Meeting Caitlyn For Lunch (Part 3) (MF) (Wholesome)

This is part 3 of my “Meeting Caitlyn For Lunch” series, I will keep writing these as long as there is a continued interest. All feedback is greatly appreciated as I am still very new to this. Previous parts are listed below.

[Part 1](

[Part 2](

# Meeting Caitlyn For Lunch (Part 3)

Caitlyn and I slowly caught our breaths. My back was throbbing with every beat of my heart. I could feel a small drip of warm liquid running down my back; she had drawn blood when she ran her nails into me.

She pulled her forehead off mine and looked me in the eyes. I could see some dampness in them, there were tears starting to well. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean for that to happen.” Her voice was hitching, and she was on the verge of crying. “I couldn’t help myself; I’ve just wanted to do that with you for so long.” Her voice broke and tears started to fall from her eyes as she finished her sentence.

I moved my hands to either side of her face, lightly resting them on her cheeks. “Caitlyn, it’s okay, I’ve wanted that for a long time too, that was amazing.” Her eyes were full, and her jaw was shaking, she was trying to hold everything in. I couldn’t bear to see her like this, she was upset and confused about what to do.

I moved my hands to her back and hugged her tightly, she shoved her face into my shoulder and began to sob. Her whole body shook while trying to breathe through the tears. I held her as tightly as possible, I placed one hand on the back of her head and rubbed her back with the other, I gently brushed her hair with my hand. She threw her arms over my shoulders and wrapped them around my neck, finally hugging me back.

We were in that position for a few minutes, her tears slowly stopped, and her breathing returned to normal, I kept holding my arms tight, I wasn’t letting her go until she was ready. “Thank you.” She whispered directly in my ear. I didn’t respond, instead, I leaned down and gently kissed her on the head.

Eventually, she unwound her arms from my body, she kept her face buried in my shoulder. I released her from my hug, and she pulled herself away from my body. I looked down at her, but she was coyly staring at her lap, she didn’t want to look at me.

I put my hand under her chin and lifted her head to meet my gaze. I cleared away the dampness from under her eyes and cheeks with my thumb, gently rubbing across her lips, somehow, tears made it there too. I planted a soft kiss on her forehead. “Do you want to talk about what’s going on?” I asked, “I’m here for you, anything that you need.” I quickly tacked on.

She took a deep shaky breath before an answer started to pour out, she wanted to tell me everything but had waited until her breaking point. “Ever since going away to college, all I’ve seen are my friends getting into relationships and being happier than they’ve ever been. I wanted that so badly. Like I said earlier, I tried to go on a few dates but none of them felt right, I didn’t feel a connection with anyone. Then one night I was lying in bed, I realized what I wanted, who I wanted. It was someone who has always been there for me, someone who always knows what to say to make me happy, someone who’s always supported me, and someone who’s never doubted me. It was you; you were that someone, and I had been so blind I didn’t see it until then. I want to spend my time with you, and on top of all that, you’re the person…” her voice trailed off, she acted as she had said too much.

“I’m what Caitlyn? You can tell me, you just told me that I’m the one you want and I’m still sitting here with you, aren’t I?” I could tell she wanted to spill it, just to get it off her chest, it was on the tip of her tongue.

She slowly started to speak, choosing her words carefully, not wanting to say something wrong. “It’s just that my friends all tell me what they do with their boyfriends, you know, in private. I wanted someone to do things with, all the stuff that they were doing. I was so frustrated, there were so many nights I fell asleep alone in my bed just wishing I had someone there to hold me. It had to be someone special though, someone I could trust. Again, I realized it was you that I wanted, I wanted you to hold me, to kiss me, and to… to touch me. I had never kissed anyone, or done anything else with someone, but my body knew it wanted you. I know it’s stupid but this whole day was supposed to be a test date with you, I just wanted to see how receptive you would be towards it. I promise I never meant for it to get this far, but when you were about to leave earlier, I couldn’t let you, I wanted more, and I wasn’t thinking straight. I’m so sorry, I should have just talked to you, but I didn’t want to ruin what we had as friends, and I still understand if you want to leave and never talk to me again.” Tears started to grow in her eyes again as she finished speaking.

I wrapped my arms around her and embraced her against me once again. I didn’t speak for a few seconds, I needed to gather my thoughts, she had just thrown a lot of information at me. Once I knew what I wanted to say, I spoke softly into her ear, not letting her leave my arms.

“Caitlyn, it’s okay, truth be told, I liked you when we were in school and my feelings for you have never gone away. If you had asked me on a date, my answer would have always been yes, I would have been over the moon, just like I am now. As for wanting to kiss someone, I’m honored that you chose me to be your first. If this relationship is something that you want, believe me, I want it too.” As soon as I finished my piece she pulled away from my arms and looked at me.

“Really? You want me? You’re not upset with me for doing all of this without asking you?”

“Of course I want you, you’re amazing, smart, and I can’t emphasize enough how beautiful you are. You just confessed your feelings for me and gave me the best kiss of my life, how could I be upset with you?” I said, chuckling slightly towards the end.

This time she threw her arms around me, I heard her take a deep breath, preparing to speak again. “Thank you.” Was all she could get out.

She let me out of her arms and leaned back. “I’m sorry about getting your shirt all wet and gross.” I looked down and saw my shoulder, my shirt was soaked through where she had been crying. “It’s fine, I promise, all I care about is that you’re okay.”

There was still a certain tension in the air, this time it was an awkward type. I spoke again to break it, “So how was it? You know, your first kiss? You seemed to enjoy it.” I quickly glanced at her chest hoping she’d notice. I wanted to ask if her nipples have always been that sensitive, you don’t moan and dig your nails in just from a kiss, I could tell she was sensitive there. It was too soon to ask; I would have to let her bring it up when she was ready.

“It was great, better than I ever could have imagined.” She replied quickly, it made her grin ear to ear, she wasn’t going to give up any more information than that.

A ringtone pierced the relatively quiet air, it wasn’t my phone, it was Caitlyn’s. She picked it up and motioned to me that she was going to step outside the room to take the call. When she exited the room, I quickly reached around to my back to check on the scratches she had left. There were four distinct marks, I winced as I ran my hands over them, they were all still raw. One scratch was deeper than the rest, it must’ve been the one that bled. I wanted to tell her at some point what she had done, not because it was bad, but because it was amazing, I desperately needed her to do it again.

I moved my hands from behind my back just before Caitlyn walked back in. She spoke as she entered the room, “That was my parents, they were supposed to come back late tonight but a snowstorm hit, they’re stuck at my grandparent’s and won’t be back for at least two days.” She took her spot back on the bed next to me as she finished her sentence.

“Wow, that sucks, for them, obviously not for you. I guess you’ll have the house to yourself for a couple more days then?”

“Yeah, it’ll be nice to have some alone time around here, my parents work from home every day so it’s kind of tough to come by.” She looked me straight in the eye while she continued, “Would… would you maybe want to stay with me tonight now that nobody will be home? I want to sleep with you.” Her eyes went wide as soon as the words left her lips, she realized what it sounded like. “I meant I literally want to sleep with you, as sleep in the same bed, not, you know, in the other way, at least not yet.” Her words were falling over each other, she wasn’t making it any better for herself, but I knew what she meant.

“Absolutely I’ll stay with you, I wouldn’t want to leave you all alone here, now would I?” I pretended not to hear the last part of her sentence; I didn’t want to make anything weirder than it already was. “I’ll need to run home to take care of some stuff and grab some clothes, but I can come back later tonight.” I looked at my phone “It’s 4 o’clock now, how about I head out and I can be back around 8?”

She nodded her head excitedly in agreement, “That sounds great, but could you maybe wait a few minutes to leave? There’s something I want to show you.”

“Of course, what is it?”

She jumped off the bed and walked to her desk, she leaned over to check the bottom drawer. That’s when I noticed something, it seemed like there was a dark spot in the middle of her jeans under her ass. I’m pretty sure it wasn’t there earlier when I got a full view of her picking up clothes. I thought to myself, “Is that what I think it is? No, it’s probably just a shadow or something. There’s no way she soaked through jeans just from a kiss unless her nipples really are that sensitive. She shuddered hard and moaned loudly at the end when I fully pushed against her. Could she have finished just from that?

She couldn’t find what she was looking for, she stood back up and made an exasperated sigh as she quickly grabbed the diary off her desk, it was obviously what she was trying to find. She flipped backward many pages, searching for the correct one, she finally got to the right one and said, “Read this.” while handing me the diary. It was an entry dated about six months earlier. She eased back beside me to read over my shoulder.

“I’ve been trying to find what I’m missing, I hung out with Kelsey today and she helped me indirectly figure it out. I told her about the date I went on yesterday, I had a good time, but I really didn’t connect with the guy. She asked me a single question. Have you tried searching for somebody already in your life, somebody you already have an established relationship with? It wasn’t that I didn’t know these people I was trying to go on dates with, but I didn’t know them as well as I could. I was in bed when I figured it out, I knew who I wanted to be with, I was going to be with him. I just needed him to want me too.”

I looked to her as I finished reading, she grasped both of my hands with hers and she spoke confidently. “I’ve had these feelings for a long time, this isn’t some stupid crush, these are strong and raw, and I just want you.” She spoke with such passion that there was no doubting it, she knew what she wanted, and she was getting it, she was getting me.

“Wow” was all I could say, I couldn’t find any other words, I just squeezed her hands back.

“Okay, you should go, I’m expecting you right back here at eight and don’t want you to be a minute late.” She said, breaking the small silence.

I put my boots back on and she walked me back upstairs to her front door, we stood on the front step with the door open. I grabbed her hips on either side and moved my face to meet hers, I shifted at the last second and placed a kiss on her cheek instead of her lips. She whispered in my ear, “That was mean, I’m going to get you back for that.”. I replied, “I’m looking forward to it, I’ll be back here at eight sharp.” and I turned to walk away. She called out to me “When you get back you can just walk in, I’ll leave the door unlocked, make sure to lock the door once you’re in though, we don’t want anybody disturbing us.
