Three Years a sex slave [MMF]

Dealing with Grief – Final

The next morning, I woke first. I hadn’t slept much at all. The questions raised the night before were too strong, too deep. I had to find a way to resolve it. In the mean time, be here for him. I had called mom to let her know where I was, what I was doing. She told me to stay with him, she would bring me clothes and anything else I needed.

Go- didn’t sleep for much longer and he was simply a mess. He could barely function. I essentially had to order him to shower, shave, dress prepare for breakfast. When he appeared he wasn’t dressed in clean clothes, he hadn’t shaved properly, his hair was a mess and from the speed at which he appeared, I suspect he hadn’t spent a lot of time under the shower. I’ll leave him for today, I thought, but this can’t continue.

He wanted nothing for breakfast except a glass of whiskey. “We eat healthy here Go-, so pick something healthy.”

“”Aww! Do I gotta?” “Yes, you do.” He said nothing so I made up some fruit and yogurt, with tea and a slice of sourdough toast. He didn’t eat it all and he was quite sullen, but he did, at least eat.

Mom arrived shortly after, with clothes and accessories, a vibrator, a box of tampons and some slinky bed wear. J- had told her that Go-‘s son had been informed of V-‘s demise and would be returning shortly. They had no idea of when, but he was coming.

The official cause of death was a massive stroke. Seems there was a weakened blood vessel in her brain that exploded. She never stood a chance. It is not guaranteed it was totally painless or instantaneous, but apparently, in that region of the brain, the time lapse between registering a pain and brain death is so slight it is almost immeasurable, just the body doesn’t know what’s happened so lags behind for up to a few hours. Sounds like comforting medical bullshit to me, but it means the family can tell themselves she didn’t suffer at all.

I got Go- through the day with a number of crying jags. We went to bed that night, again, I made sure he was sleeping, holding him, reassuring him. The next morning I woke to the sound of someone in the kitchen. I quickly put a robe on and went to see who it was. It was Ro- the son, well who else. He had arrived early in the morning and had just made it back and who the fuck am I? I told him I was a friend of his parents and was looking after his father. I tried to explain that Go- was in a lot of trouble, but he didn’t listen. At that moment, Go came out of the bedroom and Ro- put 2 and 2 together. He was about to go off like a rocket! He did.

“FUCK!” He cried, “Mom’s not even in her grave and you’ve got some fucking trollop moving in already!” Was the essential message he was sending. Go- just stood there and took it. I wasn’t going to for sure, I mean trollop? Really? I remained calm, understanding he didn’t know about his parent’s lifestyle. I waited for him to calm down and thought, he’s going to wind himself up to the point where he is going to lash out. He did. He took a swing at me, but he didn’t connect.

I’ve never been one for violence, but dad did make sure I learned something after the treatment I received earlier so I would never be that vulnerable again. It paid off now. The guy I went to was ex-military, a former Marine Drill Sargent, so instead of fancy martial arts it was gritty un-armed combat. Two weeks in training school then follow up sessions every month. I would never have been able to stand up to a vet, or maybe to a real knife fight, but for any untrained amateur, well, he didn’t stand a chance. I had Ro- down in an instant, vulnerable himself. His arms were trapped, one shoulder pinned with his head in flat on the floor. He couldn’t move. Right now, I was grateful dad had the foresight to send me to the DS, even though I hated every minute of it.

Seeing that, Go- came around a bit and asked what the fuck was happening. Why was Ro- attacking me? I told him the Ro- was very hurt and very angry because he didn’t understand why I was there. I was calm and asked Ro- how much of his parent’s life he actually knew. He never guessed much. I told him that he should prepare for a shock, as if he wasn’t shocked enough by being toss around by a slip of a girl. See guys, size doesn’t matter. I told him bluntly that I was here to help his father, and him if he wanted me to. Right now, dad is really on the edge and needs supervision, not anxiety, love, not anger. No, we were not fucking, we have in the past and might again in the future, but for the moment, we weren’t. Yes, I am a lover of both his parents. I knew V- in ways he couldn’t, sometimes sharing a bed with them both.

I told him I loved V-. She was my friend, my lover, my mentor, helping me to understand about me and put the world around me into a better perspective. I told him I also loved his dad, but right now, dad needs every bit of help he can get and I am here to do that. He has a lot of friends who want to help also, including my mom. He knew mom, knew of her friendship but didn’t know the extent of it. I didn’t enlighten him. I told him that mom knew I was here, she knew V- and I were good friends, likely suspected about our relationship, but she didn’t know for sure, so I would appreciate it if he didn’t say anything to her. I also told him that no one else knew, so out of respect for his mom, not to say anything to anyone else.

I could see him thinking about it. Well, he couldn’t do anything else, trapped, immobile like he was. I also told him I had been trained in unarmed combat, so please, don’t try violence again, let’s keep it calm and polite. He nodded at that, knowing it must be true with the ease I had taken him down. I reiterated that I loved his mother, very much and she would not want me to be hurting her son. I told him I would let him up if her were to promise to not attack me again. He did promise, but I wasn’t sure. I then told him that I wouldn’t be so polite again. Next time I would have to hurt him because he would likely try from behind and that might get seriously messy. “Alright, I get it, I understand. I promise!” This time I believed him. I didn’t say “good boy” or anything like that, I simply lent down and kissed his cheek and relaxed the pressure of my knee, preparing to lift off him.

“Your mother told me a lot about you,” she had, “She was very proud of you, but not just as a loving mother dotes on her children, but you as a person. I have always thought that we would be friends and I am so sad that we had to meet like this.” I got off him altogether and stood.

I didn’t offer to help him up, that would be rubbing his nose in it. He stood up and he is much taller than me, like his father. “Ro-,” Go- said, “This is P-” he stopped, “Cate, and we love her.” He started crying again so I went and hugged him, held him. “It’s okay, it’s going to be okay.” I reassured him, ignoring Ro- for the moment. Right then the doorbell went. I looked at Ro and cocked my head towards the door, he nodded and left the room.

I heard him say “Hi,” and other voices, it was a woman, then a man’s voice, that sounded like J-‘s husband. A few moments later J- came into the kitchen followed by both Ro and Ma-. J- took over hugging Go- from me and I hugged Ma- thanking them for coming, especially so early. I was in a thin robe and Go- was in pjs, “Sorry we couldn’t make it here yesterday, Cate, but had to come this morning. I see you’ve met.” She looked at Ro- and I told her I explained why I was in his parent’s house to Ro- and he was okay with it now. “I asked Cate to be here, Ro-. Your dad really needs not to be alone and we didn’t know how long it would be for you to get here. You made good time.”

“I left as soon as I heard, drove overnight to Fargo, slept a little then drove straight here, haven’t slept yet,” he replied.

“From Boston, that’s a two day drive,” I said, impressive, “Well that explains a lot, glad you made it in one piece,” I said, “Want something to eat? Then off to bed with you. Sleep as much as you want and we can talk some more when you’re more alert.”

“Good advice, Ro-” J- added, “Which is why I asked Cate to be here.”

“But she’s only a kid-”

“No!’ J- said, with a vehemence I wasn’t expecting, “She is young, but she is a lot fucking smarter than you think, get to know her first, then tell me she’s a kid!” Wow! I thought. “Trust me Ro- she’ll do you like a dinner if you try her patience.”

“Yeah,” he replied, and a look of understanding came over J-. She smiled, “You did and she handed you your ass, didn’t she!” A statement. He nodded. MA- laughed, “Give her a chance Ro-” he said, “You might learn a lot from her.”

I certainly didn’t feel like some sort of super nanny, or all knowing seer. I have no idea where all this comes from, I’m just a kid for fuck’s sake. “Come on,” J- said, “You guys go and get showered and dressed, ready for breakfast, Ma- and I’ll cook. Ro- you can set the table.” She hustled Go- and I out so I took him off to the shower.

Normally showering with someone can be a lot of fun, but there really wasn’t time this morning. I paid particular attention to Go-‘s dick, but his heart wasn’t in it. Bit early, I thought. I made sure he washed all over, then shaved him in the shower. I’ve not had a lot of opportunities to do that, but I understood the principles from shaving my own and other pussies, not completely bare, but using a multi-blade razor. I only nicked him once, and that was when he moved, so I thought I did a credible job. The bleeding stopped fairly quickly so he wasn’t covered in bits of toilet paper when we went to the kitchen. Ro- and J- were talking, with Ma- throwing in the odd comment here and there, and Ro-was finishing his coffee. I made Go- up a plate of eggs and sat him down, knife and fork, a coffee and watched him. I don’t have a big breakfast myself, so I was good.

J- and Ro- were talking about the things that V- and she did when younger, the girl stuff V- and J- used to get up to. They laughed and cried a little, getting their grief out. I said nothing, added nothing, just took it all in. Ro- said nothing about what had happened earlier, so I assumed he is honoring his promise. I found out later that he asked J- why me. She told him that I was the best person to be caring for his father right now, that V- and I were very good friends. She also told him that the relationship between his parents was very deep and she was afraid that his father may self harm or even suicide in his grief. I was there to provide a contact with the world, taking care of his needs, watching him, making him look outward. Ro- accepted that J-‘s intent was reasonable and would also accept my presence.

C- was Executor of V- estate so made arrangements for V-s internment. The funeral itself, went off without a hitch, Ro- credited me with that, knowing it was done before he came home, not knowing it was C- that took care of it. For the next few days, things were very cordial. Go- and I slept in the same bed and he cried himself to sleep every night that first week. There was, however, a slight change in him. I could feel it, I couldn’t pinpoint it, but it was a change none-the-less. Initially, I was concerned he would transfer his dependence from V- to me, but I didn’t allow him that opportunity. I consistently ordered him to do things, yes, but then continually implied, sometimes stated, that he didn’t need me to tell him what to do, he could use his own initiative.

About a week after the funeral, Go- woke before me, and went and had a shower. I didn’t order him, didn’t wash him, he did it all himself. Yes, he was healing. We had slept in the same bed, but he wasn’t fucking me, he had no heart for it. Ro- was unhappy at first, thinking dad was fucking a seventeen year old, but I did tell him that if we were fucking, he would know and I wouldn’t need to be here any longer. Over the next week, Go- took more control of his own life.

Ro- and I had a number of discussions in that time which I found out he told his boss where he was, from Fargo actually, it was unknown what would happen when he got home. He got here to find his mother dead, his father in a near vegetative state from grief. The boss told him to take annual leave, and if he needed more time, they can work it out. We talked a lot from then on, with Go- being included more and more. Eventually, where Ro- couldn’t hear, Go- said, “Priestess, I’m not of much use to you, why don’t you sleep with Ro- tonight?”

I was surprised, “Thank you, Go-, but I’m here for you. When you need me.” He pondered that for a moment and said, “You’re not getting any sex at all lately, and you need some, I’m sure.” He paused, “Ro- too needs some and I’ve been watching him watching you more and more.”

“Yes, I had noticed but you know I am only here for you.” He took that without saying anything but there was a look in his eye and I knew this wasn’t going to be the last I heard of it. Don’t get me wrong, Ro- is tall and good looking, trim and taut, fit, and when I got passed his surliness, was a nice guy. Go- was obviously healing now, thinking of other people, not drowning in his grief. It wasn’t a straight progression, he was having moments, but he was seeing outside of himself more often now.

That night at dinner, Ro- helped prepare the simple meal I was capable of cooking, we were sitting at the table. Go- said, “Ro- can you do me a favor?”

“Yeah, sure dad, what would you like?”

“Would you come and sleep in my bed tonight?”

Fuck! I thought, “Go- what-”

“No Cate, I’m being serious,” he looked at me with an odd look in his eyes, “Ro- needs some healing too, he is so uptight. You’ve slept in our bed before, so instead of V-, it should be Ro-.”

“Dad!” Ro cried.

“Look son, your mom loved Cate, as do I, and I think it only right that you do too. You’re still hurting, I can see that, and I can only think that Cate’s love will help heal that hurt.”

“You want me to fuck your girlfriend in my mother’s bed?” He was aghast at the proposition. I was suprised, a little, but given our earlier conversation, I shouldn’t have been.

“No, I didn’t ask you to fuck her, I asked you to come and sleep in our bed.” Go- was insistent.

“Go- perhaps Ro- isn’t ready for this, if he ever would be.”

“Oh come on Cate, you know he is.” I did actually, “If you have sex, then that’s okay with me.”

“He might not want you watching though.”

“Don’t I get a say in this?” Ro- asked.

“No son, you don’t. I want you and Cate to make love. I would prefer to be there, but if you don’t want me to, then I can live with that and go and sleep in your bed. But all I want is for you to be a lot happier than you are right now. Cate, you know I want you to do this, Ro- you can with or without an audience.”

“No,” Ro- said.

I didn’t really care, one way or the other. This was a dad-son thing. Go- was right, I needed to get laid soon, or maybe I really am just an oversexed slut. I do know, however, the therapeutic value of fucking. It’s a life giving action, a hope for the future. It’s not just sex, it’s an important expression of life, of being alive, of living.

“Okay, stop right there. The pair of you.” I demanded, then went on more kindly, “Go- when you’re ready, you can have me, any time, you know that. Ro-, please understand, I am not a simple trollop, I am a full on slut. I’m not a sex worker, but I am available for sex. I love it. Your dad’s right about one thing, you are grieving for your mother. Believe it or not, so am I. I just think I’m handling it better than either of you because you both need me to.”

“She wasn’t your mother!”

“No, she wasn’t but it doesn’t stop me from grieving for her. I would love for her to be here, to explain to you in that patient way she had, why it’s necessary for me to be here. I can’t, I’m not her, I’m just me.” I reached over and took his hand, “And I am here for you too.” I’m really not sure sure if this is what J- had in mind originally, but this is how it can work out. They really do both need me. He looked at me, but didn’t throw my hand away or shrug it off. It was obvious that this conversation couldn’t go any further, not now at least.

I steered conversation to other things, Ro- talked about work on prompting from Go-, it sounded exotic. All I could talk about was school. At times like these, it’s best I stay silent, so I listened and learned. I asked questions occasionally, sometimes these are naive questions, often getting a slight eye roll, but others, Ro- seemed surprised I would ask such a question. What I had already known was that this is a good technique to get people talking about themselves. Asking them questions brings far more than answers, it gives you a reputation for being a good listener, building confidence in people, given them an excuse to over share frequently. People want to tell you things, all you have to do is stay out of the way to let them.

I went to bed that night, a little early. I told them they could join me, one or the other, or both. Go- came in and got into bed. A short time later, Ro- came in and got on the other side. I was naked. We slept, all three of us. During the night, the autonomic response systems of men take over. Some kind of body system that runs a body diagnostic two or three times a night apparently. Essentially, men get wood while they are sleeping. It was easy for me, well it seems easy sometimes, I am geared to it. As soon as Ro- got a horn, I played with it a little. Nice sized dick, not too big, not too small. Then I stroked him, more and more. Not hard, just easily, softly and consistently, I was certain he didn’t wake until a few moments later when he was getting close to cumming.

I rolled away from him, being an innocent in his wet dream. He was going to move, I could feel it, I just knew he was going to get out of bed, maybe go and spank the monkey. I didn’t let him, I just rolled over and threw an arm over his chest, snuggling into him. I beat him to it, he couldn’t move without ‘waking’ me. I ran my hand up his chest, then down, up a bit then down a lot more. I grabbed his dick, just holding it, my thumb across the top, my fingers on the soft skin of his ball sack.

I felt the residue of my earlier ministrations of his cock, and some ooze that fell onto my fingers. I let his cock go and wiped my hand back up to his chest. He was well and truly awake now, and I snuggled further into him, my tits pressing into his arm, my knee lifted onto his thigh. I muttered a little, like I was sleep talking, just noises actually, but I made sure there was a sound like ‘fuck me’ in it. I started a little grind into his thigh and by then, his cock was responding. I flexed my muscles, like a bit of a startle, ran my hand down his body to his cock and sure enough, he was hard again. “Yummm” I whispered and slid on top of him. He was inside me without any foreplay I was so wet, it felt so good having a cock in me again. I fucked him, slowly, without trying to disturb Go-.

Go- was awake by then, I could hear his change of breathing. He did nothing, just lay there, back to us, letting me fuck his son. I pumped Ro- for all he was worth, I rode his cock taking whatever pleasure I could but giving as good as I got. He wasn’t cumming, but neither was I and I was running out of steam. Didn’t matter, I slowed down and slid off him, downwards. I took his slippery cock into my mouth and sucked him. I rode it up and down, wiped it with my tongue, took as much into my mouth as I could. The sounds of his groans my reward then he shot. It spilled out the corners of my mouth, he spewed forth some delicious cum, so I had to wipe it in to my mouth. Actually, nicer than his dad’s if truth be told.

I swallowed it, like a good girl, crawled up his body and gave him a light peck on the cheek. I got off him and snuggled into Go-‘s back. I put my arm over his shoulder and felt for his hand. He let me take it then gave it a squeeze. It was alright.

A lawyer from K-‘s firm called Go- the next day, V-‘s will had been submitted to the County Office, probate should be straight forward he said. He asked how Go- and Ro- were doing. Getting better, but not yet out of the woods. Probate is complex, but it’s clear how it works, mostly. It’s simply a process that does three things, identify the assets of the deceased, identify the beneficiaries and allowed anyone else who may have a claim against the estate to lodge it. It also gives time for a coroner’s report to be prepared in case of ‘foul play’. Police investigations, if needed, either clear or indict beneficiaries. What some people do for money, unbelievable!

V- had a stroke, a brain hemorrhage, so probate will be straight forward. The majority of the estate, I learned, was to go to Go-, a substantial insurance policy has named Ro- as the beneficiary and there are several gifts of personal property, but C- hadn’t say to whom. Of course, WA has estate taxes but that shouldn’t be too much of a problem as all the property and gifts were already in what’s called a ‘revocable trust’. Essentially, V- was holding the property in the name of someone else. The house and investment properties that were going to Go- the jewelry and other gifts were already assigned to people, just V- held onto those items in their name. I’m going to need a lot more study to understand this, these are the complex parts and easy to make a mess of, apparently.

That night, for the first time since V- passed, Go- fucked me. He did it right in front of Ro- too, in the bed. I gave Ro- another blow job and later, he fucked me too. That was better. In the morning, I took Ro- up the ass and Go- in my puss. Three days later, I hugged them both, kissed their dicks, and walked out on shaky legs, smiling, my job was done. One or the other, or both at the same time, had been fucking me senseless. That is exactly what should have happened. They were healing of their grief, letting it go, moving on. It would be a while before they would be totally over it, but both were healing. Go- was out of danger.

Go- had decided the day before I was leaving that he was going to move to Boston, with Ro- and Ro- welcomed him. I would miss them both, but Go- was right, he had to move on. I heard from J- a few days ago that Go- had found another woman, a widow herself and they were getting married. Even after more than two years later, I couldn’t have been more happy for him. Mom, Dad and I bought them a wedding gift, pure crystal serving set and glasses and got a thank you note signed by both bride and groom. Ro- also penned a coda, he thanked me for my patience and told me I would always have his love.

It took nearly 9 months for V-‘s will to complete probate, about normal in WA apparently. As Executor, C- took care of everything. Privately, C- told me that V- knew she was in a high risk category, a number of her family had died of stroke, at an early age. He told me she was prepared, but was really worried about Go-. He also told me she was really happy when I came along and joined in, even temporarily at first, then even more so as i was intending to remain their Priestess. She told C- I was the closest person to Gloria she had ever met, long before I actually met C-. He then told me I was also a beneficiary of V-‘s will. She, J-, mom and dad and C- all knew and agreed that I would receive her jewelry. Fuck me! Then I understood why it was made clear to me that her jewelry was in a ‘revocable trust’, I could inherit without having to pay any estate taxes. The jewelry was valued at over $180,000. It shocked me. I really didn’t want it, not at that price. Go-, Ro-, both then in Boston, and C- all insisted I keep it. J- told me to suck it up and pay the insurance. Dad got me a safety deposit box at the bank and the big necklace and matching earrings have only left there twice since it came to me. It’s a beautiful collection and I love it, but I can’t help but feel I haven’t earned it.

When C- gave me the boxes, an emerald and diamond necklace with matching earrings, an emerald and ruby tiara and rings of diamonds, gold, silver and other assorted precious and semi-precious gems, he also gave me a note. It was from V-. I won’t tell you everything that was in it, but the gift she was giving me was from her heart. She wrote that she loved me from the very first time we met, knowing I was going to be the one she was looking for, the one to care for Go- if anything happened to her. I was reading the note and tears were falling on it. I still have it, inside the safety deposit box. C- held me, reassuring me that V-‘s feelings were real.

It was this, more than anything else, the last line of the note that held me. V- said that what I was to do, to help Go-, was the reason she had decided I was to be Priestess and not a sub. A Priestess helped her flock when they were lost or hurt. That’s what I can do, accept their hurt, give them love, give them my pussy, my ass, talk to them, suck dick, lick clit, tie them up, be tied up, whip them occasionally, take their hurt from them. That’s what a Priestess does, love them always.
