A very gory story. [f/POV] [nc]

This is very graphic. Necrophilia lies ahead. You have been warned? I’m sorry.

This is from the (Fictional) point of view of a 20 year old woman, dreaming about a much older man she used to be with.

I’m so starved darling. I miss your appetite. I’ll be your wife, your devoted servant and slave.I will never leave your side unless you wish me too. I love you darling. You’re so dangerous, that is why I tried to keep myself so far from you, but it just made me miss you more. Touch myself more. Think about you more. But I am so starved without you, without your presence. I desperately need you darling


Every moment I lie awake touching myself I wish it was you. I held out for as long as possible. I failed. Please take me darling, punish me for the naughty girl I’ve been, keeping you at bay


Bite me, lick me, leave marks all on my body. So when you bring me out in public mothers cover their children’s eyes, men stare, women are jealous. They want what you do to me, to be done to them. I want you so bad. I want you to abuse me.


Not some light 50 shades of grey spanking. Throw me against a wall, drag me up against it by my nipples. Lick my face like an ice cream cone. Hold my arms together so tight behind my back it leaves a mark. Bruise my cervix so that I don’t even get anything out of sex with you. But still fuck me whenever. If I cry too much, scream too loud, choke me until I pass out. And continue raping me, I will be at my happiest, once you have beat me within an inch of my life darling.



Once my nose is broken, bleeding, my legs are bruised and bleeding in small scratches everywhere, my hips are permanently scarred with a knife, so If I ever go out in a bikini to the beach, if you’d even let me, they see your name carved into my body, a permanent marking. My throat bruised, making it hard to breathe for me, shoulders bitten and bleeding nearly to the bone, as if I am your deer and you are my wolf. And my once magnificent breasts, nipples nearly bleeding around the edge, teeth Marks that later become permanent, bruised and black on every single inch of those large mounds. And my wonderful asshole, torn and ripped open, bleeding and forever opened up to your cock. And my pussy, sore, bruised, clit bleeding, bitten by your magnificent teeth, hopefully you should have ripped it off, I don’t deserve any pleasure. Bite marks everywhere, bleeding in every wound. My pretty hazel eyes sunken in and puffed out from the bruises left after you take your rage out on me, eyebrows split from the swollenness, head gash from a throw against the bed, and my pretty, tiny lips torn at both ends, bruised, bleeding, hurting as the salt from my tears stings the wounds. Some of my hair is pulled off of my scalp, left on the floor, maybe stuffed in my mouth, even with some of my scalp on. If I’m lucky, you drop me off naked at the hospital and slam the door in my face if I try to come home. Most likely, you wait for me to pass away, and have more fun with my corpse until I start to rot. Then you throw me in the sea and forget all about me. I love you darling, I want you.


Let the downvotes commence.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/kzowb5/a_very_gory_story_fpov_nc


  1. Honestly, even if it’s not my thing it’s well written. I dislike when people downvote based on if it’s their kink or not. So have my upvote, even if it does jack shit against the hordes.

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