Breeding the Colony, Part 4 [Breeding] [Creampie]

[Part 1]( – [Part 2]( – [Part 3](

The day had come. The day had finally come for John to breed Dr. Linda Everett, the Overseer of the colony. He lay in bed as rays of sun broke through his bedroom curtains, signaling the start of a new day. He had laid in bed all night, but he did not sleep. Instead, he had staired as the white-gray ceiling of his living quarters as his anticipation of the day to come swirled through his head. He had been sleeping with women for roughly six months by this point, and he had impregnated some 350 women. He had slept with every race, body type, and personality under the sun. And for the most part, he had enjoyed it. What man wouldn’t? He was living the male dream. He was fulfilling his natural instinct to spread his seed far and wide. And yet… something was off about the whole thing. Some of the women, more than he had anticipated did not want to sleep with him. And he had felt guilty, deeply guilty about being forced to procreate with them, and them being forced to do so with him.

A few months back, after his second session with Margaret (who was now two months pregnant with his child), he had gone to the Overseer and protested the forced breeding of the women who did not want to carry his child. She had scolded him and spoken to him again of *duty* and *responsibility*. She even threatened him with reduced freedoms if he complained again. She had total control over him. Total power. She could lock him in his room and send the women to him at gunpoint if she wanted. And he knew she would if it came to that. And despite this, John did not believe she was an inherently evil person. He could see the pressure of the entire colony, the burden of leadership weighing hard on her. These days, the old smile and twinkle of promise in her eyes were long gone. John pitied and hated her at the same time. But more than that… he lusted after her. He had slept with many women, some very beautiful. But the doctor… Linda, was entirely different. She looked her age but maintained a youthful beauty through a rigorous fitness and diet regimen. He had seen her in the fitness center, in her tight leggings and activity bra. She had a firm tight frame of which her long black hair and hazel eyes complimented well. But above all else, she had an attitude of confidence, strength, and power about her which even in her degraded state, worn down by the burden of her duties, she maintained.

John wanted to dominate her and make love to her all the same. He wanted to make a son with her. A son who could become a king, a good man. So, he had laid in bed all night contemplating how he would go about breeding her on the fateful day to follow. She had contacted him via the mail-net and informed him that he was to meet her in her quarters after the workday was over. But he had different plans entirely… he was going to take back what control he could.

***John could not believe it***. He had done it. He had managed to slip past his guards and Ashley, and now he was walking at a brisk speed, but not fast enough to attract attention, to the Overseer’s office. He knew he did not have long. Ashley would figure out he had slipped away soon enough. He figured he had about twenty or thirty minutes at best before she worked up the courage to alert the guard captain, and have the facility shut down in order to find him, to *rescue* him. But he needed no rescuing. He jogged up stairways, and down empty hallways. Moving with a sense of purpose he had not felt in months. And after a few minutes, he arrived at the Overseer’s office, he confidently walked up to the door where her two personal guards stood. One stepped forward.

“Where is your guard John? And Ashley?” She asked, looking confused.

“Oh, they’re just behind me a way. Someone fell ill in the hallway and they were helping her to a medical facility. They told me to go along so I wouldn’t be late for my appointment with Dr. Everett.”

“Appointment?” The guard asked. “We have heard of no appointment between you and the Overseer for this afternoon.” She said, suspicious now.

“Ah yes, it was established just this morning in a rush, you know how these things can be.” John responded, walking forward past the guard confidently as if he himself knew and believed he had an appointment. The guard’s gaze turned to follow him, but she did not respond for a moment. The other guard, still standing before the office door, shrugged, and stepped aside.

“Thank you, ladies.” John said with his best smile, then he walked through the door. With some urgency, he walked the hallway, then turned into the office itself.

Hearing his entry, Dr. Everett, Linda, looked up from a datapad she was reading at her desk. She wore a white button up, and a thin black skirt that stopped just above her knees. Professional and beautiful as always. “Joh- John what are you doing here?” She asked, her voice a mix of confusion and frustration.

Hearing her inquiry, John made no response. He confidently walked up to her desk and stood across from her, standing over her as she continued sitting. He said not a word and just stared into her eyes. Into her soul. His countenance was not that of menace, nor love. His expression was plain.

“John… what are you doing here?” Linda asked again as she stood up.

“You know exactly why I am here.” John responded, ever so slowly beginning to walk around her desk.

“John… I told you to meet me in my quarters tonight. We are not doing this here. Now if you don’t leave no- “ she paused, as he crossed around the side of her desk. She felt a lump of anxiety in her throat. She had never been with a man before. It was a closely guarded secret of hers. She had been a devoted professional all her adult life, and highly religious until very recently. Now… here in the presence of this young man and his pure masculinity, she felt suddenly weak, lacking any power. *Power –* that was something she had always felt, she thought. But she also knew the truth was that she had been putting on a performance for months. A performance of strength and power. While inside, in truth, she was wearing away, the burden of colonial administration degrading her spirit. All she wanted was for someone to take her, to make her theirs. She wanted John to take her, to reveal that she was not a monster, but a human like the rest of them.

John did not respond to her protest, he was around the desk now, standing before her. He extended a hand to her large breasts, and gripped, pulling her in slowly. She gasped but did not fight him as he pulled her in, her lips met his and they kissed passionately for some time, Linda stood still, her arms at her sides, as John gripped and groped her. He was surprised, he had expected more of a fight from her. Perhaps he was wrong about her. Perhaps she was not a tyrant. He pulled away and looked into her eyes. She returned the stare, and so they stood there, eyes locked with one another.

Linda broke the silence “John, we really shouldn’t do this he-“ she began, but she was cut off by John forcefully turning her against her desk. Instinctively she braced against it. She looked over her shoulder and saw John ripping off his clothing. He did it in seconds and then gripped her hips. In one quick motion, he ripped her skirt up, exposing her lingerie below. She moaned with elation, she had wanted to be used and controlled for so long. She could feel her insides swelling with glee and beginning to perspire. “Oh, John.” She said softly.

John pulled down her lingerie to her knees, exposing her matured ass and pussy. Tiny black hairs spotted her lips, but he did not care. He felt in total control, he had total control over this woman whose single word could change the lives of everyone in the colony. Now, here, he was about to change her life forever. He grasped his hard cock with his hand and guided it against her lips. To his surprise, she was very wet, and he slid right in with ease. “Oh fuck.” He muttered as he felt her walls tighten around him while her velvety lips spread for him.

Linda moaned in pleasure and smiled as she felt John thrust inside of her. It was elating, she had never felt anything like it in her life. She had experimented with masturbation in the past. But this, this was something entirely different. To feel a real man’s flesh inside of her being, she felt she was going to burst with pleasure as he began sliding in and out of her. Instinctively, she rocked her ass back against him, her skirt rising up and down against his torso. She wanted him. She felt an animalistic yearning for him and his cock.

John began sliding his cock in and out of Linda, her juices sliding out over his cock and dripping onto the floor between her legs. She was so very wet. John thrust deeper and deeper inside of her, and he was stunned by how tight she was for her age. Slowly, she began working her body in tandem with his thrusts, and their flesh smacked against each other with a rhythm. “Oh Linda…” he moaned as he felt her body quiver.

Linda’s whole body began to shake and quiver, she could not control it, couldn’t stop it. A sensation of pleasure and warmth rushed up to her spine and warmed her belly as she felt herself cream all over John’s cock, her body tremoring viciously. It was all too much, and she yelled “Oh god! Oh, fuck me, John!”

John obliged the Overseer’s order and began thrusting inside of her harder and deeper, each movement of his hips against her ass sending a jiggling vibration down her ass and thighs. She felt so good, and he knew he was going to finish soon. But he did not want to. He didn’t want this to be over yet. He pulled out of her quickly. She turned over her shoulder to look at him, her white juices flowing out of her velvety lips and dripping down her legs. “What’s wrong?” She asked.

He grinned and motioned to the thick wool floormat she had in the center of the office. “Lay down on your chest.” He said sternly as if ordering her.

Linda was so turned on now, she didn’t say a word, she simply complied. She quickly walked to the floormat on her legs, which were now weak from her orgasm. She laid down on the fur, her legs spread for John. She felt his presence over her, and then she felt his hand between her legs, he fingered her briefly while kissing her back, then finally, he inserted himself into her again. He laid over her now, kissing her neck as he thrust deep inside of her. She moaned “Oh… Oh John…” She was in heaven.

John laid over Linda, totally in control. He kissed her neck passionately as he thrust himself inside the woman twice his age. Her walls tightened around him with each thrust, her pussy overflowing with warmth. He knew he would not be able to last much longer. Her arms were perpendicular to her side, gripping the wool in rhythm with his thrusts. He reached for them and took her hands in his. He had expected a protest from her, but so far, this was the closest he had come to love making since his first time with Mary. He felt a tang of passion in his chest as he felt all so familiar rush of energy in his balls and cock. But this passion… it was different. He felt he wanted her to be the mother of his child, he felt… could it be love?

Linda laid a-top the wool in delight, feeling this young man use her for his needs. She was going to feel his warm seed inside of her soon, and with luck, it would take on the first try and she would experience the pleasure of motherhood. She had not told John, but this day was specially chosen. She was ovulating. This only compounded her pleasure, she knew. She felt something for him though, something… different in this moment. Something she had not felt in many years. She couldn’t put her finger on it, but her heart throbbed with passion and energy like it never had before. She smiled as he felt John, the father of her children, begin to swell inside of her and pick up his pace.

John’s cock swelled with energy and he knew it was time, he was excited, he did not hold back, but instead, he sped up his thrusts. Diving deeper and deeper inside of her with each movement of his hips, as if trying to reach her womb itself. He felt the final rush of energy, and he thrust himself as deep inside of her as he could, clenching her hands in the process.

“Oh, John!” Linda shouted as she felt the first long spurt of his seed slap against her inner being. His cock twitched aggressively inside of her, and she felt his balls pulse against her lower vulva as he thrust his cock inside of her to the base. A sense of deep warmth rushed over her, and her legs began to quiver again. Her lips trembled with energy and pleasured angst as she came, releasing cream all over John’s cock as he still pulsed inside of her. She could feel his cum escaping her now, she was filled to the brim. He continued to twitch inside of her for some time, he clenched her hands in an iron grip and moaned as he did so.

John could not believe it. His release lasted some 20 seconds, and he was sure he had never come so much before in his life. His cock finally twitched one last time, and he felt their combined juices surge and swell around his cock, dripping out on the wool mat. “Oh… Linda… he said” before he began kissing her cheeks and neck.

It was then that there was the sound of echoing footsteps from the hall, and moments later Ashley and four guards turned the corner into the office in a panic. They stopped as soon as they saw the scene. John laid over the Overseer, their bodies covered in sweat.

“Dr. Everett! Are you okay…?” Ashley asked.

Linda raised her head, grinning in satisfaction and pleasure. “Ashley… I have never felt better.”



  1. Part 4 of the series… John finally gets with the Overseer after many months of anticipation.

    Feedback is always appreciated – would especially appreciate ideas on where to take it from here.


  2. Chapter 5. Threesome with Ashley and Linda… Linda helps John impregnate Ashley.

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