Three Years a Sex Slave Pt 9 [FF] [MM]

Emma was spending her nights between beds. Mom realized that she wasn’t on the pill, there had been no birth control for her, not like me. She got a packet of morning after pills and made sure Emma was aware what she was doing had a risk associated with it. Emma was on birth control as soon as mom could get it, well, she was sixteen and young girls will do what they do. We spent a lot of time in bed and out of it, talking, planning and lots of other things. I suggested we double date, her and Brandon and me and Greg, this guy I knew. Greg is really handsome, tall, athletic, loves his kayaking, white water kayaking. I knew he was preparing a trip to BC in the coming weeks with friends so wanted to get in before he went. Greg was in it, as soon as I told him what I wanted him to do. Greg is a lovely guy, but he is gay.

Emma wasn’t thrilled, as she was thinking she would dump Brandon anyway. I pleaded with her to give him another try, never know what might happen. I talked her into it and we went on this double date. It was a Friday night and after an evening’s entertainment, I took everyone back to my apartment. I had described Brandon as best I could, but Greg thought I wasn’t really doing him justice, Greg was head over heels in love with Brandon the moment I introduced them.

Accepting the fact that Brandon was only seventeen, just, and Emma was sixteen, I suggested a truth or dare. Greg got the ball rolling, in that it was my turn to choose, I chose dare. Greg called it, told me to kiss Brandon. I gave him a peck on the cheek and Greg said, “No, a full kiss, on the lips.” I looked over at Emma and she had a bland expression so I did. Brandon was not a good kisser. Brandon had the call and I had to choose, I chose dare. Brandon, rather sneakily, dared me to kiss Emma. He was surprised when I did and more surprised at Emma kissing me back. When it was my turn to ask Greg for truth or dare, Brandon thought I was going to dare him to kiss Emma. I didn’t, I dared him to kiss Brandon.

Brandon was shocked, Emma was surprised, but Greg didn’t argue. He turned to Brandon and said, “Well, rules are rules.” I thought Brandon would argue, but he didn’t, he just responded by saying, “Yeah, they are.” He couldn’t refuse. Greg got in close to Brandon and kissed him. I mean, I know Greg is a good kisser, and Brandon is tall and really handsome, just Greg’s type, but I certainly didn’t expect the kiss to go on and on and on, really steaming up the room. Then I saw a look of comprehension on Emma’s face. She got it, Brandon was gay.

When Emma got the call, Brandon was a bit cowardly as he made the choice of a truth. Likely because a dare would move further down a path that we was still reluctant to go on. Emma asked him to describe what it was like to kiss Greg, not leave anything out. He responded diligently, but there was one thing he left out. I called him on it, “Did you get an erection when kissing Greg?” I asked. He refused to answer me, but Emma picked up on it and she asked. He had to respond. I know he did, I saw it, but Brandon lied. I challenged his lie and Brandon had to admit it. He lost his slacks because that was the item of clothing designated by Emma. She is so fucking smart, she knew what I was doing without me making any mention of it. The game went on and we had lost clothes for telling lies, so far, no one had chickened out of a dare.

Emma was making a choice of a dare to Greg’s challenge. Greg dared her to suck one of my nipples. She was surprised Greg asked, but refused. Greg designated she lose her bra. By the time the call came to me again, there weren’t a lot of clothes left on any of us. Greg took the dare, and I dared him to take Brandon’s cock out and caress it. Greg smiled, but Brandon looked embarrassed. “It’s okay, Brandon,” Greg said, “It’s just a game.” Brandon sat back in his chair and even before Greg got close to him, we could see his dick tenting his boxers. I was surprised, his cock was a lot bigger than I had thought it was after seeing his earlier erection.

“Oh my,” Greg observed, “What’s this? Ever ready?” Greg reached into Brandon’s boxers and eased a hard tool out to where we could all see it. Greg began to masturbate Brandon and Brandon was responding. He stopped and Emma challenged him as a few strokes wasn’t going to cut it. “Yes, Emma, I understand, but the issue is I don’t want to hurt Brandon so I’m thinking a little bit of lubrication would help.” There wasn’t any in the lounge and I was about to get up and go and get some, when Greg surprised even me. He leaned over and put Brandon’s cock right into his mouth. That’s one way to lubricate him, I thought. Brandon hadn’t moved, he was like a deer in the headlights of an oncoming car.

Greg really did get into the advanced spirit of the game. He went much further than I was expecting and Brandon hadn’t negatively reacted at all. “If there was a spare bed here, I would tell you two to get a room,” I said, “But would you prefer to get into the big bed?” Greg didn’t miss a beat, Brandon looked up at me and said nothing. Emma finally said, “Times up.” Greg, somewhat reluctantly, lifted off Brandon and Brandon just looked at Greg. You could see the gears turning over in Brandon’s head, my guess would be that Greg would be giving his cell number to Brandon before the night went much further. See, even I get it wrong sometimes.

Greg had the call and dared Emma to suckle on my nipples, again. This time, she did, she didn’t have too many clothes left on her gorgeous body so she went along with the dare. Brandon’s eyes lit up when he was forced to watch Emma suckling on my breasts. I’m pretty sure that he was going to start stroking himself right then and there. He didn’t but he was thinking about it. I got the call and dared Brandon to suck on Greg’s dick. You could see Greg’s dick made a jump, but Brandon wasn’t fazed by this dare at all. After all, hadn’t he already been sucked by Greg?

“I-I-I’ve never done anything like this before.” he completed with such a rush. Emma said, “Yeah, I think we all know,” in that really sarcastic tone she has at times, “So suck his dick or lose the rest of your underwear. Which is it?”

Brandon thought about it for an instant, then stood and dropped his boxers. He did have the grace to be embarrassed by it, but the courage to do it. His cock was flying at half mast and even then it was a respectable size. Emma’s eyes widened and said, “You’ve been hiding that?” Brandon spluttered a bit and Greg stood and removed his boxers. “Man, that’s a good looking tool,” he said to Brandon, eyeing Brandon’s dick. Brandon couldn’t help himself and took a good long look at Greg’s dick, which was not just above average in length, it was thicker too.

Emma took her panties off and went and hugged Brandon. She then turned and hugged Greg, who was a lot more appreciative of her attention than Brandon. Stepping back, she reached down and took Greg’s dick in her hand, squeezing it gently. Looking up at Brandon, Emma then said, “I’ve not really wanted to do this to you, until recently. I was glad you hadn’t pressured me into sex.” She let go of Greg and stepped closer to Brandon again and took his cock in her hand. “I really would like to suck your dick, but I think you might prefer Greg to do it.” Brandon was stunned, “I-I-”

“It’s okay,” Emma quietly said, “Look, I think I was using you as a shield. If I dated you I wouldn’t be bothered by other guys. You’re such a nice guy and I really like you, but I was thinking I’m more interested in girls than guys. Watching you now, I am thinking you felt the same way, well, preferring guys to girls.” Brandon was shocked, as Emma went on, “I’m sorry I wasn’t honest with you, so please forgive me.”

Obviously Brandon was totally confused. “Brandon, you’re like me,” Greg said, “Gay.” Brandon shook his head, “I know it’s not easy to admit it, wasn’t for me and I grew up in a very permissive family. Don’t get me wrong, I will have sex with a girl, if she’s special and if she invites me to, but my main preference is men. You’re a really good looking guy, with a really great looking cock. You taste pretty good too and I would love to have more of that dick.” He moved towards Brandon and took his hand. “Come with me.”

Greg took an unresistant Brandon to the bedroom, closing the door behind him. Emma smiled at me and came to sit on my lap. “While we’re waiting, would you like me to lick you?” she asked. After what I had just seen, I couldn’t get naked quickly enough. I was disappointed that Greg had closed the door, I really wanted to watch, but if this is second prize, I’ll take it.

We entertained ourselves for the next twenty-five odd minutes and I heard the bedroom door open. A naked Greg came into the lounge, taking one look at us curled up in each other’s arms he asked, “Wouldn’t you be more comfortable in here?”

“Didn’t want to intrude,” I replied.

“You wouldn’t be, Priestess.”

I glared at him, no one was supposed to use that title in front of others who are not aware of the Club and he did look contrite realizing the Emma doesn’t know. Emma was mystified, but said nothing. I shook her off my lap and we followed Greg into the bedroom. Brandon was lying, naked, on his back, his arms restrained. Emma was amazed, and concerned. “He has agreed to this, Emma,” Greg told her, “There is a lot of depths in Brandon that have been hidden. All we’re doing is exploring some of them.” I must admit, this was unexpected. “Would you like to suck his dick, Emma?”

She nodded, “If that’s okay with you, Brandon.” Brandon nodded.

Greg got on the bed and said, “I want to show you how cooperative Brandon really is, ladies.” Greg held Brandon’s tool upright, put his head over it and slowly lowered his head to allowed it to slide into his mouth. Brandon gasped and we were mesmerized by Greg’s slow sucking of Brandon. After a few minutes of this, Greg lifted off and moved his body up to the head of the bed. Brandon watched him coming and raised his head slightly, saying, “Fuck my mouth with that big dick!” Greg put a pillow behind Brandon’s head, what can I say, even when he ties them up, he’s still a considerate guy.

Greg laid his half aroused cock on Brandon’s lips and move forward, sliding it into Brandon’s mouth. “I’m just gunna take it easy,” Greg said, “You’ve not had a cock in your mouth before. There is a skill to it, so don’t get greedy, and make sure your teeth are out the way.” Greg eased his cock in and out of Brandon’s mouth, that was a real fucking turn on for both Emma and me. “I think he’s liking it,” Greg said, “And putting on a display for you too.” Brandon nodded as best he could, agreeing with Greg. After a few minutes, Greg moved and grabbed a tube of lube, wiping it over Brandon’s cleft and ass hole. Greg stopped when he was satisfied he had enough lube in the right places and quickly rolled a condom on. Lifting Brandon’s knees, exposing his ass, Greg moved forward, his cock sliding along the cleft to catch on the hole presented.

“Relax, dear boy,” Greg said, “These witnesses to your deflowering don’t want to think you’re a cry baby, do they?” Brandon shook his head and you could see the anxiety that had appeared on his face disappearing. “Emma,” Greg said, “I’m going to enter him holding his legs up, would you like to suck him now? There will be enough room to have it in your mouth but you may not be able to move a lot.” Emma knelt on Brandon’s side and was leaning forward, bending to take his cock. Fuck, I thought, she’s really loving sucking dick now. I stole a glance at Brandon, who was surprised but didn’t object to the idea.

The voyeur in me was loving this as I was sitting on the bed, rubbing myself. Greg pushed his hips forward and Brandon grunted as the tip of Greg’s condom covered dick pushed against his hole. “Relax, baby.” Greg whispered, “The first time is a little uncomfortable, but you’ll love it.” Where the fuck have I heard that before? I nearly laughed.

“Yes, do it, I want you to fuck me!” Brandon said, his lust now apparent as Emma sucked his dick. Greg pushed again and Brandon grunted and moaned at the same time. Greg pushed a third time and entered through that tight ring of muscle, “Relax!” called Greg as Brandon cried with a yelp of pain. Again, Brandon cried out as Greg pushed his big cock into Brandon’s ass, Emma lapped and sucked Brandon’s cock. I couldn’t help myself, I reached over and began fingering Emma’s puss. She was really wet and my fingers just slid into her. Greg was fucking Brandon, Emma was sucking Brandon and I’m finger fucking Emma. It wasn’t long and the sheer aroma of Emma in heat wafted over me, I quickly replaced my fingers with my tongue.

We kept this tableau going for a while until Greg called out he was on the verge, “Cum,” Brandon and I cried at the same time. Greg moaned his ejaculation and Brandon must have felt the pulse of Greg’s cumming as he moaned in sequence with Greg. Emma kept sucking Brandon who shot his load into Emma’s mouth. She lifted off, getting a face full of his sweet spunk. A third shot landed in her hair and ear, a fourth spurt was weaker but it still managed to land on Brandon’s stomach, above his navel. Even given the length of his dick, that was a seriously credible shoot. Another spurt dribbled out the end of his dick and Emma went back to lap it up.

I heard her gulping, then she lapped up the cum on Brandon. Not wanting to be left out, Greg pulled Emma’s face to his own, slurping and licking the creamy coating off her. He kissed her, his tongue stabbing into her mouth. Emma shared what was left of Brandon’s cum with him. Greg had withdrawn from Brandon and, after kissing Emma, he discretely removed the condom. Emma swooped onto his cock and cleaned that up too. No one else had a chance. Lifting off Greg, Emma turned and kissed Brandon, sharing the little amount of Greg’s cum she had in her mouth with him. There’s nothing quite like sharing the wealth, I suppose and she’s become such a cum slut. Oh well, we are what we are.

Greg too, wasn’t idle. Even though Emma had sucked Brandon dry, it didn’t stop him from swallowing Brandon’s detumescing cock. It wasn’t long before Brandon grew hard again, he is only seventeen and extra fit, and Greg is an excellent cock sucker, so I am told. When Emma broke her kiss with Brandon, he was moaning his pleasure at what Greg was doing. “Please, Greg, give me your dick! I want to suck it again! I want to drain all of your juice!” For a guy who had never had a dick before, Brandon was so inviting, so willing.

Emma and I moved out the way as Greg swung around and prodded Brandon’s mouth with his dick, sliding it in feeding Brandon his dick while his mouth was wrapped around Brandon’s. Both of them had just cum but both we mostly erect anyway. Unbelievable. Emma was over the moon, watching Brandon being fucked then sucking a cock. She was diddling herself like crazy. I couldn’t stand it any more, I pushed her hand away and fingered her clit, caressed her labia and entered her. Greg and Brandon were doing what they were doing so I pushed Emma onto her back and forced my cunt onto her mouth. I lapped her clit and she mouthed mine with abandon, losing myself in the pleasure my sister was giving me. At that moment, I didn’t care if anyone knew about Emma and me. I knew that Greg would be discrete, but I gave no thought if Brandon was as well.

Emma’s tongue had improved and she was going to make me cum. I did, loudly, with intense feeling, with shivers and shakes and moans and groans that would have left anyone in earshot in no doubt that this was a woman pleasured, a woman in the throes of orgasmic response. I was so wrapped up in my orgasm that I didn’t realize that I had stopped munching Emma’s muff. I felt her hips pumping my jaws, so I got beck to work. It was only moments later that Emma too came, covering me with her juice.

The rest of the night was kept exactly like this. Brandon was envious that Emma and I had a sexual relationship, if he had a brother, he may have explored his sexuality a lot sooner. Greg was, though a parental connection, already a member, by default, of the Club. His sponsorship of Brandon brought him into the Club as well, as a Sub. They are to be married the day after Brandon turns twenty-one in a few months time.

Brandon was well accepted into the Club, a willing Sub. I’ve managed to tie him up a few times, something he really enjoys, while a variety of people have practiced their oral skills with him and his willing dick, even my dad. He’s also gotten really good at not cumming until allowed by his Dom, Greg. There have been a few occasions when he has not complied, of course, but funnily enough, it’s only when Emma is sucking his dick he has trouble controlling the cum reflex. When she has been bringing him off, she always ends up being covered with a huge amount of Brandon’s semen, she says she doesn’t really like it, Brandon always apologizes and Greg says he doesn’t know how she does it.

Yeah, right!

And that basically covers my familial adventures except for when Emma was brought into the Club. She is a Dom, she was never going to be anything else. What happened between us that night, and with the rest of the Club, was special, not something I want to share right now. Maybe later, but don’t hold your breath.

What about other people in the Club? You ask. There are twelve couples and some additional Subs. So how does this work with them? Like every Club, there are rules and I follow them- usually.


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