The New Guy [BDSM][Bondage][PIV][Oral][Domination] Part 10

[Part 9](

I’ve learned many things about Amanda and myself over this weekend, but my hardest lesson I’ve learned was *Never. Ever. Make a bet with Tia.*

I don’t know if I underestimated my stamina, or Amanda’s talent with her mouth, but she didn’t hold anything back and I received the best blowjob I’ve ever had in my life. Not only did Amanda make me cum with just her mouth before she had to come up for air, but she stayed down there long enough to suck every last drop out of me, pop out of the water and swallow my load right in front of me, and only *then* did she gasp for air. As if to rub salt in the wound, she straddled me and rubbed her soft, swollen pussy lips up and down my softening shaft as her tongue probed my mouth, still salty with the remnants of the my recently devoured cum. A few minutes later, we were out of the water and on the balcony. Amanda and Tia both sat back in a chair and spread their legs wide, slowly extracting their butt plugs, and carried them into the house to clean them off. Tia instructed me to lay back on one of the lawn chairs she uses for sun bathing, and to make myself comfortable. The girls soon returned with strips of cloth and a bowl of warm wax. The warm wax felt great on my balls and around my shaft, right up until the moment where the sharp, burning pain took my by surprise as Amanda ripped off the first wax strip. That said, I gritted my teeth, and suffered through the pain. Amanda must have taken pity on me because she softly stroked and sucked my semi-hard cock as Tia continued to rip hair from my genitals. By the time it was all done, the burning of my loins was a literal description of how I felt. It felt a lot better when Amanda rubbed some kind of oil, or maybe it was a lotion, on my genital areas, and ass crack.

“You know,” Tia said, tilting her head and admiring her work, “Without the hair, it looks bigger than it did before.”

Amanda’s hands ran along my, now bare, pubic area and bare ball sack, “You’re right, it does, and its soooo soft! I could get used to this.”

My eyes shot to Amanda’s and I glared at her with worry. She tried and failed to suppress a laugh. “Okay, okay. How about special occasions then? Like on our honeymoon?”

I let out a long sigh, “Ugh… Fine. But only because I love you and I know you will make it worthwhile.”

The three of us took a quick shower and washed the chlorine of the jacuzzi off of us. A quick snack after the shower, and we headed downstairs to the living room to relax. Tia retrieved the hemp rope from the bag of Amanda and my goodie back from the Silent Sisters and tossed it into my lap.

“Show me what you got, hot shot.”, Tia said as she watched me unravel the rope. “Surely you know some knots from your time in the Marines.”

I nodded and started to tie a bowline knot. Continuing, tied a clove hits, larks head, and a square reef knot. Tia smiled and told me that I had much more to learn. I spent the next couple of hours learning how to tie all kinds of other different knots, including the catspaw, flogging cuff, and prusik knots. Once Tia felt I had a good handle on that, she and Amanda showed me different kinds of bondage harnesses that could be done with the hemp rope. I never realized how detailed and complicated these bondage knots and harnesses could be. Amanda’s favorite bondage harnesses seemed to be the star harness with her arms restrained, the box tie, and a strappado. My favorite was the box tie with a frogtie. Being tied up and handled had Amanda excited to the point she couldn’t sit still. If I had to compare her giddiness to anything, it was like she was getting dressed for prom where she knew she was going to lose her virginity afterwards. Afterwards, Tia made a shrimp scampi pasta mix for dinner which was absolutely delicious. After dinner Amanda pulled me outside and kissed me as the sun began to set.

A slow love song played through Tia’s speakers she had in her kitchen, and before I knew it, Amanda and I were swaying to the slow music together. I was in my boxers, and Amanda was wearing nothing but a cotton T-shirt that stopped just below her belly button, her bare legs and ass exposed to the warm night air. For the next three songs, Amanda and I just held each other, staring into each others’ eyes, swaying to the rhythm of the music coming through the back door. She didn’t have to say anything. Her blue eyes and her face said everything. She didn’t want this weekend to end. She wanted to stay here forever with me, wearing as little clothing as she care to, having all of her sexual fantasies come true, spending every waking day with her best friend and the man she loved, and be somewhere she could finally let her true self come out and be free. I didn’t want this weekend to end either. Not only was the sex out of this world between Amanda and Tia, being able to learn new things about the woman I loved, watching her finally be able to cut loose and be herself, it warmed my heart beyond belief to see her this happy. I looked into Amanda’s eyes and I saw my future staring back at me. This petite, young blond haired, blue eyed, beautiful goddess in my arms was the most amazing woman I have ever met. I didn’t conquer her womb and knock her up, she surrendered her womb and took my seed inside her happily. I didn’t steal her heart and soul, she gave her heart and soul to me because she loved me more than she’s ever loved anyone ever before. I saw my twins, giggling at Amanda as she made funny faces at them. I saw her smiling face as I woke up from a long night’s sleep. I saw her in a long, lacy dress, adorned with flowers in her hair and the biggest smile I’ve ever seen her wear as I slid a golden band with a diamond onto her left ring finger and people cheered as I did so.

“Dalus,” Amanda asked softly with her head against my chest, “Do you really love me? Or have you just been telling me that because you feel like you are morally responsible to do so because I am carrying our babies inside of me?

My head jerked back, surprised by the blunt yet randomness of her question. “What? Why would you say that? Of course I love you, Amanda! If I didn’t love you, I never would have planted my seed inside of you in the first place. I love you because you have turned my world upside down, and I find myself waking up and happy to face that world because I know that you will be right there with me, by my side, every step of the way. Amanda, even if you weren’t pregnant, I would still love you as much as I love you right now. You’re scaring me, what’s wrong?”

“I don’t know, it just feels too good to be true. I feel guilty, like I got my cake and I got to eat it too. Like, I feel guilty for feeling so happy. This weekend with you has brought some of my wildest dreams and fantasies into the light of reality and I am so happy that I am at a loss for words.” Amanda said as she held me with all of her strength, “I am so scared that I am going to wake up tomorrow and it was all just a dream, and none of it was true.”

“Baby, when you wake up tomorrow, I will be right there next to you, and the only dream you will have to deal with is the dream come true that we have made together.,” I said softly, kissing her forehead gently, “What do I have to do to make all of this feel real and true for you?”

For several moments, she said nothing. The world slowed in those few moments, and I could feel her chest rise and fall against mine as she breathed deeply, I could feel her heart faintly beating against my chest, and I could feel her fingers locked together behind my back, afraid to loose her grip on this moment in our relationship.

“Take me to the basement.”, she said flatly.

“I don’t know if I am ready”, I said, “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“I don’t care if you’re ready or not, I trust you. And besides, I need the pain. In my own twisted way, the pain is a confirmation that all of this is real, that what *we* have is real. Think of it as pinching me so I know I’m not dreaming. I know it sounds silly, but I want to be dominated by you, I need to be dominated by you. I need to feel the pain to make it all real for me.”, Amanda looked up at me, eyes wet, face on the verge of crying.

I looked down at her, and for a moment I wanted to scream at her and tell her that all this was unnecessary, that I was right here, in her arms, and I was real and I was madly in love with her and I couldn’t wait for us to be married and have a family together. But I knew it wouldn’t do any good. She needed this from me. I had to do this for her. After several silent moments, I sighed and gave in. “If this is what you truly want, I’ll do it. I am scared shitless that I am going to screw it up, but I love you, and I will do this for you.”

Amanda and I walked back in the house and Tia looked at us curiously.

“I need you to unlock the basement.”, Amanda said, her tone making it clear she wasn’t asking a question.

Tia’s eyes went wide, “He’s not ready! Are you sure about this?”

Amanda’s eyes shot at Tia, with a look that said *I dare you to try and fucking stop me.* Tia reached into her pocket and retrieved a set of keys, following closely behind us. I picked up our goody bag full of our new toys, and the box that Bethany had given us. We followed Tia down the stairs, and she gave us a concerned glance before turning the key in the lock and swinging the door open. A faint click echoed through the dark room as Tia flicked the light switch, and fluorescent lights started to flicker to life. We stepped into the room, and my stomach jumped into my throat. My heart raced in my chest and I didn’t even realize I had been holding my breath until Amanda squeezed my hand roughly. She had been saying something that I hadn’t heard.

“I’m sorry babe, what were you saying?”, I said as I snapped back to reality.

“I asked… what do you think?”, she said.

“Its a lot… I mean, the stuff… its a lot more stuff in here than I expected.” I exclaimed as my eyes scanned around the room.

Amanda, being the woman I loved, knew me better than I knew myself at times. She could sense my anxiety and nervousness and she pulled my face to hers and kissed me sweetly. “Relax baby, you will do just fine. I know you will.”, she said as she removed her shirt, folding it neatly and handing it to Tia.

Amanda knelt at my feet and removed by boxers, folded them, and handed them to Tia. She pulled the hemp rope out of the back, held it in both hands, and knelt before me again, bowing her head as she offered me the rope. I hesitated for a moment. Part of me told myself *No, this isn’t right.* The other part of me said *She wants this, and you are going to do it because she loves you and needs you to do this.* I took the hemp rope in my hand, pulling it tight between both of my hands. I walked behind her, kneeling down and I pulled her arms behind her back and started my knots to bind her into a box tie. My fingers worked nervously, my heart calming slightly every time my fingers brushed up against her or touched her skin. Minutes felt like hours as the rope began to take shape and bind her tighter and tighter, until she could no longer move her arms. Her C-cup breasts squeezed between the two sets of rope that reached across her chest, nipples pink and erect, chest rising and falling as her breath quickened with anticipation. Next I tied her legs together in a frogtie. One at a time, I knotted, tugged, and tightened the rope, tying her calf to her thigh. When I was done, I stood back and admired my work. The woman I loved, the woman who’s womb was carrying our children, was tied up, vulnerable, defenseless, kneeling at my feet and completely at my mercy. Lustful, desperate, blue eyes started up at me, begging me to keep going.

“Can I have a blindfold?”, Amanda asked.

“No. No blindfold.”, I said sternly.

Tia and Amanda looked at me, surprised look on their faces.

“If you wear a blindfold, this will become just another dream. I want your eyes open. I want you to see me dominating you. I want to see the moment that paddle hits your ass and you realized that everything up to this moment has been very very real.”, I said as I knelt down and brought my face to hers, grabbing her chin roughly and piecing her blue eyes with my gaze, “*I want you to watch me as I become the man your brought me here to be.”*

I started with the snake bite kits. My tongue played with her nipples as I pinched and rolled the small suction cups between my fingers. I kissed Amanda gently and applied the first snake bit to her pink nipple. She bit her lip and moaned roughly as the plastic sucked her nipple into it, and then repeated with the second. Next I took out the pinwheel and showed it to her. Her eyes smiled at me as she licked her lips. The pinwheel rolled down between her breasts, down her stomach, and stopped just short of her sex. She moaned lustily as the small needles played across her skin.

“Tia, give me your panties.”, I demanded and held out my hand.

Moments later, Tia’s warm panties draped across my palm. I stood up and grabbed Amanda’s ponytail, tilting her head up before sliding my cock into her mouth. To her credit, she did not disappoint as I fucked her mouth. Shortly before my climax, I pulled out and came all over Tia’s panties. Grabbing Amanda’s chin, I had her open her mouth again. A muffled cry came out as I stuffed Tia’s cum soaked panties into her mouth. Wide blue eyes, full of surprise stared at me as I stood back up. I laid Amanda on her back, and used the pinwheel to tease and please her inner thighs, and I was rewarded with muffled moans with each roll of the pinwheel against her soft skin. Her wetness spilled from her folds, already coating her pink asshole. I pulled her back to her knees and looked into her blue eyes as I played the pinwheel across her shoulders and neck. Her eyes rolled back as the needles pushed along the soft, sensitive skin of her neck. Her chest moved rapidly as muffled moans drew out of her with her exhale. I knelt down and kissed Amanda, sucking on her bottom lip and tasting a hint of my seed on her lips still. Tia’s lacy cum soaked panties tickled my top lip as I reached behind Amanda and slipped the handle of the pinwheel into her tight pink ass. Her eyes grew large again as the narrow handle penetrated past her asshole and buried itself inside of her. Out of the bag I retrieved the nipple clamps and the hot was kit. Reaching down, I carefully removed the snake bites from her nipples, revealing pink, swollen nipples. I wrapped the chain of the clamp around my cock and knelt in front of Amanda. Unraveling the chain from around my cock, I pinched the clamp between my fingers and moved it towards Amanda’s nipple. Slowly, I released the pressure on the clamp as it pinched her nipple, pressure ever increasing as I let go of the clamp. Amanda’s eyes closed and she shuddered as the clamp took hold of her nipple. I grabbed her chip and shook her slightly.

“Open your eyes and look at me!”, I growled, “In fact, if you take your eyes off me the rest of the time we are down here, I am walking out of this room. Do you understand?”

Amanda shook her head and her blue eyes locked into me. A moan from off to the side turned my attention. Tia was in a chair, two fingers deep in herself, hand covering her mouth. I placed the second nipple clamp on Amanda’s nipple and she cried out through the panties in her mouth. Lighting a pink candle, I moved it around in my hand experimentally, watching how the wax dropped as the flame danced around the top of it. I let a pool of wax build up and I stood over Amanda, her eyes still locked onto mine. Careful not to get the flame too close to her hair and skin, I tilted the candle and watched as the liquid wax spilled down the top of her breast, and dripped it’s way down between her breasts to her stomach, and down to her nipple where I dripped down to her bare thighs. I repeated the same for her other breast, earning a muffled lustful moan from her this time. Standing up, I looked down at her to admire my work. Pink wax coated her breasts, stomach, and thighs. Between her thighs, a puddle sat just below her pulsating pussy. *Fuck, she is loving this*. The box sat in the corner of my vision as I looked at it, and looked back at Amanda. She looked over to where I look and then back at me. I hesitated. In my apartment was playful spanks, I didn’t even do it that hard. Amanda wanted me to spank her hard enough to leave welts. She shook her head reassuringly, telling me this is what she wanted. Picking up the box, I studied it for a second before setting it down in front of Amanda. I peeled back the tape and lifted the flaps of the box. Out of the box I pulled out a dark red stained paddle. If I had to guess, it was cherrywood. On one side there were sunflower shapes decoratively burned into the wood. On the other side, the Eagle, Globe, and Anchor. Along the narrow side of the paddle, the words *When two worlds become one, that’s when you start to have fun*, were burned into the wood. The handle was tightly woven in soft leather and the pommel ended in a brass heart shape. I eyed Amanda and then eyed the paddle. Her eyes spoke to me as I felt the soft leather in my grip. Kneeling down, I gently pulled the pinwheel handle out of her ass and leaned her forward until the side of her face was resting against the floor. She looked back at me as I raised the paddle in the air. Her asshole and pussy and pulsated in anticipation as I hesitated. It felt like minutes, but it was probably seconds.

I looked Amanda in her deep blue eyes, “I love you.”, and then I swung the paddle.

She screamed as the paddle laid across her ass. I hadn’t even swung that hard. I pulled the paddle back, a welt forming across her ass cheeks already. I swung again, and Amanda screamed again, moaning frantically through the panties in her mouth. Another welt formed across her pink cheeks. Her pussy and asshole continued to pulse and the puddle beneath her grew. *Thwack!…. Thwack!…. Thwack!*. Her ass was pink and welts intersected each other. To her credit, her eyes never left me. I Dropped the paddle on the floor, unable to dish out any more. I knelt down behind her and placed my hand on her pink cheek. It was warm to the touch. Warmer than usual. I brought my lips to her ass cheek and kissed it gently, the heat radiating on my cheeks as I did so. She shook, and moaned softly as my lips caressed her bare pink ass. My thumb found her pink, swollen clit and rubbed it softly as my kissed found their way to her sex. I felt her body tense as my tongue split her folds apart and dove inside of her pink, wet, mess. Her sweet taste coated my tongue as I buried my face into her sex. I could feel her juices coating my face as I explored inside her with my taste buds. She moaned between sharp breaths as her pussy began to pulse in my mouth and her legs shuddered as she began to climax. Screams of pleasure emanated from her as I continued to taste the inside of her pussy, a gush of liquid renewing the sweet taste within her as her climax began to ebb. I sat up, Amanda’s wetness dripped from my chin onto her ass cheek as I pressed my throbbing cock into her folds. Her labias parted with no protest and tip slipped inside of her. The warm, slick mess inside of her coated my cock like a glove. I could feel her muscles still pulsating from the last remnants of her climax. I paused for a moment when I’d fit my length inside of her, gratified for the familiar feeling of her cervix pressing against my tip. Slowly sliding out of her, I watched as her taunt labias hugged my girth as my cock eased out of her, slick and coated with her wetness. With a shift of my hips I was slipping back into her. I stared into her blue eyes looking back at me as I thrusted in and out of her. Drool was coming out of her mouth, having soaked through the already wet panties. I slammed into her again and again, feeling her muscles grip me with every thrust as she tried to bring me to climax. She knew what she was doing and a few thrust later my own climax was approaching. I pulled out and grabbed my cock and painted the pink of her pussy and labias with my white cum. I sat on my legs as I watched strings of cum slide down her thighs and drip from her labias and add to the wet pool beneath her. And then reality and the guilt set back in. I shot up and began to untie her as quick as I could. I pulled the last knot and freed her from the confining binds. Carefully, I removed the cum and saliva drenched panties from her mouth. Scooping her limp body up I carried her to the nearest chair and sat her gently on it. Her arms managed to find the strength to wrap around my neck and pull me to her. I held her tightly and kissed her repeatedly. Her breasts rose and fell slowly as she came down from the experience.

“Do you still feel like you’re in a dream?”, I asked her softly.

She shook her head from side to side.

“Do you realize now that everything is real, and that when I say I love you I mean it?”, I asked.

She shook her head up and down.

“Good, because I have one more thing I want to try.”, I told her as I rose to my feet.

“Babe…”, she said breathlessly, “No more, please, I can’t.”

I kissed her and took a couple of strides towards the goody bag. I retrieved the last item from the bag and Tia squealed as she saw what it was. I knelt gently between Amanda’s legs.

“You’re sure you’re not dreaming still?”, I asked her.

She shook her head side to side.

“Good, because I don’t want you to wake up and think this was a dream.”, I said as I removed a gold ring with a 1/8th carrot diamond from my palm and held it up for her to see, “Amanda Renee Koffman, if you’ll still have me after tonight, will you make me the happiest man in the world again and agree to be my wife, to have and to hold for the rest of our lives?”

Amanda covered her mouth and sobbed, tears rolling down her cheeks. She held a shaky hand out and touched the ring to make sure it was real.

A squeal from the other side of the room caught our attention, “Say yes dammit!”, Tia yelled.

“Yes! Yes! Yes!”, Amanda cried.

I slid the ring onto her finger and she sobbed more as she looked at the ring on her finger. She lunged forward and clung to my neck as I wrapped my arms around her tightly.

“Dalus, you *are* my dream come true, and I love you!”, Amanda sobbed into my neck.

*Thank you for reading my New Guy series. This is going to be the last part of the series for a little while, at least until I can figure out how to continue the storyline from here. I hope you all have enjoyed it up to this point!*


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