[MF] Plumbing the Depths (male dominant)

Carolyn woke up late thanks to a last minute rush to get a paper written for her morning class. She figured since it was the class that had kept her up until 4am she didn’t need to go. The paper had been turned in online last night and she’d given this morning over to decadence.

When she finally flipped her covers over and sat up into the cool air it was almost noon. She brushed her hair and threw on some comfy flannel lounge clothes before stepping out into the common area she shared with Helena. Carolyn though Helena had classes at 1 and so should be leaving soon for a couple hours. Time enough for a shower and maybe some play time. She felt a familiar tingle start to grow in her gut.

“Bitch, you almost slept all day,” Helena called brightly as she saw Carolyn. She gave Carolyn a good morning hug and peck on the cheek. “Paper kept you up, huh? I got to scoot. University Housing finally sent a guy around to fix the disposal.” Helena looked over her shoulder towards the kitchen and then mouthed silently, “He’s *cuuuuute*.”

Carolyn felt a rush of disappointment at the news. She hadn’t realized how much she had been looking forward to masturbating until suddenly she couldn’t. Helena put a finger to her lips, grabbed Carolyn’s hand and pulled her toward the kitchen. From the corner they could peak into the kitchen.

The handyman from housing was lying on his back with his head under the sink. She couldn’t see his face, but his tight white t-shirt was glued by sweat and spilled water against his chest outlining large pecs and hard abs. As she watched his large arms work, she was surprised the sleeves didn’t burst each time those biceps flexed.

Helena whispered in her ear, startling her, “whatcha thinking about, bitch?”

Carolyn swallowed, not least of all because she realized she had started salivating. She whispered back, “He’s a plumber, Helena. You really want to marry a guy whose highest aspiration is unclogging toilets?”

They walked back to the other room.

“I have no intention of marrying him but if he’s still here when I get back from class I’ll offer him one hell of a tip,” Helena said casually, and then laughed, “besides he must be a pretty good at his job, my plumbing is all kinds of working!”

Carolyn slapped her arm. “You’re so crass.”

“Shit, I gotta jet to class. Do *everything* I would do,” Helena called in a sing song voice as she grabbed her book bag. Before she left she blew Carolyn a kiss.

* * *

Carolyn tried to just relax. She tried to read but the words couldn’t replace the images tumbling and sweating and grunting in her mind. She tried to masturbate in her room despite the stranger in her kitchen. That masculine presence wouldn’t let her settle into it. She was at once very aware that he was near, too near to ignore, and that he was within her house and might hear her if she made noise while playing with herself. She felt like a girl again having to hide her desire from authority figures that would make her stop; stop touching, stop rubbing, stop moaning, stop *wanting*. She’d never been good at stopping. But she’d never been good at hiding it either so she learned only to play when alone. His presence was making her need to cum sharper but also impossible to fulfill.

After half an hour of frustration, during which she could neither relax nor get off, she got up. She shucked her flannel jammies and picked out a cute outfit. She put on the black lacy panties and bra that she usually wore out on Fridays when she was secretly hoping to wake up in a stranger’s bed feeling thoroughly used and slutty. She was not a virgin but she had not done the walk of shame and a secret part of her wished she had. She wished she’d come home some Saturday morning, wet panties wadded up in her purse, smelling of sex and shame, to face Helena’s mixed look of contempt and admiration. She thought about this as she dolled herself up for a well built plumber

She nervously emerged from her room and tried to walk casually to her kitchen, just the most normal thing in the world. No reason for her heart to hammer in her veins. No reason for her skin to feel flushed. No reason for her to feel that pulsing tingle just above her… just below her belly button.

He was standing at the sink testing the tap. His shirt was still plastered to his muscles. He may as well have been naked from the waist up. She swallowed and cleared her throat. He glanced over his shoulder at her and then returned to what he was doing.

“Hi, I’m Carolyn. I live here with… with Helena, who you already met.”


Carolyn blinked. “I’m sorry, what?”

“Whom. ‘With Helena, *whom* you already met.’”

This was so not the response she expected.

“I… uh…D-did you want anything to drink. It looks like sw-sweaty work.”


“I don-don’t think we have…” She stopped as her turned around to look at her for the first time. He probably wasn’t much older than she was but she felt like a little girl under that stare. He didn’t appear mad, just expectant.

“I like lemonade when I’m working.”

He bent over to grab a wrench out of the toolbox on the floor. In the process his jeans hugged his ass and thighs.

“Oh. Okay. Lemonade,” she said dazedly.

Fifteen minutes later she put a bottle of lemonade on the counter with a clink. He was back under the sink but his head emerged and looked up at her. His eyes slid over her appraisingly. She found herself subconsciously puffing out her chest and flexing her abs. He stood up and looked at the drink.

“Thank you.” He opened the bottle and took a long pull from it. She licked her lips and watched the way his throat worked as he drank.

He set the bottle down, half empty, and looked at her. He walked slowly around her looking her up and down. Self consciously she backed up against the sink as he circled her. She could feel the counter hard against the small of her back as he stepped up very close to her and put and arm on the counter to either side of her.

“Everything here is good to go.”

Her breath was shaky but she had to have air. “Wha- oh. The… you mean the d-disposal?”

He nodded. The sink was directly behind her so when he reached to turn it on his arm was wrapped around her. She felt the hard bicep against her side and his forearm against her back. Her eyes fluttered closed as he got closer, then opened again as she felt her nipples grazing his chest. His other arm reached around her to flip on the disposal which purred contentedly.

“Sounds good,” he said.

She nodded. She was afraid to open her mouth lest he kiss her, or she him. He smelled musky and sweaty and male. So very male.

“Do… do you like working for the university,” she asked breathlessly.

“The tuition break is nice,” he said simply. “Graduate school is expensive.”

Somehow her hands had gone to his abs and sides, feeling his muscle tighten and move through the tiny cotton barrier.

“You-you’re in grad school… oh, that’s nice..”

“It’s important to keep it hot,” he said.


“You need to run hot water when using the disposal. With cold water…well…” He picked up his lemonade bottle.

She gasped as he pressed the ice cold bottle against her side.
“Things harden up and the motor can’t spin.” As he spoke he ran the bottle up her side and over her breast. Her nipples, already firm, became almost painfully hard.

His face was almost touching hers, her mouth already started moving in anticipation of his lips. “So keep it hot.”

His body pressed along her frame, pushing her into the counter behind her, leaving her nowhere to retreat, and his mouth… His mouth touched hers. It was surprisingly gentle at first but soon he was devouring her, and she surrendering to it completely. The arms that had bee around her now pulled her into him with a strength that took her breath away, literally. She turned her face away from his, breaking the kiss so she could gasp for breath.

“What subject…are you studying, “she gasped in a desperate attempt to slow things down.

He kissed her neck and the corner of her jaw. “Does it matter?”

She shook her head, because it didn’t matter. One hand grabbed her head and forced her back into the kiss. She tried to claw his shirt off of him but with his arms wrapped around her she couldn’t.

He let go of her and stepped back so suddenly that she almost collapsed. She hadn’t realized how much she’d been leaning on those arms. He looked at her. She panted. Her hands missed the taut firmness of his abs. She ran them up her stomach to press her breasts together from the sides, hoping to entice him back.
He hooked both hands into his collar and with a sudden violence ripped his shirt in half. She imagined him doing the same to her clothes. She made a small noise in the back of her throat.

“I think you better let me look at your shower while I’m here.”

She licked her lips. *Again.* “There- there’s nothing wrong with the shower.”

He dropped the pieces of his shirt onto the kitchen floor.

“So show me.”

Very aware of his eyes on her, Carolyn walked past him out of the kitchen. She held her breath as she passed, expecting any second to be grabbed, to feel her clothes torn from her body, to be thrown upon the dirty floor and taken.

She whimpered.

She tried to walk seductively to the shower, but she knew it was no use. She wasn’t seducing him. He was taking her. And she was letting him take her. No, that implied she could have stopped it. She was already taken in the way that mattered. She wanted him to have her, to own her.

To use her.

She wanted him to use her body, to feel him make her open up to him. She wanted him to make her submit to his needs, his arms, and his cock.

She whimpered again.

She turned to face him at the door to the bathroom.

“There’s nothing wrong with it.” She wasn’t completely sure what she meant.

“I know,” he said. He pressed toward her and she retreated into the bathroom.

He kept moving towards her and she had nowhere left to go.

“I should g-go get a con-condom…”

His arms snaked out, faster than she would have expected. He lifted her off the ground and set her in the shower.

“You don’t want a condom. You want to feel *me* inside you.”

She nodded without thinking. “Oh-okay.”

He looked at her and smiled. She liked his smile.

“Are you going to strip? Or do you shower in clothes?” He paused and chuckled. “Or maybe you want me to tear them off you?”

She started stripping because this was happening, and she wanted it to happen even though it terrified her, and because she did want him to tear her clothes off, and if she didn’t get naked right now and offer herself to him he probably would. And then she couldn’t even pretend that she could have said no. She’d be a spoil of war- taken by a barbarian to be used for his pleasure.

She bit her lip and trembled with something close to an orgasm.
She threw her shirt aside. Then the bra fell next to it. Her nipples were already as hard as they had ever gotten, so when the cold air hit them she noticed no difference. As she started working out of her pants she froze. One of his hands was caressing her breast. Knowing his strength she felt a spike of fear at his touch but he was gentle as he felt her up. Her legs trembled.

“Keep undressing; the water is coming on soon.”

“Yes, sir.”

He smiled. There was a clatter as her pants fell to the shower floor and she stepped out of them with one foot. She kicked the pants out of the shower with the other leg. She stood back up facing him, hands clasped in front of her little lacy black panties.
He stepped forward then and hooked a finger in her panties at either hip. A quick jerk and they ripped apart at the hips. He pulled them from between her legs and held them up.

“Mine now,” he said and stuffed them in a pocket of his jeans. He stepped back. “Turn on the water.” He unbuttoned the top button of his jeans. When she didn’t move he growled, “water.”

She turned the water on and felt the heat of the stream run through her. She looked back at him as he unbuttoned the second button.

He stopped. “Invite me.”

“Co-come into my shower,” she croaked.

He shook his head. “That’s not the invitation I want.” He undid the third button of his jeans. And then he stopped. She stared at his crotch, willing him to undo the last button and let her see him. She could see him stretching the fabric of his jeans, but that wasn’t the same as seeing him, the real him, the him that mattered to her now, the him that was all that mattered now.

She took a deep breath. “Cum in me. Pl-please cum inside me.”

It must have been the right thing to say because he smiled and undid the last button of his jeans. The denim only slid down a little because his thighs were too far apart, but she could already tell he wasn’t wearing underwear. He stepped up to the edge of the shower. The spray of water off her body started wetting the hairs on his chest and stomach. All Carolyn could see was that triangle where his fly tried to stretch enough to release him and fall to the floor.

He stood there waiting until she reached out and slid his pants down herself. As she did so his cock emerged in reverse order. First the base came into view- thick, hot and hard. Then the shaft was revealed inch by inch. *By inch*. She began to tremble inside at the thought of having this monster inside her. Finally the head emerged, pulsing with lust and pink like candy. She made a needy sound then, wanting nothing more than to sink to her knees and worship this cock.

He had other ideas and stepped out of his jeans into the shower, his cock springing up to point at her, seeking her wet secret places. She backed away until her back hit the cold tile of the rear of the shower. He angled the water to spray on her and then pressed against her, squeezing her between his hot chest and the cold wall. She wrapped her arms around him and felt his cock slip between her thighs. It felt like her legs burned where it touched them.

“Please fuck me. Please.”

He knelt down in front of her and placed first one and then another of her thighs on his shoulders. She thought he was going to eat her out, and she felt a surge of wetness at the idea, but he grabbed her ass with both strong hands and began to stand back up. As he did so she slid down his chest and abs. She was so wet that she wondered if she were leaving a trail of her pussy juice on his abs. He stood erect now, her calves were now on his shoulders, her back pressed again against the cold tile, but now her hips were angled so his cock pointed straight into her.

His fingers gripped her ass like iron and moved her up and down, left and right, effortlessly smearing her sopping wet lips against his head.

“Oh god you’re about to fuck me. Please… please… please don’t stop. OH FUCK!” she screamed as he penetrated her. He slid into her as deep as he could and held her there pinned to the wall, his cock slowly, so slowly, sinking deeper into her as her muscles stretched to let him in.

He stretched her, more and more, a delicious pain that worked deeper and deeper into her, deeper than she had ever felt.

“Oh my god, please, please fuck me, sir. I *need* to be fucked hard. I need it hard. I need it fast.”

He ignored her and continued sinking into her slowly.

“Please, I need it,” she begged.

He stopped sliding into her. She looked down to where her labia lewdly spread around the base of his cock. She’d taken all of it.

“It must be hitting my tonsils,” she thought.

She seized his shoulder and moaned into his shoulder as he slowly started to pull back out of her leaving an emptiness that she knew only one thing could fill. Her pussy sucked and gripped him as he pulled out of her. He withdrew from her until her pussy was just sucking on his tip. He waited there an eternity and started slowly back into her.

“No, please, not slow. Give it to me fast. Fuck me hard, as hard as you can. Fuck you I need it now.”

Her legs shaking she tried to grab him and pull her into her but she had no leverage and he was much stronger anyway. She gave up and accepted that she’d have to endure his cock slowly plundering her. She leaned back against the wall and pushed her arms against the tiles over her head, feeling the ease with which he supported and moved her…

…the ease with which he used her body how he wanted.

Each thrust took forever and stretched her like the first time, but gradually they got faster. She felt trapped by the pleasure and his force, forced to experience the moment as he chose. The cold tile against her back prickled her skin and made her shudder. The hot water running between their bodies sent rivulets over her clit that reminded her of shower time masturbations with the pulsing head in her parent’s house. Her pussy clenched down on his cock.

“I’m soooo close. If you fuck me harder I’ll cum.”

“You’ll cum anyway,” he said, his first words since he told her to invite him inside her.

Inch by inch his cock pushed into her, stretching and filing her, then inch by inch pulled out again, emptying her and making her moan for the next thrust in. She hovered on the edge of a colossal orgasm but not able to go over while his thrust kept slowly increasing in pace. She reached down to jill herself but he let go of her ass with one hand and used it to pin her arms back up against her head.

With only one hand under her he pressed his body harder against her. It pushed his cock just a tiny bit more into here at the deepest.

She whimpered and moaned laying her head on his shoulder. She began praying in a small voice. “Please let me cum. Please. I’ll do anything. I’ll do everything. Just let me cum now, please. Please!”

He kissed her. “I’ll let go of your arms but you can’t touch your pussy.”

She nodded. “Yes, anything.”

He let go and she brought her arms down. She wanted to rub her pussy so bad, just to get over that edge, but he’d said no. She grabbed her breasts pinching her nipples, hoping that would let her cum.

Having let go of her arms he returned his second hand to her ass. He stopped thrusting into her.

“No, no please-“

He began violently pulling her onto his cock while his hips remained still. His muscles strained as he slammed her on and off of his cock with all the speed and fury she had begged for.

“OH, YES! Yes, thank you! Thank you! Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me….FUCK. OH god I’m cumming.”

She needn’t have said anything the way her pussy flooded and clamped down on him made it obvious she was cumming.

“Oh fuck I’m cumming so hard!”

She heard her apartment door open. Helena must be home from class already. Carolyn tried to stifle herself, but she couldn’t.

“Oh please…please, I can’t…oh fuck- fuck. I’m cumming again. Oh fuck I can’t stop cumming. You’re fucking me so good.”

She laid her head on his shoulder again and her arms flopped down by her sides. The only parts of her that seemed capable of motion were her pussy muscles which continued rippling, clenching, and cumming.

She sank into a blackness of rippling pleasure. She was vaguely aware she was mewling continually. Then she heard a deeper noise and she could feel him, whoever he was, thrusting in her again. God he was slamming her pussy hard. Then he pinned her against the wall pushing as deep into her as he could and she felt him cum. He made short thrusting motions into her, against the deepest part of her, as his cock pulsed out jet after jet of his seed.
With a shrug of his shoulders her legs flopped down bonelessly.

She was lifted up off of him, again she felt an emptiness inside from his absence. He set down gently on the shower floor so that she was kneeling.

Carolyn had just enough conscious will to be able to remain kneeling, but when she felt the sticky wet cockhead press against her lips she opened her mouth by reflex and began gently nursing on him.

He shut off the water but left her sucking his remaining seed out of him while he grabbed her towel off the towel rack and began drying off with it. Once he was done toweling he pushed her head away from him until she came off him entirely. He stepped out of the tub and began pulling his pants back on. Carolyn leaned back to have some support.

“The fuck,” came Helena’s surprised voice.

“Disposal works. If you need any more plumbing work done, give us a call.”

A minute later she heard the door again, and then Helena crept in the bathroom.

Carolyn was nowhere near being able to walk again but she could see again, at least well enough to see the look of contempt and admiration she’d expected on her roommate after a walk of shame. The plumber’s cum continued to leak out of her thoroughly fucked pussy.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/5qm6kj/mf_plumbing_the_depths_male_dominant


  1. Male dom is not really my thing but a lot of women I know like it so I decided to try writing a story with that theme.

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