[M/M, Dubcon] CockSlut Episode 7

[Episode 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/jxecml/mm_dubcon_cockslut_part_1/)
[Episode 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/jxvu9s/mm_dubcon_cockslut_episode_2/)
[Episode 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/jyh61f/mm_dubcon_cockslut_episode_3/)
[Episode 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/k13xyw/mm_dubcon_cockslut_episode_4/)
[Episode 5](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/k8mvhn/mm_dubcon_cockslut_episode_5/)
[Episode 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/kiek1n/mm_dubcon_cockslut_episode_6/)

That first successful time with the boss seemed to be a turning point in my life as a CockSlut, both at work, and for me personally. I started having more encounters with the boss. Sex was now a daily thing, usually once in the morning and once some time after lunch, always with a blowjob. He wanted me to practice taking as much of him in my mouth as I could, and I was gradually getting better. At this point I still had about an inch to go, but had made a lot of progress in suppressing my gag reflex. Molly was helping with that.

Speaking of Molly, evenings with her became a little more frequent. Maybe twice a week, at the end of the day, she’d tell me to go home with her. At this point my ass was getting fucked up to four times a day. I won’t say that I didn’t enjoy it.

In fact, I really started embracing my role. I was being used, I know. Please understand, I was and still am fully aware of the fact that I’m being used, but in an odd way, that’s a huge turn-on for me. It’s not the same as being taken advantage of. I’m being paid, very well, and no one is abusing me. I am selling my body, on terms I approve of. There’s power there.

So yes, I accepted and even embraced the role. I kept myself neatly shaved as the boss preferred. Apparently Molly was fond of it as well. All three of us, myself and both of my lovers, were perfectly smooth everywhere. I also started going to the gym. Having sex three and four times a day was exhausting. I had two insatiable partners to keep up with, so I needed the added strength and stamina. Plus, eventually, as the results became more visible, both the boss and Molly noticed, and commented, in positive ways. I eventually achieved a modest six-pack, but nothing like some of the models you’ll see on the internet. I wasn’t that defined, but I mean… I looked good naked. That was the point, or one of them anyway: to uh… sell the product.

I was still always on the receiving end of the sex, with both of them. For the boss, this was a power thing. He could fuck a guy all he wanted and that was fine, but wouldn’t dream of allowing himself to be fucked. No, his dick went into things, and other dicks did not go into him. Molly, on the other hand… I still hadn’t properly fucked her. She always insisted on using one of the two dildos, strapped to her hips. Usually it was the bigger one, which was fine. She did, occasionally, go down on me, but even that was for her. Sucking cock was a big turn-on, she said, which I understood, so I just let her do her thing. She rarely let me cum in her mouth, and even when she did, she spit it back out, normally onto me.

There were other changes too, other than sex and my relationships with these two co-workers. I had signed a lease on a new apartment, closer to work and in a much, much nicer building. Rent was more than double the old place, plus I was living alone, so my expenses just for a space to live went through the roof. I could afford it though, and the boss said that it was important to keep up appearances, to look the part of an important, and well-paid, employee. He insisted I buy a car, a new and nice, if not luxury model. I hesitated when he suggested it, wary of taking on a new, expensive lease and a car loan. He just shrugged and said to not worry about it. “Numbers can be adjusted as needed,” was how he put it. I wound up going with a Lexus: higher-end, but not over-the-top luxury either.

So that’s where my life was, at this point where we’re picking up the story. I had all the sex I could possibly want, even if it was… unconventional. I was suddenly making money, living in a nice place, driving my own car. I knew I could get used to this.

One morning, just after a particularly vigorous blowjob, the boss was sitting on his couch, nude, huge cock flopped over onto his thigh. I knelt on the floor, sitting back on my feet, the musky taste of his cum fresh on my tongue. It had become rare, lately, that he wanted to cum in my mouth. Now that sex was a possibility, the boss usually pulled out of my mouth well before he came and told me to bend over. Not today, though. Head was apparently all he wanted, and I have to admit I was slightly disappointed.

“No sex today?” I asked, maybe turning up the disappointment just a little.

“Sorry CockSlut, no, not this morning anyway. No time.” He stood and I let my eyes take in his impressive body. He too must work out, because even though he was probably ten years older than me, he was shaped like a twenty-something who took care of himself. He was fit, lean, just a little muscular. And of course… that cock. Even flaccid, it dangled nearly halfway to his knees, and only got bigger. He must have a miracle-worker for a tailor, because when dressed, you just couldn’t see it.

“Big day?” I asked, standing now and finding my clothes.

“Not exactly,” he said, stepping into his boxers. “Getting ready for one though. How do you feel about flying?”


The following morning, the boss and I sat next to each other in the waiting area of terminal fourteen, each with a small carryon between his feet. I stared out the big windows as the planes took off and landed. Ours wouldn’t be there for another half hour or so, but these days you have to get to the airport like… five hours ahead of time. It was still dark outside, and I yawned.

“OK, we’re all checked in,” came a voice from behind. I didn’t bother to look: it was Molly. When the boss told me she was going too, I had tried to protest, to explain how miserable she would make the trip, and how frosty our relationship was, the sex not withstanding. Apparently, he knew all about what went on between the two of us, including every encounter at her apartment. He repeated details of one time in particular, and something I had said in the heat of the moment, something about how it was almost as good as his cock. I had immediately turned red.

No, Molly was needed for most of the administrative junk, and I was reminded that while my title technically was “Executive Assistant”, my role was CockSlut, and that I had other things to do during the trip. I grudgingly agreed, not that any of this was my choice.

The company owned a private jet, and the boss was entitled to use it, except some executives had it in the Bahamas somewhere, and it was unavailable. The company wasn’t in the habit of chartering flights (why should they, when they owned their own jet?) so we flew commercial. We flew first class though, with our seats close together. Drinks were complementary and we weren’t discussing business during the trip, so I availed myself of the menu.

We checked in at the hotel. It wasn’t a five-star, but damn, it was still nice, and each of us had a separate room. Our luggage was taken upstairs, and Molly took off to find the restaurant. Apparently she gets the plane equivalent of car sick, and never eats before flying. As soon as she was out of earshot, the boss moved ever so slightly closer to me. “I need to talk to you,” he said, his voice low. There were several small seating areas scattered throughout the lobby, and he pointed to one that was particularly secluded. He let me sit first, then took the chair directly next to me.

“Do you know why I brought you on the trip?” he asked, voice just as soft, as if we were discussing clandestine plans.

I shrugged. “I assume it was to, you know, if you wanted me, wanted to…”

He nodded. “Yes, that. True. But for something else too. Do you remember what I told you during your interview?”

I furrowed my brows. By this point, the interview was something like two months ago. I remembered the… er… highlights: him telling me to undress for him, my first look at his massive cock and my realization that I wanted it, that first taste of his cum. I can’t say that I remembered words so much, and finally I shook my head no.

“I told you that you would be my stress relief, but that sometimes you would do the same for clients and business partners.”

Oh. Yeah. OK I did remember that now. I nodded. “Right, yeah OK.”

“We’re meeting with a very important client on this trip. His company holds a huge account with us, and what he and I will be discussing is very, very important. I need you to… take care of him later. The meeting is probably going to be intense.”

“If it’s going to be that intense, wouldn’t you need me…?” I asked. So far, my entire purpose at work had been to handle my boss’ needs.

“Normally, yes,” he said with a short nod, “but right now, the client is more important. I’ll take care of myself, you take care of him.”

“Why me? I’m not protesting, just curious. Wouldn’t a prostitute be better? A professional?”
He shook his head. “No, not really. First, I would have to hire a high-priced escort, not a prostitute off the corner. That might be tricky to get onto an expense report. On top of that, an escort doesn’t have the same motivation, and no loyalty to the company. You, on the other hand, have both. Plus, you’re already on the payroll.”

I blinked, not sure if my boss had just called me a high-priced escort or not.

“Uh huh. So… what do I do with him?”

“Whatever he wants,” the boss said with a shrug. “We didn’t discuss anything beyond your… availability. I’m sure he’ll want to meet you first, maybe have dinner or something, to make sure he likes you. After that it’s up to him.”

“At least he’s buying me dinner first…”


It was late morning when we arrived, so I still had the better part of the day to myself. Anticipating a big night, I thought that I’d go light on dinner and instead have a larger lunch. I was trying to eat better along with going to the gym, so instead of a burger, I had a large club sandwich. OK, it’s not that much better, but between all the sex and the working out, I was burning off everything I ate. I spent most of the afternoon just watching TV. There was nothing for me to do until just before dinner.

About an hour before I was supposed to meet the client, I showered and touched up my shave. The boss had made it a point to bring nice clothes, and now I knew why. At first I was going to try a suit, because I really was starting to do justice to a good suit, but then thought that I might wind up overdressing. The last thing I wanted to do was upstage the guy. Better to go a little more casual, and if he showed up in a suit, that was fine. I opted for some nice khakis and a blue button-down shirt.

I was five minutes early to the hotel’s restaurant. For whatever reason, the boss didn’t want to give me the client’s name or really any details about him, and instead wanted me to describe what I was wearing, and where I was sitting, so he could pass that along. As soon as I got to the restaurant, I let the girl know that I’d want a table for two, but that I was going to wait up front for the other person. She took my name and I found a spot to wait, texting my boss the details. He acknowledged and said the client would be there in a few minutes.

I think it was maybe one minute, if that, before a well-dressed man in his late thirties came through the door. He, like me, apparently had decided that a suit was too much, although he dressed it down another step, opting for jeans and a maroon pullover. He quickly scanned the waiting area, before his eyes locked on me. He smiled, maybe a little nervously, and nodded before coming my way.

“Hi, I think I’m supposed to be meeting you. I’m George.” He held out his hand, and as I took it, I introduced myself. Immediately I started to like him. His handshake was firm, but without being overpowering. It was sincere.

“It’s nice to meet you,” I replied as I tried to surreptitiously look him over. George was a few inches shorter than me, and about the same age as my boss. It seemed that he took care of himself, from what I could see. His clothes weren’t loose, but they also clearly were chosen for comfort over any attempt to impress someone. The man was, objectively, attractive, and I silently thanked my boss for that.

We were taken to our table, right in the middle of the dining room, and provided with menus. I was already pretty familiar with it, having ordered lunch from there, and had already decided what to eat. George ordered wine, and insisted I join him in it. I wasn’t going to say no, figuring it would be impolite, plus the alcohol would probably make the evening less awkward.

And really, that’s a good word to use, I think, because George was, in a kind of endearing way, awkward. He was nervous to meet me, it seemed, just based on his mannerisms. We both tried to keep the conversation light, as two new acquaintances would do, dancing around subjects until we could find common ground. A shared interest in science fiction and nerdy things was where we finally clicked, and became comfortable with each other.

Sooner than I would have liked, because I really was enjoying our conversation, dinner was over, and we were back to the awkwardness. We knew what was next, and really, I was fine with what I was about to do. George looked like he might throw up.

After he paid, we left together, but then separated. He gave me his room number, told me to wait fifteen minutes, then got into an elevator. I wandered off, finding a little store on the other side of the lobby, which sold overpriced trinkets. I waited seventeen minutes, just to not seem too eager.

George was still dressed when he answered the door. He hurried me inside, then closed and locked the door behind me. “So… uh… I guess get comfortable,” he said, gesturing around. His room was larger than mine, with a seating area before the bed. The two “rooms” were separated by a two-foot wide section of wall, just as a hint that it was intended to be two unique spaces. He turned to me, rubbing his hands together nervously.

I felt awful for the guy. He wanted this, but was so afraid of it he didn’t know how to handle himself. I needed a way to break the ice, to just push through that insecurity. “Comfortable? Alright, thanks,” I said, then began to unbutton my shirt.

“Uh… well I mean… I meant to have a seat…” George said, gesturing toward the couch.

“I’ll stop if you ask me to,” I said, halfway done with the buttons, “but you said to get comfortable, and I’m most comfortable nude.” That was a lie. It was a big lie, but for the sake of this guy and the evening, not to mention whatever deal was going on with him and my boss, I pushed through. George didn’t stop me, or really say anything else. He just watched. I finished with the buttons and shrugged the shirt off, tossing it onto the couch he’d indicated a minute ago. My eyes went to him, and I saw him swallow as he took in my bare, hairless chest. “OK?” I asked. “This alright with you?” He nodded.

I kicked out of my shoes and pulled my socks off, then began working on my pants. I unbuckled and unbuttoned, then let them fall. I hadn’t bothered with underwear of any kind, so I now stood nude in front of this man, showing him everything I had. He again swallowed as he got his first look at my cock.

“There,” I said quietly. “That feels better, don’t you think?” Another nod, but then he took a short, tentative step toward me.

“Can… can I touch…?” I nodded, but said nothing. George crossed the distance between us in two more steps, holding his hand up, fingers curled toward me. He touched my lower chest first, somewhere more or less safe, but his fingertips almost immediately started to move, first up, running around the lower curve of my left pec. His eyes followed the movement of his fingers, staring intently at whatever he touched. Then he moved down, over my still-forming abs, then lower. He stopped just short of the base of my cock, and I could see him building up the courage to touch it. I wanted to encourage him, to tell him it was OK, but also thought that if I broke the silence I might kill whatever zone he was currently in. Instead I gave him a few more seconds, and he finally moved.

His hand circled the shaft. I wasn’t hard yet, but felt, between the situation and his touch, the blood starting to flow. He slid his hand to the tip, then back up, just gently caressing my skin. “It’s… very nice…” he whispered.

“Thanks,” I replied, but nothing else. Soon, his hand dipped below, under my balls. He weighed each one, felt it in his hand, and as he did, I started becoming a little erect.

Just then, George pulled his hand off and took a step back, and I knew that this whole thing was about to come crashing down. I tried to think of something to say, to do, but was coming up blank. I had to save this, but had no idea how. I opened my mouth, hoping the words would come on their own, but they didn’t. It turned out, though, they didn’t have to. “Well, if you’re going to be naked, I guess I should be too,” George said, and I finally let out the breath I was holding.

I had made a little bit of a show out of undressing, taking my time, revealing a little at a time. George didn’t bother, and in only a few motions, he was equally nude, and stood still, giving me a minute to take him in. I have to say, I didn’t mind what I saw.

As I said before, George was a little shorter than me, and a little older. However, I was right in my guess that he took care of himself. He was fit, close to where I was at the time, with the beginnings of real definition. His skin was tanned, although it was fading, and there were no tan lines. He wasn’t shaved like I was, but his hair was light, and he trimmed downstairs. His cock was respectable, a little bigger than me, but nothing like my boss.

“You look nice,” I said, and meant it. He nodded, then turned completely around, making his way to the bed. I followed a few steps behind. “How about you sit on the edge and I’ll give you head?” I suggested. Not really the smoothest line exactly but one of us had to figure out how to initiate.

“Oh… um… n… no, thank you. Would… would you stand just there please?” He was pointing to a spot next to the bed. I did as I was asked, and waited. “Perfect, just like that,” George said, before kneeling in front of me.

“Oh… I thought…” but my words turned to a deep sigh as he took my cock into his mouth. “OK, George, whatever you want,” I muttered as he began to slowly suck. I still wasn’t fully hard, but that didn’t take long. George was good, he knew what he was doing, and was soon taking my full length. I could feel the head first touching, then pushing past the back of his throat each time he slid down the shaft. Meanwhile, he caressed and rolled each of my balls, occasionally leaving my cock to suck on one for a minute.

For a while, he teased the head with his tongue, just rolling over it, under it, while stroking the shaft. Just as I started to feel like I was about to cum, he would back off, slow down, and he kept me on the edge like that for several minutes. Finally, he lifted my cock straight up, and licked from my balls to the tip, then looked up at me. “Would you fuck me please?” he asked politely. I nodded, and he stood. He kept his hand on my shaft for a second as he made his way to the bed, letting go so he could get on all fours.

As George presented his ass to me, I checked for a bottle of lube. It was sitting on the nightstand, hidden from clear view from the door. I grabbed it and squeezed out a generous glob, then started applying it to myself and to him, slipping a finger and then two into his ass. He sucked in a breath as I did, and I felt him trying to grip me. I slid them out and back in, out and in, then began stroking his cock with my other hand. He let that go for a little bit, but then leaned his head down. “Please… no more, just fuck me.” I obliged.

Fingers out, my cock and his ass lubricated, I knelt onto the bed behind him, hands on his hips. I ran the head along his crack a couple of times, before holding myself and pressing the head against his pucker. It didn’t take much force to enter him, although I still went slowly, carefully. We both could feel every single inch as I entered, and both moaned at the exquisite sensation. I gave him a minute to get used to me, then began.

I had never fucked an ass, much less the ass of a man, until that night. I didn’t really know what I was doing, except that I had plenty of experience receiving. I knew what he was feeling, and tried to use that as my guide. I went slow, only building up a rhythm over time. It took us a couple of minutes to figure out the right speed and intensity, but once we got there, he was pushing back against me with each thrust, our balls meeting each time, my cock opening him as wide as it could.

Wanting to up the intensity, I reached around George, under him, and gripped his hard cock, stroking him at the same pace I was fucking. He had to stop moving, but I really didn’t mind, because with his growing excitement, his ass started gripping my cock tightly. I was starting to feel the old familiar buildup in my balls and the throbbing in my cock. “George, I’m going to cum soon. I want you to cum with me, OK?”

George nodded. “OK. Cum in my ass please…”

“I was going to,” I reassured, then picked up the pace just a little bit. I wasn’t quite slamming into him, he didn’t seem to want it that hard, but it wasn’t exactly gentle either. This was definitely fucking, and moments later, I felt George’s cock throbbing as well.

I came first, by a second, and George followed right after. As I filled his ass, he covered the sheets in his own thick semen. He moaned loudly, leaning his head down, as his ass gripped my cock so hard I couldn’t move. Instead I just stayed still, pumping cum into his ass until I was done. As I started to soften, his tight ass expelled me, and my cock plopped against my thigh. George took a minute, laying on his side, panting, stomach muscles clenching. Finally he looked up at me, smiling. “You’re better than the others were,” he said with a confident nod. “Would you do one more thing please, though? Take a shower with me?”

The shower stall was perfectly sized for two, and we washed each other slowly, tenderly really. Neither of us got hard, and there was no more sex between us that night, but we still enjoyed each other’s touch and company.

George thanked me as I left, and I wasn’t too sure how I felt about being thanked for sex. It brought up the earlier conversation where the boss essentially compared me to a professional escort, on the company’s payroll. Being a CockSlut for him in the office was one thing, but being rented out to his business associates? I wasn’t so sure. Still, the evening with George was pleasant enough, so at the time, I decided to let it go. We didn’t shake hands, didn’t touch after the shower. I just dressed and left, and that was probably for the best, overall. Right then I just wanted to lie in bed, watch a movie or something, then drift off to sleep. I figured I had earned that.

It wasn’t to be.

I could see her from the end of the hall as I stepped off the elevator. She leaned against my door, and turned when she heard the elevator’s chime. I sighed, but headed toward my room anyway. She was probably there to mock me over fucking the client, and I really wasn’t in the mood, but I also had nowhere else to go.

“Molly, what the hell are you doing here?” I asked grumpily as I reached her and the door to my room.

“Now that wasn’t very nice,” she mocked, standing straight. “I came here to see you, CockSlut.” I shushed her quickly, looking up and down the hall. “Oh would you relax? There’s nobody here. Boss is on another floor. You going to open the door or what?”

I didn’t say anything, nor move, for several seconds, before finally sliding my room card in the reader, unlocking the door. Molly, without asking nor being invited, followed, locking the door behind her. I flipped on a couple lights. “So, how was he?” she asked.


“George, duh,” she mocked. “Come on, I know you fucked him. Took him up the ass, right? That’s apparently how he likes it.”

I didn’t really like her mocking the client too, and told her so. “He’s just a guy who wants things that other people think are shameful, so he has to do it in secret. Maybe if the world was a little more open and understanding…”

Molly cut me off. “Dude. Calm down. I’m teasing, that’s it. I don’t care what he’s into. I don’t care what you’re into, for that matter. I could care less about your sexual desires.”

“Yeah, I know,” I said, thinking of how any time she and I were together she was always the one inside me.

“Now wait,” she said, stepping further into the room, following me. “Exactly what is that supposed to mean?” She was feigning hurt feelings.

“Oh, you know. How you just demand I go to your place. How any time I do it’s so you can fuck me in the ass. How when you do give me head, which is rare, it’s only because it turns you on. In fact, Molly, why the hell do you keep having me go over? We finished getting me ready for the boss weeks ago. I can take him perfectly fine, and we do it enough that I don’t need to like… ‘practice’ in between. So what’s up with that?”

This time her smile faltered just slightly, but she quickly recovered. “Why, to keep you in your place, CockSlut. Wouldn’t want you thinking you outranked me or anything,” she mocked.

“I’m not your CockSlut,” I insisted. “I’m his, and that’s it.” I pointed generally upward, to the boss’ room. She seemed to think about this for a minute.

“So, are you telling me that you don’t like it when I suck your cock?” This time I could swear she was pouting, as if her feelings were hurt.

“I… well… no I’m not saying that. Just, you know, you’re not doing it for me, you’re doing it for you, so the meaning is different.”

“The boss doesn’t fuck your ass for you. You don’t seem to mind that.”

“That’s different,” I said, sinking into a chair. “That’s… my job. I do it for the money. I don’t know why I’m still going to see you.”

“So, are you saying you’d prefer if I sucked you off for you, instead of for me?” She sat on the corner of the bed, and for the first time, I really looked at her. Maybe it was something in how she said that. Molly wasn’t wearing anything especially sexy or provocative, and in fact was dressed much in the same way she would at the office. Something in the way she carried herself though, something in the way she was sitting, suggested that this visit wasn’t just to mock.

“Well, I… I don’t know. I mean, tonight with George, that’s the first time in a long time that I’ve gotten a blowjob for me.” I was starting to become curious as to just where this was going.

“Uh huh,” she said with a tiny nod. “And, how was it? How was he? Was he good? Not as good as me I bet.” The truth was, she was right.

“He… was good, very good. But… no… no you’re still better at it.”

“And that’s with me ‘doing it for me’. How good do you think I’d be if I ‘did it for you’?” There was a look in her eyes now, something smouldering and that could suddenly blaze. I gulped.

“I really don’t…” I didn’t get a chance to finish. Molly was up and on top of me, straddling my lap, her lips against mine. I tried to gasp but couldn’t draw the breath, not until she opened her mouth to slip her tongue into mine.

My hands went to her hips without me even thinking about it, supporting her, helping her balance on top of me. As we kissed, her hands went to the buttons of her red blouse, undoing one at a time but quickly, as if in a hurry, or that she couldn’t wait to get it off. There was nothing beneath, except her large, firm breasts. When she was done with her shirt, she went after mine, again fumbling with buttons, then nearly ripping it open when she had the last one done. She leaned against me, pressing her nipples against my chest.

It hadn’t been all that long since George, but already I was starting to harden under Molly, and I was pretty sure she could feel it. She was wearing a skirt, and had her legs spread over me, so only my pants and her underwear separated us. It turned out, though, I was wrong: Molly wore no underwear that night, so when she hiked the skirt up, her bare pussy was exposed.

Almost immediate, as she felt me hardening, Molly reached between us for my zipper, slipping her hand in, then grinning when she found that I too wasn’t wearing any underwear. She pulled me up and out, stroking, getting me hard with her hand while we began to kiss again. It took only seconds, and once I was ready, she sank down on top of me.

I was the one to groan, to moan in pleasure as she took me inside. Molly on the other hand seemed to have complete control of herself, and began to slide up and down my shaft. She was tight, and I could feel her muscles massaging my cock. I hadn’t been inside a woman in quite a while, and while I might have slightly forgotten how it felt, I knew that she was above and beyond any I’d had up to that point. She was damp velvet, heated, pulsating, gripping.

Trying to take at least some charge, I leaned her backward, following, and took one of her nipples into my mouth. I wanted to play with the other, but had to hold her tightly to not drop her to the floor. Instead I suckled one stiff peak, then the other, back and forth for as long as she let me. Eventually, taking control again, she pushed me back and again started riding.

“Cum in me, CockSlut,” she whispered heatedly against my ear. It… was all I could take. I did just as she asked, my cock erupting up and into her. I didn’t have as much as I did earlier with George, but I still had enough, and she moaned as I filled her. It took her another few seconds, but then she shuddered and her pussy gripped me hard. I held her as she came, and as she started to come out of it, she kissed me again, hard, passionately.

We sat in the chair for several minutes, her body leaned against mine, her head on my shoulder, blonde hair spilling down my chest. Neither of us spoke, there was nothing to be said anyway. Eventually she lifted herself from me and stood on shaky legs, partly due to her high heels. They were soon gone, as was the skirt, and not for the first time, Molly stood nude before me. Something was different though, in her body language, in the knowledge of what just happened. There was none of the ice queen, no bitchy coworker who was with me only because the boss required it. No, this was Molly as a girl – a woman. I watched her ass as it swayed with each step, until she crawled onto the bed and slipped under the blankets. “Are you coming?” she asked, and I have never left a chair as quickly.

I could tell though that sex was done, for me and for her. We were both exhausted, but not quite ready for sleep. One of us needed to say something, because the silence was getting too awkward. On the other hand, what was there to say? I wasn’t about to ask why all of that just happened, and she didn’t seem ready to volunteer. The night was about to be doomed to silence, when a thought popped into my head.

“Hey… so… you’ve worked for the boss for a little while, right?”

“Hmm? Oh… yeah. You want to talk about work though?” she asked, sounding a little surprised that work was my go-to post-coital topic.

“Sorry, I know. But… George said something that got me thinking.”

“Oh? What was that?” Molly by now had pulled the blankets up, covering her chest, and somehow, that seemed slightly endearing, as though this wasn’t entirely about the sex.

“He said something like that I was better than all the others, but he also said it right before asking me to take a shower with him, so I didn’t really get a chance to address it. And then, a while ago, right after I started, when we were in the filing room, you said something about me not being the first. I thought you were just fucking with me, but now…”

“There were three,” she said, interrupting me but answering at the same time. “Before you, the boss had three CockSluts. Two men, one woman.”

I blinked at this, not really sure how to take that news, and what it meant for me, if anything. “Three? Why? I mean, why did they leave? Did he fire them or they got tired of it or…?”

“So the way I understand it, the woman was first. She was good, I guess, but the boss got tired of her. She didn’t quit though, and wasn’t fired. She was just moved to another position somewhere in the company and paid to keep quiet. Then the first man quit after a couple weeks. I think he just couldn’t handle it, but I’m not sure. I know he never was able to take the boss’ cock in his ass, so I think he quit before he was fired. The last one decided he was too good to be a CockSlut and quit, found another job somewhere else, making less.”

I took that in for a minute. Two other men and a woman. Why had the boss gotten tired of the woman? Did he prefer men? Something told me that all of this was about the power trip, not so much the sex. Did he feel more powerful fucking a man? That… sort of fit. Having an affair with a woman from work was run-of-the-mill. It’s too common. Having your own personal male CockSlut, though, that was something else.

“Why didn’t he like the woman?” I asked, wanting to have my theory confirmed.

Molly shrugged and sighed. “Not the same power trip? He liked her enough, though, I think. He kept her around, like I said, just… not doing that.” Another shrug, and as she spoke, something tickled at the back of my brain. It wasn’t a thought, not yet, but working to become one.

“So… does she still work there?”

Molly nodded. “Yeah, in another department. There were rumors for a while, but they died down. She never spoke about it. To anyone.” She turned and looked up at me, and watched as the wheels in my head slowly turned. Then, suddenly, it all clicked into place. It fit. It explained the car and the apartment that no secretary I knew of could afford. It explained the ice queen routine, and why neither of them even blinked an eye when the boss told her to come in and finish me off that second day I was there. The idea was crazy, but I had to be right.

“Oh my god…” I said in a rushed whisper. “It was you. You were the first CockSlut…”

To be continued…

Editor/Story Consultant: A. Burns

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/km29fm/mm_dubcon_cockslut_episode_7

1 comment

  1. Well molly’s part was spicy, and I’d love to work there, not sure about lending myself to others tho, imma need to be trained ;)

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