Extrasensory suggestion – Part 1 [MF] [Mdom] [magic] [reluc] [slow burn]

Fair warning, this will be a very slow story with many parts. There is no sex and barely anything sexy in part one, because I enjoy a little build up.

If you are interested in seeing where this goes, well, so am I.

Ed Singer sat in the back of the lecture hall, his ear buds carefully hidden behind messy auburn hair. Even with the added noise of his music, he was barely keeping himself awake.

Eight thirty. It was eight thirty in the morning, and he had a splitting headache.

The professor was droning on about math or something, her hands gesturing wildly as she clicked through a presentation. Was this his math class? Glancing at the slides proved no help, as he winced at the bright white background, but upon reflection he was sure it was a Wednesday. This might as well have been a class on quantum mechanics, for as much as he was able to pay attention.

Ed did enjoy watching the woman’s enthusiasm as she lectured though, especially as a silent film backed by only the sound of his music. It was too early in the year to know all of his professors by name yet, but this one was… Ms. Everly, right? She had long blonde hair and glasses, and wore tight skirts with sweaters. Her delicate hands weren’t very graceful as they flew around in wild paths, that Ed assumed were demonstrations of various calculus graphs, but he smiled anyway. She was adorably earnest for a class of hung-over freshmen.

Ms. Everly paused her lecture, and the girl directly in front of Ed stiffened, then raised her hand nervously. *Not again,* he thought, clenching his jaw. This studious participant had decided to sit in the far back today, for whatever reason, and now the professor’s attention kept getting shifted exactly where Ed didn’t want it to be. Each row was stepped up above the one in front of it, enough that her hand and his face were directly in line. Ed had to pretend he was paying attention every time she did this, or…

Ms. Everly locked eyes with Ed, and he cursed softly to himself, pulling his ear buds out with a tug. He caught the end of her sentence as she looked back down at the girl.

“…answered quite a few questions today, miss. I’d like to hear from someone else. How about you, behind her?”

Ed hesitated as the girl lowered her hand, but knew this decision was mandatory if he wanted to avoid a *lot* more attention for the rest of the semester. He’d have to use his power again, despite the uptick in headaches lately. Catching the professor’s eyes, he searched for the answer she was looking for.

“Cosecant squared x?” Ed said, feigning uncertainty. Huh. Guess it *was* a math class after all.

Ms. Everly’s eyes brightened up, and she beamed at him. “Yes! Very good, sir. You see, these identities can be used in conjunction with each other to reduce…”

Her eyes drifted across the rest of the classroom, and Ed quickly put his ear buds back in, to avoid feeling overloaded again. Unfortunately, the only word his sleep-deprived mind caught her saying was *titties*. He was convinced that this was only part of a larger word in a boring math lecture, or he might have tried to pay more attention to Ms. Everly.

*Hopefully that stops this nerdy girl for a while*, he thought. Ed had already been a bit annoyed when she sat down here, as the room wasn’t full, and he was tall enough to feel cramped on leg room in these narrow rows. He could have used her chair as a foot rest if it had stayed unoccupied. But she’d only made his headache worse as the class had continued.

He glanced down at her, silently willing the girl to stop participating so eagerly, and tried to size her up. She had chocolate-brown locks looped twice through a hair tie, keeping her hair straight and secure in a loose ponytail that doubled back on itself. Her clothes were standard preppy fare — a pale blue sweater vest worn over what looked like a button down shirt, and a patterned skirt that went below the knee even when she was sitting.

*Stupid girl*, Ed thought to himself. Then he realized that it wasn’t his thought. Shit.

*Stupid, stupid, stupid*, the girl thought, her shoulders slumping down slightly. *Cosecant squared. Of course it was squared. How could I miss that?*

Ed looked away, but the connection had been established. Even with his music blaring, all other sounds faded away to nothing as they were drowned out by her thoughts. His power had been getting worse and worse lately. Just looking at the back of someone’s head was enough to attune them now?

The girl continued berating herself. *What am I even doing here? I’m not cut out for this class! I study and pay attention, but I still make simple mistakes like this ALL the time. Why do I even bother?*

Oh, great. Ed had to listen in on someone’s existential crisis now. That was sure to help his migraine.

*Relax*, he thought, rubbing his eyes and trying to ignore her monologue. *You’re literally the only person who knows you screwed up. The professor even sees you as a know-it-all already. Stop taking college so seriously, and let your hair down every once in a while.*

Something felt… off, as he thought that. His headache lessened, and the connection to the girl’s thoughts broke. Was closing his eyes a new trick to reset his power? Part of him didn’t want to upset this momentary relief by experimenting, but Ed knew that his recent problems were something that needed a scientific approach. College was a hive of thoughts, anxiety, and all-nighters, and he wouldn’t be able to endure much more of this if he started attuning everyone around him, day and night.

Re-opening his eyes, he made sure that Ms. Everly hadn’t noticed anything, then glanced down at the preppy girl again. Her posture had changed ever so slightly, and she seemed less distressed than she had been. But the odder thing was that her hair wasn’t up in a ponytail anymore. She quickly fluffed it out, seeming to confirm that this was new, and her chocolate locks settled into a shiny ribbon that flowed just past her shoulders.

The girl was pretty hot, Ed found himself thinking. From this angle, anyway. He hazarded another peek into her mind, to see what was going on. The music faded as he attuned a new source, and Ed was surprised once again how easily these shifts happened now.

But… she wasn’t thinking anything now. Crisis averted, Ed thought, relieved. Glancing up, though, his relief turned into confusion. Ms. Everly was still talking, and this girl wasn’t even trying to pay attention anymore.

*I should go get breakfast after this*, she thought suddenly. Ed almost laughed before he caught himself. The girl was a lot crazier than he initially thought. She was overzealous and anxious about missing one question a minute ago, then suddenly more concerned about being hungry than listening at all? What exactly had changed?

And then Ed hesitated, a faint explanation lingering and connecting the threads in his mind. What were the words Ed had used when he was trying to drown out her thoughts? *Relax*, and *let your hair down*. That’s not… it wasn’t… no. It couldn’t have been… could it?

The girl started playing with her hair, twirling it around a finger. Her mind was completely empty as she sat there, distracted. *Bored*, she thought, a single word on its own, and Ed grinned. If he could do this to people when their thoughts became too intense now, then the background noise of college would be a lot easier to deal with.

Only, how had he done this? Ed recognized that something had *felt* different, but not what had *made* it feel different. He had been trying to drown her out, so maybe this was just about being louder than the person you were attuning. Transmitting instead of receiving, on the same frequency. He had to test this theory out.

Making sure that the connection was still there, because it was difficult to tell by her thoughts now, Ed directed a command at her. *Sit up straight, arch your back*. The girl responded, her body moving as suggested, but then she hesitated.

*Uh, no*, she thought to herself. *I just told myself that I wasn’t going to be so serious anymore.* She relaxed her posture, returning to her hair. *Seriously, Annie, get a grip.*

Ed leaned back, dumbfounded. Two things had just happened that were completely new with his power, and both were incredible. First, the girl had heard him in her head, and even responded to the suggestion he had given her. But second, the pain of his migraine had gone down yet again, to an almost manageable level now. He wasn’t sure which one was more satisfying, after the past week of sleepless nights.

But this was it! The way to clear up his migraines. He didn’t know how or why it worked, but it did. It was almost like each statement transmitted a bit of the throbbing pain away with it.

And better yet, the thoughts didn’t seem to hurt their recipient. They only heard these messages as an idea in their own heads, a suggestion that they could take or reject based on how convincing it was. Ed could be benevolent, and play the role of an inner therapist. Often, stressed people thought the most rapidly and loudly, so it was a win-win.

Only… hmm. Ed wasn’t sure what made his mind wander into further theories, but it was there now. This girl, this Annie, was very high-strung this morning. Was a simple suggestion really all it took to completely calm her mind? He wanted to push his luck, and see what else he could get away with. And Ed’s legs had grown stiff, being scrunched up behind this girl’s seat for the last half-hour.

He cracked his knuckles and stretched out, legs straddling either side of the girl’s chair. Annie stiffened, and looked even more uncomfortable when he left them there. With the connection still established, he heard her eventual thoughts. *What the hell is this guy doing?*

Ed already had a plan in mind, though. Willing his thoughts into her, he argued the other side. *Annie, I thought you just said you weren’t going to be so tense anymore. Is what he’s doing really all that unpleasant? He’s just getting comfortable.*

Her body language was still anxious, but after a few moments she relaxed again. This time the connection stayed open, but it seemed Annie didn’t have anything to say to herself against Ed’s comments. After a pause of silence, she returned to playing with her hair, but then froze again unexpectedly.

*Oh god, what if he thinks I’m coming on to him? I undid my hair and started playing with it, right after he answered a tough question correctly. He probably thinks the preppy girl is impressed, and I am, but…*

This girl was wound tighter than a spring. Ed sighed, and tried to interrupt her yet again. He thought of something nice, and decided it was worth pressing things further.

*Would that be so bad, Annie? Why are you sitting back here anyway, so close to this guy? I thought you just admitted to yourself that class work wasn’t the only thing college was about, and you wanted to be more flexible. Why not let this play out?*

Annie’s mind once again calmed down. When Ed eventually pulled his legs back in, he thought he felt her disappointment, as she very nearly turned to look up at him. He began to slip off his shoes, though, and she immediately tensed up again.

This time, Ed pushed his legs through the gap between her chair back and seat, and pressed his socks tentatively against Annie’s lower back. Her thoughts were short-circuiting in her head, and she couldn’t do or think anything as the sudden change completely overwhelmed her. *I… I… I* was on repeat in her mind, but Ed took the opportunity to continue with his plan.

He began to knead at her lower back with his feet, rubbing them up and down against her sweater and shirt. She had a lot of tension built up, but Ed could tell from her body language that something about this was thrilling her. Then, shockingly, she relaxed into him. Pressing her back directly into his feet, willing him to do more. Sitting a bit more upright, so that he had better access. Trying to sneak a glance at him through her long hair, while pretending that she was still listening to the lecture. Fuck, that was hot.

*It feels good*, she thought to herself, and Ed had to stifle his own reply. As much as a math class was still underway, the two of them were in their own little world now. Him rubbing her back, occasionally risking further exploration with his foot, traveling just underneath her clothes. Her playing with her hair, breathing a bit more raggedly than before.

When Annie thought of anything now, it was only in the ways that she hoped he would direct his massage. Ed had to pretend that he couldn’t hear her, but obliged quickly, and even took the initiative more than once. He traced her spine all the way down, teasing the top of her butt as she pretended to take notes. He wasn’t sure what she was scribbling into her notepad, but he knew they weren’t words.

When Ms. Everly called the class to a close, and other students began to pack up and leave, Ed realized that the connection had been broken for a while. He had felt so in sync with Annie that he hadn’t even noticed when he’d lost her thoughts.

Although, as he removed his feet and started to put his shoes back on, she quickly grabbed her things and dashed out of the lecture hall. Ed sighed, but took his time packing up, sure that this was the last he’d be seeing of Annie for a little while.

*Is he coming?*

Ed started, then scanned the room. Peeking just behind the door, he caught the eye of a beautiful girl with shoulder-length hair, shooting him looks while pretending that she wasn’t. And then he glanced down at her desk, and noticed that she had left her notepad behind. Open.

He picked it up and looked at what was written on the page. *Breakfast in the student union, then study hall at the library.* Did she want him to track her down and return it? He glanced up at the hallway again, but Annie was gone.

Chuckling to himself, Ed pocketed her notepad. This girl was smart, and very shy. That was going to be trouble. Annie was exactly his type.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/kyd9tu/extrasensory_suggestion_part_1_mf_mdom_magic


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