3 Years a sex slave Pt 12 [MF]

As I said, the ages of members start at my age, then the youngest, up to 67, Master C-. I met him for the first time just after my seventeenth birthday. Yes, he’s an old guy. No, he doesn’t look his age, I mean he had a youthful appearance. No, that sounds patronizing. He’s kind of hard to describe. He is fit, trim, he couldn’t run a marathon, but he puts a lot of younger people to shame. He’s not tall, in fact, he is about an inch shorter than me. He has an air about him that is commanding, that’s the best way to describe it.

He walks into any room and everyone stops and looks. I don’t know what it is, but he is smooth in his movements, he moves like this dangerous animal. He is quiet, unassuming, but people listen when he talks. Before I met him I thought that he was going to be some old guy who would barely be able to get it up and would likely slobber all over me. Mistress J- did tell me he was worthwhile getting to know and had a lot to offer. After meeting him, I can believe it.

He is actually a Canadian who came to work in Seattle many years ago and stayed, married, built a life and is really the surviving founding Member of the Club. I found out it was his late wife that started it. She worked in Real Estate, she employed my mom and Mistress J- found they had a lot in common. What started as, essentially, a swingers club, grew to become what it is now, an exclusive, well organized, well funded group of sexual deviants with a lot of sluts, myself included.

I found there are more Mistresses than Masters, the males tend to be the subs. There is same sex relations, hetro, orgies, gang bangs, yum-m-m-y to that one, singles, couples, threesomes, and just about every shade of simple kink you could find amongst a group of twelve couples and a number of connected subs. People are brought together like a gourmet club, only the menu is sex. Just like there are gourmands, there are expert sexourmands, or perverts if you prefer. I love it all.

Anyway, Master C- called me. I knew who he was, of course, but I hadn’t met him. He invited me to his mansion in Broadmoor. I had no idea what to expect and mom told me to be natural, relax and remain open to him. Also, he would surprise me, he is such a nice guy, a very special guy.

I was at his house at the appointed time, a little nervous and I have no idea why. He answered the door himself. There was no staff, yet the place was spotless. The garden was immaculate, of course, he wouldn’t do it himself, he would have gardeners, cleaners to do it for him. He offered me a soft drink or coffee and we spoke. I learned a lot about the Club, its formation, the background of everyone involved. He was a gold mine of information. Funny anecdotes, involving himself, but none of the scandal or bitchiness one would expect from a gossip. While I was initially overawed by his presence, he plied me with coffee, questions about me and my life, he cooked an amazing, if simple meal for us and the next thing I knew, he was hustling me out the door.

I had no idea what to make of this. I was expecting to be fucked, and that didn’t happen. Here was this guy, with a willing seventeen year old, and he didn’t take advantage. What was that all about? I asked mom when I got home and she just said, “He’s a nice guy, special. What more can I say?”

I had no contact from him for another month and he called, inviting me to his house again, for dinner. School had started again and I was now in my senior year. I wasn’t going to go as I didn’t normally accept appointments weeknights during school semesters, but mom suggested that I go and talk to him. I did and it was similar. Driving home, I thought to myself, for the last two hours he has entertained me with stories and asked me questions but never once made any kind of sexual reference, made an innuendo, or any kind of leery comment. Going over both conversations, I suspect I told him more about me and my world than I thought I was doing.

When I got home, I asked mom if he was gay. She told me no, he isn’t but if he has asked me back a second time, then he must like me. About a month after that, I got another call from him. This time it was for a Friday evening. I didn’t hesitate, I said yes straight away and on the night, I had an overnight bag prepared, just in case.

I got there and he asked me to change into this really sexy outfit. Short dress, no bra, see through top, without panties, loose fitting might be a good description. No doubt about what was going to happen tonight, about time too. He said he hoped I didn’t mind but someone else would be joining us a little later. I didn’t mind at all. It would be someone I already knew, someone from the Club. Fortunately, the house was warm and after a short time in this outfit, I was really feeling sexy.

Dinner was again, a well cooked meal. I could smell it as soon as I walked in the door and my mouth was watering immediately, but then not just for food I think. Again, he plied me with a soft drink, conversation, then a meal that was seriously delicious. I hope I can cook as well as he does. I actually helped with putting the used dishes onto this dishwasher with two drawers. Eating stuff in the top and cooking things in the bottom. When that was on he said, “Come on, got someone I’d like you to meet.” A threesome, his wife maybe? Someone else? Why had they not joined us for dinner?

He took me into another room, one with a large blank wall, a data projector and lot of soft furniture. “I have something for you to watch for a moment, Cate.” Not Priestess, Cate. The lights died down as Master C- dimmed them, he pressed a couple of buttons and the data projector flashed, warmed and threw a title reel onto the wall. Whatever this was, it was going to be life sized. The image flashed a little and a woman appeared. There was something familiar about her, I couldn’t place, but it struck a chord in me.

“Hi, C-,” it said, “Here we are in our little hideaway.” There was a pool in the background and the sky was brilliantly blue, lots of light. “We’re about to go swimming, so I thought we’d make this video of our adventures, give you something to drool over!” She laughed. That laugh struck a cord. It sounded, I don’t know, familiar maybe? Then I took a good look at her, she too looked familiar! The more I looked at her, the more familiar she looked. Another woman joined the first, wrapping her arms around the first. Fuck! It was mom!. “Hi C-, just wanted you to see what you’re missing!” Mom fumbled with the belt on the first woman’s robe and dropped it, then opening the robe, she slid it off the woman’s shoulders. They both squealed, laughingly as her naked body was exposed.

Mom raised her hands and began to squeeze the first woman’s tits. “Wish you were here, then I could fuck you too!” Mom said, “I love you big dick, but I’m going to have to settle for Gloria’s pretty pussy!” Gloria! That was her name. Mom is such a- Aunt Gloria! Oh fuck! Tears came to me, Aunt Gloria! My own Aunt Gloria! I looked at C-, “My Aunt Gloria?” He nodded. “I was six, I think. She died!” “Yes, your Aunt Gloria. My wife, your mother’s sister.” Through my tears I could see Mistress J- appear, naked as well, carrying a large dildo! Fuck, I thought, I know that dildo! She used it on me not two weeks ago! “What- what-” I stammered “You’re my uncle?” He said nothing. “Then J- knew about all of this?” “Yes.” “She knew mom and Aunt Gloria were lovers? Sisters and lovers!” “Yes. You and Diane, well in your family, it’s nothing new.”

I reeled. My mom and my aunt were lovers! Everyone knew, except me and Emma. “Dad knew too?” “Yes, I told you, this was a swingers club long before it became what it is now.” I just dropped onto a large soft sofa, more of a bed than a sofa. I was stunned. C- came to me and wiped my face, tenderly. “I loved your Aunt, as I loved your mother,” he said, softly.

I don’t know why but I cried even more. I didn’t resist him as he put his arms around me. Aunt Gloria died in a car crash, a drunk driver. C- held me as I felt some emotional dams breaking in me. I could see images flickering on the screen, mom having the dildo pumped in and out of her by Gloria, J- sitting on her face. Gloria and J- kissing. If I hadn’t been so wrapped up in my own feelings at that moment, I would have been turned right on by the on screen action!

I took control of my tears, and asked, “So have Emma and I been groomed for this since we were children?”

“Oh god no!” he stated. “Look, Gloria was such a sexy and sexual person. She would fuck anyone. Diane and Gloria were similar in that, so they started having sex as soon as Diane knew what it was, long before her sixteenth birthday I suspect. When Gloria and I started the company, Diane came in and we built it up, Stan and his then girlfriend, J-, joined us and it wasn’t long before we were all fucking. J- met and married Ma- who has since gone on to be a real property tycoon, driven by J-, by the way. Then your parents married.”

“What, Dad and J-?” I asked, C- nodded, “Wow, the things we don’t know about people.” I smiled a little.

“Others came, mainly through the business. Meeting people via the land and buildings they buy is simple. Working out their proclivities, that is even simpler, so Gloria would say. She was uncanny at it. J- is not quite as good but she too has a gift for it.”

“But, Aunt Gloria and mom, there’s an age difference there, is mom Gloria’s daughter?”

He laughed, “No, really, no, but I can see how you might think that, Gloria was sixteen when Diane was born so it could have been possible. No, you mom was an unexpected gift, Gloria was planned, but your grandmother always said Diane was her unplanned pregnancy. It was then that Gloria started fucking your grandfather though.”

“What? Jeeezz, this just gets better and better!” I was, I think, becoming appalled at how much of a slut Gloria was, but then realized I was actually no better.

“Gloria insisted she initiated it and they were still fucking when he passed.”

“Did grandma know?”

“Gloria didn’t think she did, but I’m not so sure,” C- said, “She was such loving person, of everyone. Like you. I think given the opportunity, your grandmother might have slept with Gloria too.”

“You mean we’re all sluts, descended from a slut?”

“No! Never think of it that way. Sure, you wouldn’t survive in a nunnery, but just because you happen to like sex, it doesn’t make you a slut!”

“I don’t ‘just happen to like sex’, I love it- lots! The more the better! Believe me, I am a slut!”

“Like your Aunt. You know what is being planned for your eighteenth?”

“Oh yeah, and I am determined to like it too!”

“You probably will. Gloria initiated it, gang bangs, she loved them. She would organize one for her birthday, every year. That’s how the club built up. Men, women, anyone could fuck her for her birthday. But, it had to be on her terms. That’s why it was discrete, restricted to people who were somewhat kinky, who could be relied upon to remain discrete.”

“What about you? How did you get involved?”

“Your Aunt Gloria and I met when I first came to Seattle. I fell in love with her straight away. Her boyfriend at the time, he was someone I knew from skiing clubs. I couldn’t believe it when he invited me to fuck his girlfriend. When I met her, I wasn’t just blown, I was blown away. I was twenty-four and she was just seventeen. I had no idea of all the other stuff, but we got along unbelievably well and next thing I knew, she was my girlfriend and we were loving each other and fucking other people. I sucked my first cock at her insistence and got off on it. We matched each other really well in almost every area. That’s when I found out about all her other lovers and I didn’t care. I didn’t find out about your grandfather until after we were married, but he loved sucking my cock, especially when Gloria was sucking him. It didn’t matter one little bit.

“Gloria took the view that if you love one person, you love them all. Men women, black, white, Asian, native, didn’t matter a damn to her. I would have loved for you to have met Gina Whitecloud, she believed she was Duwamish, but, who knows, definitely a beautiful woman. Her mother was a hooker who got pregnant to ‘this really big indian guy’, Whitecloud, she lived with for a while. It’s possible there was no truth in any of it but Gina was such a tremendous person. There were a lot of others along the way, but the group in the club at the time Gloria was killed, she loved them all. Now you’re involved. She would have had you here the day after Diane told me of what happened and what the likely outcome would be. Believe me, you wouldn’t have stood a chance for anything else to happen.”

“I would have taken any chance to be involved, once I understood what it was all about. You couldn’t have stopped me.”

C- nodded, then looked at the screen, I followed his eyes and also looked. There was Gloria again, this time she was dressed, wearing the same outfit I had on. I looked at C- and saw a tear rolling down his cheek. I understood him then. “I’m not her,” I said, as gently as I could. He must have been so fucking lonely without her.

“I know,” he replied, “But no one else has ever worn that outfit. You’re alike in many ways, so, so very different in others.” I said nothing and he went on, “I’m not trying to recreate her in you, if that’s what you’re worried about. I’m giving you that outfit because she would have wanted you to wear it.” I still said nothing. “Besides, it’s really easy to undress you in it and I need to fuck now.” I could see his seriously huge erection outlined on his pants. He laid me back on the sofa and flipped the skirt up, exposing my puss. He dived on it, ramming his tongue onto my slit, wiping it up and down, ravaging my labia and clit.

I don’t know how he did it, but he moved and in one swift action, his cock was inside my really wet pussy. “Oh Cate,” he cried, “I love that.” As he pumped his dick in and out of me. I wrapped myself around him, filled with his cock and begged him to not stop fucking me! This was fucking weird, seriously. Moments ago we were discussing family history, then we’re fucking? How the fuck did that work? I was loving his cock in me! He seemed to be loving the fact he was fucking me! All through this he was calling me ‘Cate’, not Priestess, not Gloria, but me, he was loving ME!

In those moments I had found someone else to love. Okay, he was fifty years older than me, but that didn’t matter. I wasn’t going to marry him or have his children, I loved him because he loved me. Like K- though, he was almost a complete stranger and that too didn’t matter. Like K- it was the emotional connection I made that was important. He started slowing down, but I told him to keep going! I wanted his cum inside me. I keep him going until he pumped me full of his semen.

As he rolled off me, there was a slightly unpleasant odor emanating from my puss. It didn’t bother me, but it was persistent. I made sure he was breathing properly again and I rolled onto my side, beginning to play with his dick. I slid down on him, and put his slackened dick into my mouth, sucking his semen, swallowing it. It didn’t actually taste that nice, but I couldn’t stop now. I finished licking him clean and slurped his nut sack, his pubic hairs, collecting the syrup from his balls, even though I wasn’t relishing the taste. It was after that I started noticing things. His aftershave wasn’t working as well and his body odor wasn’t that nice. I ignored it, though, he didn’t seem to acknowledge it, and he held me.

It wasn’t long and we snoozed off for a while, holding each other. I felt him move slightly and woke with a start. That smell, it hit me what it was. It was a grandfather smell, old person. Didn’t matter though, not to me. The inside of my thighs were a little crusty, so we must have dozed for a while. I felt him moving again, then his tongue slid along my legs, up, over the crust and touched my mons. He was leaning over one leg so I pushed the other out the way allowing him a better access to my still steaming snatch.

I’ve had a lot of people licking me, most of them are good, a few are great one, K-, is unbelievable and C- would definitely come in at #1 male and #2 overall. What he was doing to me, even with a cunt full of his drying cum, was out of this world. It wasn’t long and I could feel the contraction of my pussy muscles into an orgasm.

I don’t have an orgasm every time I have sex, I get to a point and the passion and joy that I get brings my partner, or partners to orgasm. It doesn’t bother me that I might not cum, because they do and I get so much pleasure from being the cause of that. In this case, it was pretty much a tip for dat, I gave him my tip and he would give me dat! mmm Nah, doesn’t quite work, does it. I let him have his dick in me and he filled me up. Later, he’d rested and then he ate my puss, lapping my clit making me cum. We slept again, then even without moving off the large, soft sofa, I then sucked his dick, made him hard and got a small mouthful of semen. Not the tastiest semen, but I got it.

We slept again and I woke with the sound and feel of a vibrator as it touched my puss. He rolled it over my labia and onto my clit, this big bulb, sending thrills through my clit to my womb. I was starting to enjoy this when a second vibrator opened my puss and slid into me. The big bulge on my clit and a prong vibrating inside me. Between them they hit my g-spot and I just came, so fucking hard. He wiped me out!

I had no idea what the time was, but I woke again and had a blanket over me. The skirt was off, the blouse was gone, but I really don’t recall taking it off. It was dark, so I assumed it was sometime before 5:00 am, sunrise at that time of year. C- wasn’t near, but I could hear him moving around. I got up, wrapping the blanket around me, heading for the sounds he was making, the lights in the room he was in, the kitchen I guessed. I primped my hair, it must have been a mess. The light was a bit harsh on my eyes, so I gave myself a moment before going into the kitchen. He looked up and smiled “Hi beautiful, just making a drink, would you like something?”

“Water, please.” I realized I really was thirsty. I sat at the breakfast bar and a glass appeared before me, full of aqua pura. I picked it up and drank it all. “Wow, must have been thirsty. Want some more?” “Oh yes please,” I replied, giving him the glass. He refilled it and put it back in front of me. I looked at it for a moment, took a mouthful then asked him, “How did the Club grow? I mean, I know the Aunt Gloria picked them, but how did it get to be this size?”

“Oh, that’s a very long and difficult question. Gloria read people, and from what your mom and Mistress V- told me, you do too.”

“I don’t understand? Read people?”

“Everything I’ve heard about you, from every member you’ve been connected with, you seem to know what they’re thinking or you guess what they want. You don’t act like a sub, but you do the things a sub does.”

“Oh, I don’t know, I think I am a sub. I do exactly as I’m told.”

“No, you don’t actually. When you’re given an order, you do things, you react, but when it comes to the subs, you lead them, you get them doing things. That’s reading the desire of the dom, you take subs where the dom wants you to go often without the dom saying anything at all. You just do it. Okay, a little challenge, for your own amusement if nothing else. Over the next four weeks, go somewhere, different places where there is no-one you know. At one, pick up a girl and have sex with her. No gay bars, just ordinary places, coffee shops or a market, a warehouse, even a gas station. Doesn’t matter how old this girl would be. At another place, find a couple, preferably married and try it on with them. See what happens. At another find two guys, but get them to have sex too, with each other, even if it is just a bit of mutual masturbation, oral sex would be better. My guess is that you’ll be successful every time.”

I must have looked confused, why would he suggest any such thing? Won’t other Club members object? “I can’t do that,” I said, “That could cause so many problems.”

“No, not really. I want you to see what it is that you can do. Take your time, talk to stranger, but find the right person. You would’ve never seen them before and you’re not likely to see them again. Try it, see what happens. It’s up to you to pick the right people. That’s your test.” I must have looked dubious, “You never know, you might enjoy it and find another member of the Club at the same time.”

It’s a challenge, that’s for sure. Not one I think I am up to but I agreed. We went to his room after, using the bathroom, washing and cleaning up, brushing teeth and all that. We made it to bed, I looked at the bedside clock and it was a little after 3:00 am. I blinked and felt his hands on my tits. He took a nipple into his mouth and the nightly stubble was a little scratchy on the soft skin. My nipples were hard, as a hand snaked down and started to masturbate me. Well, that was weird, I had just been to the bathroom, but felt like I wanted to go again. I looked at the clock and it was now 6:30 am, WTF? A simple blink and I was in lalaland for three and a half hours? Wow! I let him have his wicked way with me, finger me, stimulate my clit, then to repay the favor, I reached for his tool and began to masturbate him. He was already half erect so the rest didn’t take long.

I climbed on him, aiming his dick to slide into me. It did and I was riding his tool like a cowgirl, rubbing my clit on his pubis. I kept this up for a while then bent down, kissing him. I tugged his shoulder and he got the hint, rolling me onto my back. Missionary is quite fine with me, as he pounded my pelvis, squashing my clit, giving me real pleasure. I wrapped my legs around his hips and pulled him into me. I love fucking, cocks driving into me, passions being let go. His breathing got more ragged, his actions harder and he grunted his cum. I felt the heat, and the sliding piston with little friction as he pumped his juice into me. I hadn’t cum, but that didn’t stop him. He gasped a little then used his fingers to finish me off. I screamed as I orgasmed.

Not many guys will touch a woman’s pussy when it’s full of their semen, fewer will eat it afterwards. That sometimes ensures a major cum for her guys, try it. You’ve eaten your own snots as kids, I’m sure, so eating your own semen as grownups is not that different. Oh, by the way, I did see the British Medical Journal ‘Lancet’ recently publish an article where is says that eating your own snots helps your immune systems. Maybe, eating your own cum will help with your fucking systems. Who knows?

After that, I slept again, waking about an hour later. C- was already up and I could smell fresh coffee and bacon wafting up the stairwell, through the passage from the bedroom to the kitchen. I had to pee urgently. I found some Listerine, rinsed my mouth, when done, looked for something to put on to go downstairs. There was nothing immediately available so I went commando. It was a bit cool, and my nipples reacted to that, but as I got closer to the kitchen, my mouth was watering, my stomach growling and I was thinking of that luscious cock. There he was, in a gown, preparing some bacon and eggs. I looked at the plate there was some spinach along side it.

“Good morning,” he said, looking me over, “Nice!” He smiled, “Beautiful, actually.” I had to smile at that. “Morning,” I replied, “Something smells wonderful.”

“Eggs Benedict,” he reached over and grabbed some spinach, throwing it into the fry pan. He turned the bacon over and looked at the eggs. C- punched a time into the microwave and said, “Ready in a couple of minutes. I get you a robe, sorry I should have put it out for you.” “No, don’t bother, I’m fine.” I replied drooling over the cooking food. “Don’t be silly, you’ll get cold. Pour yourself a coffee and sit down, only be a moment.”

He took off in the direction of the room we were in last night and reappeared just as the microwave bell rang to let him know it was done. He handed me the robe as I had a hand full of coffee cup and told me to put it on and sit. The toaster popped and four pieces of sourdough bread jumped up. He tossed them onto the plate, giving them a quick wipe with a knife and some butter. The bacon went on next, followed by some braised spinach, eggs on top of that and then the bowl from the microwave was pulled out, beaten to death with a fork, and its thick contents poured over the eggs. “The hollandaise sauce,” he said, “Makes all the difference. Couple of egg yolks, some butter, a pinch of salt, some cayenne pepper, a bit of Tabasco for some bite and 23 herbs and spices in a secret recipe handed down by my grey haired old grandma! Try it, puts hair on your chest!” I had to laugh, “Well, maybe not yours, but it’s very nice.”

It was too. Never tried Eggs Benedict before, is something of a special treat now, just two or three times a year. Being Saturday, there was only some shopping I had to do, with my part time job I had to keep up appearances, hair, nails, all that. I had to say good bye but only after I appreciated his cock once more, providing a blow job that really was just for him. As I was leaving, he did say that this was the first time in a very long time that he had managed to perform for so long. It might never happen again, he told me, but it was all down to me. I reminded him so much of Gloria, but I wasn’t, he added, and reminded me of his challenge.

I got home, eventually, and told mom about what we were talking about. I told her about this challenge thing. She smiled and said, “It’s a test for you. Your Aunt Gloria did it, but there were a couple of failures along the way. I tried it, blew it completely. J- also tried it, but made a serious mess of the last one. Embarrassed her no end. You just have to be sure. Perhaps C- is right, you are a lot like Gloria. Beautiful, smart, sexy, willing.”

“Mom, I really fucked up with my first boyfriend,” I responded, “I don’t think I could do that.”

“Yes, you did, but think of it like this, you’ve learned a lot since then,” she argued, “Would you make the same mistakes again?”

“No, you’re right, things have changed and I am a year and a half older. I’ve also had a lot of good guidance from a number of people. So maybe, I might give it a try. How can I prove if I’ve done it or not?”

“You got a smart phone, take a pic. Head shot, selfie. Bare shoulders will be enough to show him. That is unless they don’t mind a nude photo with you. After all, you really don’t want these things floating out on the Internet do you?”

I shook my head and thought for a moment, “Okay, all I can do it be a brainless tart if it doesn’t work, I suppose.” Mom laughed and said, “A slut maybe, but being a slut in this family has ever been an issue!”

I had to laugh at that, even though I’ve heard it before, but I don’t know where though.

I was planning a visit to a garden center. Looking for a woman, or a couple who may have met my criteria for fucking. Mom said take my time, make sure I had the right feeling about a person, or persons. I had picked out several places, Costco, Home Depot stores, there has to be 20 or 30 hardware and garden stores around Seattle. I think that’s where I might get lucky with a woman on her own, maybe even a couple, but we shall see.

All was proceeding, and I was working up the courage to do it when I got a call from Mistress J-. “Priestess,” she said, “I have some devastating news.” Oh fuck, what’s gone wrong! “Mistress V- has collapsed and is in Virginia Mason ED. Sub Go- is with her. Please go to him and be with him. You can’t do anything other than be there for him. They have a son who is at college in the East whom I will contact.” “I’ll go straight away,” I said. “Thank you for calling me Mistress.” “You know him, Cate, how fragile he really is, just hold his hand.” “Yes, J- I can do that.” “Thank you.” She gave me the rest of the details, so I went.

I stayed with Go- for the rest of the night, Mistress V-, my first mentor, my friend, a lover, passed at three in the morning, she didn’t recover consciousness. Go- was a complete wreck. I took him home, put him to bed then climbed in with him. I held him, let him cry himself to sleep. This, I thought, is why they call me ‘Priestess’. The thing that shook me most was learning that if I was going to help to heal his hurt, who would help me? Then I got it, I could be a part of it all, but I had to stand aside, to be dispassionate, about everything. I had to be outside, a part of, but not inside. There could be no love for me in the Club, no friendships, no emotional connection, it would hurt too much. I couldn’t be really involved and be with them, sexually or otherwise. I wanted to be with them, but I had to remain outside, not let their hurts touch me.

Fu-u-u-u-ck me! How do I do that?

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/kxhti9/3_years_a_sex_slave_pt_12_mf

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