Katherine’s Dark Desires (part 1)

You married Bruce two years ago. He’s good looking and a real charmer. From the very beginning he swept you off your feet. He made you feel so good with all the attention he lavished upon you. You fell in love instantly. Well you thought it was love. But really it was a schoolgirl crush. The smart, funny, good looking guy who never would have looked at you in high school was suddenly making you feel like you were a queen. But there was one problem. Bruce was weak.

You saw it before you got married. But in the big rush of things it didn’t seem to matter. He might of drank too much, gambled too much, and didn’t know how to hold on to his money. But damn was he pretty. You were sure you could change him. And the way he talked to you made you feel so loved. All your friends were so jealous. His looks alone should have kept you satisfied. But there in lay the biggest problem. He didn’t satisfy you.

Part of it was a cruel trick of nature. Bruce was tall and good looking. But his dick was tiny. You know that size isn’t supposed to matter. But it was so short and unnaturally thin. When he made love to you you barely even felt it. And he made love to you. It was sweet and it was tender but, he never just fucked you. You dropped hints and even tried to guide him in bed. You asked him to fuck you. Called yourself his dirty little slut. But he just wanted to treat you like a princess. Unbreakable. Always on a pedestal.

You just really wanted to be fucked. Thoroughly. Deeply. You spent days on end aching for it. Craving it. Needing it. But you were a good girl. You were a faithful wife. It was so fucking hard. You started watching porn. At first just a little bit. It was all pretty vanilla. But as time passed you started watching pornography that was more and more fucked up. You started watching it more and more. You watched it all day when Bruce was at work. You finger fucked yourself multiple times a day. In the bedroom. In the shower. Laying flat on the kitchen table with the handle of a spatula buried to the hilt in your quivering little pussy. An addict who couldn’t get enough of her favorite drug. You thought about cheating. You talked to a lot of men (and some women) online. But you were faithful to the man who loves you. Like a good wife should be.

That was your normal until a few weeks ago. Bruce had been more and more distant. Which was fine with you. He also stayed out later into the night. Which was also fine as it left you more time for your high. You thought he might have been cheating. You were hoping he was actually so you could use it as an excuse to break out of this boring fucking marriage.

But he was acting really strange this morning. He had stayed out really late last night. Which wasn’t unusual for a Friday night. But this morning as you made him breakfast he seemed nervous. He actually seemed genuinely scared. “This is it.” You thought. “That little bitch is going to confess about his affair.” But you were wrong. Bruce did confess something to you. But his confession would shatter your world forever.

“Katherine we need to talk.” Bruce mumbles.

“What’s wrong” you ask, playing the demure wife one last time.

“It’s, well, I, you know that business deal I was working on?”

“You mean the one we invested all of our savings on!” You respond coldly, knowing where this was going.

“I lost all of the money in a poker game last night. It’s all gone.”

“You motherfucker!” You scream at him, furious. “That was everything we had! My parents gave us that money for the down payment on a house. You son of a bitch!”

“I’ve got a big problem.” He replies.

“No shit. Your a fucking loser Bruce! That’s your problem!”

“No. You don’t get it. I lost all of our investors’ money too.”

“Bruce I don’t fucking care!”

“No….. one of them. He’s…. He’s a monster. He said if I don’t make this right he’s going to kill me!”

“I don’t care if he beats your ass Eddie. You deserve it!”

“No. I mean he’s going to really kill me. He said he’s going to put a bullet in the back of my head and bury me in a shallow grave unless….”

“Unless what?” You ask. Suddenly very afraid. “How can you deal with a man like that?”

“It’s the only way I could get the rest of the money. He. He saw you last year at the party we threw for our investors. He wants you to come see him to make it all go away.”

“NO FUCKING WAY!” You scream at him. “I AM NOT YOUR FUCKING WHORE! I HOPE YOU DIE!” You tell him as you storm out. You can’t fucking think. You can’t go to your parents house. They’ll know somethings wrong. You go to the bookstore in the mall. You used to love this place. It was your escape.

“Fuck!” You scream silently, trying to calm yourself over a cappuccino. You really don’t want Bruce to die. He probably deserves it. But he is your husband. For better or worse. But what the fuck? You’re scared. What if this guy comes after you for the money. What if he won’t take know for an answer?

You don’t want some criminal fucking you. He probably wants you to be his fuck toy! For all you know he has this huge dick and just might throw you down and fuck you without even asking. He might not be gentle like your husband. He might fuck you until you came and he might just keep fucking you without regards to how far he’s stretching your pussy.

Fuck. You hadn’t cum all day. Your pussy was pulsating from the fear and the excitement. Your drug was the worse kind of addiction. Your body made it and got you high before you even realized what was going on. But maybe this time you should listen to what your body was saying.

The more you thought about it the more this sounded like a win-win situation. Bruce did need to learn his lesson. Letting another man fuck you might be what it takes to make him grow the fuck up and be a man.

You text him. “Ok you son of a bitch. I’ll do it. Tell me when and where.”

“He’s waiting for you at his hotel right now. The Equinox on 5th. Ask for Mr. Richardson. Please hurry before he changes his mind.”

Fucking Bruce knew you go through with this all along. That’s ok. You would show him. You’re going to let this fucking criminal have his way with you. When you arrive at the hotel you ask for Mr. Richardson’s room. “May I ask your name?” The petite redhead at the front desk asks you.

“Katherine,” you stammer, “Katherine Smith. “Of course Mrs. Smith, Mr. Richardson is in the owners suite” the receptionist replies with a little smirk. “He’s been expecting you. Follow me and I’ll show you to his private elevator.”

You can’t help but be intrigued by this man. The woman behind the desk obviously knows what’s going on. You get the feeling this isn’t the first time a strange woman has been sent up to this room to fuck him.

You get on the elevator but before you get the chance to push any buttons the door closes and the elevator starts to rise. You notice there is no button for the 15th floor. Only a light showing your ascent. You start to panic a little. What if this guy’s dangerous? What if he’s going to hurt me? Bruce didn’t say anything about sex. You just assumed it. What if he’s going to kill me and Bruce sacrificed me to save his sorry ass? Will he make me suck his dick? Will he fuck me in the ass?

Fear courses through your body, leaving you breathless to the point of hyperventilation. You try pushing buttons to stop the elevator but to no use. Your legs are shaking from absolute terror. But the tremors in your legs vibrate through your trembling pussy and bring you close to orgasm as the elevator stops.

As the door opens you jump in fear and let out a little scream. The man standing by the elevator door terrifies you. The giant black man is dressed in a well tailored suit and is cradling a sub machine gun in his massive hands. The way he casually points the weapon towards the elevator and the cold look in his eye immediately convinces you that this man is a killer. Oh fuck.

“Mr….. Mr Richardson?” You ask. The giant giant slowly shakes his head.

“In here Mrs. Smith,” a voice from the other room calls out.

Trembling you stumble into a spacious, well furnished living room. Sitting in a chair next the fireplace is a compact, muscular older white man in an exquisitely made Italian suit. “Please sit down Katherine. May I call you Katherine?” I ask.

“Y-y-yes”. You reply. Shaking with fear and excitement.

“Would you like something to drink?” I ask.

“Water please.”

“Here you go. Relax Katherine. Nobody here is going to hurt you. My name’s Jeff Richardson. But you already know that. The situation we find ourselves in that your husband sent you here as an offer to pay his debt. Truthfully I can’t believe he sent you” I say. “What a worthless excuse for a man”.

“But you were going kill him”. You reply, unable to stop shaking with fear.

“No. Incorrect. I was going to beat him. To within an inch of his life maybe. But not kill him. Yet. Killing him wouldn’t have gotten any of my money back. The worse thing that would have happened is that he would have spent some quality time in the hospital. But he offered you up to me so I wouldn’t.”

“He what? That, that!” You are too furious to even speak.

“So he lied to you to get you here” I say. “Maybe he does deserve to die after all. I could afford to lose a hundred thousand dollars. Would you like me to kill him? Some men just deserve what they get” It’s then that you realize the giant next to the elevator is NOT the most dangerous man in this room.

“Or maybe I’ll let some of my darker associates know what kind of racist he is and let them have an enlightening conversation with him.”

“No,” you reply. “He is my husband. I’ve got to help if I can. Where do we begin?” You ask, your pussy sopping wet, your panties soaked.

“It’s not that easy.” I reply. “First off I need to make sure you enter into this arrangement willingly. If you back out now I’ll only break his jaw and maybe his legs. But if you enter into this contract and don’t fulfill the terms I will kill your husband”

“I’m. I’m in”you reply. “He wanted me to fuck you so I’m going to give him what he wants. Let’s see how he actually likes it.”

“Do you understand the extent of the payment?”

“I think so. You’re going to fuck me aren’t you?

My evil laugh is your first indication that this may be much more than you had originally thought. “Yes I am. And so much more. Your husband owes me one hundred thousand dollars with interest accruing daily. I don’t care how good of a fuck you are, you’re pussy isn’t worth that kind of money. The way I look at it, one of my whores might make a thousand dollars a night if they hustle. I’ll forgive that much per day off of your debt. In 120 days you’ll be paid in full. Until then you belong to me.”

“During that time you will do anything I tell you to without question. I will fuck you any way I want to. I will let other people fuck you. Basically you will be my little whore for the next four months. Are my terms acceptable?”

“I – I -I oh fuck…. I guess so…..yes.” You’re out of breath and can’t speak coherently. But I understand well enough.

“Now go home. Wait for me to contact you.”

“Aren’t you going to fuck me?” you ask.

“Oh yes.” I confirm. “I’m going to fuck you in ways you never even knew possible. I’m going to fuck you in ways that will penetrate your soul. I’m going to stretch out your mind farther than I’m going to stretch your pussy. And I am going to stretch your pussy. I’m going to stretch it so much that your little bitch of a husband never satisfies you again. Now go home. Tell your husband he is not allowed to fuck you. If he does I will break his fucking neck. You’re my property and if he trespasses on that property I will kill him.

“When I send for you, I expect an immediate response. I don’t care if it’s the middle of the night. Immediately. Do you understand me?” “Yes sir,” you reply. “Good girl. now go home.”

Walking towards the elevator your knees start to feel weak. Your pussy feels like its on fire and you can feel the wetness running down your legs. You can’t believe you just became owned property. Passing the bodyguard by the elevator your knees buckle slightly.

I call out from the other room. “Jerome, could you make sure Ms. Smith doesn’t leave without calming down a little. We don’t want her passing out in the lobby from excitement.”

“Yes, sir.” Jerome the giant replies. Fuck he’s
huge. His arms are thicker than your husbands legs, He must be 6′ 6″ at the very least. You would guess he weighed 300 pounds. Although he’s wearing a custom cut suit you can see the animal within. The predator. His skin is as black as polished onyx and his head is shaved smooth. His eyes look through you as if he could snap your neck and not care.

Jerome unceremoniously grabbed your arm and holds you up in the air as if you were a packet of sugar. Not aggressively. Just firm and business like. He reaches underneath your skirt and with one tug rips your panties off. You look at his hand for the first time and you realize one of his fingers is twice the size of Bruce’s cock. He leans you back against the elevator door and spreads your legs, exposing your sopping wet pussy. With one confident push he penetrates you with his middle finger.

Oh shit…….. You start to cum immediately. You can feel the juices squirting from your pussy as your eyes roll back into your head. You swear it feels like his fingers reach up into your chest. You’re just glad he’s not fucking you. When you think of how big his cock must be you cum again. And again. And again. He finger fucks you without a word until you feel you can’t take any more.

After your final orgasm begins to subside Jerome leaves his fingers inside you. Your pussy quivering with exhausted contentment. As he withdraws you notice his hand is dripping wet from your cum. After wiping his wet fingers on your blouse he pushes the button for the elevator. As the door opens Jerome speaks directly to you for the first time. “Watch your step Ms. Smith and enjoy the rest of your day.”

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/knb9im/katherines_dark_desires_part_1


  1. /u/Daytripper2020, I have found an error in your post:

    > “He might~~of drank~~ [**drunk**] too much”

    I suggest that Daytripper2020 type “He might~~of drank~~ [**drunk**] too much” instead. ‘Of’ is not a verb like ‘have’ is.

    ^(This is an automated bot. I do not intend to shame your mistakes. If you think the errors which I found are incorrect, please contact me through DMs or contact my owner EliteDaMyth!)

  2. That is a good story idea with a seriously difficult and cumbersome layout. While it might be considered clever, it does detract from the overall impact of the writing. Few will bother to read it much past the first time they have to scroll to get to the end of a sentence.
    Use of second person doesn’t always work either. It can be confusing for many readers.

    Don’t take my word for it, I’m no great grammar nazi, I’ll leave that to the grammar ‘bot, just I don’t like seeing good ideas and stories being discarded by impatient readers.

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