A Novel Punishment [Gender TF]

The year is 2047. After decades of war, and suffering, the world has splintered into multiple dictatorships, led by twisted despots. This, of course, brews discontent. But in this country, there’s a novel solution. You see, the despot that held sway over this particular land likes not to slay, but to turn dissidents into horny dripping sluts, either to pleasure himself, or his key supporters, or even the 100 million or so that call this country home.

And today, one more dissident shall meet this fate. To become a slut. To be fucked. His name is Edward.

“And now I declare, with unanimous decision from the Grand Jury, that Edward Smith is sentenced to transformation,” declared the judge, “And I am honoured to order that the sentence shall be carried out immediately.”

Edward was dragged from the courthouse, to what seems like a jail. He was strapped into a table, as he shouted and thrashed against the restraints. Soon, with the rhythmic tapping of 4-inch heels, the [executioner](https://images.esellerpro.com/2448/I/388/13/FDS43487_ebay.jpg) stepped into the room, the door shutting behind her.

Without saying a single word, she prepared the syringe, which would be used in the sentence. Edward tensed up and tried to get away, but only in futility. “Relax! It won’t hurt one bit, I promise,” she said as she jabbed the needle into his left arm, and within seconds injecting all the colourless solution.

Immediately, Edward’s body began to tingle all over. The transformation had begun. His legs began to shorten, leaving his previously 6-feet-tall stature as a figment of the past. His body hair starts disappearing, leaving his skin silky smooth. Bit by bit, his body is being transformed from the bottom up, leaving him, or rather her, a [sexy girl](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/0e/1f/4e/0e1f4ea93c829f605c84f8920c7cadcc.jpg), the embodiment of desire.

But now, something else has changed. What was unsaid by the judge, is now unfolding. With this experimental new formula, how she handles sexual stimulation gets scrambled, or rather, reworked. Whereas a normal girl unaffected by this concoction may find herself struggling to get aroused, now she has precisely the opposite problem. Any little thing, no matter if it’s the grazing of clothes, or an unintentional touch to her hand, or even a man’s gaze upon her body, will leave her aroused. Of course, this is not an accidental byproduct, but an intentional feature.

The tingles begin to subside. Edward’s no longer himself, at least not superficially. “And now, your punishment is barely starting, Ella. You’ll be serving in the Presidential Guard, until your mind has been totally reformed and remoulded to what our glorious nation requires,” started the executioner. Undoing the restraints, Ella sat at the edge of the operating table, her tits obscuring her view.

The doors open. Marching in was another similarly sexy officer, with a set of uniform, “Now, you need to put on this uniform,” she ordered.

Ella wanted to storm out of the execution room, but she couldn’t. Armed women stood at the door, their guns at the ready. Quickly, the officers took off her Prisoners’ Robe, and the off-white boxers that used to contain a different self, leaving her naked. Unfolding the stack of clothes, she found a white shirt, a grey tunic, a grey pencil skirt and a black leather belt, but underwear was nowhere to be found. “There’s no underwear. Austerity measures,” explained the executioner, as she urged Ella to get dressed.

However, as she put the uniform, she found that it’s more of a set of fetishised costumes, than a set of military uniforms. The shirt was way too tight around her breasts, showing her cleavage, and was not nearly long enough to cover her midriff, and neither did the tunic. The pencil skirt was far too short, and far too tight, with her buttocks hanging below the hem. Without a pair of panties, her pussy is no more than a careless touch away. A pair of black leather boots were handed to her, reaching up to her thighs. Putting them on, these boots were actually stiletto boots in disguise, the heel lifted nearly 5 inches into the air. Miraculously she had developed the muscle memory, and could walk in them nearly effortlessly.

Dressed like a stripper, though, turned Ella on. The officers quickly did her makeup, which made her look more like a whore than some Presidential Guard, and that made her hot. Very hot. As she followed the officers to their direction, her pussy started anticipating, dripping onto her smooth thighs.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/kn1mqn/a_novel_punishment_gender_tf