Complaint Department

She fidgets nervously as she waits, contemplating how horribly wrong this could go. She shifts on her knees, settling her ass back onto her heels she tries not to crease the paper that she holds lightly in her hands. She reads her list of “complaints”, hoping he’ll take it lightly but also hoping he’ll see what she’s asking for and maybe give her the “punishment” she deserves for being so cheeky.

Sneaking a peek at the clock on the wall in his office, she adjusts her clothes quickly as she hears him come through the door. She holds her hands up, the sheet of paper laying flat on her palms, an offering to him as she keeps her head bowed. She hears him pause as he comes in, he stands in the doorway observing her position next to his desk for long moments. So long, she almost looks up to see if he’s still there, at that moment he steps softly into the room and moves to her side.

“What is this, pet?”

She lifts her arms higher, above her head holding the paper up for him. She whisper-mumbles to him, “My complaints, Sir.” She ducks her head down, extremely nervous now, her body almost vibrating with tension as she waits for him to respond.

He clicks his tongue and takes the sheet of paper from her, gripping her fingers he whispers one word. “Stay.” She swallows but continues to hold her arms above her head, maintaining her position for him. He stands in front of her, she stares down at his shoes waiting as he reads her list. The silence grows long, her nerves are frazzled. Her mind is racing, she’s terrified now that her little tease from their previous conversation has upset him. She struggles to remain still and keep her position but she wants to fidget, to wrap her arms around his legs and beg him to forgive her impertinence. Finally, he drops the sheet of paper back onto her open palms, his shoes leave her line of sight as he steps back.

Quietly, his voice comes to her. “So, my pet, you have complaints after all. You feel slighted by me. You feel like I should be more dominant, like I don’t really want you because I carry on these seemingly endless conversations with you. You want me to be in control. Do I have that about right?”

She flinches as she hears him, his voice level without emotion. She bites her lip but does not look up, does not speak. His shoes come back into her line of sight as he moves closer but does not touch. His voice comes again, slightly more firm, “Answer me.”

She slowly nods her head, stares hard at his toes and whispers, “Yes..No…I…I…want you…no I need you to be more assertive… I…I need it. I…she stammers…stops and ducks her head down even more..”

“You, what?”

“Please…I need more.” she whispers.

“You need more what? You need me to man-handle you? You need me to express in no uncertain terms what I want you to do? You need to give me MORE control?”

She chews on her lip before speaking again, “I need you to show me…show me that you even want to be in control of what you have now. I have offered you this bit of control…and…I..I feel like you just “shelve it” until you’re interested in it and then take it down and play with it…I just…I want to give you more…but I..I don’t know if you are that interested.” She sniffs, trying not to cry.

He lifts the paper from her hands again and moves away. The room grows still and silent. Her heart pounds as she waits. Fearing he’ll ask her to leave, she prepares herself for this.

Finally, he calls to her. “Pet, stand up and move to the front of my desk. Assume the position, elbows flat on the desk, ass out. Lift your skirt over your hips.”

She quickly moves to comply, she lifts her skirt around her hips and leans on the desk, as she does she sees he has placed her list so that she will have a direct line of sight to it while she is bent over. Her chest heaves as she stares down at it. Barely has she had time to settle before she hears the whistle of the cane as it flies through the air and lands with a loud crack on her ass. She jerks forwards and bites down hard on her lip. Again and again he hits her. No gentleness. No kindness. No warm up. She feels the welts rising immediately and stares at the sheet of paper, tears forming..dripping down her face. The lines blur as he continues. Silently. No words needed to express his thoughts as he turns her ass into a mess of striped lines. Bruises quickly appearing. Her forehead comes to rest against the desk, her whimpers loud in the all but silent room….She unwittingly spreads her legs further open…arching her back and pushing her bottom out for him…she pleads with her body for more.

He sees her response and smiles. His body vibrates with need, yet he will not give in. Not yet. He pushes her further. Striking again and again, watching with hungry eyes as welts appear on top of welts. His body rigid as he can smell her need…as well as see it dripping down her thighs. Her whimpers and moans, the tears he sees dripping onto the desk make him throb.

Finally, he stops. He lays the cane next to her on the desk and presses himself hard against her backside. His clothes rough against her overheated, over sensitive flesh. She groans and flinches away, then almost as swiftly presses back against him. He growls and grips her hips, his fingers digging in before he quickly rids himself of his pants. She writhes against the desk. Pressing against her again she gasps at the feel of his flesh, grinding back she whimpers as she tries to take him in. He finally, growls at her. “Be still.”

He drags his cock against her. Her wetness coating him quickly. His hands grip her ass, pulling from her a little squeal of pain as he spreads her open, resting against her anus He leans over and hisses in her ear “You are MINE” as he possesses her completely. His cock invading her ass quickly, roughly, all at once. She gasps, clutches her fingers in the air as he takes her. His fingers digging into her ass as he fucks her. Takes her. She pants. He pants. No words necessary now. He drives into her over and over again, pushing her closer and closer.

She whimpers and moans, begging him.
“Please, please..pleaseeeeeeee” She is mad with the want of an orgasm. He grunts as he feels her start to contract around him even tighter. He stops moving with a suddenness that startles her. Her need is so great.

He leans over her back, grips her hair and lifts her head, whispering very softly, very nicely, “You will not cum. This is mine.”

He pushes her face back down, grips her hips and drives his cock into her. She struggles…breathing hard as she fights off her orgasms… jerking…panting… sobbing as she finally lets go. He feels it. The minute her resistance to him gives way and it pushes him over the edge. His orgasm is long his hips jerk and buck. His nails dig into her, marking her yet again as he fills her completely.

Eventually, he collapses against her, breathing heavily, he looks her in the eye and asks, quite calmly, “Have all your complaints been dealt with, pet?”
