My [19M] best friend [19F] taught me how to make a girl cum, when she came to sleepover at my house. [Wholesome][First Time]

****PART 2****


Feel free to skip to the 3rd part “Off to bed” if you want.


So, I’m a bit older now, and this happened when we were both 19 a few years ago. It happened in the summer just before my second year of college. I was single and I’d never had any sexual experience before. Actually, I was kinda awkward and I’d always try to get the best grades in school, so I sat alone in class in the first row. The only people I was closer to, were my teammates at the local athletics club where I competed in long and triple jump. Quite unexpectedly, a new girl from another school showed up to one of my classes, and from the moment I first saw her, I could tell there was something special about her. She had this vibrant and enthusiastic yet relaxed spirit to her. Fortunately, the seat next to me was the only one left to be filled, which eventually lead us to becoming great friends in a short amount of time. After about a month of us getting to know each other, I began to really like her. I knew I wanted us to be more than friends, so given how impatient I tend to be, I told her right away, and… she turned me down. We did decide to remain friends though, but obviously I had to set aside my expectations and respect her decision. Despite this, by the end of the school year we had become best friends.

**A day at the beach:**

Now, at this point, summer break had already started and it had been around a month since I last saw her, given that transportation between us was really complicated. We still used voice chat almost every day and we played videogames during the evenings. I mentioned to her that my mom was on a business trip and how, for a few days I’d have the entire house to myself. After knowing this, she thought it’d be a cool idea if she came to sleepover at my house, and so it was settled. The next day she was due to arrive at 11am, at the train station which was about 30 mins away from my home on foot. Now, up to this point I haven’t told you, but this girl is absolutely stunning, you know, the classic “better than she knows” kinda girl. So after not seeing her for that long, the moment she stepped out of the train in her summer clothes, I was stunned. I don’t think she actually noticed how flustered I felt and just came running to hug me, which left me even more embarrassed. This was an exceptionally early time for her to be awake, so as we were walking back to my house, she realized she’d completely forgotten her swimsuit and instead she was wearing basic underwear. We still walked to the beach, but unfortunately this meant we couldn’t go swimming. Of course, we still managed to have a lot of fun together and even had dinner on a restaurant by the beach at the end of this long day. As we were about to head home, she asked me if we could go back to the beach for a little longer.By then the beach was already empty and the night sky had already set, even though the air was still very warm. We set our towels next to each other, by the sea, and we laid down staring at the sky. You know, falling stars are actually more common than you’d think when there’s no light pollution around, we even got to see 2 or 3, as we laid silently. Eventually she spoke up, and she wanted to let me know how thankful she was for having me as a friend and how much of an amazing day it had been for her. As a matter of fact, that day alone felt like a huge step in our relationship. We’d never spent this much time together, especially outside of school. It felt as if we’d suddenly become closer than ever, and I could tell she felt the same way just by the way we looked at each other. She suddenly stood up and sat on the towel, wrapping her arms around her knees, while staring at the sea. After a longing sigh, she commented on how frustrated she felt about forgetting her swimsuit, so I proposed,

“Well, we’re still here and there’s absolutely no one around, I’ll even close my eyes if you want to take a quick dive in your underwear, and once we get home you can just rinse your clothes and let them dry overnight.”,

and with an adventurous expression, she responded,

“That sounds awesome, but I’ll only do it if you come with me.”.

I knew she would’ve trusted me to keep my eyes shut, and if I’m going to be honest, that’s exactly what would’ve done, but I did not expect to be asked to join her. We both felt very awkward as she was undressing down to her underwear, so I avoided looking straight at her, even though I was very tempted. After swimming for a few minutes, she was starting to feel cold and prompted us to leave the water. As she was walking back, I instinctively looked at her cute butt while she walked up the sand. Unfortunately, she had just enough time to look back and notice that I was staring at her, so I quickly tried to look away. She smiled back but went on to act as if she hadn’t noticed.

**Off to bed:**

Once we got home from the beach, we rinsed off the salt water and got ready to sleep in my room. We agreed that she could sleep in my bed while I was going to sleep on the floor. At around 1am we turned off the lights and got to sleep, but there were still some questions on her mind. She stood up, turned on the light and peeked over the bed onto the floor where I was sleeping and with a smirky expression she said,

“I saw you checking me out when we were leaving the water.”.

Obviously, I knew she had noticed, so I just said,

“Yeah, I’m sorry that made you uncomfortable, I really shouldn’t have done it.”.

She laid back on the bed, but after a brief silence, there was something else she was meaning to tell me,

“*sigh* Listen, I don’t know if it’s too late for me to tell you this, and it’ll probably sound really dumb, but not long after you told me you liked me, I realized I liked you too, but I was just too embarrassed. And still, I have no idea if you like me now.”.

I did like her, and I had no intention to hide that from her, so again, I was very upfront about what I felt. She stood further up and sat on the bed, with her back against the wall and asked me,

“So, what should we do about this?”.

I simply told her,

“Perhaps we should be more than friends then.”,

“Wait… That would make me your first girlfriend, right?”.

To which I obviously agreed. And even though I’d never had a girlfriend, as I got to know her throughout the school year, I found out that she had just come out of a breakup after I told her how I felt earlier on. She went silent for a second again, but I could hear her moving on the bed. I couldn’t quite see what she was doing, given the height difference. But I quickly found out she was taking off her shorts under the sheets, which she teasingly threw on my face and said,

“Maybe I could teach you a thing or two…”.

I stood up and asked for her permission to pull down the sheets to reveal her bare legs.

She was wearing only her panties, socks and one of my oversized t-shirts. Right then I still had no idea what I was doing, and because of that, I mostly had to follow her advice. So, while she was sitting in bed with her back on the wall and her legs crossed, I held her legs and stretched them on the bed. This way, I could sit on my knees with both her legs between mine. She became noticeably shyer once I was sitting on top of her, since now, she could hardly look me in the eyes. It was also noticeable that she wasn’t wearing a bra, so her nipples were visibly poking through the t-shirt, as was the outline of her pussy through her panties. While still avoiding eye contact and looking straight down, she asked me to start by kissing her, so I put both my hands behind her head and kissed her slowly while running my fingers through her hair. She stopped me for a second and completely laid down on the bed. This time she wanted us to cross our legs so that there would be one of my legs between hers. I kissed her on the neck, as she proposed, and I couldn’t help but notice how sensitive that area was for her, as the moment I gently laid my lips on it, her entire body was suddenly contracting. And the more I slowly built up the intensity of my lips on her neck, the more excited and loose she became. Before I could notice, she was grinding her pussy against my leg and I could already feel how wet she’d gotten through the skin on my leg. I removed her t-shirt by my own initiative, and slowly kissed her breasts, around the areolas. This kind of tease was really building her up, so much so that once I sat my tongue on the tip of one of her nipples, she let out an audible moan. Right then, I was just finding out about the very sensitive body of this girl, which I would come to understand much better later on. I put my hands around her hips and my fingers on her panties and she raised her butt, so I could remove them. As I was taking off her panties, I could see them sticking to her pussy as a few clear strings of wetness were being pulled apart. Again, I wasn’t sure of what to do, so she taught me to press my fingers together to apply some very light pressure and circular motions just above the hood her clitoris. The inherent awkwardness of two young people getting together for the first time was mostly gone, and so were her feelings of shyness, as she was now allowing the pleasure to conduct her body. She was moaning and moving to the flow of the waves of pleasure I was inducing, while occasionally giving me an innocent look with her eyes. She was getting very close to an orgasm, but before she could finish, she laid her soft hand on my hard cock, that was bulging through my shorts. She pulled them down, and told me she wanted us to cum together. Her soft gentle grip was honestly like nothing I’d ever felt. We locked our eyes together and I began rubbing her clit again, as she stroked me. For a brief moment I realized I fell in love with my best friend, and we were now sharing such an intimate moment. In her eyes I could see the sheer happiness of getting something you’ve longed for what felt like an eternity. Her entire facial expression, told me she was about to cum. In a final push towards climax, I was now rubbing her much more intensely than before, which prompted her to stroke my cock faster and harder. She closed her eyes and crossed her legs around me while her body contracted in pleasure and while still griping my cock and feeling my cum spill all over her body.

Now there is more to this story I want to tell you about in a second part, as a lot of things still happened that night and in the next morning.

Anyways, I hope this was enjoyable for you. Thank you ^-^



  1. Wow. I enjoyed reading this. You guys are so wholesome!! Wishing this relationship the best :))

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