Actress and comedian, Vicki Lawrence, takes me up to her hotel room.

(37/F) I wrote this about a year or two ago, after I randomly found myself attracted to Vicki. I don’t know where the first part is and I never wrote the second. Let me know what you think and if I should write and post the climatic ending.

Curtain Call.

Her room was on the 7th floor, we both had one too many fancy glasses of wine and so I escorted Vicki to her door. She had taken my hand from the beginning and didn’t let go until she needed it to retrieve the keycard.
“Would you like to come in?” Vicki asked standing in the doorway, her red lips parted slightly into a smile. My heart was pounding, I wasn’t sure what was happening. Was I being naive or just stupid?
“I thought you were calling it a night?”
“Eventually.” She responded, her eyes shifted into little slits but her smile never faded.
“I feel like I’ve imposed on you too much already.” I was stalling. I was anxious. I was curious.

“Bullshit.” I let out a nervous laugh at her response. “I was trying to be nice” she added slipping her fingers into the front of my pants and pulled me into the privacy of her room. I stopped breathing. The door slammed behind me. Still having all the control, Vicki pulled me closer, pretty sure she could feel my heart racing against her chest as she leaned down to plant one kiss on my lower lip. “You still want to call it a night?” she asked looking down at me, I finally let out a deep breath and didn’t respond. “That’s what I thought.” She added, turning around and disappearing into what I think was the kitchen area.

The room was huge, I would assume one only celebrities and rich people would get. I slowly crept from the safety of the door in the direction of a sassy Vicki Lawrence and found her in the kitchen pouring two glasses of wine. She looked up.

“I thought you were never going to leave the hallway.” She laughed, I laughed but remained extremely uncomfortable…but in a good way. “How old are you Lauren?” she held out the glass like bait and I took it.

“35” I could see her eyes widen at my answer.
“You have a very young face, beautiful.” I blushed to the color of my fresh new beverage.
“Thank you, I get that from all my seducers-“she almost spit out her wine, then began laughing hysterically. I panicked. “I’m sorry- “she held up her hand.

“That’s hilarious, you’re hilarious.” She wiped away a drop of escaped wine from her chin. She must have saw my terrified look and spoke up. “Lauren, I’m a comedian. I can take a joke. Please be yourself, it’s one of the reasons you’re here right now.”

“I’m being pretty awkward, huh?” I finally took the first sip, basically emptying the glass.

“A little, but it’s cute.” She grabbed the bottle and filled up my cup. “Dooo… you think I’m seducing you?” she topped off hers as well and put the bottle back down. My mouth dried up and I tried to find anything to help me swallow down my awkwardness. She laughed then walked around the counter to meet my tense body. Her hands took my glass and placed it on the surface behind her, she turned back to face me.

“I’m married” a faint whisper crawled out from my lungs.”

“Me too.” She grabbed my left hand and slipped my ring off putting it on the counter next to my drink, she did the same with hers which made my wedding band look like a cracker jack toy.

“My path to hell is getting more and more accessible these days.” I chuckled at my own joke, still nervous, but I think my mind was made up, which made what I did next easier. Vicki’s hands had already wrapped around my waist and so I tilted my head up to meet her lips for the second time. My hands found her face and my thumbs gently outlined her jaw.
I used my tongue to make a route into her mouth, she tasted good and we stood there, entangled for what seemed like forever.

“It’s nice not having to stand on my tip-toes to kiss someone.” I said when we parted, meeting her gaze and joining her in a quick laugh before she silenced me with another kiss, this time pulling my bottom lip with her teeth. “fuck” I gasped. “You got me feeling some kind of way.”
“I feel it too” she whispered, planting another quick kiss on my lips before she turned back to take a swig of her drink. “I have to admit, this is very out of character for me.” He fingers traced the outline of my face, stopping to rub them over the shaved part of my head. She was looking me over, maybe changing her mind about this little affair.

My hands were now limp at my sides, I was buzzed but not enough to know that what we were doing was wrong and on many different levels if you were to ask some. She sighed and finished off her drink, then started on mine.

“Is this where I let you take advantage of me?” I said, trying to lighten up the mood, I felt starting to slip away. Her grin stretched from ear to ear exposing a row of white teeth, which she covered with her hand. Her face, this time around was the one turning the color of the wine.
“My how the tables turn.” She spoke up and handed me the glass, I finished the drink and returned it to its place on the counter.

“You want to just lay down and watch TV?” I didn’t know what to say, it sounded like a good idea especially since I wasn’t in any mood to drive back to my hotel yet.

“Sure, that’s a great idea. I could definitely get off my feet.” (that’s what she said) She turned around, reaching over the marble to snag the bottle. I followed her into the bedroom. The bed looked like it was already slept in and a few suitcases laid open on the floor.

Vicki kicked off her shoes, grabbed the remote and crawled onto the giant bed. I followed suit, shoes off and right in after her. Like an animal she took a swing from the bottle and handed it to me, I giggled and took a drink. She looked over at me and smiled, I paced the half empty bottle on the ledge above the bed.

The TV came on, it was a late-night basketball game, going into the 4th quarter.

“Do you have a preference?”
“Any Golden Girls on the tube?” she laughed.
“You’re an old soul.”
“Well, I was trying to find something closer to your age range.” Her mouth dropped open.
“You asshole!” she shouted at me, while hitting me in the head with a small pillow. It bounced off my forehead and flung to the ground.
“I’m kidding, I actually really like the show.”
“You would, they are all old ladies.” She let out a loud laugh.
“How dare you.” I shot back, our eyes locked.

“Come here” she said. I crawled the two feet over to Vicki and met her wanting lips with mine, her hand cupped my face, her nails slid down my neck. I gently moved my right index finger between her breasts, trailing over her stomach and stopping at her pant line. She took in a deep breath as I ran the length of the fabric back and forth, gathering up the courage to do more.
