An Alpha’s an Alpha [Humiliation] [Beast] [MMF] [Anal] [Oral]

[Written for u/seaweedbrain69420, because I decided to.]

Sex is greatest motivator in the world. In the past, countless men laid down their lives in the name of achieving an unobtainable woman’s goals for her, in hopes that their afterlife would be a suitable substitute to her ample bosom. Conversely, barbarians and vikings and the like travelled great distances from their homelands in order to pillage from the weak, prizing their riches, and raping their women as an afterthought. Now, it sells products, seduces the mind with pornography into expecting more from their meager carnal life than could ever be possible, and empowers women with the strength to choose their mates.

But in your case? Sex rules you. It drives you. It lives in your mind rent-free, and it is a hellish tenant. Funny thing is, the closest you’ve ever come to a woman’s body is hugging your mom, and you’ve seen pictures of her when she was your age. She’s out of your league, and was even more so when she was young. Good thing the puberty dreams you had about her have long since ceased, and good thing she’s not who you’ve been lusting after most since the beginning of your sexual awakening. Sure, obsessions with certain camgirls and porn starlets have come and gone, but some things are stronger than pure physical (virtual) attraction. Things like love. That’s right. Encased within several layers of crusted-over lust and sexual fluids spent into your shorts, deep down, is a red-blooded heart with the desire to settle down with a girl, get married, have kids, and be the beginning and end of her fantasies. And you have just the girl in mind.

Casey Townsend. Zoologist wannabe and tomgirl extraoridaire. (Both her choice of words.) You’ve had your eyes set on her since the day she chased her golden retriever into your front yard and trampled you in the process, then offered nothing in the way of an apology other than calling you a “toilethead” with a smile. You were both eight then, and shortly after realizing she was only two houses down from yours, Casey was the center of your universe. With how tough and domineering she tended to be, there would be no hoping she came around to your place, hoping to find that you were done with your homework. No, even then, she was admired by a gallery of other boys. Your only chance was being where she would be, and following whatever her interests entailed. The only upper-hand you had was having semi-affluent parents who were all too happy to fund trips for the two of you for things like camp and nature hikes, if only to get you out from in front of the TV on the weekends. You always assumed this would merely be a temporary solution, and that one day, she would come around and start making the effort to connect to you instead.

You’re both twenty-two now. Ignoring what little debt you have left over from your parents paying your way through college, you’re now blowing your way through your savings to purchase your and her way up to Alaska. Guess hoping anything would change was just wishful thinking.

After a week in Anchorage, Casey was starting to feel cooped up in her hotel room. “Brian, we gotta take the plunge sometime. This is what we’ve been talking about all our lives, oberserving a predatory species in their natural habitat. I didn’t come here to be a fucking tourist, y’know,” she voiced her complaints, sitting where you were just laying in bed. Despite insisting on having her own space, she’d started every morning in Alaska by barging into yours. “The guy called five days ago. Our cabin’s ready, fully stocked with everything we need to survive for the next four months. All I need’s for you to quit being such a pussy and pull the trigger with me. Or at at least just tell me you’re chickening out so I can go and do this on my own. I don’t need you slowing me down.” And by past experience, you knew this wasn’t an empty threat. But this was more than ditching you after you backed out of volunteering at your local animal shelter. If you cowered out of this, you wouldn’t see her for a third of a year, and that was if she ever came back at all. The wilderness was her element. Without a living anchor to remind her it was in her best interest not to live among the wolves, there was no guarantee that she would ever return home. You have no choice.

“We’ll go today, alright? I promise. Just let me get my stuff together… And let me get dressed in peace.” You spoke around a toothbrush, while your lower body was wrapped in only a towel. This particular morning, she’d caught you coming out of the shower, and hadn’t stopped badgering you long enough to finish your morning routine. Times like these, you wondered what it would be like if you abandoned all rationale and give in to porn logic, catching her off guard by whipping your towel off and brandishing your mighty 6ΒΌ” for her to fall in irresistible lust with. Of course, in this fantasy, you’re usually twice the size, and your emissions are enough to fill a bucket. Reality couldn’t be more disappointing. “That is, unless you wanna stick around to watch me change.” At this point, you’re a pro at making things come off as a joke. But you’ve always been deathly serious.

“Fat chance, Brain. Get ready, because if we’re not out of here by tonight, I’m leaving your skinny ass in anchorage.”

The next 24 hours passed in a blur, spurred by the anxiety of venturing out into the unknown. The frigid plane ride closer to your personal cabin was hell, made worse by the fact that upon arrival, there would be no respite from Casey’s indefatigable energy. As soon as she was unpacked, she was bundling up again and gearing up for her first expedition. Thankfully, she insisted that you stay behind to rest up, and eight hours later, she came marching back into the cabin, returning victorious in her search. The objects of her fascination had been found, and that meant it was time to get off your ass.

You’re grateful that Casey had the good sense to want to do this in the summer, when Alaska wasn’t as much of a frigid hellscape. The trek to the blind their purveyor had provided didn’t take long, either, despite now long it took for her to first find it. An hour-long hike into the forests rewarded the two of you with a cozy little dugout with a clear view into the central territory of a pack of Yukon wolves, and within a few minutes of waiting, it was made clear exactly why she was so obsessed with this one particular pack.

“Woah… You telling me those things are related to Peanut?” Peanut being her dog, you found it hard to compare her lowly suburban mutt to one of the creatures now lounging in the forest clearing. Even to your untrained eye, they are each exemplary specimens to behold, especially the males. Each looked as big as a calf, and out here in the wild, there was no chance of any of it being fat. But even the other males didn’t hold a candle to the beast your eyes failed to notice on the first viewing. With all the confidence in the world, an utterly monstrous wolf entered his grounds and chose a small rocky peak on which to survey his kingdom, as it had chosen a throne. In reverence, the other wolves seemed to lay down in his direction, making sure never to stay too far and lose sight of their clear leader. And even though there existed a massive species divide, you understood it. Envisioning them as humans for a moment, your mind conjured up the image of a dozen well-manicured bodybuilders lounging about on the side of the hill, casually worshipping at the altar of their Alpha, who in all respects, seemed like nothing short of a deity. Your observations are all internal, but as you retreat back out of your mind, you realize Casey’s having some trouble doing the same.

Wide-eyed, her visage a textbook expression of pure awe, she gazed upon the same horse-sized beast as you and made no attempt at hiding her admiration. Casey’s breath was shaky, too. Odd, when someone as hardy as her who barely ever seemed to feel the cold, suddenly seemed to be falling short against the abilities of the likes of you.

There is silence for some time, and to your confusion, her attention seems to be focused on mulling over some words she can’t seem to easily phrase. Then they all came out.

“If I ever met a guy like that… I don’t know if I’d ever be able to say no to a thing he said. Or wanted…”

The implication was clear to both of you, but you pushed tact aside when responding. “Dude, what the fuck is wrong with you? It’s a dog.” Obviously, she wasn’t going to like being judged, but you felt it was necessary in this case not to tip-toe around the issue.

“Shut up. I obviously mean a human, it’s just… Well, guys like that don’t exist in our corner of the animal kingdom. A dude’ll approach me, flex his skinny arms, say something nasty, and expect me to be impressed enough to call him Daddy or some shit. He thinks he’s an Alpha, when he’d be lucky to be a Beta. There’s more to it than that. It’s strength, it’s masculinity, it’s virility, it’s raw animal magnetism. All things that human guys lack when they think they have it in spades. That’s all it’d take, really. I want someone who’s more beast than man. Confident, because he deserves to be. Who takes what he wants because it’s the natural order of things, and not because he’s lucky or privileged. A guy like that? He’d be worthy of worship. He’d be a god. And I’d be first in line to be his bitch.”

It took a second for her own words to sink in. Her cheeks went red and she seemed to retreat into herself submissively, something the likes of which you’d never seen her do. To any third party, it would’ve been clear that she regretted baring her soul like that, and wanted her vulgarity to be blown away by the brisk winds, never mentioned again. But of course, you were at a disadvantage. The woman of your dreams was suddenly exposing weakness, a penchant for femininity, a desire to be utterly dominated by a man, and no matter how closely you resembled the embodiment of the theoretical Beta she’d mentioned in her ramblings, you took it all as a sign. A sign that after all those years, all that money, she desired you. Your heart felt as if it was on the verse of jumping out of your chest. Your eyes darted between her lips, her chest, her curves. You looked like an idiot, and you still looked like an idiot when you went in for a kiss. It played out like this big movie moment in your head, with a swell of grand orchestral music, at the apex of which, she would finally realize the man of her ultimate fantasies had always been beside her, and that nothing seemed like a better idea right then and there to get on her knees and blow you.

But of course, reality had a tendency to disappoint. Your clumsy pawing ended with your hands cupping her breasts awkwardly, with your wrists pointed at the sky, for some reason, while your motionless lips just pushed against hers, like that was actually supposed to do something. In fairness, it did do something. It royally pissed Casey off.

“You prick… You. Utter. Prick!” she screamed against your shut lips, pulling away despite your desperate clawing to keep her close, before finally succeeding in putting distance between you. And using it to backhand you. “You weren’t even listening. And you’re just like EVERY OTHER GUY! You don’t care about me, you’re just here to get in my pants!”

Quick to recover, you come up with a witty line. “Wait! Just… If you let me… Y’know, I can help you realize you’re chasing this… Unobtainable standard. I can make you feel good, better than any filthy animal ever could!”

Casey didn’t bother responding. She instead climbed out of the blind, red-faced and on the verge of crying. Where she was going, she wasn’t sure, but thankfully a third party was willing to choose for her. You were about to follow her out, try and console her, when you heard it, too. The bass-filled growl of one of the Alpha’s underlings, with two others in tow. She could’ve run in any direction, but was outnumbered, and would surely be overrun within seconds. “G-Good doggies… Hey, if you let me go, I could get you guys some meat? We… We have lots in the freezer in our cabin?” she pled for her life, as the beasts just came closer. The central wolf let out a savage bark, and suddenly, all three descended upon her, pinning her on the ground and ripping her clothes to shreds, trying to get to the supple meat beneath as you simply watched from the blind in terror. But for all their ferocity, not a single drop of blood was spilled.

The rest of the pack joined their scouts, the Alpha included, and as the attack ceased, Casey sat up to find herself surrounded at all angles on her back, dressed in mere tatters of the clothes she was wearing. She begged the largest of them for mercy as it approached, and turned onto her stomach to try and crawl away. Then she felt it. The weight of several hundred pounds of muscle and fur concentrated on two clawed paws that could’ve easily shred her to pieces. Casey braced herself for the sensation of being torn into and devoured, allowing fear to overtake her in hopes that it wouldn’t hurt as much to die if she resigned herself to it. But it never came.

Instead, the vascular, wet feel of a tongue ran in between her lifted asscheeks, sending a wave of chills throughout her body. “Wha- What’s happening?” she asked no one in particular, because you were the only one capable of offering play-by-play commentary, and the sight was too horrible to personally describe. The Alpha had mounted her, and true to his size, brandished something immense between its powerful hind legs. It was easily a foot long, maybe bigger, and so bright red and inhuman that your mind can’t even comfort itself by pretending you’re in the Alpha’s place. Like a hot knife through virgin butter, it unapologetically spread her hole apart and plunged past any depth you could’ve ever hoped to reach. An ugly noice eminated from Casey, a sort of nasally moan in between wracking sobs. You could only find comfort in the way her impressive, perky bust swayed back and forth in tandem with the wolf’s violent thrusts, seen only once in a blue moon by men, and never before by you. They could’ve been yours, you thought, if only you had the ability to save her, or the natural dominance to have ravished her in the blind. None of this would have happened if only you weren’t so damn inferior.

A half-hour must’ve passed before the Alpha finished with her. Her perfectly flat stomach was left distended with the weight of the seed injected into her bowels, forcing the image of her entering the third trimester of a pregnancy. Not with your child, but with a litter of the Alpha’s sons, who in turn would only grow to surpass you as well. Knowing you were present and watching, Casey dug her face into the dirt at the beginning of the whole ordeal, cupping the sides of her head so that no light would reach her face, but before her conquerer had finished, her tune had changed. That big, red battering ram had crushed her body and mind’s defenses into subby mewls and verbal worship, and by the time that knot stuck itself inside her, she and the Alpha may as well have exchanged wedding vows. If that sight wasn’t enough, the Alpha decided he had better things to do than wait around and let nature take its course.

“Please, Daddy… Please, I love feeling full so much, don’t pu-ahh~!”

With a pop, the Alpha’s beast-meat was re-exposed to the open air, coated in a layer of the most visvous sperm you’ve ever seen, even in porn. You can’t deny with a fucking stud this animal is, no matter how bad it hurts.

No matter how painfully hard you’ve become watching.

The Alpha was about to return to its throne, with in a cock-drunk craze, Casey tackled him to the ground and onto his back. Instantly, he began to claw and gnash his deadly teeth, but stopped at the sensation of having his post-orgasm-sensitive rod buried in a warm, cavernous mouth. Pumping with both hands, and failing to reach her fingers all the way around it, Casey started throating the monster willingly, wanting to express her gratitude to the Alpha for showing her this new way of life. Of course, in-between sucks, she returned her attention to you. “You think you could’ve ever competed with this, Brian? This… God, this dick… My Alpha-Daddy beats out every limp-dicked loser that’s ever tried what you did, without even trying. He raped the shit out of me so good, I turned into his little knot-thot. And if you think I’m ever going back to entertaining horny virgins again, you’re dead wrong. I’m breedmeat-exclusive now.”

On cue, the rest of the pack surrounded the pair. The second-largest of the pack took his rightful place beside the Alpha, giving Casey yet another foot of dogmeat to chug down. The others, in prime position to take advantage of her pristine cunt and and their Alpha’s sloppy seconds, started taking turns using her holes until they were both equally as thoroughly used. The smallest among them, by your estimate, was 7″ long.

Long after her body had given out, and the pack had grown bored of humping blissfully unconscious holes, she was dragged back to the Alpha’s throne, where he, almost lovingly, laid down to rest beside her. The sun had already fallen, and in the dark, you hesitated to make any moves to secure your safety. After an hour of silent deliberation, you chose to sleep, and hope you woke up to find that this was all a dream. As if she knew this, Casey roused from her slumber and called in the direction of the blind. The last words she would ever speak to you. The last you would ever hear.

“I hope you liked the show, Bri. We’ll do it again tommorow, kay? I know you’ll be there watching. Because you’re that pathetic. And because the moment you try to come out of there, my new boyfriends are gonna rip your guts out.”


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