The first meeting [D/s], [mf]

[Hello Everyone, this is my first experience of writing publically. I would love some comments from you. Enjoy]

She was sat alone at a dive bar in the South of London. From the way she looks around nervously it is obvious it is unfamiliar to her. She approaches the bar ordering a drink timidly and quickly sits in a dark booth in one corner, alone. Will he show? Time passes, Nervousness has caused her to drink quickly and she begins to feel fuzzy. The bar begins to fill as the band set up. She was told to be there at 9 but arrived an hour early. Knowing the punishment would be too great if she was tardy. 8:50 she begins to move to a door in a dark space near to the left speaker as instructed. The place has filled up so it's harder to get through the crowd than expected. A cold sweat of worry and a lump in her throat as she imagines what would happen if she was late. 8:58 Out of sight of the crowd, She slips through into the corridor facing the wall as instructed, she can hear the band come on stage but she doesn't move a muscle. As the band strike up to play she feels a breath on her neck. Instinctively she turns to look. Before she can move more than 10 degrees hair is yanked back, head jarred into facing the wall once more. He stands over her saying nothing, barely touching. Her breath becomes shallow with arousal, biting her lip in anticipation. She feels a hand on her curvy ass, roughly hoisting up the denim skirt she had been instructed to wear. A foot sharply jarring her legs open, she loses her balance a little, due both to the shock and force. The stranger grabs her hair sharply and roughly forces her back into position. He grabs her hand placing it above your head on the wall, pulling her head backwards with her hair. The forceful but controlled motion allowing the briefest glimpses of sir fir the first time, she notices his dark hair glistening in the darkness. She feels his hard cock teasing the lips of her already soggy pussy as he slowly and gently slips inside her. The tenderness of his touch against the harsh surroundings turns her on way more than she expected. He fills her more than she could of imagined, letting out a little gasp of pleasure as he pushes in all the way. She feels his deep thrusts with every nerve and she begins to melt with pleasure, legs stooping a little. Sir grabs her hair sharply, reminding her to stand strait. HE is in charge, she is there to serve his desires and she must pass this first test otherwise she will never forgive herself. She begins biting down on her lip hard in an attempt to bring her back down to earth. The thrusts become faster and deeper, he removes his hands from restraining hers, offering her a chance of a little freedom. She does not move, standing straighter and firmer than before. It takes all her self control not to show signs of enjoyment as she is her to serve him. His hands reach gently onto her hips, thrusting faster and deeper than before, she feels his warm cum filling her, every muscle on his thick cock tensing in ecstasy.

He slips softly out from inside her, does up his flies with still not a word has been spoken. Instinctively she reaches down to compose herself. She is restrained to the wall once more her thighs dampening as his warm thick cum oozing out of her. His hands are tender now as he straitens her clothes caressing her gently and more than would be needed to adjust a simple skirt and knickers. It is as if he is touching her skin on purpose. Trying to non verbally show his care. For the first time she remembers her surroundings and blushes a little. She is normally so strait laced in public and timid around strangers. Sir is different; they have been in contact for months so it feels like she knows him intimately, without meeting. The music is loud, even from the secluded position. Despite still facing the wall she feels safe and protected by him. She stands there allowing emotion to wash over for the first time since he arrived. She begins to tear up a little. Almost as if he can sense her mood changing he moves closer towards her, moving her hands from the wall for the first time and grazing his body with his. He whispers in her ear, his voice is soft but clear over the music. ‘I’ve slipped a hotel key into your back pocket. Take a long bubble bath and put on the clothes I have laid out for you. I will not take you to dinner covered in cum like a cheap slut. Dinner and drinks is in an hour and a half.’ ‘Yessir’ she replies instinctively
