Sleeping with my(24f) neighbor (51m)

After the last incident, we started getting closer, exchanging numbers, sending texts back and forth while flirting. So this happened after a week, one night it was raining heavily. I jokingly texted ‘I was scared of thunderstorms and wouldn’t be able to sleep’ and to my surprise, he replied ‘I wouldn’t mind sleeping next to you’…..we had a few back and forth texts….and I agreed to sleep in his house.

I wore a black top that reached down to my thighs and a black thong in case things spice up, but unfortunately, I was given a separate room to sleep. Thinking nothing is going to happen I slept…..but a few hours later I heard the door slowly open. I am a light sleeper so until I have had a few drinks…deep sleep is out of the question.

I was sleeping sideways, stretching my legs out, My top had almost reached my navel and I was actually on full display. My heartbeat rose and what he might do. He just stood there quietly assessing my ass and hesitantly moved forward.

A few minutes later he called out my name but I didn’t respond. By this time my nipples had perked up and my vagina was pulsating. He came closer and the bed deepened, I frantically wanted him to touch me and fuck me like crazy. My mind was in a daze, just imagining how naughty we would be getting down.

He bought his face down to my ass as his hot breaths made me tighten my hole. His fingers spread my ass cheeks apart and he sniffed my asshole like a dog, taking deep long breathes. It was killing me that his movements were so slow.

A wet sensation rose near my ass as I got to know he started licking my hole. His fingers trailed down to my vagina pulling my thong apart all while sucking on my hole. I always thought vagina was what older men craved for but looking at Sam I knew he was an ass guy.

He went on for a few minutes and later stopped. he got up and I thought he was done, but I started hearing low grunts and heavy breathing, That’s when he hit me, he was masturbating. He got off within a few minutes, rubbed his cock over my lips, kissed me, and left.

fuck, I was waiting for him to go so I could start fingering myself. It was not enough, I needed more.


and I did get it only after I became his *sugar baby.*


1 comment

  1. Such a hot scenario! This happens to be one of my fantasies I would love to have come true someday. Turned me on, pumping this rock hard cock now and can’t wait to hear the next installment!

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