Bacon Bits: I Couldn’t Even if I Fried [Furry] [F/M] [Food] [Micro] [Vore] [Soft] [SciFi] [F Predator] [M Prey]

All across the outskirts of the city rundown neighborhoods held their breath. Twilight hinged at dawn as blocks upon blocks of housing braced against the incoming miasma. Viscous polluted fog ran straight through a strip of townhouses. Barred windows ineffective against the bitter chill that settled. Everything silent and muffled in the overburdened air. The wooden tips of the fencing that separated the back of each unit barely visible in the rolling sea. Across, an escaped synth scurried on all fours. Intently the chubby intruder peered into each house.


The chipmunk froze as the plank resettled. Certain the entire complex would light up and rain down angrily, it was to Wendell’s surprise when nothing of the sort happened. Pink and red tail flickered nervously, fur poofed to the point the white marbling was noticeable. Balls tucked deep into his body in response as reflexes anxiously poked a thin head from its sheath. He continued, more careful this time.

The second to last townhouse was where he found a suitable mark. A back door left carelessly open and sliding glass tucked away. Whiskers twitched with excitement. A mesh screen was all that separated him from a succulent stockpile.

The sciurine scuttled down the fence. Ignoring the adamant yet slowly dying garden, he went straight for the doorcorner. Mesh wires, too thick to rip by hand, were no match for needle thin teeth. Adrenaline coursed as carefully incisors gnawed and worked around the edge. The crack of each aluminum thread reverberated like a gunshot through his skull. Finally, the slit was just big enough to fit. And barely noticeable to a macro. At least, that’s what he hoped. Repeated swallowing drove down the throat-clenching fear as ceaselessly hunger flared and drove him forward.

A probing pink proboscis popped into the kitchen, twitching a few seconds. Rapidly Wendell’s face, arms, and chest followed. The oversized white slab of a gut moved fluidly yet still a few more threads snapped. The raw red stripe across his face neurotically squinched as the synth hurriedly got to his feet. He looked back with a whine, tugging on small ears. Might be noticeable now.

Inside everything was small and extremely cramped. Worn wooden green cabinets hugged the right. A rusted stove and dingy metal fridge ate most the middle while a table for two took the rest. Past that was maybe a pantry or a walkway Wendell couldn’t tell. None of it surprised him. Space was too lavish for common city folk and money never quite in excess.

White claws clicked across linoleum as the synth hustled over to the corner. On haunches he stared upwards. Tail twitched impatiently as bionic brain calculated. Icy nausea rippled and gripped his insides, contracting in painful waves. Foolish to think the hunger could have been ignored for so long. Muscles tensed and marbled red body sprang upward, claws digging into the paint. Specks fell and flaked away with each hop.

With surprising grace the chunky munk landed on all fours. Fat gut swaying reluctantly before settling against the flow. Timid eyes glanced rapidly around as crumbs from last night’s dinner mixed underfoot. The polymer plastic felt hard yet smooth.

A foot away the gas stove held four fiery pinpricks, flickering like blue gems in the dark. Atop the nearest burner the cast iron pan had been left out. Wendell peered over the ridge. Warm and spotless. Faintly the smell of grease wafted. The spice rack shoved into the corner a final act of desperation. The rest of the appliances a waste of space. Stainless steel sink empty.

Determined the synth peered through the dark. Red irises zeroed in and saliva filled his cheeks. Distant on the table, stood a glass bowl full of grapes. Moist tongue swept across cured lips. A fearless leap hurled him off the counter. Momentum tossed him head over heels until he sloppily charged into a run and up the metal leg.

Distantly floorboards creaked as the house shifted.

Across the tabletop he bounded. Prize so close the acidic smell of the vine already wafted over him. The fiery green glass cupped the precious indigo orbs, all shiny and ripe. Face first he dove into a patch. Fluid burst as teeth pierced and ripped through soft skin. Tongue greedily pushed back chunks of the wet sugary meat until cheeks were brimming. With difficulty throat muscles flexed and rippled around each thick swallow. Fat belly strained, slowly stretching as space inside vanished. He gorged without pause, no where near stopping. Grabbing ahold of the next bunch, both face and hands were stained purple. Juice poured down his lips, squirted through fingers, and trailed down fur. Enormous gut was starting to get in the way. A hindrance for now, but all too fast it would digest and turn into another layer.

The light flicked on as a short grey sabercat padded into the kitchen. Wendell froze, paralyzed, halfway through a grape.

The cat yawned, jaw hyper extending as small fingers rubbed away the sandman’s dust. Nipples pressed hard for attention through the soft fabric of her oversized purple shirt. Three hours of sleep was not kind to Mari. Long, dark blue hair was matted and tangled.

Coffee. Brain refused to run without it. She rummaged through the cabinets above the machine trying to find her beans. Of course they had been misplaced.

Her back was turned. Wendell wanted to run, to flee, to hide, but… He shoved the rest into his mouth, reaching to grab another when something fell on the sabercat’s head. Loud curses followed. Hand faltered. No other choice. He crawled his large mass through empty vines and towards the rim.

Water gurgled in the electric kettle as beans were ground. He stayed ducked right under edge of the bow.


Metal and the sounds of dishes being moved.


The stove. More movement then the compressed click of the fridge opening. Head popped up timidly. Wendell’s ear blushed. Bent over as she rifled around, her large ass was barely peeking from beneath her shirt. It dragged across her rear, showing off a pair of small simple lips tucked away as she pulled out a few eggs and a half wrapped stick of butter.

Cracking an egg against the side of the counter broke Wendell’s transfixion. Climbing from the bowl, he silently crept on all fours, stomach dragging along. Mari turned to go back to the fridge and froze.

Eyes locked.

He ran. The extra weight bogged him down. Almost to the table’s edge when pressure coiled around his tail and he was jerked roughly into the air.

She dangled him above. Features curled in annoyance as she glared between her catch and the almost empty bowl. The synth gave a sheepish grin, waving as gravity slowly spun him around.

“You little thief!” She spat out as bringing him closer to her face. He flinched so near her large, daunting fangs. Beheadment played in his mind and blood rushed between his legs. Hastily knees crossed and feet curled to hide the growing erection.

Her big black nose met him instead. Twitching and cold, the wet organ pressed into him. The chipmunk’s scent was confusing. Instead of musky fur there was salt, iron, and something else.

Wendell swiped at her but the claws were just for show. Jerking backwards, her tongue quickly punched back. The soft muscle was strong and overpowering, dragging along. Breath warm and hot. Thick ropes of saliva fell from the roof of her mouth and sunk into his fur. A second lick up his back sent shivers as the silky tip barely brushed over his balls.

A sly smile washed over her face. That familiar taste. She knew.

“We don’t need to be drastic,” Wendell tried to bargain but Mari was having none of it. He’d cost her a good portion of lunch. Grabbing the glass mug meant for coffee, she hucked him in and flipped them both upside down onto the counter.

Dazed and sore, Wendell propped himself up on his arms. The world was blurred and misshapen through the thin rectangular lines of his prison. Squeaks of protests went completely unheard through the thick glass as the feline purposely ignored him.

Well he’d really stepped on his own dick with this one.

The synth sighed and cautiously got up. Using the meager space available, he threw himself against the opposite side. Didn’t even budge. It was heavy. Maybe a bar glass? The second attempt rewarded him a bruised shoulder. Chewing on his left hand, he sat down. Tail nervously twitching about. Nothing to do but wait. Gut churning away, he watched her back and forth continuing to make breakfast and press coffee.

After a while his warden approached. The world heaved as the cup slid from the counter to her hand. With no reprieve, he fell and smacked full body against the hot cast iron pan, belly rippling with the impact. A few seconds later the lights flashed out.

In the darkness, everything was thick, black, and sweltering. It reeked of freshly cooked eggs and olive oil. The fire surging under the metal barely more than hot to the synth’s flesh. The lid kept him from escape so he sat trying to keep calm. The darting tail still gave away internal thoughts. Odd for a synth. Already Wendell could feel the process starting as he lied down.

Around the previous spices began to overcook. Oil started leaking from his skin, sluggish at first. Long deep breaths. He felt the heat from the pan spread upwards through his body as an echoing high began dripping downwards from his head. Paralyzed from bliss, he was unaware of the fat beads rolling off his white tender belly. Each melted drop slowly thinned him down. All that hard to get food pooling across the bottom. Too drugged to care. The heated grease began to pop, adding to the already humid air. Even he would admit smelled delicious. All the while, fur was thickening and changing as his body began to cook and caramelize. There were enough drippings now he started to float, lost to the snap and crackles. A deep breath cradled his body. He rolled over and stretched. The importance of slow cooking.

… .. .. He enjoyed the sounds the bubbles made. . … … … ….

Light pierced his vision. The grey saber gazed down hungrily. Ruining his trance, a pair of tongs rudely plucked him into the air and plopped him onto a piece of toast. Held down before still hot eggs were flipped on top of him. A pungent, vinegary sauce was slathered on and grated cheese sprinkled. Finally, another slice of toast. Wendell forced himself through the weight, head popping out the top. Giant teeth smirked at him.

“No chance in setting me free?” He begged. A thumb stuffed him back in.

Grabbing her plate and coffee, she padded into the small living room, turning on the light. She plopped onto the beaten up couch and grabbed a small screen from the coffee table. Scrolling through the news feed, she choose a video. Intently watching, she wasted no time crunching into her sandwich.

The salty, smoked taste of the rodent coated her eggs perfectly as yolk exploded across her mouth. Hastily lips slurped up the thick yellow goo to keep it from running. Another bite and the light creamy cheddar contrasted with the savory sauce. The bread offered the right amount of crunch. Her nubby tail flicked in enjoyment.

Each bite was reslished and enjoyed around the synth as ears listened raptly. Heart thundering, Wendell flinched as the soft of her mouth brushed against different parts of him. Over and over the tongue playfully grazed. Hot yolk ran down his shoulders and chest as huge teeth chomped dangerously close, revealing the outside world. Thankfully his tail was tucked away under his stomach. Fingers directed the pressure above. Underneath him the eggs were suddenly sucked out from behind. He yelled in fright as he was the only part left. She smiled darkly at him, eyes fixated, and pressed even harder on the bread, cracking the grain.

“Don’t steal from me again or else there won’t be a next time,” she threatened. No time to respond. Cavernous maw opened extra wide, saliva and bits of food wrapped around menacing teeth. Breath hot, warm, and bitter. He was tossed in. Thin tip immediately pushed him against the roof. Breath knocked out of him, the organ sucked the juices from his fur.

She hummed in delight, probing and tossing him around. The bread was ripped away and obliterated by the jagged ivory. Cheese and egg swam around him in the wet heat. Suddenly he was tossed into her cheek and the giant molars came crashing down, sheltering him as the rest of the food was sucked into the back of her throat, disappearing.

Cheek pushed him back and he was ground playfully between teeth. She gnawed on his new texture, enjoying the much tougher hide. Back towards the center, the continued pressure made him groan. All the warmth and movement was eliciting a reaction from his nethers. Tastebuds tickled as she sucked on his tasty stomach and his sheath began to do more than just twitch. Thin pointy head was eager. Shamelessly he began to thrust against her tongue, leveraging as hard as he could. The suction felt wild.

Eyes widened as she felt his movements and she accidently swallowed him in surprise. Claws tried to grip as muscles contracted around but the pressure pulled him backwards and down. The tight ring of muscle closed mercilessly above him, sealing his fate in the darkness.

Her heartbeat was rapid and intimate. Cradling him as he was pushed and guided down the fleshy tube. His feet felt the release first then the rest of him fell down into her stomach. The air wet and sour as he sat in soggy remains. The walls pulsed and moved around him, food sloshing. The occasional gurgle as air got trapped and released from her movements.

Cock rock hard, the journey down her esophagus had been one long continuous stroke against him. Head bouncing up and down,he was dangerously close already. Gingerly, he touched himself gasping from the sensitivity. The sphincter above suddenly flexed and coffee rained down. Body immune in his cooked state, he still cursed as the water level rose. His balls floated and the stomach acid mildly tickled the more sensitive areas.

He stretched and made himself comfortable against the side, hand wrapping tightly under his head. Some of her outside movements jostled him but not by much. Slowly he pumped himself, skin gripping as pleasure etched down his spine. He twisted a nipple with his free hand. The electric tingles made him gasp as they ran to the base of his stomach and all the way through his shaft. Too soon thin slippery cum was squirting out of him and he kicked in pleasure, tail curling and uncurling.

The synth laid there relaxing in the juicy chamber as his thin body came down slowly from the ecstasy. Eyes closed, the rhythmic heartbeat lulled him. He would have fallen asleep if she hadn’t decided to finish the last of her coffee. Being doused sharply snapped him back into focus. He couldn’t stay here. Time to hasten the process.

Outside, the saber grabbed her bag as she ran out the door. Normally she would have been curled soundly asleep with her stuffed animals but that call about part of bar catching on fire left her no choice. She was locking the deadbolt when she burped and smiled, the taste of bacon lingering in her mouth.
