh come on, pineapple pizza isn’t that bad. The hate is mostly just for the memes”

Sarah: *drinking her beer* “Yeah, like I’m not a huge fan but some sick fucks put fish on pizza…….. So whatever” she laughs a bit revealing her drunkenness.

Gloria takes the beer from Sarah’s hand and places it just out of reach. “You feeling alright? We did drink quite a bit” Sarah reaches up and chugs the remaining beer as Gloria lazily and half heartedly attempts to stop her.

Mandy: “You’re not exactly sober either Gloria: Mandy tosses her shoe vaguely in Gloria’s direction. She attempts to catch it but it fumbles out of her hand and lands on the hardwood floor proving Mandy’s point.

Sarah: “it’s cool we can just all stay here tonight, I think there’s some sleeping bags in this room somewhere. Jack would take them whenever he went camping. Probably over there” *she points vaguely at large cabinet across the room*

Sarah leans close to Gloria and attempts to whisper not so subtly in her ear “Can I ask you something?”

Gloria: *sitting back down on the couch* “Yeah?”

Sarah: “okay, but only because I’m going to be too drunk to remember this conversation….”

Mandy looks up in curiosity as a more intrigued Gloria quietly responds “yeah what’s up?”

Sarah: “That black guy, Devon you said his name was?….. How big was his dick?”

“SARAH!!!” Mandy shouts as she blushes and looks away.

Gloria: *looking back at Mandy* “Oh relax virgin, we’re all adults here” She stops and tries to think for a few brief moments keeping Sarah in suspense. “Like 20cm give or take? I didn’t pull out a ruler or anything”

Sarah: *blushing a bit* “So were you able to fit him all?”

“SARAH!” Mandy says a second time as she attempts to stand up.

Gloria seemingly ignoring Mandy laughs a bit before responding: “Yes I am, why? You and Oscar are looking to have a threesome or something?”

Mandy: *now standing up* “GLORIA!!! STOP INDULGING HER”

Gloria: *looking up at Mandy* “ha maybe if you actually got laid you’d be less uptight” She takes a sip of Sarah’s beer finishing it

Mandy storms out of the room and leans against the hallway outside. She stretches her leg out as she notices Oscar coming back with several slices of Pizza of varying toppings.

Oscar looks at Mandy stretching her leg “hey what are you doing out here?”

Mandy: “Oh I was just stretching my leg…… they’re talking about you in there”

Oscar: “ha all good things I hope” He attempts to open the door but feels Mandy’s cold hand pulling him back.

Mandy: *holding Oscars arm* “Wait, maybe don’t go in there yet”

Oscar stares at her blankly as Mandy rushes to think of an excuse to prevent him from walking in on Gloria and Sarah’s possibly lewd discussion.

Mandy: *Red in the face* “Can I ask you something?”

Oscar: “No I didn’t actually get anyone Pineapple pizza that was just a joke” He chuckles as he faces the door again.

Mandy: “Awww I kind of wanted Pineapple……..No I was going to ask you something else”

Mandy: “Do you think I’m hot?”

Oscar: *confused* “What kind of question is that? Mandy, you’re a literal model…. A dancing model… Now let’s go eat this pizza.” Mandy while blushing enters the room behind Oscar as he sets the pizza on a nearby table.

Both Sarah and Gloria look at each other while giggling as they get up to grab their pizza. Gloria smiles at Oscar and chimes a sincere “Thank you” upon noticing he didn’t get her pineapple.

Oscar: *while biting into his pizza* “Damn Sarah, your brother Jack really knows how to host a party. He got the best Pizza in Leeds. Good old Pizza Fella” *Gloria hand him another bottle of rum as she herself grabs a slice*

Mandy stares off into another door hidden in the corner of the room, noticing Mandy’s puzzled look Sarah explains “Oh that’s just another bathroom, this house has like five of them ha”

Oscar: *Pizza in one hand and rum in the other* “Yeah good thing too, everyone downstairs is drunk as fuck right now. A lot of people are staying over”

Sarah: “Is Devon staying over?” *She says drunkenly, reminiscing about her conversation about big black cocks with Gloria earlier* Gloria stares nervously at both Oscar and Sarah

Oscar: *seemingly oblivious* “oh yeah I think so, him and some others are crashing on the couch in the room over”

Gloria: *with a big grin* “Oh interesting”

Mandy subtly leans in to whisper into Gloria’s ear “Don’t do it” while mildly annoyed. Sarah approaches a cabinet and pulls out three large sleeping bags. She sighs at only seeing three then precedes to lay them out on the ground.

Sarah: “here me and Oscar can share one, they’re pretty big”

Mandy crawls into her sleeping bag and knocks out on the floor shortly after saying “Have a good night, I’m exhausted so I’m just going to try to sleep it off”

Gloria: “Yeah that’s a good idea, it is pretty late” she turns a nearby fan on slides into her sleeping bag which is between Mandy’s and the empty one left for Oscar and Sarah.

Oscar: *taking a final swig of rum* “after you” he says to Sarah after pointing at the sleeping bag.

Sarah: “Actually I need to use the bathroom first”

Oscar: “yeah sure no problem, want me to go with you you do seem kinda drunk?”

Sarah: “ha, no I think I can manage” Stumbling to the bathroom door she manages to open it.

Sarah excuses herself and after leaving the room for some time she turns the lights off and crawls back into Oscar’s sleeping bag while both Mandy and Gloria are seemingly asleep.

With the room being pitch black with the exception of some small lights from the cd player in the corner Oscar only sees vaguely the outline of Sarah as she crawls into the sleeping bag with him. After a few moments Oscar feels Sarah’s lips up against his. He slides one hand behind her hair to caress her head and while attempting to squeeze her ass, Oscar’s fingers slide down Sarah’s leg as he realizes she took her panties off.

Sarah starts making out with Oscar more aggressively as she takes the hand he held behind her head and slowly places it over her fully exposed breast. Oscar begins groping her breast in one hand while rubbing her clit counter clockwise with the other.

Sarah: *subtly whispering* “I want you to fuck me, fuck me right here in this sleeping bag”

Oscar: *subtly whispering* “Really? Right here? Now? Mandy and Gloria won’t mind?” he penetrates Sarah with the finger he was using to rub her clit as she lets out a faint “No they won’t” followed by semi hard breathing.

Sarah: *trying to control her breathing and extremely faint moaning as she’s being fingered* “They’re both asleep and it’s not like Gloria would actually care….. Plus I’m too wet to care. I’ve been craving cock all night” She takes Oscar’s erect 7inch cock rubbing against her leg and slides it inside her.

With Sarah riding on top she slides her now naked body over Oscars dick repeatedly as Oscar grips her strongly from behind. She lets out a few faint moans as they continue to subtly fuck in their sleeping bag.

One of Sarah’s quiet moans inadvertently wakes Gloria up. As Gloria peeks her head out of her sleeping back half asleep she instantly recognizes what Sarah and Oscar are doing.

Gloria: *thinking to herself* “yeah girl, get some. Good on you!” She attempts to go back to sleep as she really is tired but her excitement gets the better of her and she listens to Sarah riding Oscar’s dick while pushed up together in the now clothed sleeping bag.

Gloria: *Whispering to herself* “damn this is actually kinda hot….. I wonder what it’s like to be fucked by Oscar.” She slides a finger down her panties and slowly rotates it around her clit while thinking of being fucked by Oscar.

Gloria: *still thinking to herself* “I mean it must be great sex if she’s willing to do it right her in her brothers house, next to her sleeping friends.” *she very slowly turns to face Mandy, noticing shes fast asleep.*

The small fan Gloria turned on earlier covers up her less than subtle moans as she fingers herself to he friend being fucked next to hear.

“Holy shit this is really hot, why am I so turned on?” She whispers to herself as she dozes off.

Sarah continues to fuck Oscar while laying on top of him. She can barely contain her moans and gasps as Oscar grabs her ass from behind and repeatedly slams it down onto his erect cock.

Sarah: *whispering* “lets go fuck in the bathroom, I want you to bend me over and use me like a whore”

Oscar grabs her ass without saying a word as they both try to leave the sleeping bag. They stumble clumsily but manage to get to the bathroom door in the dark room. Oscar grabs Sarah from behind and squeezes her breast as he opens the door and pushes her inside.

Right before Oscar closes the bathroom door a tiny nightlight from inside illuminates the room. Oscar notices Gloria staring at him in silence, smiling. Gloria winks to him as he goes into the bathroom with Sarah.

“Fucking lucky” Gloria says to herself as she massages her breast and lazily rubs her clit quietly in her sleeping bag. She peeks out of her sleeping bag and sees that Mandy is still sound asleep. Gloria stares at the door leading out to the hallway “I wonder If I can find Devon in the next room…….would he fuck me just randomly? If I approached him naked and bent over for him maybe” Gloria continues to finger herself as she gets more restless.

Meanwhile in the bathroom, Sarah bent down over a shiny marble counter spreading herself for Oscar.

Sarah: “Fuck me Oscar, please”

Oscar teases her clit briefly with the tip of his cock before inserting the whole thing. She lets out a faint moan as Oscar continues to fuck her harder and more aggressively from behind.

Sarah: *moaning and panting* “YES JUST LIKE, FUCK ME WITH YOUR BLACK COCK” She turns silent as Oscar stops mid thrust.

Oscar: “What?”

Sarah realizes what she said and attempts to think of a response before coming to the realization that she was fantasizing about being fucked by Devon not her white boyfriend after the conversation she had earlier with Gloria.

Oscar: *pulls out* “Were you pretending I was someone else?”

Sarah: *embarrassed* “Yes…. before you brought us pizza Gloria was talking about how she fucked Devon and it just got me super horny”

Oscar was confused and instantly hit with conflicting emotions. “Here, it’s alright. You are drunk after all. Go back to the sleeping bag, I Just want to wait here a bit.”

Sarah: *gets up from the counter and faces Oscar* “I’m sorry”

Oscar: “It’s alright, I sometimes fantasize about other women too….. It’s just kinda weird hearing it from your girlfriend”

Sarah quietly steps out of the bathroom closing the door behind her. She starts walking back to her sleeping bag but stops when she notices Gloria peeking her head out of hers.

Sarah: *leaning over Gloria’s sleeping bag* “Hey, you awake?”

Gloria: “Yeah, what’s up?”

Sarah: “I just fucked up royal and you’re going to help me make things right”

Gloria: “What? And Why?”

Sarah: “while Oscar was fucking me I let it slip that I was fantasying about being fucked by Devon”

Gloria: “Ha, how did he take it?”

Sarah: *mildly annoyed* “How do you think he took it Gloria? He’s pissed and It’s all your fault”

Gloria is about to refuse but looks at the desperation In Sarah’s eyes. “Fine…… what do you need me to do?” She says as she subtly pulls her own panties up.

Sarah: *unzipping Gloria’s sleeping bag* “We need to switch sleeping bags, quick get in mine* “She points vaguely to hers laying on the ground nearby”

Gloria gets out of her sleeping bag and leans over Sarah, “Okay I’ll go to your sleeping bag but then what?”

Sarah: *with a sigh of embarrassment* “I need you to sleep with Oscar in the sleeping bag. Give him a handjob or something I don’t know. But hurry he might come back soon”

Gloria takes a step back shocked but begrudgingly goes to the sleeping bag and lays in wait.

“Okay you just need to lightly stroke your friend’s, boyfriend’s cock and then sleep” She says to herself repeatedly as she hypes herself up.

After a few minutes Oscar enters the pitch back room and fumbles towards his sleeping bag.

Oscar crawls into his sleeping bag that unbeknownst to him is being shared by a now totally nude Gloria. He feels her athletic naked body against his own and in the darkness of the room still thinks it’s Sarah.

Oscar: *Whispering into Gloria’s ear* “eh we can blame the rum?” He kisses Gloria’s neck as she reaches out to grasp his cock. She rubs her hand across the totally erect shaft and fights the urge to gasp.

Oscar grabs Gloria’s breast and begins licking them as she strokes his cock. Gloria thinks to herself “Damn I wonder what it would feel like inside me….. No I can’t….Sarah didn’t say I could fuck him she ju….” Her concentration is broken as Oscar grips her in his arms and turns her over while inside the sleeping bag. With Gloria now laying on her chest Oscar whispers in her ear “You’re still super wet, I can feel it. Just pretend I’m a black man or whatever” He rest his cock between Gloria’s legs and locks hs arms under her shoulders so she can’t move”

Gloria: *thinking to herself* “OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT” She considers speaking up but that thought leaves her body as Oscar slides his dick into her pussy rapidly in powerful aggressive thrust. She squirms and vibrates with euphoria as Oscar continues to hate fuck her. After some time Gloria orgasms and lets out a “AHHHH That was so hot”.

Oscar: *leaning in to Gloria’s ear* “Gloria?”

Gloria: *nervously smiling* “Um…yes Oscar?”

Oscar: “why are you in my sleeping bag?”

Gloria: “That’s a good question” she whispers as she lays in the sleeping bag fully satisfied

Oscar: *still slowly fucking her* “Did Sarah ask you to do this?”

Gloria: “Yes, but she only wanted me to give you a handjob” She turns herself over as Oscar lifts himself up with his arms.

Oscar: “Shame”

Gloria starts making out with Oscar now that they’re facing the same way. Oscar crawls up Gloria’s body and hits her in the face with his cock as she slowly wraps it around her lips. She sucks Oscars cock for several minutes until she feels his warm cum spray down her throat. Oscar pulls out and sprays the rust of his load all over Gloria’s face.

Gloria: *kisses Oscars face* “Okay, that was hot. I see why Sarah likes you. I need to get back to my sleeping bag so pretend to be asleep when Sarah gets back.

Oscar turns to face away from Gloria as she steps out of the bag. Gloria goes to Sarah and subtly leans over asking “Hey it’s done, he thinks you’re in the bathroom rn…. Now give me back my sleeping bag”

Sarah gets out of the sleeping bag and returns to Oscar where they cuddle for the rest of the night. Gloria while back in her own sleeping bag wipes the cum from her face and fingers herself until she falls asleep.

Mandy wakes up when the sun rises and blasts loud Reggae music from the CD player. Gloria, Oscar, and Sarah all lazily rise up looking more exhausted than when they went to sleep the night before.

Mandy: “You all have a good night?” She says as she turns down the volume on the CD player.

Gloria, Sarah and Oscar all say “Yup” at the same time while they smile at each other.

Mandy: “okay weirdos, anyway what do you guys want for breakfast I’m starving”

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/l097m8/long_night_of_rum_fmf_slow_burn_realistic