[fMF] Wild Roses pt. 19: Wagon Camp [anal] [Msub]

The next morning, their tunics and hair cleaned and brushed, Autumn and Summer set off down the road, following their crude map. For lunch, Autumn downed a rabbit, which they cooked over a small campfire and shared, and by late afternoon, they had found the wagon track where the highway joined the road to the small village. A few miles along it, they came upon a wagon camp, consisting of an office and a small warehouse, a large gravel turning area, and six great stacks of lumber from the nearby forest ready to be shipped out along the road north, along with a pair of piles of large, freshly quarried rock.

No wagons were to be seen, but on a hunch the girls made their way up to the office and knocked, waiting for the proprietor to answer. The woman who swung the door open to them was a northerner, with fiery red hair and a muscular build, and her green eyes glittered in the fading sunlight as she greeted them at the door with a smile.

“Och, what’re’ye lookin’ for, lass?” she said with a broad smile, her large teeth shining like pearls between thick lips.

“Ah”, Summer said with a smile, “we were wondering if a wagon train was likely to come through here soon?”

“We’re going up north, you see.” Autumn added with an easy smile.

“Aye”, the woman said with a nod, “I expect a wayn amorro’. If’n’ye’d like to wait ‘ere’fer it, we ‘ave a spare bed.”

“That would be lovely.” Summer said with a smile and a light bow.

“We?” Autumn mouthed noiselessly to her as the broad woman turned around to lead them inside, but Summer just shrugged, so Autumn did as well, and the two of them followed her.

“I’m Sara”, the woman said by way of introduction, and gestured to the ‘we’, seated at a table going over a thick ledger, “‘n this is me husband Percy.”

“Hello.” Percy said with a wan smile, briefly looking up from his ledger.

He was a slight man in his mid-twenties, no taller than Autumn, and no broader than Summer, with short dark hair in a tousled cut, and no beard to speak of. In the dimming light through the shutters, the girls could barely make out the blue of his eyes, washed out to a reddish grey by the candle next to the ledger.

“These lasses will want supper, luv.” Sara said, casually unlacing the neck of her sleeveless leather jerkin. “Take out some of the deer and roast it, would ye?”

Quickly on his feet, Percy nodded with an easy smile and collected his ledger, stowing it securely on a shelf he had to get on his toes to reach before vanishing off into the larder downstairs.

Sara gestured to the table where he’d been sitting with a smile to the girls. “Have a seat, now.”

Summer and Autumn were both happy to get off their feet, and found suitable places around the large wooden table.

“‘e’s better with the books than ‘e looks.” Sara said with a grin, glancing over to where Percy had made his way down into the cellar. “So what’r’ye goin’ north fer?”

“Well”, Autumn started, “our sister…”

“– lives up there.” Summer said, cutting her off. “She sent us a letter about how beautiful the mountains were this time of year, and we thought we should come see them.”

“And her, of course.” Autumn added, catching on.

“Aye, they’re bonnie to be sure.” Sara said with a nod, unlacing her armguards. “Awfully dangerous fer two lasses to be travellin’ on yer own with brigands about, tho’.”

“Oh”, Summer said with a frown, “we’d heard they mostly kept to the coast, so we didn’t really think an inland journey would be much of a problem.”

Autumn nodded. “And we’ve heard that they are ranging further south now, so home may not be all that much safer.”

Sara discarded her armguards in a messy heap on the floor and began unlacing her boots. “Aye, there’d be some truth to that, I figure.”

“Anyway”, Summer continued, “if the wagons are making it through all right, it can’t be that bad, right?”

Sara sat back up with a nod. “Aye, but at times they dinnae. Still, as ye say, inland is safe enough.”

With a rattle, Percy came ambling up the stairs, a small keg under one arm, and two tankards grasped in each hand.

“Food will be ready soon.” he said with a toothy smile. “Some ale while you wait?”

“Och, there’s a good lad.” Sara said with a grin, taking the keg off him and after placing it gently on the table smashed the top of it open with an effortless punch. “C’mere with’em then.”

Percy brought the tankards over, and Sara poured the ale out from the open keg, somehow avoiding filling them with wood splinters, Percy handing them out as they filled up. Summer accepted hers with a wan smile, and Autumn with a cheeky grin; the tankards were somewhat larger than they were used to, and the ale smelled sweeter and stronger as well. The libations portioned out, Percy vanished back into the cellar, and the girls sat working their way through the thick, strong drink with Sara.

“That’s –” Autumn coughed, “quite something.”

“Aye, ’tis.” Sara said with a grin, raising her tankard in a toast before draining half of it in one gulp.

By the time Percy returned with the food, the girls were not even a quarter of the way through theirs, and even then they were starting to feel the effects. The meal was simple, but rich, with a side of venison in a thick mushroom sauce, with roast wild greens and dark, fragrant wheat bread besides, newly roast. Bread, deer and bread all was spiced with foreign spices as well, tasting strange to Autumn and Summer, but not unpleasant, and all together it was easily the best they had eaten in months.

“Thish ish really good.” Summer complimented the food as she chewed, her words a little slurred from the strong ale she’d managed about half a tankard of by now; Sara midway through her second and entirely unaffected. Summer soon gave up on her ale altogether, and pushed the tankard subtly towards Sara, who seemed to catch on and drain it for her, while Autumn finished all of hers with gusto.

“Thank ye.” she said with a grin, and nodded to Percy. “He’s quite the little cook, when he wants to be.”

Percy blushed furiously, and turned his attention to a particular piece of venison on his plate.

“Thank you.” he managed to get out at length, in something little more than a whisper.

When he dared look up from his meal, Autumn shot him a lopsided smile, and his eyes were quickly on his venison again. Once the meal was done and the sun had set in earnest, Sara led the girls upstairs, leaving Percy behind to clear the table.

“Ye can bed down here.” she said, pointing to a narrow featherbed pushed up against the wall of the back room, next to the door. “Our room is right through there, should ye need anything.”

Summer gave her a smile and a little bow. “Thank you.”

Autumn’s smile was considerably more lopsided, but she managed an unsteady bow as she stripped of her tunic, much to Sara’s approval, and tumbled into the bed, Summer helping her under the bedskins before stripping of her own tunic and slipping in after her.

“Good night, now.” Sara said with a smile, as she stepped into her bedroom.

A while later, after the clatter of plates and tankards had faded, Percy came up the stairs and offered Summer a light nod and a blush as he made his way past the bed and into the room beyond, swinging the door shut behind him.

Autumn had fallen asleep as soon as she hit the pillow, and for a while Summer lay listening to her snoring, looking out through the shutters at the starry, dark blue sky. After a while she realised why she was unable to sleep, and quietly slipped out of the bed and stalked downstairs, slipping out the back door to make water.

She had discovered the practical benefits to her constructs when it came to relieving herself without an outhouse, so she summoned herself a cock for her little trip into the woods behind the office. When she was done, she made her way back upstairs, but as she made to slip into bed, she noticed the sounds coming from beyond the closed door.

Curious, she inched it open and looked through, spotting Percy and Sara on the bed, him on all fours and her towering over him, two fingers stuck in his ass. Summer’s surprised gasp gave up the game, and Sara noticed her over Percy’s quiet moans and gasps. With a grin, Sara ordered her inside.

“Ye like spyin’ on people, lass?” she asked, slipping out of Percy.

“No”, Summer offered, flustered, “I just…”

Sara looked her over, spotting her still-present cock.

“I dinnae recall seein’ that, earlier.” she said with a grin. “Not a lass at all, are ye?”

Summer shook her head, and banished the fleshy construct. “I am, it’s just a little magic trick I can do. You see, I needed to make water…”

“Aye, such a thing is practical for that, I’d wager.” Sara said with a nod. “Good trick, if ye can do it.”

Summer bit her lip and looked over at Percy quivering on the bed, his ass still up in the air.

“You know”, she said, “I can do them for other people as well…”

“Can ye now?” Sara said, an intrigued look playing over her face. “Why don’t ye do me one, then?”

Summer nodded and quickly stepped up to the bed, shutting the door tight behind her. With a light touch to Sara’s sex, she found herself grasping the newly summoned cock, letting it harden under her touch.

“Such a wee one?” Sara said, looking down at herself, and Summer adjusted the cock to match her broad frame. “Aye, that’s better.”

“What do ye think, luv?” she said, tapping Percy lightly on the shoulder.

Biting his lip and eyeing it lustfully he nodded quickly and quietly, and turned around to inspect it more closely.

“If’n’ye like to watch, lass, have a seat.” Sara said, nodding towards the corner of the bed, and obediently Summer sat down, watching.

“Why don’t ye put a slick on it?” Sara said with a grin to Percy, and obediently he grabbed the massive cock and started kissing and caressing it, peppering it with kisses along its length and teasing at the balls, before returning to the tip to twirl a slender tongue around it a few times. After a few trial runs, he managed to get his mouth around it, and began sucking the cock, unable to get much of it in.

“Um”, Summer said quietly, “it’s quite a different sensation, I know, so you’ll want to…”

She got no further before, with a groan, Sara came, the deluge of juices gagging Percy, spilling out of his nose and around the cock in his mouth.

“Yeah, that…” Summer said, apologetically.

“Aye, tha’ss somethin’ different, to be sure.” Sara said with a grin, filtering her broad fingers through Percy’s short hair.

As he began kissing and licking at her to clean it off, she pulled him lightly away. “Dinnae do that, luv, it’ll serve for a slick, I wager.”

She looked over at Summer to confirm, and she nodded quickly.

Stroking herself with one hand to spread her juices along the shaft, Sara turned Percy back over with her other hand, and squared his knees and hands against the bed before positioning herself behind him.

“Be quiet now, luv, so that we don’t wake her sister.” Sara said with a grin, poking her cock against Percy’s ass, and he nodded quietly in assent, moaning only softly as he felt the tip of it against him.

“Do ye think he can be quiet, lass?” Sara asked Summer as she carefully positioned herself more finely, and Summer shrugged noncommittally.

“We’ll find out, I guess?” she suggested, and Sara nodded.

Planting her sticky hands firmly on Percy’s hips, she slowly thrust into him, drawing out a gasp that Percy swallowed as best he could. When she was buried to the hilt he gave a quiet squeal, and bit his lip furiously.

“Doing well so far.” Summer said with a smile.

Sara nodded and gave her a grin. Slowly she withdrew, eliciting further squeals and moans, and when she thrust back in Percy couldn’t hold it in any more, and gave a loud, sighing moan.

“Och, tha’ss no good, is it?” Sara said with a frown. “Why don’t you get yourself one as well, lass, and give him something to do over there?”

Unsurely, Summer called up another cock for herself, placing the tip of it against Percy’s lips.

“Aye, tha’ss good.” Sara said with a nod.

“Dinnae be afraid to be a little rough with him.” she added, and placed a sticky slap across Percy’s ass, which was met with a yelp of pleasure.

When Summer looked down she found Percy with his eyes closed and his mouth agape, and grabbing his hair with both hands she held him firm and thrust her considerably smaller cock down his throat. This he could take all the way, and between the large, glimmering drop forming on the tip of his cock and the garbled moans of pleasure he was managing to produce, Summer gathered that he was enjoying himself.

Summer slowly began to withdraw, and as she did, Sara thrust into him pushing him back onto her cock, before pulling him back off as she withdrew. After a few thrusts, Summer had the rhythm of it, and together they shuttled him back and forth, pounding him from both ends, Summer’s slender hands tightly grasping his hair and Sara’s broad hands firmly holding his hips. Before long, Summer could feel him twitching, and soon his seed shot all over the bedskins, his slender form shuddering and squealing between them.

Still Sara kept pounding, but quickly enough she too groaned and buckled, and as she ceased her pounding Percy managed to pull back enough to concentrate on Summer’s cock, and it wasn’t long before he brought her over the cliff, catching a hot load to the face for his efforts.

Panting, Summer fell back, softly moaning as Percy doggedly kept licking and kissing her cock and balls.

“Och.” Sara admonished him. “Leave the poor lass alone, luv.”

“N~hn”, Summer offered, “it’s – fine…”

“Aye.” Sara said with a gleam in her eye. “I wager it is.”

Summer giggled softly and pushed Percy gently away, but he persisted.

“It – a~hn – seems he really – wants it.” she offered between moans.

“Aye, aye.” Sara relented, and gave Percy a slap across the ass. “Finish the poor lass off already, then.”

Percy squealed with joy as the hand made contact, and was quick to wrap his lips around Summer to begin properly sucking her cock. In moments, Summer came again, but this time Percy was ready for it, and expertly swallowed her issue without issue, not a drip of her cum escaping his attention.

Finally satisfied, he rolled over into the mess in the bed, and after a quick kiss from Sara, closed his eyes and began to drift off.

Panting, Sara leaned against a bedpost and looked over at Summer.

“Och.” she offered, something of a frown on her face. “Can ye make these things permanent?”

“I don’t quite know, to be honest.” Summer admitted with an unsteady smile. “I could try, I think I can do it.”

“Maybe put a cunny on this lad as well?” Sara added with a grin, as Percy’s eyes shot open to give her a concerned look.

“Dinnae ye think ye’d like that, luv?” she offered, and Percy shrugged.

“Maybe…” he admitted, eyeing Sara’s massive cock.

“Well, I think I could do that too.” Summer said.

“Aye.” Sara said, before looking over Percy. “And I’m sure ye’ll be coming this way on your way back, to undo it if’n m’luv here dinnae take to it.”

Summer nodded. “I’d think so, yes.”

“Och, what’re ye waitin’ for, then?” Sara said with a grin, and quickly Summer set to work as best she could.

“That’s the best I can do.” she said at last, her concentration all but exhausted. “If it hasn’t gone away by itself by the time I return, I doubt it will.”

“It’ll also act a bit more like a normal cock.” Summer said with an apologetic smile as she dismissed her own cock.

“Aye, tha’ss for the best, or we’d never get any work done.” Sara said with a grin.

“There’s a bath in the cellar, if’n’ye want to clean up.” she added as she settled into bed next to Percy and his new cunt, wrapping her broad frame around his slight one. “Sleep well, now, and apologise to your sister if we woke the lass.”

With a giggle, Summer slipped out of the room and made her way past her soundly sleeping sister and downstairs, where she quickly got herself cleaned in the small bath under the house, before returning to slip in under the covers.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/5rhn1n/fmf_wild_roses_pt_19_wagon_camp_anal_msub