Wet Dream University 97 Best Grade For A Failure Dream Master (FF MF MFF MFM BDSM BONDAGE SOLO TOYS)

“..The next event that will be held in the Pink Sand Stadium will be W.O.W Boxing, ladies do you have your gloves on?  This is Clarissa Love cuming all over your screen see you next time A La Mierda” Clarissa’s face was flushed with embarrassment.  “That was.. the (scribbling something down in her professors notebook) well how could I say it” Mrs. Donavon was fishing for the proper words to say.  Angie started clapping, not in a sarcastic way, followed closely by the surrounding students then the ones surrounding them till the entire class gave Clarissa a standing ovation.  “Thank you Angie for taking the clap out of my mouth.  That was amazing, first off to get three interporns in the same day with that man.  Marty Chest Banger, the most elusive player to ever hold a paddle!  Then to get five of the sex players to give you a licking, what’s next Jack Off Jill is going to be sleeping in your bed” Mrs. Donavon joined in the applause.  “See (directing the classes attention back to the screen), that is real journalism.  See how Clarissa even puts her ass on the line!  Not once or twice butt three times.. not letting those ladies get the breast of her either.  (Advancing the film at a snail’s pace.)  Right there watch as Clarissa grabs ahold of Betty Bye’s tits..” Mrs. Donavon continued.  Clarissa glanced at her camera operator, still as red as red can be, “Angie how could you???  Really this?”  Clarissa mouthed at Angie.  “I do recall one reporter saying “keep me in frame and don’t stop for anything”.  I think her name is Clarissa Love Umm I could be mistaken butt (the pinch on Clarissa’s ass caught her by surprise).. Mmm I don’t think so” Angie continued to whisper even though being drowned out by Clarissa and her amazing ass.  “Ahh, what the hell.. Angie don’t pinch me in class!  This is supposed to be..” looking at the rest of the class cause she was the only one standing.  “Alright for your next ‘ass’ignment I want you and your partner to try and get a interporn with one of these W.O.W. (Woman On Woman) Boxing ladies, I’m ‘ass’uming this is alright with you Miss Love.  The fight is on Sinday so you will have all week to land one interporn.  The should be ten ladies so sex teams will be failing, turn in your naughty (the moan sounded, dismissing class) questions on Humpday so I can grade them” Mrs. Donavon was finishing her lecture as the students where on a full retreat from class.
“If what I saw on the monitor is true then we need to talk” Raz ambushed Clarissa as she was leaving the fine ass arts building.  “You in my office now” Raz growled, turned away from Clarissa before she could ever speak a word.
Rapping on his door, once to announce her presents, twice to clam the beast, trice for her own safety.  “Cum” was his response to any female especially ones who knocked on his door.  “Kiss the cock before you can speak” he graciously reminded her upon entering the wolf’s den.  “Drop to your knees, then.. kiss my cock” Raz was being surprisingly helpful.  Dropping to her knees, leaning forward to kiss the cock.  Raz acted before Clarissa could kiss his cock.  Grabbing her head, squeezing it just enough so he could feel her lips as they surrounded his head.  Clarissa knew this act, it was one of Derick’s oldest moves.  “You gonna suck my cock now” feeding his cock into her mouth and throat.  “Let’s see how long you can take it, Mmm Ooo yea.. Yes yesss” Raz quaked as his head was fully in her mouth.  “What is your job worth to you.  Being the keeper of the archive and Jax!  (Letting out a long sigh)  That hard up bitch who is always fucking other people (feeling Clarissa’s lips against his pelvis), Oh yeh.. you can swallow a cock butt (leaning down and spanking Clarissa’s ass hard) can you be face fucked?  Let’s find out” Raz stated his intentions even before he did anything.  This was a warning to Clarissa as his rod started to jackhammer his cock down her throat.  “Fuck.. you can really (his strokes where becuming sporadic at best) handle a cock to mouth interporn butt (, leaning down and spanking her ass just as hard as the first time) fuck I love a red ass (one more hard spank)!  Cum in” Raz called.  “Yes boss you called” Jeremy might as well be sucking the bosses cock himself.  “Get your willy over here so we can double team the (his last spanking was not his last, spank.  Clarissa’s ass cheek was burning hot) bitch!”  High fiving the boss went without question even with his cock sliding deep into her fuck hole.  “Oh my God boss, she is so fucking tight” Jeremy proclaimed bring him so close to the breaking point.  Dividing her hair, pulling her off his cock so she could get a breath in before he slammed home his cock.  “I know isn’t (the spank came again, this time bringing blood to the surface) she!  I just had to give this cheap titty whore a job cuz she is so fucking tight” Raz bragged about Clarissa’s job like it was a pitty party for some misfit.  “If he wants a dirty little slut then I’ll give him one” Clarissa thought butt not fast enough.  “Hell boy look at this collar.  This is just free advertisement for the whore she is” hold up his hand for Jeremy to clap.  Arching her pussy so she could finish off Jeremy fast.  “Fuck boss I’m.. Ooo fuckkk cu..cu..cuMmming” beating that lanky nerd down was nothing if you knew how to manipulate your body.  “Fuck!  Fuck!  Fuck!”  Jeremy exploded all over Clarissa’s ass with his final spasm sending a big cum ball to splat just above her ass crack.  “So you think you’re cute you fucking little whore!”  Raz hadn’t changed one bit, still the cocky little prick that he always was.  “How do you like this” ramming his cock down Clarissa’s throat.  “Speak or I will ramming my jumbo (micro) cock down your fucking throat!”  Raz’s rage finally got the best of him.  Clarissa throat tightened practically sealing his cock in her mouth.  “Yeh Ooo fuck bitch I’m going to.. fuck (thrusting his hips forward in a fit of rage) fuck fuck Ahh fuckkk yesssssssss..” his cum came next,  letting a weak stream from his rod escape to her throat.  “Your fucking good!  To good get your little slut self another job” slamming the door, his door butt also her career as a journalist.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/kwvy79/wet_dream_university_97_best_grade_for_a_failure