Little Red Riding Hood Pt. 2 [MF]

A stroll through the woods.

I happened upon you once again today. You were strolling through the woods with a slow determination to reach your destination. But where is it that you go on these walks? My curiosity was getting the best of me. Or maybe I was looking for an excuse to study you longer this time. I couldn’t allow you to just walk on by again. There is so much more of you to discover.

I followed you from a distance, hoping that the pounding of my heart wouldn’t give it away that I was near. You had your hair in braids today. Two tight, perfect braids. The kind of braids the naughty girls wore in school. The kind that beg to be pulled as I pound you from….. Sorry, lost myself for a moment…

I noticed with the influence of the wind that pulled at your cape, that you were wearing the tightest of white dress shirts under the constricting grasp of a corset. Your proportions were testing the buttons with every bounce of your subtle chest. This only seemed to amplify the schoolgirl fantasy that plays through my imagination on those lonely nights. I had eyed your silhouette before, but it did no justice to what I was seeing today. I can only imagine how the sands of time would be begging to exist in your perfect hourglass figure. I would gladly turn myself to fine grains, if it meant I could be inside of you for even just a moment.

As you walked the trail, your hips swayed back and forth in a rhythm that hypnotized me. I found it intoxicating. I became light headed as I became entranced in your wake. In your hand was a basket that swung by your side. This basket has been with you each time you have strolled my way. This begs the question in my mind. What is in that basket?

We walked deep into the woods until you came to a small cottage. You opened the gate and moved close to the door. I remember you looked over your shoulder before you knocked as to make sure you were not being followed. I was well concealed in the bushes at the edge of the woods, but i couldn’t help but wonder if maybe you noticed me. I swear you looked directly at me in that moment. I held my breath until you turned back around. Your fingers wrapped tightly around the knocker on the door. Ever so tightly you grasped its fullness as you pulled it back to knock on the hard wood of the door. If only I could feel those fingers wrap around my… The door opened slightly, and you passed through the threshold and closed it behind you. I watched the cottage long enough to see you come to a window and pull the shades tightly shut adding to the mystery as to why you were visiting.

I fell against the tree behind me as my knees were weak from the magic spell you placed upon my emotions. Little Red Riding Hood, you have trapped my soul with your teasing perfection and now I am yours till the end of time.

I waited till dark, but you did not emerge from the depths of the cottage that day. What could you be doing behind those walls? My mind could only wonder as I made my way back into the woods alone.

A wolf in sheep’s clothing

I have taken to dressing up for you. I know that the sight of a wolf in the woods is a frightening thing. I could not live with myself if I would cause you fright. To remedy this, I have worked hard to soften my edges, to domesticate myself in appearance, and to make myself as inviting to you as I can. Call me a wolf in sheep’s clothing but I would change anything to just have one chance at impressing you. I combed out my mange, and fluffed up my coat. I even placed a collar around my neck in hopes that one day you might put a leash on my heart.

I have practiced my obedience training night and day in hopes that I can elevate this dog in your eyes. I can sit and stay with the best of them, but I would rather come to you… or cum with you. I can roll over, and I can fetch whatever you beckon from me. This dog is learning new tricks for you. Maybe one day I will have a chance to impress my Little Red Riding Hood.



  1. Ha ha its like u just read my mind I was about to ask if there was a part 2 coming ha ha ha

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